Opel insignia DIY repair

In detail: Opel insignia DIY repair from a real master for the site my.housecope.com.

Do not be indifferent, do not pass by!

Before the story! It was a year ago. So I decided to share. 5-6 gears began to slip. After the announced price tag at the service station from 80 to 120, take a contract tape measure. I decided to try to fix it on my own.
Since all infa is classified on our box, and our car flew in from space, surfed the Internet for a long time and stubbornly, collected information in parts, in similar boxes, somewhere by typing. In the end, everything worked out.
There was a problem with the C2 package, the clutches burned out, during heavy driving, the 5-6th gear skidded, changed all consumables, pistons, filter, C2 clutches, and the C2 drum, there was a production on it, washed the valve body. All assembled 5-6 does not slip, all gears are very smoothly shifted, but there was a rebase and a strong push from 1-2. There was no such push before the repair. Somewhere is my jamb, as I understand it with the valve body. There were suggestions that he knocked down the pressure adjustment of the valves on the valve body. (brake band) Solenoin B1 turns on only from 1-2 and from 5 to 6. I knocked down the setting of the valve that controlled the pressure of the B1 band. There was little pressure. unscrewed one turn, there are no more jolts. all switching is smooth. In total, I spent a maximum of 50 thousand, but I am meticulous and changed everything that aroused even the slightest suspicion of a defect. So, of course, the price tag would be even lower.

Where to start if you have problems with the automatic transmission. Diagnostics begins with connecting diagnostic equipment (scanner), error codes are read, from this we dance.
1. if there are errors on solenoids, temperature sensor, etc. then the problem is in the electronics. Most often they fly - TCC solenoid No. 354425, solenoids: - EPC No. 354421 (for TF81) or EPC for TF80: 354428, followed by solenoid (B1) 354428 and - (C3) 354427. But in such cases, the problems will be much more serious ...
2. if there are no errors, then it is mechanics.
Next, we look at the oil, if it is dirty, then our torque converter has sprayed on, (there is a friction lining on the hydraulic lock piston, it is erased from heavy driving), you need to cut the torque converter and change the lining. If the oil smells like burning, then there are burnt clutches in the bags, usually C2 burns, so does the drum run out.
The channels of the valve body are clogged with this dust, the solenoids can wedge, we look at the backlash of the stem, we measure the resistance of the solenoid coil, both hot and cold. The resistance of linear solenoids at + 20C should be within the range: 5.0 - 5.6 Ohm.
In my case, the culprit for the death of the entire mechanism was a piece of rubber that fell off the sealing ring and got into the valve body plate, I found it by disassembling everything completely to the screw.

Video (click to play).

As a result, after repairing the automatic transmission, I left about 20 thousand, a kick appeared and a slight slip of the 2nd gear with a delay in turning on the 3rd, also a slight jolt appeared when lowering from the 5th to the 4th. Since everyone insists that our valve bodies are very weak and are dying like flies, cleaning did not prolong life much, or maybe because I knocked down the pressure regulation, this is now only guesswork.
I began to find out how much the new valve body costs, the price tag played from 55 and even in some places up to 150.
Valve body repair 35, if you want a guarantee, then the installation should be carried out by the guys from the service station and that another +10 thousand = 45 thousand
3 months warranty. As it is not impressed.
It was decided to order a new valve body from Europe, the price of the issue with delivery is 45 thousand and a month and a half of waiting, usually it goes faster, the customs did not let it through for a long time
For the price, then that's what it comes out with, but it's new. And I'm sure of him!
If anyone needs help getting a new valve body, someone with numbers: Opel 0733026, GM 93183641, 19256634.
I installed a new valve body, made an adaptation, everything is OK!
If anyone needs help, how can I help, what I know I will tell you.
I can post pictures of the disassembled box and valve body.

No matter how reliable a modern car is, you still need to be able to maintain and repair it, this section contains articles on the repair and maintenance of the Opel Insignia car.

Opel Insignia cars are not in vain very popular among motorists. In terms of the quality of equipment, they surpassed the previous Vectra models in many ways. The manufacturer has endowed the machines with an ergonomic design and high-quality components. The latest models have undergone a powerful restyling. Compared to other brands, Insignia looks solid and elegant. Their engines deserve special attention. Consider the main technical characteristics and features of power units. According to drivers' reviews, the devices have both [...]

The service life of an automobile turbocharger is about 10 years. However, during the operation of the vehicle, it is required to carry out routine repairs of individual turbine units. Diagnostics of malfunctions includes a visual inspection of the unit, as well as a computer check to find errors in the operation of the system. Turbine insignia 2.0 The main problems in the operation of the turbine on the car Insignia: 1. An error appears on the instrument panel [...]

Opel Insignia is an excellent station wagon that is highly popular with motorists from all over the world. One of the important advantages of the Insignia Universal is the trunk, which is roomy and comfortable. This quality is noted by many owners of this Opel model, who are satisfied with the purchase. The trunk of the station wagon is one of the most spacious among the cars in its class. The volume of the compartment is 530 liters, and with [...]

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

The braking system of a car consists of a large number of units and plays a key role in safety. General The vehicle is equipped with the TRW EBC450 braking system. The electronic brake control module (EBCM) and the brake pressure modulator valve are serviced separately. The brake circuit pressure modulator valve uses 4 circuit configurations to adjust the hydraulic pressure independently for each wheel. The car can also be [...]

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

In this article, we will look at the process of replacing the oil pan on Opel Insignia cars, the nuances on various engines will be considered. Petrol engines 1.6 and 1.8 l Removing Open the hood; Raise and fix the car; Place a drip tray under the engine; Unscrew the oil drain plug; Drain the engine oil into the prepared pan; Install the drain plug from [...]

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Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

This article covers the process of replacing the oil filter on Opel Insignia vehicles. The engine is undoubtedly one of the most important units of any car, in order to ensure its uninterrupted and long-term operation, it is necessary to timely and correctly service this unit: change plugs, replace lubricating and coolants, flush fuel supply systems and other operations. Replacing the oil filter plays a role in this [...]

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Another video lesson from the UFO Tuning channel, this video explains in detail how to remove the airbag and buttons on the steering wheel of an Opel Insignia car.

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This video tutorial shows how to easily remove the door trim and power window buttons on Opel Insignia vehicles.

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

The technology for measuring oil pressure in an internal combustion engine also differs from the type of engine and its volume. Below are the instructions for checking the oil pressure in Opel Insignia vehicles. Gasoline engines 1.6 and 1.8 liters The process of measuring oil pressure in gasoline engines with a volume of 1.6 and 1.8 liters can be divided into 9 operations: Unscrew the bolt from the hole in the block head [...]

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

This section provides standard instructions for changing engine oil in Opel Insignia cars with a photo.Depending on the type of engine, the process may vary slightly, for example, removing the oil filter, and some units may be different or located in different places. Therefore, we do not recommend making an oil change with your own hands, it is better to contact specialized service centers [...]

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This article will provide detailed instructions for replacing brake pads and discs on an Opel Insignia. Car brake pad replacement technology - How to change brake pads and discs.

Soundproofing Opel Insignia. The quality of sound insulation of Opel cars of the latest generations has been very strongly tightened and in some cases is significantly ahead of the Japanese. Nevertheless, with regard to soundproofing works, our team of these machines has done a lot. Here is another Opel Insignia from the Insignia club, which signed up to us on the basis of good recommendations from fellow teammates. The standard complaints of the owners are the noise of the wheels, the rattling of the doors, the rain is loudly dripping on the roof, as if you are in a “bucket”. Our large team of craftsmen, like in a fairy tale, get to work. In order not to interfere with each other, one starts soundproofing the hood, one “on the ceiling”, the third dismantles the trunk and four more take over the door. All masters clearly know their business and, most importantly, the technology of disassembling the Opel Insignia. We take on the soundproofing of the Opel Insignia in the presence of the owner. We will need a little more than half of a working day to get to work. We recommend each owner of a car that carries out soundproofing with us, to be close to the car and the craftsmen. Agree, where else can you see this?

Insignia bonnet soundproofing produced in two layers of material. The first of which is the SGM M3 vibration isolation, which we apply to the metal of the hood and carefully roll it out. The second layer of noise-heat insulator Splen is applied to the inside of the standard thermal insulation and then pressed against the hood.

Insignia ceiling insulation. Our craftsmen have all the necessary tools and vast experience to carefully disassemble the ceiling of the Insignia so as not to leave the slightest trace behind.

We apply the first layer of vibration isolation M3 to the metal of the roof. At this stage, the metal of the roof ceases to be sonorous, which has a positive effect when driving on a bad, so-called “rough” road.

For sound insulation we use acoustic Felt, which is one of the best modern sound absorbers.

Insignia door sound insulation begins with a neat disassembly of the doors. The outer and inner metal of the door is degreased and dried before starting work.

We process the outer metal sheet of the door with vibration isolation M3 and carefully roll the material. In the arsenal of our masters there is all the necessary tools in order to roll the material in hard-to-reach places.

Then we use a foil-coated Splen sound absorber, which protects the material from the aggression of the external environment. After all, everyone knows that moisture is often present inside the door after washing and rains. A distinctive feature of this material is that it does not contain glue (glue decomposes from moisture), and the glue function is performed by the thinnest layer of vibration-insulating mastic applied to the material at the factory.

We turn to the door frame, which also needs mandatory vibration isolation. We do this with M2 material from SGM.

Completing the work with the doors is a layer of modern sound absorber Bibiton, which prevents the penetration of residual sound waves into the interior.

Soundproofing floor, trunk and wheel arches Insignia. At the time when the work on the hood, roof and doors was completed, it had already been about 2.5 hours and our team started the main part of the work. We take out the carpet from the passenger compartment and all the necessary upholstery in order to provide excellent access to the metal of the underbody.

Even if the car is new, the metal still needs to be degreased before work.

After about 1 hour, we finish applying vibration isolation to the floor.On the floor in the passenger compartment and wheel arches, we use the thickest, most expensive and effective vibration isolator SGM BMF (analogue of STP Bimast Bomb), the thickness of which is 4 millimeters. All this material is pre-cut before the arrival of the car and placed in a special oven for heating to a temperature of 50 degrees. This will help us not only save time for correct and uniform heating of the material, but also increase the effect of work, because warm material has a much higher initial adhesion.

We try to work not only efficiently, but also beautifully. Take a look for yourself!

Then comes the turn of the soundproofing layer and its role is played by Bibiton, which is about 2 times more effective than Splenus, so beloved by competitors.

We try to put the sound absorber with maximum coverage, because the effect of the work directly depends on this.

We offer the client only the maximum version of noise insulation, therefore we add a layer of acoustic felt to the floor where it will not damage the assembly. Felt is normally used from the factory on the floor of all modern Audi, BMW, Mercedes cars. It seems that the Germans know a lot about soundproofing.

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We also cover the niches of the rear fenders with felt and return the standard felt soundproofing of the rear arches.

The process of assembling the salon has begun and our craftsmen will do it with exceptional accuracy, because hundreds of Insignias have passed through our hands.

For an additional fee, we practice the service of soundproofing the dashboard and engine shield with complete dismantling and disassembly of the instrument panel into its component parts. This will help to get rid of the squeak of the dashboard, make it more monolithic and also additionally muffle the sound of the engine and front wheel arches.

Thanks to the vast experience of our craftsmen, we guarantee you the factory quality of the interior assembly, as well as the absence of traces of disassembly, such as broken caps, stains, snags on the skins. You can personally verify all this by being present at the soundproofing of your car.

Soundproofing Opel insignia over. It took us exactly 7 hours for this work, which flew by unnoticed by the owner of the car, who was next to us. The comfort in the car has become as if it is a class above. The rigidity of the metal of the body has increased, and with it the feeling of "knocked down" of the car, due to the reduction of vibration loading of metal panels. Now the suspension swallows holes in silence, and the noise from the road does not pester with its importunity. Now the driver and passengers will be able to eliminate at least one of the causes of frequent headaches and irritability - increased noise in the car. We hope that this photo report answered all your questions, and in particular the one to whom to entrust the soundproofing of your Opel. Enjoy all the roads. And thank you for your trust!

As I already wrote, quite recently some kind of bl ... an endlessly caring soul put on my hood the outlines of some kind of incomprehensible amulet. Apparently against vandals. But, most likely, out of ignorance how easy it is to spoil the paintwork, she made it with a carnation. Having traveled for many years without any kind of passive protection, I decided that it was unnecessary for me and decided to remove it. The cost of repainting in a “professional” service was 540 euros. The option was checked out immediately. I think some Russian private trader can do it twice as cheap and never worse.

As I wrote earlier, it hits the steering wheel when braking. Before the vacation I bought new guides. Upon arrival in the promised land, I disassembled the calipers and then a slight inconsistency arose. The guides are the same in size, but in the new 3 grooved planes along the length of the guide rod itself, it is slightly wider than in the old ones. Good or bad - there was no one to ask. On the other hand, the state of the old was practically nil. I decided that there was no point in changing. I just took it and filled it up as I didn't want it, and put it back together. On the way back, when I drove through Germany at night 850 kilometers - as if there was no beating.

Haven't written for a long time. First, the computer was covered, then went on vacation, then there was laziness ... So, what was there the last time? And, yes, they drove into my ass.Well, that means after 2 weeks the insurance has confirmed that it agrees with the amount. Earlier, I wrote that the cost of repairs is 1900, but the kid missed - he misread the paper. These are just materials and spare parts. Together with work, about 3100! Well, not my problem. Opelevtsam drove the car and got OPEL KARL in return! I had no idea about the existence of such a freak. I skated for 3 days on this box on wheels and in the evening of the third day I came to pick up my own.

I decided before the end of the warranty to do a maintenance at the dealer, but before that, change the oil in a third-party service. In advance, in 2016, 5 liters of Bardahl XTA Polarplus 5W30 Dexos2 were purchased (5 liter cans - there is no other way), Bardahl flushing and an oil filter. The oil cost 75 euros with delivery from Italy, if you buy in Germany, then about 90 euros. Filter 28 euros and flushing 16. Oil change - tridtsakha.

After the replacement, I did not notice any magical changes. Noise, fuel consumption, everything was as it was. A couple of weeks later I went to the MOT officials.

The time has come to replace the cabin filter (15,000 km) and it has been quite a while to change the engine air filter, which has been standing since the purchase and has run 38,000 km. All replacements coincided with the 60 thousandth run. I also decided to clean the condo with Liqui Moly Klima Fresh for prevention. To do this, I removed the glove compartment and the old cabin filter, and then according to the instructions: first dry the evaporator at the maximum temperature, then, in fact, the cleaning itself for 10 minutes. After drying again. A week after this procedure, there was a pleasant smell in the salon, then it didn’t come off.

There was a month left before the vacation, and the oil had already run through 13 thousand. I decided not to wait until the last week and change it now. Plus, there were two annoying misunderstandings. 1. Began to float idle speed on a cold engine. It manifests itself every other time and is barely noticeable: about +/- 30 revolutions. It is almost invisible from the tachometer needle, but you can hear it from the sound. In general, the master said that it might be because of the particulate filter. I travel short distances. In my opinion, nonsense. 2. The heat started and I still turned on the condo.

Not so long ago, I was advised to replace the front brakes completely at MOT at 48000. I decided that this was just an opelevsky divorce. As it turned out, no. Thousands after 5 and a half, I decided to take off the wheel and see for myself what was what, as I had a weekend in the Czech Republic and a trip of 1300 km. What he saw actually looked like a scam, but only for those who make brake discs. With a run of 53 thousand, a significant disc depletion was felt with a finger. The brake pads were about 3mm in size. I would have resigned myself to the fact that the pads run 50-60 thousand, but at the expense of the disks - I expected that they should withstand at least 2 sets of pads.

We show you how to properly replace the cabin filter in the Opel Insignia car. To work, you need a standard set of driver's tools, you have to unscrew a lot to get to the cabin filter. It is located behind the glove compartment, we will have to remove it completely.

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After removal, we will see a plastic cover, unfastening which, you can deliver the filter and change it to a new one. It is best to wipe the seat with a damp cloth and, if possible, go with a vacuum cleaner.

Video of replacing the cabin filter in the Opel Insignia:

Change your cabin filter according to the technical regulations and the sooner the better. Since the cleanliness of our roads leaves much to be desired. Remember that a clogged cabin filter creates unnecessary additional load on the stove and air conditioner, and may be the reason that the glass “sweat” for a very long time.

With its beauty and design, Opel Insignia still continues to amaze and delight many present and possibly future owners. And in reality, the car body has not lost its relevance, although it is no longer produced. But since Opel Insignia is still present on the sales market, it is important to point out its weaknesses and shortcomings, which every future owner of this car should know about.
Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

It can be noted right away that the problem with the thermostat was encountered on Insignias with 1.8 liter engines.In general, the motor itself is not a weak point, but a "dying" thermostat leads to the fact that the engine overheats or, on the contrary, heats up for a long time (depending on the position of the thermostat valve). By external signs, it is certainly possible to determine whether the thermostat is working or not working, but this requires some experience. When buying, at least during a test run, it is necessary to pay attention to the engine warming up, and the ideal option would be to entrust the thermostat function check to a car service specialist. Accordingly, when buying an Opel Insignia with a 1.8 liter engine. it is important to know that this problem manifested itself quite often, and the consequences of frequent engine overheating negatively affect the resource of the cylinder head.

Again, it is important to note in the first place that the timing chain is a weak point on cars with a 2.0L engine. The most common chain problem is stretching. Accordingly, since serious problems can appear when the chain is stretched, when buying, you must at least pay attention to the absence of ringing when the engine is running, as well as to the absence of a warning light on the console about the need for diagnostics, since an error may appear when the chain is stretched - the crankshaft position sensor. It is important to remember that replacing a chain with a tensioner and dampers is not cheap.

One of the important units of any car is the gearbox. And if problems arise with the box, this will hit the pocket of any car owner quite hard. So Opel Insignia has problems with the box, but they, as a rule, do not require significant financial costs to eliminate them. The main problems with the automatic transmission in Insignia are the electronics of the box. Therefore, the automatic transmission periodically requires a reflashing of the "brains". Quite often, the owners of these cars stack with automatic transmission "kicking" while driving. The main reason for "kicking" is the lack of oil or not timely replacement. Therefore, when buying a car, it is important to pay attention to the overall performance and clarity of gear changes during a test run.

The steering rack, fortunately, on these cars was changed during the warranty period of the car. It will not be difficult to check the condition of the steering rack by external signs, therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to the absence of knocking on the steering wheel when turning the steering wheel, both on the spot and when driving through irregularities during a test run.

On cars with turbocharged engines, the turbine will sooner or later make itself felt. And its replacement will cost a significant amount. In a word, the turbine on Opel Insignias is not only a weak point, but also expensive. When choosing a car with a turbocharged engine, it is necessary to approach the turbine diagnostics with all responsibility in order to avoid significant financial costs in the future.

Electronics failures on Insignias are a common problem. It makes no sense to list the possible failures that car owners encountered, but it is imperative to check all the performance of electrical equipment upon purchase.

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair

In general, we can say that, unfortunately, Opel Insignia has significant sore spots. But as they say, there are flaws in any car. The most important thing is to analyze your choice before buying with which power unit and gearbox to buy an engine, since most reviews indicate that diesel power units and robotic transmissions are less reliable and more problematic. It is important to remember that when buying, it is necessary to approach with all responsibility the check and diagnostics of systems, components and assemblies of the car, and the ideal option would be a full check of the car in a reputable car service.

One of the specializations of our stations is the high-quality repair of Opel Insignia. In our car services there is a specialized tool for repairing Opel Insignia. Consumables, oils and fluids are available for routine maintenance.Within a couple of hours, from the main warehouse, we will bring any spare parts for repairing Opel Insignia.

Before starting repairs to Opel Insignia, we will make free diagnostics suspension, engine or electrics (free diagnostics in case of repair at our service stations). We do not recommend doing Opel Insignia repairs with your own hands. Everyone must do their job. You need to entrust the repair of your car to those who do it every day.

Opel Insignia repair cost:

It is recommended to carry out routine maintenance and maintenance of Opel Insignia every 7-10 thousand km. mileage. This necessarily includes changing the engine oil, oil filter, air filter and cabin filter. When carrying out scheduled work, we will make free diagnostics of all vehicle components and draw up a list of recommendations.

Every 60 thousand km. mileage, we recommend changing the timing belt with rollers, and if the motor is chain, then it is better to replace the chain every 120 thousand km. It is better to replace the candles every 40 thousand kilometers on gasoline engines and 100 thousand kilometers. mileage on a diesel engine. On Opel Insignia models with an adaptive throttle valve, it is recommended to clean and adapt the throttle valve every 60 thousand km.

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The most famous problems and malfunctions of the Opel Insignia:
- acidification of the caliper pistons with subsequent uneven wear of pads and discs;
- unsuccessful design of the fuel filter - the car jerks, stalls, troit;
- creak in the car interior due to low-quality plastic - gluing with anti-creak material;
- a problem with the box - early failure of bearings and primary shaft oil seals;
- in standard cooling radiators, leak at the junction with the side part;
- tight steering wheel - a problem with the power steering of the car - a bulkhead or replacement, according to the result of diagnostics.

The degree of wear of the Opel Insignia hub bearing can only be determined through diagnosis.

Warranty for all repair work Opel Insignia - 6 months.

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In the auto literature ru store, you can buy a repair manual for the Opel Insignia. Let's talk about a completely new Opel Insignia, new in all respects - this is a completely new model under a new name in the Opel range, and a completely new design, a new vision of the car by Opel stylists, and this is a new, though not the first, attempt by Opel to enter the segment. full-size, large for Europe, cars. At least larger in size than has been associated with the Opel brand lately.

First, let's talk about how the Opel Insignia looks like. Remember the very concept that literally shocked the public, which was also called Insignia, and then if the logo on that car was closed, no one would say that it was Opel, but it was just Opel, and it showed a completely new design the language of German and Jam stylists. Of course, the Insignia, unlike that luxurious prototype, cannot be called a four-seater coupe. Despite the slope and roof, there is no rear-wheel drive, for the concept they took a platform from an Australian Holden Monar and a motor from a Chevrolet Corvette. Also, there are no sliding rear doors on the serial car, and the high-tech luxury of the concept does not emanate from it, but the monumentality, albeit somewhat truncated, remained.But most importantly, the message of a 5-year-old concept has been implemented. We have already forgotten that Opel can be so big and solid, at least.

It was not only a new stylistic language, it was also a hint that Opel could make big cars that allow the driver to feel like a master or in a completely different status. If you close the Opel logo with your palm, you cannot say that Opel resembles any particular car. There is a little bit of everything here, from everything that is in good demand, and all this is successfully fitted into a dynamic form, which, unlike the modern Opel model range, has lost its angularity, and has become more optic, more solid, and maybe even with a pretense for some sophistication, aristocracy.

It should be noted that Opel has already made attempts, quite a long time ago, to make cars large, moreover, there were enough of them in the Opel range both before the war and after. Taking the 1958 Opel Kapitan is by no means the only example.

There are 8 motors to choose from. In the smallest of them 1600m3 and 115hp, and in the largest - 2800m3 and 260hp. With this engine, there is only an all-wheel drive transmission, with a two-liter engine, all-wheel drive is an option, with other engines all-wheel drive is not yet combined. Others - besides one more gasoline engine of 1800m3, and a capacity of 180hp, there are also three two-liter turbodiesels, with a capacity of 110hp. up to 160hp, while next year there will be two new super-economical and super-eco-friendly engines, and in addition, the 2.8l engine will spin up to 300hp. for the OPC version.

If the ability to change the settings of the car is no longer news today, then the Opel Ain system will surely make people talk about itself, and it is obvious that the Insignia in this sense looks like a kind of testing ground for running know-how, which will then be introduced to other DJ models. Opel's eye can recognize road signs and read markings, compensating for driver inattention. In fairness, we note that the successful Mercedes has already experimented with similar systems. But, despite the success of the enterprise, while the Mercedes employees are in no hurry to introduce their complex onto the conveyor, the Opelev employees have made a simpler thing, but one that is one step away from the conveyor.

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Unfortunately, this very Opel electronic eye system has so far been installed only on the prototype, and in order to try this business in action, we had to go to the test site. Opelevtsy developed the system together with the Hello company. They have a wide-angle camera that reads signs at a distance of 100m, at a speed of 22.5 frames per second, then it transfers the picture to a computer, and there is a comparison with a database. After that, if the images match, the corresponding sign appears on the display. To test this entire system in action, we must pick up a speed of over 15 km / h, only then the system will work. Passing the first sign 80, the system recognizes it. Further, sign 50 stands far to the side, and on the left side sign 30, and these signs are constantly displayed in front of the driver on the display, the system sees them. No overtaking sign and the end of the No overtaking sign - all these signs were recognized.

This system is also able to warn a sleeping driver that it is falling out of its lane, it reads the markings. With a “raspberry ringing”, it warns the driver that he is starting to leave either to the oncoming lane or to the next lane, and a characteristic symbol appears on the instrument panel - a car that crosses the markings at a rather sharp angle. We do not know how much this "crimson ringing" is able to wake up a sleeping driver. Those systems that Audi use, with vibration on the steering wheel, and especially Citroen, with pushing the driver from below to the fifth point, look more convincing, in the sense of a tired or asleep person, to an active perception of reality.The Germans conducted a clinical study with doctors, and came to the conclusion that a sound signal of a certain frequency is enough to wake a sleeping driver.

Another small addition. Unfortunately, this system is not yet able to read red signals of traffic lights, to recognize balls that schoolchildren throw on the road, and then dogs, cats, and other pets run out after them, but this is still to come. This entire complex will appear already on the second generation system, moreover, it is possible that it will be connected to ... control or distronic and will artificially limit the speed in the car if it sees a sign "speed limit", or will simply turn off the engine if she will see a brick sign.

To get some details regarding the all-wheel drive system that has been implemented on the new Insignia, we arrived at the training ground. But before driving onto the track of the landfill, I would like to get an answer to one question: Is the Insignia a car with a rear axle connected through a clutch, or is it a car with a permanent drive, where the torque is distributed depending on the situation?

Many motorists know that opel insignia engine repair is a very difficult process. To implement it, you will need to know how the Opel Insignia engine works, and have the necessary equipment on hand.

What is included in the restoration of the opel insignia engine? Of course, first of all, everything will depend on the cause of the unit malfunction. It is clear that the list of works that are included in the motor capital can seriously differ from those that are required to replace the camshaft oil seal.

Only the availability of the necessary equipment and all the tools necessary for such work will allow the car to be restored to a guaranteed high quality.

Of course, special attention should be paid to the fact that it will be very difficult to repair an internal combustion engine with your own hands. Even if you find photos and videos on the Internet where they give step-by-step instructions and a scheme for such work, this technical event will still remain a very time-consuming business.

Often, the repair of the opel insignia internal combustion engine involves the removal of the unit, since otherwise it is not always possible to gain access to some components.

Do you need to find where you can get your opel insignia engine repaired in a car service? If you are looking for someone who will tell you where you can restore the correct operation of an internal combustion engine in Moscow, we recommend choosing a car service from the catalog on this portal.

The described enterprises repair units with any number of cylinders, different volumes and capacities. Motorists work with proven circuits based on manufacturer recommendations and electronic catalogs.

It is worth saying a few words separately about the benefits that our clients receive.

  • guarantee - for all technical events, car services provide a guarantee
  • acceptable prices - the cost of work in the specified car services does not exceed the average prices for such work in Moscow
  • convenient transport accessibility - car services are located in different parts of the city, so you can easily choose the technical center that you can easily reach without traffic jams
  • discounts - if you want to repair the engine inexpensively, we recommend contacting those car services where there are special offers
  • the ability to choose a car service by specialization - all the technical centers presented on the site specialize in working with the internal combustion engine of this car, but you have the opportunity to choose exactly the auto repair center that works mainly with Opel Insignia
  • experienced staff - to work with the unit requires considerable experience and an excellent understanding of its structure, and it is worth noting that the workshop data masters have all of the above
Video (click to play).

You can sign up for a car service by phone. In addition, you can also place an application on the website.

Image - Opel insignia DIY repair photo-for-site
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