DIY windshield crack repair kit

In detail: DIY kit for repairing cracks in the windshield from a real master for the site

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We provide AGC Windshield Extended Warranty with the right to free chip repairs or glass replacement for only the cost of installation.

"AutoTriplex" is the official dealer of JSC "AGC Bor Glass Factory"

  • Dispensing syringe for polymer supply - 1 pc.
  • Polymer for repairing chips and cracks in glass - 2 ml
  • Suction cup mini-injector - 1 pc.
  • Protective thermoplate for polymer drying - 5 pcs.
  • Adhesive disc - 2 pcs.
  • Scraper blade - 1 pc.
  • Instructions for use

Prices for repairing chips and cracks in our centers are here.

The principle of windshield repair using this DIY kit is as follows:
The polymer is injected into the damaged area of ​​the windshield, fills it and hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Visits to the workshop for any car owner knock out of the usual rhythm of life and hit the budget. Waste of money and time is not justified, and a small crack or chip on the windshield creates discomfort and inconvenience on trains. We advise you not to delay solving the problem until your paycheck or vacation, since you can now repair chips and cracks on the windshield with your own hands and restore chips up to 30 mm by yourself using the Glass Profi set.

The windshield is damaged while driving if a stone falls, a bird or insect crashes, as well as in case of minor accidents. By the way, vandals or hooligans on the roads (parking lot) can damage the “lobovukha”. It is difficult to prove such cases to the insurance company to compensate for the damage, so repairs have to be done on their own (if there is no DVR recording).

Video (click to play).

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • It is difficult to pass the inspection;
  • Decreases visibility;
  • The likelihood of an accident is increasing;
  • Further destruction of the product is possible;
  • Ingress of moisture and dust during through deformations;
  • The appearance of the "swallow" becomes not presentable.

In addition, glass can also burst from a sharp temperature drop in spring or autumn. Each of these situations forces you to turn to repair services for services. But why overpay if the American-designed Glass Profi windshield repair kit quickly solves such problems.

The structure of a polymeric substance has a density criterion that is measured in CPS (centipoise), or mPas (millipascal per second). This indicator is the main property of the material. The coefficient of fluidity also depends on its value, as well as the permeability of air in the form of bubbles before polymerization. Polymer compositions for the repair of car windshields are divided into groups.
Each type of polymer is used for a specific type of damage:

  1. For chips (thin beams) a density of 10-50 cps is recommended.
  2. Cracks:
    1-2 cm: 100 cps;
    2-5 cm: 200 cps.
  3. Combined defects:
    up to 1 cm: 30-60 cps;
    from 1 cm: 60-65 cps.
  4. Surface treatment for hardening: 300 cps.

Some garages also use the GlassProfi kit due to its ease of use and quick drying.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

To repair glass in a more technologically advanced way, for example, with a composite industrial glue, you will need to remove the "lobe", then apply a polymer composition under pressure using an injection device, then wait for crystallization under ultraviolet rays. Such repairs will cost the car owner 5000-7000 rubles (depending on the size of the damage).

For several years, the developers have improved old technologies and worked on the tool, conducted tests in laboratory conditions. Finally, in 2017, an updated composite component was released that is available to everyone.

Glass Profi Repair Kit includes the necessary accessories, for the repair of cracks, as well as chips of the windshield of the car. You can eliminate defects yourself and quickly, without visiting a car service. The super-effect is provided by a specially developed polymer. It has the properties of shrinking, enveloping, maintaining transparency, as well as the conductivity of light, which allows you to get rid of cracks, chips, scratches on the glass of a car in a garage.

Using the Glass Profi windshield repair kit, you can not only get rid of unwanted problems, but also thoroughly protect the surface from damage in the future. This effect is provided by the barrier film, which is formed under the influence of the polymer.

  1. Wide availability for purchase / order;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Speed, efficiency;
  4. Favorable price, in comparison with the complete replacement of "lobovuha" or car service;
  5. 1 set for 4-5 uses;
  6. Frost resistant (viscosity 150 cps);
  7. By its composition, it does not harm human health;
  8. Additional accessories are not required;
  9. It is guaranteed to eliminate damage and defects due to the universal formula (composition), which is suitable for any glass coverings, regardless of the car brand;
  10. Versatility compared to adhesives. Glass Profi is suitable for any defects up to 30-40 mm
  11. Thanks to these features, reviews of GlassProfi glue are only positive.

Necessarily included in the purchased set of glass profi instructions, as well as all the elements necessary for the repair of cracks and chips on the windshield.

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This includes:
1. Special adhesive disc. The item is presented in the form of a small round sticker. It must be secured to the damaged area.
2. Holder with suction cup. This element looks like a stand (pedestal), it is the most important part of the set. The suction cup serves as a kind of bumper to fix the syringe with the injected substance in the right place.
3. A syringe that allows you to gradually apply the polymer to the cracks.
4. The polymer itself has a constricting property and a filling effect.
5. A small blade is used to remove the adhesive disc from the glass surface.

Remember: once you spot cracks, don't postpone repairs. You can also repair cracks in the windshield with your own hands by watching the video instructions at the end of the article. This technological process does not require special knowledge and skills.

When starting to repair a crack in a windshield with your own hands, first of all, you need to glue the areas around the cracks with tape. Before the repair begins, wipe the surface with a rag, and also degrease with acetone.

  1. Remove the adhesive disc from the set, securely fix it on the damaged area. Eliminate air bubbles thoroughly. Attach the pedestal to the adhesive disc.
  2. Using the pedestal, introduce the existing polymer into a special suction cup.
  3. Now we take the existing syringe from the kit, insert it into the pedestal and carefully apply the polymer to the crack through the dispenser by lowering the piston. This is an important process, so you shouldn't rush here.
  4. Carefully remove the adhesive disc from the surface using the supplied blade.
  5. Thanks to the unique polymer formula, the crack disappears in minutes. You do not have to wait long for the substance to solidify.
  6. Check the result of work by keeping it 3-4 hours in a dry place. Next, wipe the treated area with acetone, the excess is removed by polishing with a special paste.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

When faced with the problem of cracks, everyone tries to find a quick and easy way to fix it.
A very common method is to use silicone or UV glue. Here it is recommended to simply apply glue to the damaged area. For the glue to hold better, it is recommended to complete the process by applying a small layer of colorless varnish.

The disadvantage of this method is that the crack remains noticeable, since it is simply filled with glue. If you don't apply the product carefully, you run the risk of getting a couple of extra drips with stains on the glass. Another drawback is that this product dries on the surface from 16 to 24 hours, and you will also need to select a brand in terms of density (viscosity).

Another way to fix it is to mix turpentine with acetone in a 3: 1 ratio in a glass container. Pour finely crushed foam into this solution, which should completely dissolve after a chemical reaction. The resulting mass must be very quickly applied to the crack with a syringe or brush.

As you can see, in order to repair glass using this method, it is necessary to carry out a whole technological chain of operations. In addition, it is quite difficult to apply such a solution - it spreads, hardens quickly, so the result of the work will not look neat outwardly.

At first glance, the simplest remedy of the above is to cover the defect with transparent nail polish, but this is suitable for eliminating small defects of 3-7 mm in size.

Good afternoon.
Any motorist will sooner or later face a broken windshield. As a motorist, I have repeatedly turned to windshield repair shops, but these masters are not everywhere. As you know, a chip can turn into a crack. And of course the price, repairing one chip costs about 300 rubles, and the kit cost 360 rubles.

- a device for pumping glue under pressure;
- 5 sheets of film
- glue (2 ml.);
- blade;
- instruction.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

The process of repairing a chip (I repaired a chip for the first time, I will say the second one turned out much better):
Before the repair, the chip looked like this:
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

- We fix the device on the suction cups after moistening the suction cups with water;
- We combine the hole of the device with the place of the chip;
Pour in a couple of drops of glue:
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
- then, using the syringe included in the kit, we create pressure under which the glue seeps into the cracks;
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
- after the chip is filled with glue, remove the device and glue the included film;
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
- we wait 20-30 minutes, for a faster solidification, you can put the car in the sun.
- then we take the blade and clean off the remnants of the glue along with the film;
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

The set met its expectations. This kit will save not only money, but also time. I definitely advise you to buy. Every motorist should have such a set.

If you have any questions, please, I will try to answer them.
Thank you all for your attention!
If you liked the review, do not forget to click "I liked the review"!) Good to everyone!

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
  • Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Free delivery from 2700 ₽ or at the exchange rate to the ruble

Various damages on the windshield of a car, be it scratches, chips or even worse - cracks, cause a lot of trouble for the driver. We are sure that any car owner will agree with this. After all, such damage not only impairs the visual view of the road when driving, but also spoils the appearance of the car. In addition, driving a car with damaged glass is likely to get scolded by the traffic police inspectors. Therefore, the windshield should be repaired as soon as possible.

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Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

There are three ways to fix the problem. :

  1. Replace the windshield;
  2. Contact a car service where you will be repaired. But such repairs are pretty expensive;
  3. Repair the windshield of the car yourself, i.e. do it yourself.

Of course, the first 2 options are the easiest, but they entail tangible financial costs. We suggest you choose the third, best and cheapest way to eliminate damage to auto glass. For this you need a special Windshield Chips and Cracks Repair Kit ... The kit includes all the tools you need for this.Such a glass repair kit will allow you to repair damage in the shortest possible time.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

How does the crack and chip repair kit work? ?

The principle is pretty simple. It consists in the following: polymer glue is poured under pressure and fills in a crack or chip. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation or the rays of the sun, the polymer hardens, and the remains are removed with a safe blade, which is included in the kit.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Instructions for using a kit for repairing chips and cracks on glass :

  • Clean the damaged area from dirt and dust;
  • Release the seal from the protective film and stick to the damaged area;
  • Install a stand on the seal;
  • Introduce a little glue from the tube;
  • Insert the syringe-injector into the stand and create pressure by pressing slowly on the handle. This is necessary in order for the glue to completely fill all deep sections of a crack or chip (it is advisable to warm up the glass a little before that);
  • Disconnect the syringe, stand and seal from the glass;
  • Put the thermoplate in place of the damage;
  • Wait 2-4 hours for the polymer to harden from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. You can use a UV lamp, but here the drying time is reduced from 7-25 minutes (depending on the lamp power);
  • After the polymer has hardened, remove the plate and carefully cut off the excess with a safe scraper;
  • To eliminate cracks, the use of a stand is not necessary, but you need to slowly warm up each centimeter to be treated and immediately fill it with polymer glue from a tube. Drying is carried out in the above way.

Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Equipment (PC.) :

  • Adhesive seal x 2;
  • Stand x 1;
  • Polymer glue - 1;
  • Syringe injector - 1;
  • Scraper blade - 1;
  • Thermoplate - 5;
  • Operating instructions - 1.

Buy a set for repairing a windshield (chips, cracks) with your own hands at a low price in the online store>

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Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

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Free shipping is valid for orders over 2,700 rubles or also at the exchange rate against the ruble in the selected currency.

Estimated delivery time: from 10 to 30 working days (depends on the work of the postal service)

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Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

Good day to all.

The journey ended successfully and the package was received at the local post office. The kit came in an ordinary plastic bag, so that nothing was damaged during transportation, the seller wrapped it in a little bubble. So, the chip repair kit itself comes in a rather nice original packaging, which is a plastic blister covered with a beautiful green film 🙂 (until you rip it off, you cannot open the blister).
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

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The reverse side of the package contains brief information about what is inside and what it is for.
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
Tearing off the green sticker, you can get to the contents of the blister. Inside it is a detailed instruction with pictures (a very useful thing) :), a tube of glue, a cunning syringe, a blade, a pedestal, 2 base stickers and 5 films.
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
The instruction looks like this:
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
As you can see, there are 12 steps to success ahead on c, which are described in detail in English and schematically shown in the pictures.

The tube is designated as glass repair resin. Its contents are transparent, liquid. Very similar to super glue from tubes.
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit

On the back of it, there are precautions:
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
The blade is with an emphasis, it is very good for them to cut off the remnants of the glue, so that the blade, after carrying out repair work, will not go to the trash can, but to the shelf.
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
Now about the syringe. It differs from the usual 3 minor modifications. Firstly, its nose is hidden in an external threaded plastic ring, so when you put it on a pedestal, it sits securely. Secondly, there are 2 cut-out stops on its piston, which will be needed during repairs. And thirdly, it has a metal bracket-stop.
Image - DIY windshield crack repair kit
It seems that there is nothing more interesting in the set. Well, it's time to move on to direct action. We open the instructions, read, do.

In conclusion, I want to say that I was very pleased with both the quality of this kit and the result obtained. He carefully folded all the leftovers into a blister and hid it in the trunk for a rainy day, you never know what. And so all the glass repair work can be carried out even in the field, even in the forest 🙂 I ordered a couple of such kits for friends, it’s better to let it be, but not useful than it will not be at hand at the right time.

On this, in principle, everything. Thank you for your attention and your time.

Not everyone knows that when chips and cracks appear on the windshield, it is not necessary to go to the service. The problem can be solved quite cheaply and quickly, which is most interesting - on your own. It is better not to delay with this, because road visibility worsens, especially when driving in the dark, glare on the glass, it is possible to run into problems from the traffic police.

There are three options for solving the problem of chipping on the windshield:

  1. Glass replacement
  2. Repair of chips and cracks in a car service
  3. DIY windshield repair

Option number one is the simplest, at the same time the most expensive and not practical, because the cleavage can be very small (excluding the option of expanding the cleavage, or cracks)

The second option assumes that you have a long time without a car and significant material costs. The third option is the most optimal, practical, and less expensive.Does not require special skills, but requires a repair kit, a set for repairing windshields. You spend only a few minutes on glass repair.

What is a DIY windshield repair kit?

  • spring clip, dosing syringe - 1 pc.
  • special polymer for glass repair - 2 ml
  • repair film - 5 pcs.
  • blades - 1 pc.
  • syringe holders - 1 pc.
  • seals - 2 pcs.
  • instructions.

The ambient temperature is important and should not be less than 10 degrees Celsius and not higher than 24 degrees. It is necessary to protect the bonnet from getting the adhesive base on it, because it is almost impossible to withdraw it.

Before applying the polymer for repairing the windshield, it is necessary to degrease the surface of the chips or cracks with an alcohol solution.

Leave the glue for at least 1.5 hours, after which it can be removed with a foil blade.

Nowadays, there are various proposals on the market to protect glass from damage. One of the most popular options is a protective film sticker on the glass, which protects an expensive part from damage, and many car owners prefer not to wait for the next stone in the glass with subsequent repair or replacement of this glass.

But what about the situation if the windshield of the car was nevertheless damaged, and small cracks and chips have already appeared on it? Go to a car service for an expensive repair or try to fix this problem yourself?

If you decide to repair cracks on the windshield with your own hands, we will tell you what materials and tools you need and how to do it according to all the rules.

To begin with, we will determine what minor damage can be easily and simply repaired on our own, without replacing the windshield.

  • Glass chips in any part of it. Chips should be repaired immediately before they develop into deep cracks, otherwise you cannot avoid glass replacement.
  • Simple cracks. They often appear as a result of a sharp and constant temperature drop due to improper heating of the car, non-observance of the temperature inside and outside the passenger compartment.
  • Branched cracks. Unlike simple cracks, branched cracks are difficult to remove. Untimely elimination of a simple crack can lead not only to the appearance of deep branched cracks, but also to the forced replacement of the windshield.
  • Chipped. The reason for their appearance is a gross mechanical effect.
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So, in order to independently repair cracks on the glass, you need to prepare the following set:

  • Photopolymer glue. This glue is intended for the repair of automotive and other glass. The glue has a sufficiently high coefficient of transparency and reflection of sunlight, therefore, after application, it remains completely invisible on the glass. Photopolymer hardening occurs due to exposure to directional ultraviolet radiation. The hardening time is 15 minutes (when using a UV lamp) and 45 minutes (when naturally drying).
  • Glue injector. With the help of an injector, the polymer is applied to a crack or chip on the glass. Injectors can be either plastic (disposable) or metal (reusable). We recommend purchasing a reusable injector.
  • Electric drill. It allows you to remove excess stress from the glass by drilling the edges of the crack to prevent its possible enlargement. For cracking, thin diamond drills are used.
  • UV lamp for drying glue.
  • Scriber. Used to gently clean the edges of the crack, as well as the working area around it.
  • Applicators. Allows you to attach the injector to the windshield.
  • Liquid and wipes to remove excess dirt and moisture.
  • Pump for cleaning the edges of cracks from dirt and dust.

Having prepared the necessary set of materials and tools, we proceed to the repair.

Watch a video detailing the entire windshield repair process: