In detail: do-it-yourself proton 3 gas water heater from a real master for the site
The "Proton" gas water heater is a product of the Tula plant "Vanadium-Tulachermet". Their production was established within eight years - 1990-1998. These domestic devices are durable and reliable - many of them still safely heat water for the household needs of their owners.
The Tula company "Vanadium-Tulachermet" works for the needs of the metallurgical industry, producing flux-cored wire, chromium carbide and other products required in this industry. The plant no longer produces gas water heaters, only heat exchangers and other spare parts that may be needed for their operation.
For eight years of production of gas water heaters, the Tula enterprise has produced five series PROTON 1, 1M, 2, 3, 4. Having not exhausted their resource over the years of operation, these devices need replacement of parts and assemblies, repair and maintenance. You can buy these speakers only second-hand, but spare parts are still produced now, however, in limited quantities. Everything you need for Proton speakers can be purchased at specialized stores. If necessary, you can replace any element - heat exchanger tubes, membranes, hydraulic unit and much more.
The Tula manufacturer, in order to improve the efficiency and durability of its speakers, used imported parts in their production - to complete the automatic circuits. All modifications are equipped with filters - at the inlets of water and gas pipes. The connection diagram is standard and does not raise any questions.
• Tap water is supplied inside the heat exchanger (or deep water from a well). Its pressure should be at the level of 2-2.5 kg / cm².
Video (click to play).
• Water warmed up to the temperature set by the user is sent to the DHW system.
• The fuel comes to the solenoid valve, which is responsible for stopping its supply in the event of a device malfunction or a critical drop in fuel pressure.
• The gas is directed to the reducer, which reduces its pressure to normal. Then he finds himself in the central burner, which is ignited by the ignition devices.
• Switching on begins by pressing the button - it is held for several seconds.
• The gas is then fed to the pilot and to the auxiliary burner.
• Switching on is carried out by means of a piezo ignition connected to a candle.
• When the button is pushed in, sparking occurs, igniting the auxiliary burners.
• After some time, an EMF appears at the ends of the thermocouple, which opens the way for the fuel.
• If you press the second button "Open", blue fuel is directed to the place of its combustion.
• When the button is pressed, a spark jumps between the spark plug and the body, igniting the auxiliary burners.
• After a few seconds, an EMF appears at the ends of the thermocouple, which keeps the gas valve open.
• If you press the second button "Open", the gas is directed to the main burner.
• Stable temperature of heated water is provided by a water reducer. Thanks to the throughput system, it is possible to stabilize the parameters at the same level. The user sets the temperature by means of a mechanical regulator. In the modification "Proton 1M-1" there is a thermometer - the user can control the heating.
• Shutdown is performed by pressing "Extinguishing" - it has a mechanical connection with "Ignition" and "Opening". When the first click is heard, the central burner turns off - this is switching, the device goes into the "Duty" mode - there is only a flame in the igniter.
• To turn off the standby mode and put the device into operation, you just need to turn the DHW tap.
Production designation VPG-1712-V11-UHL4.2. Dimensions - 71.9x36x23 cm (height / width / depth). The device weighs a little - 13.5 kg. Heated water is dispensed at a rate of 5 l / min.
17 kW. 15 kg - weight. The technical characteristics are the same as in the previous version. They differed in their lower cost. The price reduction was achieved by simplifying the design of the gas-water unit. There are no reducers - therefore, there is no stability of the parameters. A thermometer is also not provided. On the facade - a push-button piezo-ignition lever and a mechanical regulator.
The device can operate at low pressure in water pipes - this fact is important for consumers without centralized water supply. The minimum is set with an adjusting screw located directly on the water reducer.
Constructive simplicity and the absence of blockers is a fact that forces users to follow the instructions of the instructions as accurately as possible. It is strictly forbidden to ignite the main burner if the DHW taps are open. This situation causes the accumulation of fuel in the column - if you then turn on the piezo ignition, it can explode.
Their power is 17 kW. They weigh 15 kg and heat 5 liters of water every minute. The functional and electrical diagram and protection systems are the same as in the previous models. But when compared with the 1M modification, the third model has several disadvantages:
Holding the push-button lever has increased tenfold - you have to hold it for half a minute.
There is no gas reducer - you cannot monitor how the pressure in the gas pipeline changes. The result is that it is not possible to stabilize the heating in the hot water supply; it is difficult for the owners of such a column to wash comfortably.
Pushbutton levers are not strong enough and tend to break.
Plus - a low price with a fairly reliable automatic protection.
The fire can be extinguished due to:
lack of fuel;
blowing out the fire with the wind;
faulty thermocouple.
If the thermocouple does not heat up, the voltage level at the ends is zero, this causes the fuel path to close. The solution to the issue depends on the reason that caused it.
A decrease in the outflow of heated gas is observed. The temperature of the coolant rises - when it reaches 90 degrees, the thermostat breaks the electrical circuit, and without voltage the device turns off. The reasons for this situation:
The chimney is clogged - it needs cleaning.
Any damage has occurred - you will need to do it yourself.
The tightness of the heat exchanger is broken. It heats up quickly. When the temperature rises above 130 ° C, the thermostat fuse melts - the electrical circuit breaks, there is no voltage - everything goes out.
This situation can occur due to work on the gas pipeline. The consequence is the extinction of the igniter. The thermocouple, without generating EMF, blocks the path of the fuel. How to light a column? To resume the operation of the device, you need to turn it on again in the traditional way.
Lack of water usually happens in high-rise buildings - this situation happens during peak hours on the top floors. In private housing construction, there are also interruptions in water - due to a decrease in the productivity of wells and malfunctions at water intake stations. Emergency prevention is provided by a water regulator that equalizes the pressure and turns off the flame. The device switches to standby mode.
To troubleshoot, you need to know how the water heater works. It is in new water heaters that displays that show error codes are used. And the owners of Tula dispensers have to rely on their sense of smell - is there a suspicious smell, indicating a leak of gaseous fuel. If a smell appears, the first thing to do is turn off the device and close the gas pipeline valve - before entering it.
The main thing is not to do anything that could cause sparks. It is forbidden:
kindle a fire;
turn on lights and electrical appliances.
It is necessary to open windows and doors to let in fresh air. The gas-air mixture is explosive - one spark is enough to cause an explosion.
Check for leaks with soapy water. The most frequent place of leaks in Tula water heaters is a plug valve installed at the inlet. This is due to the drying out of the lubricant and leakage. To fix the problem, you need:
turn off the gas and disassemble the valve;
with kerosene or another solvent, the remnants of the old grease are removed;
if there are scratches on the tap cone, they need to be sanded;
generously apply thick grease;
put the tap back in place and tighten the threaded connection firmly;
How to check if the tap is tightened securely? Perform a control check - repeatedly turn the valve in a circle.
If a leak occurs at the pipe joints, tighten the couplings and nuts more firmly.
Common problems and how to fix them:
Leak at the place of the liner. Replace gaskets. Tighten the nuts.
Switching on occurs only when the pressure in the water pipes reaches 2 atm. Most likely, the matter is in the membranes of the water reducer. With use, they become less elastic and cease to perform their functions - they need to be replaced with new ones.
The pilot flame turned yellow instead of purple. The gas filter at the burner inlet is probably dirty - it is made of metal wire. It needs to be cleaned. In general, the filter and wick are cleaned every six months. If this is not done in a timely manner, the thermocouple will wear out.
There are practically no reviews as such about old water heaters, the time of their purchase fell on the 90s. If information about rare Tula products appears on the network, then it is associated with advantages with questions - how to improve their work or how to find the necessary spare part. For example:
"Proton-3": Efim D., Vereshchagino
My old water heater is connected to a water pipe with a flexible hose - a cross section of about 5 mm. If you want to get a bath, you need to wait half an hour, no less. While the water is being collected, it is already not very hot, it still has time to cool down. So I'm thinking - if I change 5 mm to 10 - will I be able to get more pressure from the hot tap?
Proton M: Ilya Ch., Verkhneuralsk
I once bought the creation of Tula masters from JSC with the amazing name “Vannadiytulachermet” in my Khrushchev building. Moreover, the instructions said that it was assembled under a Japanese license, but for some reason from Eastern European components. Anyway. I connected it to the pipes with flexible hoses and started using hot water. True, this did not last long - soon the thrust sensor flew and the device stopped igniting. On the advice of the master, it was safely unscrewed - supposedly it breaks down for everyone, but you can live without it. I lived a year without a sensor - everything is fine. But it was the turn of the solenoid valve - it began to click and extinguish the wick. I had to wash with an assistant - one washes, the second sets fire to the wick if it goes out. In general, my torment lasted until I raised money and bought the Swedish Electrolux, which I advise you.
The gas water heaters of the Tula plant are real "dinosaurs" of heating equipment. However, they continue to serve their owners, as they have a large margin of physical strength. Their main drawback is inconsistency with the modern view of security. In the products of the new generation, the very possibility of an accident is excluded - a multi-level protection system is used. The manufacturing plant stopped producing irrelevant products long ago, and if you are offered such a device, think about the problems it faces you.
Let's say right away that repairing a gas water heater, like any other gas equipment, is a matter exclusively for professionals. But, although repairing speakers with your own hands is not allowed, knowledge is not superfluous. The ability to determine on your own what exactly has broken down, how this breakdown threatens, and what the repair can be will not interfere with anyone. What breakdowns of gas water heaters are there, and what "symptoms" are they accompanied by?
At first glance, repairs may seem difficult
To begin with, before getting acquainted with the basics of troubleshooting, it is not out of place to find out how the gas water heater is arranged, the repair will largely depend on the device. We will not delve into the intricacies of the device of many speaker models, we will limit ourselves only to acquaintance with the general principles.
Centralized hot water supply appeared relatively recently by historical standards. The issue of heating water at home was solved in various ways, but the most common one we had was a storage solid fuel heater - the so-called titanium. Titanium was fired with coal, less often with wood or fuel oil. The water in the boiler had to be warmed up in advance. So taking a bath had to spend at least an hour. Of course, using such a device was very inconvenient. The problem of fast heating of water was solved in gas water heaters.
Gas water heater device
The work of the geyser consists in heating tap water with gas from the city main. To speed up the heating process, a heat exchanger serves, in which the water flow is distributed through a system of thin tubes located directly above the gas burner. Due to this, it is possible to heat the water quickly enough, right in the process of use, there is no need to pre-accumulate the heated water in the tank.
This is the fundamental device of the gas water heater, all the rest of the filling serves to ignite the gas, regulate the heating of the water, and also ensure safety.
The main burner is ignited:
From the igniter. The constantly burning igniter, in turn, is turned on by piezo ignition (automatic or manual from a button) or manually ignited from a match. Unless, of course, you are lucky enough to get ownership of such a rarity.
Piezo ignition without igniter.
Electronic ignition. By its structure, electronic ignition is similar to the ignition of a car.
Security systems are:
Mechanical. Almost any column, even stuffed with electronics, is equipped with a simple device - a mechanical connection between a membrane in a water intake device and a valve in a gas pipe. The gas valve only opens when the water pressure pushes against the diaphragm with sufficient force. The principle is simple: no water - no gas is supplied to the burner, turn on the water - the burner turns on.
The column may not work for many reasons. Now we will tell you about the most common ones.
There may be several reasons why the gas column does not light up. First of all, make sure the pilot is on. If the igniter does not work, call the gasman from the public service, he will replace or clean the igniter jet.
In columns with electronic ignition, if ignition has not occurred, the gas supply is cut off by a valve, which the user is informed about by the corresponding indicator. Study the instructions (which you should have studied before turning on the column for the first time), perhaps the problem can be solved with your own hands by simply replacing the battery. Otherwise, contact the manufacturer.
Another reason that the gas column does not ignite may be the lack of draft in the ventilation shaft. You can check the draft by holding a sheet of paper or a lighted match to the ventilation grill. If there is no draft, you can eliminate the blockage of the ventilation well with your own hands, or by contacting the utilities.
Warm water will not give a lighted column
Another reason for burner failure is deterioration of the water diaphragm. The membrane deforms over time from constant loads, the burner switching device loses sensitivity when water is supplied and does not work.Unfortunately, nothing can be done about this, even in the columns of serious Western manufacturers, the membranes have to be changed every 5-7 years.
Try to open the water tap to the maximum, if the column is turned on at maximum pressure, then it is the membrane that will have to be replaced. It is also necessary to check the filter that is equipped with the water intake of the column. Insufficient water pressure to open the gas valve may be due to a clogged filter. The water filter does not belong to gas equipment, and you can replace it yourself.