Solenoid block a604 DIY repair

In detail: a604 solenoid block DIY repair from a real master for the site

The site provides information on automatic transmissions
Automatic transmission schemes, variators. The principles of the units.
Repair, disassembly and assembly of automatic transmission.

Chrysler, Dodge. 4-speed automatic transmission.

Not a very reliable gearbox, weak points are the torque converter and 440 solenoid block.

I would make this picture last, because first the stopper 429 is removed. The caliper 909 is removed and then everything else.

To remove planetary 40, you need to unscrew bolt 7845.

Solenoid block of a new design.

Old-style solenoid block gaskets.

What changes without fail when repairing this automatic transmission:

What very often breaks down in these automatic transmissions:

In 1989, the American automaker Chrysler offered four-speed automatic transmissions. A604... This transmission modification has been developed for use on front-wheel drive vehicles with an engine volume of 2 to 4 liters.

The automatic transmission A604 was installed on the Chrysler Voyager and Dodge Caravan vehicles. It is on these two vehicles that the A604 transmission is most widely used. Actually Automatic transmission A604 became the first American automatic transmission to receive fully automatic hydraulic control. Thanks to the presence of computer control, the gearbox could adapt to the driving style of the car owner. The computer brain monitored the correct operation of all transmission units, which made it possible to provide the most comfortable and economical ride in a car equipped with an automatic transmission.

Video (click to play).

The valve body with fully electronic solenoids was responsible for lubricating the moving parts of the transmission. An automatic system determined the network oil pressure and its temperature. Also, the automatics coordinated the degree of opening of the solenoids and the speed of the vehicle. This ensures efficient lubrication and good cooling of the gearbox.

Thanks to its relatively simple design, the A604 automatic transmission is quite reliable and durable. The need for overhaul arises when the mileage is over 400,000 kilometers. In some cases, problems are noted in the operation of the electronic control system, which forces the replacement of the central unit and power cables. The valve body turned out to be quite reliable, and only when using not too high-quality oil with a run of 300 - 400 thousand kilometers does it become necessary to clean it. Solenoids change as a set for 200,000 kilometers. It is possible to determine the presence of problems with the valve body by the characteristic jolts when shifting gears. We also recommend that you regularly inspect the automatic transmission for oil leaks. In the event that there are large smudges, they must be eliminated by replacing the leaky gaskets.

You are kindly requested, before asking a question in the config and opening a new topic, look for the answer to your question here:
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I am sure that 90% of the answers you will find on the links provided. Also - try searching from the MAIN page of the site - there may be more complete results!

P.S If you know the error code, then just type it into the search line. And note that the first letter of the code must be typed in the "Latin" layout! Otherwise, the search results will lead you nowhere.
The first letter of the code is NOT the Russian letter “P”!

And more - a HUGE request to write in this forum in RUSSIAN - save Albanian for a smoking room.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Group: Users
Posts: 42
Registration: 7.9.2014
From: Astana
User #: 73 756
Real name: mukushla
City: Astana

As part of the overhaul of the box, I will describe the process of bulkheading the solenoid block. I think the photos will be useful.
So. He sent his wife and child to their parents so that they would not breathe the aroma of ATF oil. I turned on a pleasant radio, settled down more comfortably and took the block. On the street -10 with the wind, despite the date on the calendar, so the process takes place at home.

The cover is unscrewed with a T25 key. Under the lid we see the following picture

Back side view. We have 4 O-rings. And 3 “don’t know”

Don't lose the 3 springs. He took off this plastic cover by slightly prying it with a screwdriver. Component elements

The unit with the cover removed. As you can see in the photo, there are illegal formations of mud groups. The bulkhead was not in vain.

The valves can be removed by hand, but fit snugly. I took off with a screwdriver. Valve condition and installation order. I don’t know what kind of yellow bloom. Condensate.

He cleaned the block of dirt with a rag, wiped it in hard-to-reach places with cotton swabs.

That's all. The assembly process is the reverse of assembly. Perhaps, somewhere, something I did wrong, correct it. I think it's better to wash the block with gasoline or diesel fuel, I didn't have it at hand. Now I'm waiting for a repair kit. Are there rubber rings on the valves?

Chrysler 4-speed automatic transmission A604 , under the brand name of the project "UltraDrive" (40TE / 41TE) was developed in 1989 for front-wheel drive cars of Chrysler (hit - Chrysler Voyager) and Dodge (Dodge Caravan) with engines from 2 to 4 liters.

Mechanical design is based on the successful 3-stage family А404 - А413

A604 is one of the first automatic transmissions, in the design of which an electronic computer was introduced, which took over all the automatic control of hydraulics, adapting to the driver's manner, optimizing the operation of all automatic transmission units, including the gas turbine engine. For Russia A604 is unique in that it was her that GAZ chose as the first and only machine in the Volga "Siber".

The first modification was carried out after 2 years of running in in 1990, when the overdrive burnout package was significantly strengthened, then the piston group of the Underdrive package was worked out for several years in a row, in 1998 the Reverse package was reinforced, followed by the oil pump (272500). The valve body was modified several times - in 1996 and 1998.

In 2003, the A604 was also modified and renamed to 40TE (Light, for motors up to 2.4L) and reinforced and the most popular - 41TE (up to 3.8 L). The design has remained practically the same. Rare modifications of this box for four-wheel drive (AWD) are named 41AE.

Only in 2007, for new models, they found funds to slightly modernize the valve body and the modification began to be called 41TES... The most popular automatic transmission in repair Chrysler and the most successful in our market from the whole house Chrysler .

For planned overhauls, the order usually includes: Filter, Repair kit for gaskets and seals, a set of clutches. Pick up repair kits - press the button on the left.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Repair kits for gaskets and seals A604 (40TE / 41TE) OverolKit, - No. 272002.

They differ for A604 before 2003 and for modifications 40TE / 41TE after 2004.

Also included in a typical bulkhead order is the Universal Clutch Kit - 272003. Suitable for both A604 and A606 families.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Filter A604 (41AE / 41TE) - disposable multi-purpose plastic filter with felt membrane - No. 272010. Change with each oil change after runs of 100 tkm.

Dexron III - VI type oil is used for this unpretentious box. Learn more about oil.

Replacement requires 8 liters or more, depending on engine power and cooling system. The oil level is checked while the dipstick is hot. The transparency of the oil determines the need to change the oil and filter, which may be required both after 20 tkm and after 60 tkm. If the oil becomes contaminated after 10 tkm of run, then remove the sump for further diagnostics and hand over the torque converter for repair - 272001.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

The first generation solenoid block - 272420, until 1998, quickly failed, which led to a loss of oil pressure in the clutch packs.

Longer service life of a new one (since 1999 - left) – Solenoid block No. 272420A, which, nevertheless, after its service life (approx. 120-150 tkm) also requires repair or restoration. Solenoid block of the 2nd generation - 272420A-BW universal, suitable for the previous version, but with its own gasket.

Craftsmen repair the blocks using the Sonnax Solenoid Block Repair Kit -No. 272424. In the new modifications, Chrysler has significantly updated the filling of this block.

Typical hardware problems Automatic transmission A604:

- Planetary row Front, (Front Planet 272582)

- Sun gear Rear, (SunGear Rear 272614) Worn spline joints of gears.

- Hub for clutches 2-4 with sun gear, (2-4 Hub w / Sun Gear) A604 / A606 / 41TE / 42LE (bushing diameter 29.5 mm) No. 272578.

They fail if they slip in the mud for a long time. And to skid not on duty, but for a long time. It is important. 🙂

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

- Washer kit 272200 is being changed. Overheating, vibration, aging, dirty oil with pieces of iron from the shafts.

- The whole set of bearings - 272201 - has to be changed just as often.

- Retaining ring set - 272860.

First of all, the package O.D .: No. 272100 burns, with it - steel discs 272120. And then the rubberized piston Overdrive 272960 also burns, especially often in winter. The problem is associated with the solenoid block and operation with cold oil.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Most often, craftsmen order a complete set of clutches No. 272003. After changing consumables, reprogramming is required so that the computer sees fresh clutches instead of "bald" ones.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

A short service life of a gas turbine engine (torque converter), which should be handed over for repair with cutting-welding after 100-120 tkm. Especially on powerful cars from a number. When working with a worn-out blocking of the transformer, beating occurs and vibrations begin to break the bushing and the pump oil seal - No. 272070.

A typical repair of the age A604 is the change of the entire Bushing Kit 272030. This is when the bushings are eaten by vibrations and the loss of oil through them causes oil starvation.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

In age automatic transmissions there are:

- replacement of shaft speed sensors - No. 272436 (at the output) and 272438 (input)

- Switch selector position sensor 272410.

- various problems with the Differential bearings (272717),

- The piston is rubberized, Retainer Piston, Underdrive Clutch (272960) changes more often than others together with

- Drum, Drum Input Retainer Clutch (272554A).

These transmissions run for a long time and reliably, provided that the oil is changed annually (or after 30 tkm) and its level and quality are monitored. If the oil becomes contaminated too quickly, it is worth listening to the operation of the torque converter and not being late with its repair.

Chrysler OBD-II trouble codes. The cost and availability of the items you need can be checked in the online store by clicking on the number on an orange background.

On which cars this automatic transmission family was installed:

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Quite often, motorists have the question of how to check, replace and repair the automatic transmission solenoids. This is due to the rather frequent failure. Also, quite often they just fail. This is known to every car owner who has a car with such a gearbox. Having the skills of such work, you can significantly save on maintenance of the machine. After all, almost all car services carry out automatic transmission repair work for substantial money, even in cases when the process takes a short time and does not require special skills. Knowing the features of checking and repairing this system, you can do everything yourself without resorting to the services of a car service.

It is necessary to think about checking and possible repairing solenoids when the following signs appear:

  • Pushing and hitting the box while driving;
  • When the automatic transmission malfunction lamp comes on;
  • Shifting gears with jerks.

In any of these cases, be sure to check the operation of the valve body.

It is necessary to start the check with computer diagnostics. If you see an error indicating a breakdown of the solenoids, then you can work with them further. For a more accurate diagnosis, we remove the part from the machine. To do this, on the removed solenoid, the resistance is first checked. Depending on the model, the indicator can range from 10 to 25 ohms.More accurate indicators can be found in the technical documents for your car.

It is also imperative to check for jamming. To do this, a voltage of 12 V is applied to the valve contacts. The working solenoid, when connected, emits a soft click. If there are no sounds, then the problem is a blockage in the part. There is a compressed air test method. For this purpose, the solenoid is purged with air. A part normally closed when energized must allow air flow, normally open vice versa.

Installing new solenoids shouldn't be difficult for you. The main thing is to do everything very carefully when working. Before replacing, determine your type of automatic transmission, according to this data, select the appropriate type of solenoid.

The replacement itself requires a minimum amount of work. The valve body is unscrewed from the box, after which it is necessary to squeeze it out of the clamps using a pry bar. The solenoids are removed from the unit and disconnected from the power supply. Further, new elements are installed and connected. The valve body is installed in its place; for this, be sure to use a new gasket. This will help prevent grease leaks.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Change of solenoid block for transmission 41TE (Chrysler)

Chrysler introduced a new solenoid block in 41TE transmissions. Outwardly, it differs significantly from the previous models (Fig. 1a and 1b) so that it will be difficult to confuse it with the models of the earlier release.

Chrysler began producing the new unit in mid-1999. The new solenoid block fits all previous models up to 1989. Design changes include improved and simplified layout within the enclosure, resulting in quieter solenoid operation. A special plastic plate is installed, which is a sound-absorbing shield, the role of which was previously played by the cover of the solenoid block. Therefore, the need to use this cover is no longer necessary and is no longer installed.

There is also a warning on the outer cover of the new model of the solenoid block housing (Fig. 2), warning about the appearance of errors in the adjustment caused by disassembling the solenoid block housing. However, the new body of the solenoid block is more resistant to adjustment changes when it is opened.

The biggest change in the solenoid block is to simplify the design of all solenoids. Previously, the solenoid coil, tappets, balls and valve seats were assembled and adjusted at the final stage of assembly of the solenoid block body. In the new design, all these elements are combined, which significantly reduces the likelihood of solenoid failure caused by improper assembly of the solenoid block housing or incorrect adjustment (Fig. 4).

If it is necessary to disassemble a new solenoid block due to contamination, pay attention to the following points:

1. When detaching the part of the solenoid block, in which the solenoids themselves are installed, it is very easy to damage the pins of the connectors for installing the solenoids, which are located in the plastic part of the case (Fig. 5). In previous models, the solenoids remained in the plastic part of the case when the case was disassembled, and each solenoid could be removed from it separately (Fig. 6). In the new design, the solenoids remain in the aluminum part of the case (Fig. 7), so it is necessary to simultaneously disconnect all the solenoid connectors in the plastic part of the case.

In order to separate the halves of the case, you should shake the plastic case up and down, so that these halves can be separated by hand (Fig. 8). Never use any tools for this. If one of the pins showed too much resistance, then use a pointed object to slightly bend it (Fig. 9). Do not bend the pin too far! Otherwise there will be poor contact with the solenoid.

2. When installing solenoids into the aluminum housing, make sure the solenoid leads are oriented as shown in Figure 10. If the solenoids are inverted 180 °, the contacts will not properly contact the leads in the plastic housing and will break.The pressure sensors located closer to you in the figure should be installed as shown in figure 10.

3. When joining the two parts of the solenoid block housing, it is better to use a silicone sealant rather than a rubber gasket (fig. 11a and 11b). If using sealant, be sure the sealant bead fills the entire groove and is slightly above the parting plane.

When installing a new solenoid block in old car models, the use of a plastic solenoid block cover, which is designed to reduce the noise level, is not necessary. The mounting bolts of the new solenoid block should be 3 mm longer. This is due to the fact that a plastic gasket has appeared in the body. The tightening torque of these bolts has not changed.

Since the plastic cover of the solenoid block is no longer used and there is only one gasket between the body of the solenoid block and the gearbox housing, the design of this gasket has been changed (Fig. 12).

The new plastic gasket is not interchangeable with the old one. Failure to comply with the gasket of this modification of the solenoid block will lead to serious leaks and a decrease in pressure in the boosters of the frictional controls (fig. 13a and 13b).

When installing a new block of solenoids on car models of 1998 and earlier, it is necessary to reinstall the pins, center the block of solenoids relative to the gearbox housing. All three of the dowel pins on the new solenoid block should protrude 6 mm from the bottom of the housing (figure 14).

In conclusion, the following should be noted.

The new solenoid block provides better gear shifting, so it is possible to recommend replacing old solenoid blocks with new ones when repairing automatic transmissions. They are quieter and more reliable in operation. The Chrysler part number for the new solenoid block is 5015646AB.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

300M, Cirrus, Concorde, Grand Voyager, LHS, PT Cruiser, Pacifica, Sebring, Cirrus Coupe, Neon, Stratus, Town & Country, Voyager, Intrepid, 300M (Chrysler Cyrus, Concorde, Grand Voyager, LHS, PT Cruiser, Pacific, Sebring, Cyrus Coupe, Voyager)
DODGE Caravan, Grand Caravan, Intrepid, Neon, Stratus (DOJ Caravan, Grand Caravan, Intrepid, Neon, Stratus)
PLYMOUTH Acclaim, Breeze, Caravella, Grand Voyager, Neon, Voyager (PLYMOUTH Acklaym, Breeze, Caravel, Grand Voyager, Neon, Voyager)

All of the above vehicles were equipped with two types of automatic transmissions 31TH (A670), 41TE (A604) and its variant for a longitudinally located engine with front-wheel drive 42LE (A606) and 42RLE with rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive:

1. Repair of automatic transmission Chrysler type 31TN

Hydraulically controlled three-speed automatic transmission and one solenoid that engages the torque converter lockup. One of the cheapest Chrysler automatic transmissions to maintain and repair. Produced until 2001 inclusive.
The smaller (lighter) the car, the greater the automatic transmission resource (true for all automatic transmissions): on the Dodge Neon, the runs before the first repair are sometimes up to 300 thousand km, the family of minivans asks for repairs with an average mileage of 100-150 thousand km.

This gearbox has no obvious "sores", almost all automatic transmission units break down and wear out. Especially 31TH (as well as 41TE) does not like slipping in snow or mud, since the differential lubrication system is not designed for this. In winter, they often turn to a car service because of the damaged case of this automatic transmission. The reason for the damage to the case is as follows: with active slipping, the differential pin is thermally stuck to the satellite; breaks the cotter pin securing the pin in the differential housing. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, the finger leaves the differential housing while driving and breaks the automatic transmission housing. If you are lucky and the finger does not fall out of the differential housing, then it will simply saw through it. The shavings get into the oil, damage the rubber seals, then the clutches burn out.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

The second problem with this box is damage to the torque converter. Damper springs break, fragments damage the turbine and pump blades, some of them with oil enter the pump and clog the oil channels.Also, the torque converter lock-up clutch often wears out or falls off.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Often, over time, the splines of the clutches of the FORWARD package are cut off. Initial symptoms - the car jerks when starting to move. In the end, the automatic transmission stops loading onto Driver and moving forward.

If only the reverse gear is missing, then most likely there is a problem with the brake band (Revers band) or the piston is faulty Servo... In any case, a complete repair of the automatic transmission is required.

The planetary gearbox (consisting of 2 planetary gears and the 1st sun gear) is rather weak for this automatic transmission and, with a mileage of 100t km or more, it starts to crumble and eventually completely collapses, jamming the automatic transmission.

2. Automatic transmission type 41TE (A604)

Electronic four-speed automatic transmission. It is still produced with minor variations.
Automatic transmission 41TE - the box is quite unique and advanced. It does not have a single brake band, not a single one-way clutch (overrunning clutch - Overrun clutch). Only two planetary gears and 5 clutch packs. The solenoid valves are grouped in a single block outside the transmission. Due to this, the valve body is simple and reliable.

The old name of the box is A604, the new one is 41TE. This is a 4-speed automatic transmission for Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth and some Mitsibishi front wheel drive vehicles. It has been produced since 1989, initially it was paired with a Chrysler 3.3L transverse engine. The A604 has become a powerful breakthrough in the field of automatic transmission control of modern cars. It was the first to use adaptive control of the gear shift mode, that is, the automatic transmission computer is able to optimize the shift mode, depending on the external conditions and the driving style of the car. The box turned out to be quite compact and versatile. Its variation 42LE (A606) used on cars with longitudinal engine (Chrysler Concord, Eagle Vision, Dodge Intrepid, LHS, 300C) and 42RLE with rear-wheel drive.

  • five packs of friction clutches (Underdrive, Overdrive, Lowrevers, 2-4 clutch, Revers clutch);
  • four hydraulic accumulators;
  • two planetary gearboxes;
  • hydraulic pump;
  • valve body;
  • solenoid block (4 pcs) assembled with pressure sensors (3 pcs);
  • Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair8000r (check availability) replacement 1500r
  • built-in differential;
  • 2x electromagnetic speed sensors.

The service life of the automatic transmission declared by the manufacturer is 300,000 km, in practice, breakdowns happen already at 70,000 km. Of the noticed shortcomings stand out:

1. Wear of the splined connection and the planetary gear pinion shafts Front planet;

2. Wear of splines Overdrive & Reverse Clatch Hub;

3. Release boxes after 2001 are equipped with redesigned torque converters. Unfortunately, less reliable than the previous ones;

The damper springs come out of the standing position, the blocking clutch crumbles, which leads to a malfunction of the pump and bearings in the torque converter (screeching when the selector is turned on R or D, as well as the shavings clog the lubrication channel of the planetary gear set, which in turn leads to a FATAL breakdown of the automatic transmission. It turns the bearing of the rear planetary gear set in the housing, with such a breakdown the automatic transmission cannot be repaired. To prevent such a breakdown, it is recommended not to operate the automatic transmission with any transmission errors. especially with P0740 - the torque converter lock is slipping, which means it has already flown off and at any time can disable the automatic transmission.

4. The solenoid block is installed outside the automatic transmission, which leads to frequent oil leaks from under the gasket or from the block itself. Also, the solenoids and pressure sensors themselves, which are in the same housing, often fail. The automatic transmission goes into emergency mode (2nd gear).

5. As in the case of 31TH, the differential pin clings to the satellite in case of frequent and long slippage of the 1st wheel, which leads to damage to the automatic transmission case.

6. Approximately 10% of those who applied for repair crank the bearing race in the automatic transmission housing. The reason is the rear planetary bearing lubrication channel clogged with a torque converter lock. With such a breakdown, the automatic transmission cannot be repaired.

7. The period of oil and filter change is 25,000 km - 50,000 km. Use ATF + 4 oil recommended by the manufacturer;

8. Often they contact the service station with the problem of oil splashing through the automatic transmission dipstick or through the sopun. The reasons are oil overflow above the level, clogged sopun, overheating of the automatic transmission, especially in summer in traffic jams or when driving with an overload (trailer, 7 passengers, driving in the mountains). Clean the sopun, do not overflow the oil above the level, put an additional radiator on the automatic transmission cooling, clean the air conditioner radiator honeycomb, since the automatic transmission radiator is behind it and does not receive additional air cooling, ensure that the cooling fans of the main radiator work properly.

With frequent transitions to emergency mode, the presence of error codes associated with automatic transmission malfunctions (P0700) you can read it yourself 3 times on / off the ignition key, the smell of oil burns, the oil color is black, noises, squeals from the automatic transmission, the presence of a large amount of shavings in the automatic transmission pan when changing the oil - Load the car on a tow truck and take it to a competent Chrysler automatic transmission repair service station. Towing on a rope, or even moving on its own, can significantly increase the cost of repairs.

Repair of any automatic transmission from 1 day

CVTs, DSG, torque converters, new and remanufactured automatic transmissions, spare parts

Well, here it is clear what the conversation is about.

# 1 Post Dimych »Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:42 am

# 2 Post KOYT Mar 31, 2008 12:13 pm

# 3 Post Dimych Mar 31, 2008 12:23 pm

# 4 Post KOYT Mar 31, 2008 3:54 pm

# 5 Post Dimych Wed Apr 01, 2008 8:17 am

# 6 Post KOYT Apr 01, 2008 11:41 am

# 7 Post Dimych Apr 01, 2008 11:55 am

# 8 Post KOYT Apr 01, 2008 5:56 pm

# 9 Post bublik75 Apr 01, 2008 8:40 pm

# 10 Post KOYT Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:40 am

# 11 Message VovaAmerica 09-03-08, 08:10

# 12 Post Dimych Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:57 am

# 13 Message VovaAmerica Apr 07, 2008 11:18 pm

# 14 Message Dimych Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:39 am

# 15 Post VovaAmerica Apr 11, 2008 12:17 pm

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AGGREGATKA is a federal network of technical centers, the main specialization of which is the repair and maintenance of automatic transmissions of all types, including robotic transmissions with double clutch, CVT transmissions and classic hydromechanical automatic transmissions

AGGREGATKA is a federal network of technical centers, the main specialization of which is the repair and maintenance of automatic transmissions of all types, including robotic transmissions with double clutch, CVT transmissions and classic hydromechanical automatic transmissions

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 07 Oct 2014

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairpetrovich_j 08 Oct 2014

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 09 Oct 2014

I apologize for the link to another site, but there is a lot of information on automatic transmission

Thank you, there is my theme on that site))))
Once I had a plymouth, also with a problematic korobas, thanks to Pavel, he cured.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 11 Oct 2014

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairpetrovich_j 11 Oct 2014

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 12 Oct 2014

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 13 Jan 2015

first, the pressure in the ports is measured, on a running car .. then with a probability of 80%, you can determine where and why to climb ..

Here's where I can find out the purpose of these ports, in which mode in which port and what pressure should be.

specify the data for the car year and engine .. I'll throw the pressure parameters ..

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 15 Jan 2015

specify the data for the car year and engine .. I'll throw the pressure parameters ..

Dodge Stratus 1996, dv.2,4l.
To be honest, I got pissed with this box (there is no money to buy another) Before that, I went through my 31TN on Plymouth, then on Kii, everything was ok, but this pancake resists, even if you burn nafig ((((

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 16 Jan 2015

Come on in order, without nerves, what is happening with the korobas now?

Thank you for your participation and understanding)))
Now the box is removed, since after the bulkhead there was no pressure. I went through the pump again, there is pressure from it, then I disassembled the stove and washed all the valves in the ultrasonic bath (fortunately, the work allows) now it is necessary to assemble and put in place. I just did it already more than once and during the bulkhead I did not see anything criminal, so I am almost sure that the result will be zero (((

Today, if I gather my courage, I will collect it and stick it back in.

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 16 Jan 2015

How do you check automatic transmission without a fault finding card and then?

I work myself at the service station, but as an electrician, so I took off the box, went through, replaced everything that was criminal and put it back together.
For the first time, at first, the wheels did not rotate anywhere (on the lift) after a couple of minutes when the Drive was turned on, the wheels were spinning forward, but on the Reverse they did not spin back. Then he called a friend for help, though an electrician-diagnostician. They took it off and dismantled it with him, "On the knee" we checked the pressure from the pump, there is, put it back together. drill, set speed, but there is no pressure in the “torque converter off” port.
Maybe we misunderstood the algorithm, we could have made a mistake, I even agree to catch "stones in the garden." check by car.
P.S. Guys, thank you so much for your support and advice. and even for kicks, the main thing is that in the right direction))))

do not worry, but you cannot avoid another withdrawal. ))) only for troubleshooting ..)

if you haven't started assembling yet, check the fit at the very bottom of the box ..

Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repairalex114 17 Jan 2015

do not worry, but you cannot avoid another withdrawal. ))) only for troubleshooting ..)

if you haven't started assembling yet, check the fit at the very bottom of the box ..

I'm not worried, I've calmed down a bit, time heals, even my nerves)))) How does it look and how to check it?
I have already learned almost all the names, but exactly as they sound in manuals.
P / S / A manual downloaded, not even one, about a dozen, one even in clumsy Russian is.

Let's continue the topic of reviews of all sorts of car pieces 🙂 Today I want to tell you about ordering a very extraordinary product - a solenoid block for an automatic gearbox. We are all accustomed to ordering online various gadgets, toys or clothes, and have almost forgotten that eBay is a storehouse of rare and expensive (at least in our country) goods.

My brother owns an American car - a 2002 Dodge Intrepid. The car suits everyone and he is not going to change it in the foreseeable future. Moreover, now there are no special problems with spare parts for the "Americans". True, if this does not concern any specific part, for example, an element of an automatic transmission.

It just so happened that, despite all its reliability, automatic transmissions in cars began to die. At first, this manifested itself in a "stalled" change of regimes, then in kicks. You can ride, but not comfortable. Therefore, the question arose about the repair. After a couple of diagnostics and based on our own experience, it was decided to change the solenoid block. Of course, one could try to use a repair kit, but no one can guarantee that such a repair will last for a long time. Therefore, we were puzzled by the search for the block. Having studied the local proposals, we came to the conclusion that no one would sell the unit separately from the automatic transmission. And if someone sells, then its cost will be in the region of 90% of the cost of the automatic transmission. And if the car is American, then where to look for such things as not on eBay? As it turned out, this stuff is there in bulk, and at a price of $ 40-45 (excluding delivery).

After payment, the package was sent the next day, all tracking information is available here. It took her less than 2 weeks to get from the USA to Belarus (from China, the last track was 3 months).

The seller must be given credit. The package was packed wonderfully: a cardboard box, a roll of some bubble wrap, a couple of newspapers. All this ensured the safety of the goods during shipment. True, by and large, there is nothing special to break there 🙂

Used solenoid block but factory rebuilt. This is indicated in the announcement, the same can be seen in the appearance of the product:
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

But it should be noted that the block looks very decent. Everything is cleaned, washed, nothing sticks out anywhere, does not dangle, all screws are clamped, all gaskets and springs are in place. To be honest, in our showdowns and markets they sell parts that look much less presentable, but they ask for them as new.

I think that a small digression on the topic of what a solenoid block is and why it is needed will not hurt: “The solenoid block serves to control an automatic transmission by means of solenoid valves (solenoids) assembled in one common block. Modern solenoids work in such a way that they are able to control the channel bandwidth within a fraction of a second, thereby allowing the clutches to move and change the transmission characteristics of the automatic transmission. Thus, the solenoids are responsible for shifting gears, blocking the torque converter (donut) and adjusting the pressure in the automatic transmission hydraulic control system. "

The block is original, has the designation 4539749. Next to the code there is an old Chrysler badge of the 2008 model, that is, it is logical to assume that it was released later than the car in which it will be installed.
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

Another number (though the last 2 digits are different):
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair
As I said, the block looks very good. The oil channels are perfectly clean, the gasket is resilient, and not made of sprawling rubber, as is often the case in products "floating" in oil.
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair
There was a label on one of the sides, which, most likely, was left by the seller:
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair
Whether it is his autograph, or initials - it is not clear. But taking into account the fact that the ad contains a lifetime warranty, it was made in order not to bring another unit to replace the purchased one.

Inspection of the insides showed that everything is fine there too. All springs and elastic bands are in place, everything is clean and tidy. It is impossible to check the solenoids themselves before installing the unit in an automatic transmission in a garage, so all that remained was to rely only on the seller's honesty.

The solenoid block is installed inside the automatic transmission. In order to get to it, it is necessary to remove the pallet and the hydraulic plate. The activity is not that difficult, but it is best to do it on a lift. We were engaged in this sacrament in the pit, and even in winter ... Therefore, the procedure was delayed, and since all hands were in oil, there are not many photographs of the process.

Trying on a new part before final installation:
Image - Block of solenoids a604 DIY repair

After assembling the automatic transmission and the partially disassembled suspension, it remained only to fill in new transmission oil and check the result. What can I say, the money was not wasted in vain 🙂 The car returned to the previous smooth gear shifting and the "braking" disappeared.

As a conclusion, despite the fact that we, with our overwhelming majority, associate trading floors as places for purchasing all kinds of electronic gadgets, we should not forget that these are, first of all, stores selling rare things. Stores that allow you not only to save money, but also to purchase something that can be found offline, if not impossible, then it is very problematic.

On this, perhaps, that's all. Thank you for your attention and your time.

Video (click to play).

P.S. A little about the 42LE box and about the problem with the solenoid block.

Image - Solenoid block a604 DIY repair photo-for-site
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