In detail: audi 80 v3 do-it-yourself repair from a real master for the site
Taking into account advanced age Audi 80 b3 repair this favorite of summer residents and fans of life on wheels is of particular relevance. The simplicity of the design of the car is one of its main advantages, thanks to which it has gained popularity among millions of motorists in various countries.
A mechanic who is well familiar with front-wheel drive Togliatti models will easily figure out the device of the “barrel”, as the people call the “eighties”. There are also enough spare parts for cars of this family, both branded and not quite. As a last resort, when repairing, maintaining or upgrading the "eighties", you can use parts from the works of the domestic auto industry.
Fits a lot. For example, the rims are exactly the same as those of the Moskvich-2141, the suspension and clutch elements are great from VAZ cars. Thus, it is appropriate to talk about the high degree of maintainability of the "eighties" as one of its main trump cards. Armed with the necessary arsenal of wrenches, screwdrivers of various sizes and configurations of the working part, it will not be difficult to disassemble the entire nose of the car on your own.
The doors also open freely into a pair of independent segments with a few light movements of a screwdriver. And lighting devices can be replaced on their own in a few minutes. All this makes repair and maintenance of Audi 80 b3 something simple and even somewhat enjoyable. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why this model has not yet ended up in the dustbin of history.
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As for the list of the most common faults, then it is quite short:
- Possible problems of heating and ventilation systems
- Steering gear failure
- Ignition faults due to the rather old age of the car
- Malfunctions in the brake system
- And the most vulnerable spot of the “eighties” is the suspension
According to experienced craftsmen, the "barrel" is devoid of any purely individual, characteristic only for this model of breakdowns and defects. Of course, German engines, like all other power units, are afraid of overheating, the use of low-grade fuels and lubricants, underfilling of oil and irregular maintenance.
The cooling system requires constant monitoring of the level and chemical purity of antifreeze. Although many, in order to save money, pour Antifreeze into the car, it is not recommended to do this in order to avoid the failure of the unit and, accordingly, the need repair of his iron friend Audi 80 b3.
Electrical equipment and even more so electronics in the "barrel" is much less than in modern high-tech cars. In addition, all the electrics of the "eighties" are distinguished by excellent operational reliability and durability.
Increased attention is required, mainly to the fuel supply system. Since the “barrel” is a carburetor-type car, it is usually equipped with complex two types of units:
These carburetors, having swallowed low-grade "dirty" fuel, show their capricious nature, causing functional failures and arrhythmias in the operation of the power unit. And the system of nozzles and the fuel pump of the “barrels” equipped with the KE-Jetronic fuel injection mechanism have the unpleasant property of being clogged with solid deposits contained in low-quality combustible substances.
Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor the quality of fuels and lubricants and other process fluids used. This is the key to the longevity of the machine. According to the masters, most of the problems in the operation of reliable German engines, which are equipped with "eighties" with the B3 index, are due to the fact that some negligent drivers fill the tank of their car with outright rubbish in order to "match" save.
In principle, the suspension is the weak point of all Audi cars. However, this is due not so much to any structural defects of German cars, but to the frank worthlessness of most domestic roads. "Barrel" - a car of a fairly advanced age, so problems with the suspension for it are an extremely common phenomenon.
The very design of this mechanism allows for all repair work in parts and the replacement of parts separately. If any element breaks, it will need to be replaced. In no case should you resort to editing and restoring a failed part. The main functional part of the suspension is the suspension strut. Therefore, the entire repair, as a rule, consists in its dismantling and replacement.
This procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:
- The car is installed on a flat horizontal surface, after which the fastener located in the center of the hub (bolt or nut) is unscrewed
- Methodically loosen the rest of the wheel bolts
- The car is raised by jacks to the same height on both sides.
- Then the stabilizer link is disconnected from the transverse suspension arm
- Removing the brake caliper
- The clamping bolt of the swivel device located at the bottom of the stabilization rack is unscrewed
- The tie rod drive is disengaged
- The mount removes the suspension rod from the suspension strut
- Next, a puller is installed, with which the drive shaft is removed from the hub.
- And finally, in the engine compartment, the cap is removed from the dome of the shock absorber
Such work on suspension repair for audi 80 b3 can be carried out by one person in garage conditions. In general, the old "eighties" are surprisingly strong, hardy, maintainable and friendly cars.
Old man Diogenes lived in a barrel. Then wheels were attached to this barrel, and the Audi-80/90 car turned out. All this, of course, jokes. At the same time, the folklore nicknames of cars aptly reflect their essence. ZAZ-965 - “humpbacked”, VAZ-2108 - “chisel”, Opel-Kadette E - “inflated”.
From the word "barrel" emanates reliability. And although today many cars have faceless rounded body shapes, the “barrel” is only the Audi-80 in the 44th body.
In Germany, the Audi 80 was considered mostly "ladies". Most often it was a second car, designed for daily trips on family matters - a store, a hairdresser, pick up a child from school. It was also driven by just young people who had just graduated from college and entered an independent life. Driving an old Golf is no longer prestigious, and a more solid model has not yet been earned. In both cases, the owners did not “rape” their cars much, and most of the used Audis that came straight to our country look very, very attractive.
An interesting situation - in our country, the owners of the Audi-80 in terms of lifestyle are in many ways similar to the first owners of their car. Among them you can meet a successful journalist, aspiring businessman and a lifelong girlfriend of an average banker.Anyone whose ambitions allow one to disdainfully look at the products of the domestic auto industry, but material possibilities are not yet unlimited.
For many of them, young and zealous, Audi is the first serious car after the “Zhiguli” and a suitable reason to “break away” at full strength on the road. These cars start briskly from traffic lights (front-wheel drive!) and easily squeeze 140 km / h on the highway. Relatively small size, power steering and good throttle response make it possible to maneuver quite dashingly in a tight city stream, if you have enough skill and nerves. Therefore, "Autopilot" recommends purchasing a car "without mileage in the CIS", if you have definitely opted for a "barrel".
Among the main competitors of the Audi-80 in the non-new car market are the Mercedes-190, Ford Scorpio and Volkswagen Passat. The money is about the same. The difference in age will be no more than two years in one direction or another - for a used car “with a name” this is not important.
Slightly losing to Mercedes in terms of image, Audi-80 is considered more sporty than Volkswagen, and more prestigious than Scorpio. She is like a mahogany sideboard in the living room: modest but tasteful. Solid and unpretentious car for daily trips around the city.
Personally, I really like the Audi interior. Even more than the deliberately ascetic interior of the Mercedes-190. In the personal "table of ranks" he is located immediately behind the BMW salon. Firstly, everything is very functional and thoughtful, and secondly, it is simply beautiful and elegant. A special distinguishing feature is the abundance of shelves and glove compartments, which allows you to carry with you a lot of useful little things that occupy half of the trunk of the Zhiguli by volume.
If you spend a little more time and money looking for the right car, you can purchase a copy with a full set of additional “options” - an electric sunroof, windows, heated seats. In terms of comfort, Audi has always been at the forefront.
You will hardly be able to buy an Audi-80 through official dealers. There are two options left - either drive the car from Western Europe on your own, or look for it through ads and among friends. You can also turn to the services of a professional used car transporter. In this case, the price increases by about $ 500, depending on the route of delivery of the car to your doorstep.
Among car owners, the Audi brand is famous primarily for its anti-corrosion treatment. Indeed, a galvanized body shows amazing durability in our climate. Naturally, these machines rarely rust. But every medal has a downside - if the car has undergone complex body repairs in artisanal conditions and the welding points have not been properly treated, then the corrosion process proceeds in these places with frightening speed and can spread to the entire body. When choosing a machine, we recommend that you pay special attention to this.
Many owners are also attracted by the availability of the service and the relative cheapness of spare parts, which can be purchased both in company stores and through ads through specialized publications. According to the experience of one of the Moscow firms involved in the diagnostics and repair of various units in Audi cars, the list of the most common problems that owners of the 80th model turn to for service is as follows: malfunction of the electronic fuel injection system, replacement of front shock absorbers, replacement of steering tips, malfunction of the engine cooling system pump - colloquially “pump”, replacement of the electric fan switch-on sensor, replacement of the clutch.
The mechanics of this company believe that the reason for the failure of the injection system is the poor quality of domestic gasoline and recommend that all owners use special fuel additives that increase the octane number. Otherwise, the replacement of injectors and complete engine diagnostics will cost $150-200.As for the front shock absorbers and tie rod ends, the cost of replacing them alone will cost the Audi owner $150–250.
And finally, a case from life. A friend bought an Audi 80 a couple of months ago. Together with the car from the first owner, he got a lot of problems - “beating” tires, a poorly adjusted engine, “knocking” suspension. Good intentions to bring the car back to normal have long been shattered by chronic laziness. And the car drives itself and drives. And less and less often my friend recalls that “it would be nice to go to the service. “Strong and patient after all, the car is the Audi-80.
The cost of spare parts and consumables:
The Audi 80 clutch is no less important than in any other car, and there certainly comes a time when it also needs to be changed.
As usual, this can be done in a car service or with your own hands. Replacement at a car service will cost you about 100 - 150 dollars.
But for us, men with iron nerves and golden hands, this is useless.
Moreover, for a new node with a basket, you still have to pay about the same amount, about $100-150.
The result is $300. Expensive! So it makes sense to save on installation and try to replace the clutch yourself.
What makes the Audi 80 clutch good is its simplicity.
For successful work, you need to provide free access from below to the entire front of the machine.
No lift - no problem. When installing the car in your own pit, hang the body on stands - in the future you will have to remove the front wheels.
There is not much work on top - you just need to disconnect the sensor plugs in the engine compartment from the connectors on the gearbox and final drive housings.
- Drain the oil from the final drive housing;
- Remove the protection of the engine compartment;
- Disassemble and remove the bracket for fastening the exhaust pipe of the muffler to the gearbox housing;
- Disconnect the muffler flange connector;
- Remove the heat shield and additional brace for the floor tunnel.
The removed screen will allow you to disconnect the gearbox control rod - it is removed along with the unit.
Pre-mark the position of the “slider” so as not to disturb the selected drive adjustment during assembly.
- Disconnect the CV joint heat shield above the exhaust pipe from the gearbox housing. This part, resembling a scoop in shape, is attached at three points (bolts 13);
- Remove the transaxle mounting brackets to the body. You will have to remove the gearbox and the “turtle” on both sides - the mounting cushions of the unit along with the brackets;
- Remove the front wheels, then the lower ball joints of the struts;
- From the suspension struts themselves, disconnect the vertical struts of the anti-roll bar and the brackets for attaching the brake pipelines;
- After that, take each wheel stand to the side and place wooden spacers between them and the body;
- Alternately installing a mounting crowbar between the inner “grenades” of the CV joints and the main gear housing, press the axle shafts from the crankcase until the splined part of the shafts comes out along with the locking rings;
- Remove the clutch slave cylinder. You will also have to dismantle the starter (2 bolts for 16), not forgetting to remove the terminals from the battery.
It is attached at seven points. But it is impossible to show them in the photo: access to them passes through narrow “slots” between the crankcase of the unit and the bottom of the body.
Arm yourself with heads in which two collars with cardan joints are connected in series.
Don't forget to jack up the engine.
Please note that the box is heavy, you can’t do without an assistant, or even two.
The clutch basket in the “German” version is fastened with hexagon socket bolts (on 6). If necessary, standard 12-head bolts will also work.
After removing the basket, stop.
Enjoy the opened picture, i.e. a friction disc hewn to the bolts - in order to fully realize the patience of the German “barrel”.
Don't forget to check the condition of the inner oil seal on the main shaft. If it leaks a lot, it will need to be replaced.
On the removed box, you can also immediately change the gland.
It will take about 15 - 20 minutes. From the tools you need a thin screwdriver.
The disk is installed unambiguously, it is completely impossible to confuse its position, so you will not have any problems when replacing it.
But we need to say a little more about the installation of the basket.
Tighten the bolts of its fastening alternately, through one, and in three steps.
First bait everything, then wrap it with a preload, and then tighten it completely.
I repeat: only through one bolt, in a circle!
Before baiting and tightening the bolts, it is necessary to center the position of the clutch disc relative to the bearing in the engine crankshaft.
Repair manuals prescribe here to use a spare gearbox input shaft or a specially made mandrel.
But what if neither one nor the other exists?
Select shaft, pipe, etc. with an outer diameter equal to the diameter of the end of the gearbox input shaft.
Wrap an insulating tape around it so that the driven disk fits snugly with its slots on such a “mandrel”. Accurate centering is guaranteed.
After installing and fully tightening the basket bolts, do not be too lazy to check whether all the petals of the pressure plate lie in the same plane.
To remove and put the box for the second time is a dubious pleasure.
Check the release bearing, if it is already worn out, then it is better to replace it immediately.
Assemble, but pay attention to wear on other parts of the gearbox and clutch.
For example, on traction to shift the gearbox. If it is worn out, you will have to replace it.
And do not forget to pour back the drained oil, or better - new.
Do-it-yourself Audi-80 clutch replacement is finished.
1. How to start tuning Audi 80
2. How to increase power with tuning
3. Tuning the grille on the car
4. How to improve noise isolation
5. Tuning services
6. How to make economical tuning
If you own an Audi 80 car and are thinking about how to increase the performance of the car and save on car repairs and maintenance, then you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how Audi 80 tuning is carried out and what main features it provides. It should be noted right away that if you have the appropriate skills, you can carry out tuning work yourself, and if necessary, seek qualified support from the service masters.
To perform some tuning work, special complex equipment and special fixtures are required, this should be taken into account when planning tuning work.
Before tuning the Audi 80, it is necessary to bring the car to normal condition. To do this, a high-quality visual inspection and regular technical inspection are carried out, aimed at timely detection of faults and planning of car maintenance work. When visually inspecting the car, you can find that the car's engine is junk, the suspension needs service, and the bodywork needs to be protected from corrosion. All these problems can be solved before tuning the car. It is necessary to correct the main shortcomings, and only then proceed to tuning the car.
You should not resort to tuning when the suspension is about to fall apart, extra body kits will only prematurely disable the suspension. In this case, it is necessary to repair the suspension and only then proceed with tuning. By the way, at the stage of repair work, you can choose new wheels and tires for the car, which will significantly extend the life of the wheelbase.
You can familiarize yourself with video materials and photographic materials on the topic of tuning the Audi 80 in advance.
If you have been thinking about how to increase engine power for a long time, then it is worth considering that there are several tuning options that allow you to achieve high results. For example, tuning an Audi 80 and replacing the cylinder block with a more powerful one allows you to increase engine power.For replacement, you can take the cylinder block from a car with higher performance. It is possible to get a cylinder block from a Golf 2 9A, although they are harder to find than engine blocks from other cars.
If your plans include a serious increase in engine power, you can also remake the carburetor engine into an injection engine. Despite the complexity of such work, the result will exceed expectations. To carry out high-quality tuning on your own, you will need a special lift, photos and videos on the topic of tuning. You can save a lot of time if you seek support from qualified specialists.
If you have a desire, you can include cylinder boring in tuning the Audi 80, which will also increase the power of the power unit. The total engine capacity can eventually be increased to 2 liters. As a result, you can count on the fact that the engine power will increase to 150 hp. In the process of such tuning, you will need to replace the intake and exhaust system. However, for such work, you will need qualified support. As a result of the fact that the power of the power unit will increase, you will need to measure conventional disc brakes. This is also included in the tuning of the Audi 80 and allows you to achieve a better result.
Getting acquainted with the videos on the topic of tuning the Audi 80, you may note that in the process of tuning, car owners also restore the front grille. If you also want to tune the grille, you should cut out the entire interior of the grille and leave only the frame. It is recommended to use a suitable hacksaw for metal. You can remove bumps after this work if you put a special nozzle on the drill and walk along the bumps. The paint up to the plastic also needs to be cleaned.
Further, tuning the Audi 80 continues with the purchase of a new grille for the radiator. You will also need to purchase degreasing wipes, black plastic paint and putty. It is necessary to degrease the frame and putty it in order to end up with a flat surface. After the putty has dried, it is necessary to sand the frame. It usually takes several hours for the putty to dry, depending on the ambient temperature. Then, in the upper part of the frame, on the remains of the ribs of the middle part, cuts must be made, into which a new grate must be inserted. You can paint the frame with two or three layers of new paint.
The new grille must be fitted to the size of the frame so that it can be inserted into the cuts and secured with wire. On the sides, you can cut off all unnecessary with the same hacksaw for metal. After such manipulations, the grate is ready for a full installation in place. As can be seen from this material, tuning the Audi 80 is great for transforming the look of an old car.
If while driving a car you hear how the body rattles and the engine is running, then you should think about replacing the sound insulation. Vibration damper and noise absorber are most often used as the main materials used to improve the soundproofing characteristics of a car. Using these tuning materials, you will significantly improve your car and extend its service life. From the materials on the topic of tuning, one can judge that anything can be done with an old car. You can turn it into a convertible and completely change the doors, you can install new body kits and significantly increase the environmental class of the car.
If you are just planning an Audi 80 tuning, start with the following steps:
- find relevant materials on the topic;
- check the technical condition of the car and conduct an external inspection;
- eliminate the main malfunctions and decide in which direction you will work;
- enlist the help of tuning professionals who will give the necessary recommendations on the topic.
After completing the preparatory work, it is necessary to determine the scope of work and choose a place for tuning. It can be your own garage or a professional workshop. In the first case, you must have a viewing hole or a special lift. In the second case, tuning is carried out by professionals, you need to tell about your preferences and choose the best tuning option. If you are concerned about the environmental friendliness of your car, you can upgrade the emission control system to a more advanced one. As a result, you will be able to achieve a higher class of environmental friendliness. After buying a car, you may notice that there is rust on the metal, which leads to corrosion. This problem can be avoided by polishing the body and external tuning.
Tuning Audi 80 provides ample opportunities to improve the performance of the car. You can determine the scope of work and in a short time extend the life of the main components, achieve higher power from the engine and solve problems, such as increased damping. It is recommended to start tuning the car from the simplest - with external tuning, which is carried out in relation to the headlights, the body in order to disguise the new installed equipment on the car.
In addition to replacing the grille on the radiator, you can use such a tuning element as suspension reinforcement. Reinforced suspension stiffness allows you to extend the life of the shock absorbers and get rid of squeaks and vibrations. These tuning works include dismantling the rear and front axles and installing new plates, which will significantly improve the damping characteristics of the car.
You can tune the Audi 80 at no extra cost if you create a retro car based on your car, which will have an attractive appearance and a set of spare parts from other cars, which together will increase performance. In any case, when planning tuning, you should calculate your budget. A full-fledged tuning is sometimes comparable to the price of a car overhaul. However, a tuned car has a number of advantages: an increased service life of the main components, an attractive appearance and the ability to save on scheduled repairs and maintenance of the car. For the modern driver, these factors are essential when planning tuning.
Economical tuning of the Audi 80 can be carried out if you use not new parts and consumables, but previously used parts with better performance. You need to make sure that the new component being installed on the vehicle is compatible. Often on tuning forums, you can read recommendations from car maintenance specialists on the topic of what equipment and parts are suitable for tuning work. The information presented will be useful to you if you want to achieve from tuning not only the improvement of the car's operating parameters, but also the creation of conditions for high-quality and safe driving.
However, tuning the Audi 80 opens up great opportunities in order to improve your car. It all depends on what tasks are set for these works, and in what conditions the car will be operated in the future. The advantage of quality tuning is that the car owner can significantly increase the cost of the car and count on a higher cost of selling the car in the future. This applies when you sell a used car through a dealership or through the market. Buyers pay close attention to cars with manual tuning elements, which significantly increases the attractiveness of the car and allows you to improve performance.
One of the attractive areas of tuning has recently been considered airbrushing, which involves applying colorful drawings to various parts of the body. Airbrushing has several advantages.Firstly, it allows you to protect the car body from corrosion due to high-quality paintwork materials that are used to apply patterns. Secondly, airbrushing is used to hide minor defects in bodywork, you should not pay special attention to the factor that many auto sellers refuse to repair and paint and resort to airbrushing. Tuning Audi 80 and airbrushing in particular is used to make the appearance of the car more attractive. This is necessary for the car owner who wants to stand out from the background of others with his unusual car.
You can perform airbrushing yourself if you have the appropriate skills or with the support of professionals who will perform all the work efficiently and provide the necessary guarantees. Therefore, if you have an Audi 80 in your garage, and you want to transform the appearance of the car and increase its reliability, then use the tuning tips and make your car unique. Today, hundreds of companies work in the tuning studio market, but you need to entrust your car to real professionals. Otherwise, the money invested will not pay off, and the result will forever cast doubt on the need for tuning.
Quality tuning is a wide area that allows you to achieve a variety of goals, from changing the appearance of a car to complex improvement.
By setting yourself the task of tuning, you will be able to determine the scope of work and plan it in such a way as to achieve a high-quality end result.
And the resulting savings on maintenance and repair will allow you to use new methods of tuning your car.