In detail: do-it-yourself car repair mat from a real master for the site
For a pleasant trip in the car, it is important to keep it clean. It is much more convenient to clean the interior when there are carpets under the feet of the driver and passenger. In this article, we will analyze how to make do-it-yourself car mats.
Ask why to make a rug with your own hands, when you can easily purchase rugs for a car of any brand, if not in the auto market, then you can order it in the online store.
The answer is simple, cost savings (for example, the cheapest ones cost about $ 20, when high-quality do-it-yourself carpet rugs will cost less than $ 10), and the fact that you will warm your soul with your own hands.
Here is a good example for you, when do-it-yourself rugs are stacked on top of rubber ones.
Remove the mold on the sides of the bottom of the rubber mats. As a material for future carpets, a carpet with a rubberized bottom was used, the cost is 3 USD / rm. We transfer the pattern to the material and cut it out from it. To make homemade rugs easy to change, we sew in leather corners. strap substitute. And now the hand-made car mats are ready!
Now it has become more convenient to shake out the garbage from the carpets, both in winter and in summer.
It would be inappropriate to use them without rubber carpets, since all the moisture will pass through them onto the factory carpet. By the way, heated rugs can be used to protect against water.
Everyone is pleased when everything is clean and tidy in the car. And in order for the car to always be like this, you need daily care. Cleaning is more convenient when there are rugs under your feet. There are a lot of such rugs in the car market, but if you want to save money, then it's better to do it yourself.
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Many people prefer fabric car mats instead of rubber ones, and I am one of them. I dug in the garage for a long time and finally found a rubber-based carpet, this material is quite cheap and is sold in rolls.
Rubberized carpet is used in almost all rooms, it consists of 4 layers:
1) primary lining - synthetic durable fibers
2) secondary lining - jute, artificial jute, foamed modified polymerized latex (or letax and rubber)
3) anchoring layer.
4) pile layer (textile).
To begin with, we take our old rubber mat, transfer it to the carpet, measure it.
Next, cut out to the size of the old rug. This is how we make all our car mats.
Then it was necessary to do the trimming to give the factory look. To do this, I went to the car market and there the master made the carpet stitching with a special machine.
Everything turned out beautifully. Instead of such a stitching, you can sew some kind of tape along the edges, it will also look good.
And now our rugs are ready. It's time to put them in the car. And I also sewed another small carpet on the driver's seat.
Such rubberized carpet will serve you for a very long time, and moisture does not pass through them. By the way, it became much more convenient to clean such a rug. That's all, good luck!
Almost every car is equipped with floor mats. This element is an important and useful attribute that needs careful maintenance. If you find defects on the carpet covering, you can fix them in the car with your own hands. Drivers will need to prepare a patch, means for fixing it. The procedure is not difficult.
You can do the repair of car rugs in the garage with your own hands in a few hours (even if you have no experience in such procedures).
Salon carpets perform a number of important functions:
- protection of the original upholstery from snow, dirt, water, salt deposits;
- creating additional convenience for the driver;
- addition to the factory interior.
If holes appear in the product, water can easily accumulate on the floor. In the long term, this will lead to the appearance of unpleasant odors, dampness and metal corrosion. Removing rust is problematic and expensive. For blind holes, dirt will clog in the material, destroying the inside of the carpet. In order not to face these problems, we recommend restoring the integrity of the carpet using available methods.
You can buy a new carpet or special metal overlays. Moreover, their cost is disproportionately high compared to the investments required for repairs.
The classic way - seal the hole or cut with a patch. You can use different products depending on the size of the cut:
- Standard patches for wheel air chambers. Purchased at any automotive store or market. Cycling and car use is allowed.
- You can use the material of another unnecessary rug as the source of the patch.
- Cut from mudguard or tire.
Wheel patches have clear dimensions, so their scope is limited. If the hole or cut is a custom size, it is recommended that you cut everything yourself. Please note that the rubber layer is not too thick compared to the carpet being repaired.
Pre-prepare acetone or solvent, sandpaper (minimum grit), specialized glue for rubber.
You can use rubber glue models U425-3, 4NB-UV, 4508. The compositions do not have pungent odors, retain their properties in the range from –40 to +60 degrees Celsius, do not lend themselves to the destructive effects of chemically active compounds. The latter characteristic will be relevant in winter, when the roads are actively sprinkled with chemicals.
Having picked up the material, you can start repairing rubber carpets:
- Take out the carpet and wash it with high quality under running water (you can do it yourself or with various brushes). Try to remove absolutely all dirt.
- Clean up the problem area by removing burrs and other irregularities.
- Degrease the surface. Then dry the area thoroughly with a hair dryer. The presence of moisture will significantly increase the “setting” time of the adhesive.
- Apply glue around the edges and attach a patch. Wait until it is completely dry. It is allowed to put a heavy object on top so that the patch is fixed efficiently.
- Repeat the previous steps for the second side if the hole was a through hole.
If the patch sticks out too much on the rugs, and you feel discomfort, be sure to solve this problem, otherwise it will be very infuriating in the future.
The relief can be removed with a grinder or grinder.
Repair of pile (and fabric) products is carried out in a similar manner, but with the exception of the use of glue. Experts and advanced drivers recommend using a sewing machine to overlay a special pattern. This is a more reliable and aesthetic way.
After completing the entire procedure, be sure to take a test drive. In dry weather, pour a small amount of water into the carpets. If, after driving for a day, the product retained liquid, then the repair was performed professionally. In case of leaks, it is necessary to remove the patch, and then do the procedure again. It is better to detect defects immediately than during heavy rains and snowfalls.
Now you know how to repair rubber and fabric rugs for any model and brand of car with your own hands. Investments are minimal: buying glue and patches, and if the rugs are fabric, then plus a patch. Most car enthusiasts usually have all the materials in their garage.
Hello everyone.
There is a need for a so-called 3D rug. You don't need to buy a super beautiful one. I would like to make myself out of some raw rubber.
The question is how to do this without a matrix and other buzzwords.
Imagine such a situation if you take the material and, as it were, put it in the car in place of the rug and shape it with the help of an industrial hair dryer. Naturally, the material should not be fluid, since you need to make high sides.
have any ideas, who have links? I searched on an Internet, but did not find an unambiguous information.
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The topic is super-topical.
When my own driver's mat was erased, I bought a set for my car of our production. Polyurethane. Crap is complete, six months later the driver's under the heel of his right foot was rubbed to a hole.
In the tire service, for sure, they did not take it. They gave me a piece of rubber, they said - glue it myself.
It didn’t come to sticking. Found on exist one driver's mat, which is very rare.
Although it was argued that the rug for my car turned out to be very similar to the universal one. I cut it off in the place where the protrusion for the rest of the left leg - and I have been driving for six months already. The material is very similar to rubber, as long as there are no traces of rubbing.
What I was going to use: Moment instant glue is waterproof. Moment has good memories from the days of kayaking trips along the Karelian rapids, then they glued the holes with the usual water-resistant moment - and held on to the end of the trip without problems.
Hello everyone! My name is Mikhail, now I'll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange a dvenashka for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I was wildly annoyed by the breakdowns of the two, like nothing serious broke down, but the little things, damn it, so many things that really started to enrage. Here the idea was born that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the tayet Camry of the tenths.
Ask why you need to make carpets yourself, when today you can easily buy carpets for any car brand, if not in the car market, then order them in online stores.
The answer is simple, cost savings (store-bought ones cost about 1200 rubles, when carpet rugs made by yourself will cost no more than 100 rubles), and what is done with your own hands will always warm the soul more than a store product. Here is an example where self-made rugs are laid on top of rubber.
We remove the mold along the edges of the bottom of the rubber mats. The rubberized bottom carpet was chosen as the material for the new carpets, the price is 80r / rm. We transfer the pattern to the material and cut it out. To make homemade rugs easy to lift, we sew special straps from leather substitute at the corners. Handmade car mats ready !
It would not be wise to use them without rubber carpets, because all moisture passes through them and the factory carpet. By the way, it is convenient to use heated rugs to protect against moisture.
Are the rugs clean? Then do not forget about the rest of the car interior care.
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In order to get rid of constant fines from cameras, many of our readers successfully use Special Nano Film for numbers. Legal and 100% reliable way to protect yourself from fines. Having familiarized ourselves and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you as well.
DIY car mats
Everyone is pleased when everything is clean and tidy in the car. And in order for the car to always be like this, you need daily care. Cleaning is more convenient when there are rugs under your feet. There are a lot of such rugs in the car market, but if you want to save money, then it's better to do it yourself.

Many people prefer fabric car mats instead of rubber ones, and I am one of them. I dug in the garage for a long time and finally found a rubber-based carpet. this material is quite cheap and is sold in rolls.

Rubberized carpet is used in almost all rooms, it consists of 4 layers:
1) primary lining - synthetic durable fibers
2) secondary lining - jute, artificial jute, foamed modified polymerized latex (or letax and rubber)
3) anchoring layer.
4) pile layer (textile).
To begin with, we take our old rubber mat, transfer it to the carpet, measure it.

Next, cut out to the size of the old rug. This is how we make all our car mats.

Then it was necessary to do the trimming to give the factory look. To do this, I went to the car market and there the master made the carpet stitching with a special machine.

Everything turned out beautifully. Instead of such a stitching, you can sew some kind of tape along the edges, it will also look good.

And now our rugs are ready. It's time to put them in the car. And I also sewed another small carpet on the driver's seat.

Such rubberized carpet will serve you for a very long time, and moisture does not pass through them. By the way, it became much more convenient to clean such a rug. That's all, good luck!
Car covers and rugs - items of the car interior that make it more cozy and comfortable, protecting it from all kinds of external factors such as: dirt, dust, lilac, and so on. It is difficult to disagree that car rugs and covers are very useful and practical things. However, in order for these assistants to be able to fully fulfill the duties assigned to them, the procedure for their selection should be correctly approached. In my article today, I will tell you how to do it right.
Car covers serve to protect the car seat upholstery from the above factors, while creating a comfortable environment for the occupants. The covers are quite practical and easy to use, they have a reliable fastening, in addition, to clean them, you just need to remove and throw them into the washer. As a material for the manufacture of covers, a variety of materials are used, such as: leather, fabric, fur, etc.
The most popular and widespread, of course, are the fabric options for covers. Everything is explained by the reasonable price and ease of cleaning. However, they are most suitable for the summer period.
The second option is fur covers. These are able to create not only coziness, but also provide warmth to their owner, therefore, fur covers are usually installed mainly in the autumn-winter period. The disadvantage of these covers is their care.
The third type is leather cases.Thanks to leather covers, you can give the interior of the car a special look, give it gloss and luxury, and a rich look, in addition, such an interior is very practical, in order to clean it it is enough to arm yourself with a damp cloth or rag. If necessary, the leather interior of the car can be tinted or completely restored, but this will already cost a little more. By the way, it should be noted that not only leather is popular, but also expensive alternative leather substitutes.

When choosing covers, you should pay due attention to the material as well as the color. Of course, everyone chooses for himself, as they say: "The taste and color ...", however, you should take into account the fact that you will not be in the salon for five or ten minutes, so think carefully before choosing a bright red or some Anything glamorous pink color covers. The color should not be very bright, it should not be distracting or annoying in any way. Long stays in the red salon can create discomfort or worsen your well-being. Refuse also from excessively light colors, whatever the car may be - this is the road, dust, sometimes moisture, dirt, and so on. The possibility of breakdown or the need to go out of town, for example, for nature, fishing or picking mushrooms, cannot be ruled out.
Further, as for car rugs ...

Despite the obvious underestimation of these seemingly unimportant elements of the car interior, their benefits are more than real. Thanks to car rugs motorists manage to avoid moisture ingress on the upholstery and the interior of the body, thereby preventing the possibility of corrosion.
Today, rubber models are very popular. car mats... Their advantage is that they are more durable and practical, as they do not absorb moisture and are easy to clean. In addition, thanks to the sides, all moisture and dirt remains where it should be. When the snow melts, it remains on the mat, if necessary, it can be easily thrown out without spilling a drop into the interior. When choosing rubber mats, pay attention to the design of the product, for too small and complex, it will be much more difficult for you to care for.

Analogs rubber mats - rag fleecy rugs. Undoubtedly, such rugs have a more aesthetic appearance, in addition, they cope with moisture quite well, albeit in their own way. Unlike rubber, nap and velor absorb moisture, but this is their main drawback. Moisture in the car is unacceptable and everyone knows this, because of wet carpets, the windows of the car fog up, in addition, over time, the car starts to smell bad due to dampness and all the ensuing consequences, such as mold, fungus, rotting products, and so on. In addition, the service life of velor or pile rugs is very short.

I would recommend choosing combined options that consist of rubber, while having a pile on their surface. This combination allows them to handle moisture perfectly and provide a more aesthetic appearance to the car interior. And besides, the service life of such is much higher than that of ordinary rag counterparts. Cleaning of such rugs also does not differ in any increased complexity, it is enough to vacuum everything properly, or simply knock it out with the help of a special "beater".
That seems to be sorted out. I hope you understand everything, if you missed something, please add it. Good luck with your choice of rugs and car covers.
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Mercedes-Benz O560 Intouro
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The topic is super-topical.
When my own driver's mat was erased, I bought a set for my car of our production. Polyurethane. Crap is complete, six months later the driver's under the heel of his right foot was rubbed to a hole.
In the tire service, for sure, they did not take it. They gave me a piece of rubber, they said - glue it myself.
It didn’t come to sticking. Found on exist one driver's mat, which is very rare.
Although it was argued that the rug for my car turned out to be very similar to the universal one. I cut it off in the place where the protrusion for the rest of the left leg - and I have been driving for six months already. The material is very similar to rubber, as long as there are no traces of rubbing.
What I was going to use: Moment instant glue is waterproof. Moment has good memories from the days of kayaking trips along the Karelian rapids, then they glued the holes with the usual water-resistant moment - and held on to the end of the trip without problems.
This article will help you repair car mats, everything is done by hand, simple and original.
My car rugs were worn out, I had to take measures to restore.

They looked very substandard. On sale in shops near the garage I did not find such. And I didn't look for it on purpose. I decided to put the old ones in order for the most modest money. In the end, it all cost 50 rubles per brush. All other materials and tools were in the garage.
First, I soaked it for a long time and wiped off the rubber (base) from ten-year wear and glue residues. The hard-bristled brush couldn't do it either.

Found in the garage the remains of a black carpet with fine pile. And took measurements from old carpets

Degreased rubber 646 with solvent. There was 88 Lux glue in the garage, I used it to stretch the ceiling on a VAZ 21099. I also began to glue it with it.

Went through with a roller. The carpet stretches perfectly, so if you have screwed it up with cutting, then you can pull it to the edge without gaps.

In the end, everything turned out on a budget. But there is one drawback - the glue dries for at least a day.
Pros: Rugs were made at the end of May. Until now, the condition is excellent, there are no detachments, they were washed several times with a kercher. The carpet did not come off and did not roll.
Author; Vladimir Rudnevsky Kaluga
There is an original rubber mat with a 1 cm * 1 cm hole in the center where the right leg is.
on the glue moment, on super glue, after a couple of weeks of exploitation the patch falls off.
I wanted to vulcanize it, but they refuse to hire it.
What can you advise?
And what is so good about this rug that you can't just throw it away and buy a new one (for example, a non-original of a suitable size and shape)?
Ways (and means) for applying patches to rubber products (hussars - keep quiet!

there are no original such sizes! specifically for the driver's seat
Well, then - look for "in garages" handy motorists, who have preserved kits for vulcanization since ancient times (now they can hardly be found on sale). In fact, these are: raw rubber patches (of different sizes), a grater for stripping, a composition for degreasing, a clamp with heating elements of low power.
Simple gluing, as you yourself know, does not solve the problem - the driver's heel constantly presses on this place, and also “crawls”.
For the dry season, there is the simplest solution - throw another one under the original mat from below, let the sand from the driver's heel pour into it; but in winter it will be already inconvenient ..
My brother professionally repaired shoes. saw him glue Moment.
-What's holding?

-Also, you just need to carefully read the instructions.
I suggest:
Clay Moment original (often comes across a leftist) Observing the instructions is problematic to tear off. re-pasted a lot of things ..
Professional “cold cure” patches: Rosswick, for example.
If the instructions are followed, it cannot be torn off.
Raw rubber is now sold in rolls, often left-over, rather it is not intended specifically for hot vulcanization. As the stock of Soviet rubber ran out, I abandoned this business and switched to cold vulcanization.
2 Kostya1 Are you sure the mat is rubber? There are a lot of rubber-like plastics now .. and rubber glue does not glue them ..
gabik wrote:
Professional “cold cure” patches: Rosswick, for example.
If the instructions are followed, it cannot be torn off.
Thank you, that is, can you use it at home?
Gleden wrote:
Are you sure the mat is rubber? There are a lot of rubber-like plastics now .. and rubber glue does not glue them ..
Of course, I'm not sure, it's impossible to determine with an inexperienced eye.
Kostya1 wrote:
there are no original such sizes! specifically for the driver's seat
It’s you who got excited. Rugs are sold with already cast bumpers, which can be simply cut out at will. Just go to a good car dealership and talk to the seller, it is advisable to have yours in your hands. I am sure that you will find a new, beautiful one, even better than the original one.
And darn rubber with barbed wire. And the Moment glue is NOT waterproof.
gabik wrote:
Raw rubber is now sold in rolls, often lavish, rather not specifically intended for hot vulcanization.
Sprinkle with sulfur powder from the pharmacy, and iron over the foil. Everything is perfectly vulcanized. But whether the rug is made of rubber is a question.
Burrdozel. special cement for hot vulcanization. Instead of an iron, a factory vulcanizer.
It will not be possible to repair anything that is substandard or not intended for “vulcanization” of cameras, raw rubber. This is a fact.
I understand that every craft is overgrown with legends and "special materials"
("Imported Japanese pad for three rubles" (C) Afonya)
But raw rubber is vulcanized at temperatures of 150-180 degrees and in the presence of sulfur. School chemistry, grade 9.
How to heat and where to get sulfur - as a "special cement" expensive or in a pharmacy or a garden store for cheap, vulcanize with a "special factory vulcanizer" or an iron, or a bowl of gasoline (and so they did) - the result is usually the same.
Pontov in my case is less, that's for sure. And, accordingly, deception.
gabik wrote:
Substandard or not intended for "vulcanization" chambers, raw rubber, it will not work to repair anything
If the rubber is rubber and it is raw, then all of the above secret information works. It still has to dissolve freely in gasoline, forming a wonderful rubber glue.
Condition of rugs after a year:.
I decided to shake things up and pasted over the torn carpets for my VAZ 2115. They will still serve, I don’t want to buy.
A master class in pictures for those who want, but do not know how to repair the rug with their own hands. Many.
In this video we will tell you why you need a thrust bearing and their types. Composition "EDM Detection Mode" belongs to.
How to clean the rugs to a shine, and whether it is worth protecting the thresholds from dust and dirt.
In this video, I share with you - users, how I repaired my carpets in a 2014 kia rio car.
The American technologies offered will not only help you get started in a highly demanded and absolute fashion.
DIY car mats resuscitation.
The driver's mat is cleaned. I resolved this issue by going to a local shoemaker or shoemaker. How do you hurt.
Instructions for installing the clip for attaching the Agatek mat, if there is no standard fastening. AGATEK.RF.
You can buy Plasti Dip here: This video tutorial shows the process of auto logo dip.
Do-it-yourself summer carpets in the car interior. About advertising or collaboration (link placement).
Car mats - trays of Russian production: Import substitution.
Today I will tell and show you a method that will help to clean the dust from fabric car carpets. For.
Repair of a self-inflating rug.
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Real review of Eva Drive car mats after a year of operation. Like, subscribe.
A good driver approaches the choice of car mats with special scrupulousness. Timely protected interior from dirt and moisture, which is difficult to leave behind a vehicle in the autumn-winter period, means cleanliness and comfort in the car for a long time. Isn't that what all car owners dream about? There is no way to buy high-quality and reliable - we will make car mats ourselves. It is not at all difficult, and they will not be worse than the store ones, and in some cases they will last longer than the factory ones.
A self-made car accessory is the pride of the owner of the car. Who knows, maybe this first experience will serve as a good impetus for organizing your own mini-factory for the production of car mats.
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