In detail: prestige 164 DIY repair from a real master for the site
Welding inverter Blueweld Prestige 164 - Compact and lightweight single-phase, air-cooled DC welding machine. Suitable for MMA and TIG welding with basic and rutile electrodes. Weldable metals: stainless steel, cast iron, structural steel.
- high stability of the welding arc and welding current with fluctuations in mains voltage
- functions of regulation of force of an arc “Arc Force”, hot start Hot Start and protection against sticking of an electrode Anti Sticking
- Air cooling system
- thermal protection, protection against overload, overvoltage and undervoltage
Specifications Blueweld Prestige 164
- Supply voltage 220V / 50Hz
- Maximum power 4.6kW
- Welding current 5-150A
- Load from maximum 10%
- Welding current at load in% of maximum 140A
- Welding current at 60% load 70A
- Electrode diameter 1.6-4mm
- Dimensions of the device 310x120x225mm
- Case dimensions 420x380x170mm
- Weight 3.4kg
Production: BLUEWELD, Italy
The attachment contains: Factory repair manual, and analysis of the company's block diagram in translation into Russian. The archive contains two Word files with drawings and schematic diagrams of the power unit and control unit
Hello everyone! Good people, help with what you can! Today the device was covered. They boiled it from a generator, it didn't work out very well, or there was not enough power, or something else. Kind people decided to add gas to the generator
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2corso Large resistor - 47R_5% _8W.
(Instead of Ketai junk, I would advise you to put here a sovetskiy resistor PEV of 7.5 or 10 W. It is unlikely to be on the board, you can screw a thread somewhere outside it, and to the board with wires.
Small smd - 1M_5%, size 2010.
And naturally that big can of C22 must be changed, the holes in it burned out. You know better there what is written on it.
To restore the burned-out paths. Well and pray that there is something else not dead.
The consequences can be different. To get started, walk with a multimeter in dial mode: power plug for short circuit; on the capacitors of the mains filter (two large capacitors), if it rings, then most likely it is necessary to go to the service, if it shows a charge - discharge, then there will be hope for a less lethal outcome. Then clean the burnout and replace the burnt-out 47Ohm 8W resistor (wirewound). A varistor (if any) should have been installed at the entrance, then it rather evaporated.
But in general - it's all filkin's letter. Bring to the service
Thanks everyone! Tomorrow I will try to fix my device. What will come of this then I will unsubscribe.
corso wrote:
Today the device was covered. Cooked from a generator, it was not very good to cook
Corso, your problem is typical when working with low power generators. These devices are brought to our service most often with similar problems. So, if you want to repair yourself, the scheme of actions should be as follows.
Well, of course, we immediately change the resistors (47 ohm * 10W). Then we look at the capacitors (680μF * 400V), usually the damage is visible from the outside. Remember that we change both capacitors at once. After that it is necessary to ring the input rectifier bridge. If the problem is resolved at this stage, be lucky. But sometimes the inverter itself fails.Check the inverter transistors (2pcs) and regenerative diodes (2pcs).
Good luck. Spare parts will be needed - write. The inverter unit is always available, the rectifier bridge is also there, but you can try to find it anyway.
Yeah. I have the same apparatus, I also tried to cook from the generator, nothing happened. Thank God, something stopped me to "turn on the gas"

REPORT ON SELF REPAIR! Thanks everyone for the advice, but alas and ah

Hello everyone!
I have a question about PRESTIGE 164,
on radiators with keys there are diodes CQ614G AND CQ613G, the conductivity is the same in the pinout, does anyone know about these?
The keys and drivers burned out, (I suspect from an increased voltage - 240-245V) I don’t know about the transformer, I didn’t check it, by the way these diodes are ringing intact, another question - Google also doesn’t find 18 volt zener diodes, how can they be replaced?
The inverter is 1 year old, I hardly saw any work, at most 10 kg. electrodes and this is already the 3rd PRESTIGE 164 - they do not stand for more than a year.
There was a curiosity with the first one - the plasterer pushed him off the second floor, lifted him up, turned on, and we continue to work. Only the corner on the “muzzle” broke off.
After 4 months, I burned out strength. tans. - suspicion, - from overheating, more than +30 was on the street.
Nikolaich 63 wrote:
diodes CQ614G AND CQ613G
I have never seen such people. Most likely they differ from each other only in design.
On prestige I usually see something like mur860 (with two legs!). One of them is on a diaper.
The "driver" trance usually does not crash. Everything else is easily and elegantly killed.
After restoring the driver, it is better to look at the signals with an oscilloscope.
18 volt zener diodes exist. Perhaps they are not on your radio market.
Then Ker Thank you!
But why are the diodes different? And how to check the power trance., There is no break, here is how to check for shorty
I don’t know, radio amateurism remained in my youth, along with the barrel organ. What kind of Zener diodes did you put on 18B analogs? I was not looking for them on the market, but in the net, according to the 18B OW4 5% scheme, GOOGL did not find such in the Internet stores, which analog is preferable?
gentlemen "repairmen", you are talking about garbage. capacitors (those with a hole) are charged through this resistor. and it burned out, due to the fact that the converter stopped working (power transistors burned out) and the voltage was no longer supplied to the relay. The author will need a pair of power transistors, a resistor and probably all! A leaky capacitor can survive (only the plastic shell is burned through, the rectifier diodes should also be in order. But what you must check before installing new transistors is the presence of the output voltages of the auxiliary source and the output signals on the drivers.
Zener diodes are ordinary glass. I don’t know what they’re called.
Your diodes may be different from what they cost in your case, most likely, without diapers. Then one of them should have an anode on the “back”, while the other has a cathode (the difference is in design).
Nikolaich 63 wrote:
according to the scheme 18B OW4 5%
Zener diode 18V - 1W: 1N4746A or BZX85C18
Yes, the fact of the matter is that one is in a diaper, and they call the same, maybe I did not put it that way? (The conductivity is the same in the pinout)
They are alive, but since this is the case, I think to change them to the same ones - a suspicion that this is just a substitution with an analogue.
I have up to 245V in the network! Probably PRESTIGE 164 won't work.

The Blueweld Prestige 164 inverter machine, manufactured under the Italian brand, which is quite popular in Europe, is suitable for welding at home and on construction sites of various sizes.
The device is designed and created for the implementation of electric arc welding of MMA with direct current using acid, rutile and alkaline electrodes for inverter welding. It can also be used to perform argon-arc welding (TIG-method). In this case, non-consumable type electrodes are used.
The unit is characterized by compact dimensions (31 x 12 x 22.5 centimeters) and objectively light weight (3.4 kilograms).
Its main advantages are considered to be the high accuracy of the inverter regulation and the speed of welding. At the same time, what is important, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for a decent welding quality.

In terms of the level of protection (EU classification), the device belongs to the “IP21” category, it works with electrodes with a maximum thickness of 4 millimeters (the minimum cross-section of the welding rods is 1.6 millimeters). the welding current is adjustable from 5 to 150 amperes, the highest consumption current is 29 amperes, the highest consumption power is 4.6 kW.
In order to increase the efficiency of the described equipment, it is possible to purchase additionally accessories that will allow the Blueweld Prestige 164 to be used as a reliable TIG welding machine. These include:
- pressure gauge and pressure reducer;
- special adapter for a gas cylinder;
- TIG torch.
Structurally, the inverter consists of a control unit and several operating modules:

The described inverter installation cannot be operated in the rain outside, as well as in very damp rooms. The device may only be connected to a household power outlet if it is grounded. It is forbidden to use wires and cables for connecting the installation that cannot provide a sufficient level of electrical contact, or have signs of damaged insulation. The manufacturer also prohibits working with the Blueweld Prestige inverter in the following situations:

- in case of insufficient ventilation of the room where it is planned to use the welding equipment;
- in pipes, containers, containers where fire and explosive compounds were previously stored (transported);
- on surfaces that have been cleaned with chlorine-containing compounds;
- if the welder does not have goggles for eye protection and special clothing;
- near flammable objects and materials.
The inverter is assembled according to the following scheme:
- connect the return cable to the clamp;
- collect the electric holder and the welding wire;
- fasten a special belt designed for the safe movement of the apparatus;
- connect the equipment to an electrical network that produces a voltage of no more than 242 volts (the network must be equipped with an automatic switch or a special fuse).

Note! To connect Blueweld Prestige, it is not allowed to use wires whose length is more than ten meters. And the process of connecting the cables itself is carried out exclusively with the welding inverter turned off. In this case, you need to ensure that the wires are inserted into the sockets and connectors as tightly as possible, thereby ensuring the required level of electrical contact. If the cable is loosely inserted, the device will not be able to operate at the specified power, and its wear will increase due to the constant overheating of the connecting sections.
The Blueweld Prestige inverter unit provides high quality welding work only when the user follows the manufacturer's recommendations on all issues related to its operation. Most of the electrodes are connected to the terminal of the device marked with a “+” sign. But there are also such welding rods that should be connected to the minus. Be sure to read the instructions for the electrodes and connect them with respect to the polarity of the inverter.

The welding current is selected according to two indicators:
- by the type of material that is being welded (structural or stainless steel, products made of ferrous or non-ferrous metals, and so on);
- over the cross-section of the electrode (for welding at maximum current, use rods with a diameter of 4 mm, at a minimum - 1.6 mm).
The quality of the resulting weld depends not only on the selected current value, but also on other characteristics, in particular, those indicated below:
- the condition of the electrodes (damp rods can never provide a decent quality of work);
- the spatial position of the specialist performing the welding;
- the speed at which the process is carried out;
- arc length.

The correct method of ignition of the arc is understood as a light “striking” touch of the welding rod to the surface of the workpiece. It is impossible to "persistently" knock the electrode on the part, the arc from such a knock will not ignite faster, rather, on the contrary, the process will only become more difficult.
After the electrode is lit, it must be tilted to the axis of the part at an angle of about 25 degrees and kept from the surface to be welded at a distance that is equal to the section of the welding rod.
Blueweld Prestige devices should be repaired only by authorized workshops if their modules and units fail. But before contacting specialists, the user can independently check the inverter, perhaps there is no serious breakdown, which means there is no real need to visit the workshop.

At home, you can independently restore the operation of the device by performing simple checks:
- The correctness and quality of connections of all elements of the unit, including its cables. If there is a problem with the contacts, you should fix the wires well, clean the clamps from dust. In many cases, after such simple procedures, the device regains its functionality.
- On the correspondence of the type and section of the welding rods used to the welding current set on the inverter.
- By the value of the voltage of the electrical network. The equipment will not turn on in situations where the voltage is critically low (high).
- For the absence of a short circuit phenomenon at the output of the inverter.

In many cases, the device refuses to function simply because one of the protective systems has worked in it. When the utility power returns to normal, the inverter will be ready for operation again.
Hi Gennady. Good for fixing this device, in my town even a radio technician could not fix this device. It served me the same for 7 years, then it burned out. Like always. Good luck!
He had to immediately change the TGR. They are not for sale, they wind themselves. This is the most common breakdown; over time, the inductance of the TGR changes and the input transistors explode.)
Where to find the diode bys 045v79
And you were not mistaken in the labeling?
A link to the seller of these transistors, can I?
This is generally for the masters of easy repair
What do you teach people? There is no oscilloscope and the oscillogram says little, the TGR has not changed, Chinese transistors do not work at a frequency of 64 KHz. So repair with a guarantee costs 4000r. and after the Kulibins I will not take them for repairs. This is the original Blueweld, they work for 7-10 years. There are 2 more types of copratic Chinese, they are easy to distinguish.
Hello, are you renovating? I have 164 would like to be repaired
Cool)) Russian roulette is also played. Without ossyll it's like blindly. Well, it worked))
Blue Weld is homogeneous, resanto homno, and which inverter is good. For the garage.
buy any welder and use it without violence
Where to get TGR? There are no ferites on the market. Sos
Hello. I have a Prestige-228 inverter, when the network key on the device is turned on, it knocks out the machine (20A) in the dashboard, while the network key and the machine are working properly (I checked it with a chain), please tell me where to look for the malfunction.
At the entrance of the short circuit. Either the capacitor was swollen, or the transistors were blown out at the input, or maybe something else.
Repairing without an oscilloscope can be expensive, the power transformer is ferrite too!
1) Why do you say that there is no education in electronics? - it is clear that there is. Maybe all the same there is no formal education? 1.1) So in universities, secrets are not even told - just formally.
My knowledge is very superficial.
I am glad for you that it turned out to be repaired. This malfunction is typical for this class of devices.And for those who want to randomly try to repair pulse welders, I will say that the price of the issue will be approximately one third of the cost of a new one. High-quality IGBTs, very good expensive))) Pavement scheme.
Hey! The fact that you do not have a special education in electronics is still a diagnosis. I do not have it either, but since the 70s I have been holding a soldering iron in my hands and I can say confidently. And this is the question I want to raise. several times on the video it was said that the device was generally useless and RESANTA was licked off it. I don't want to blame and criticize anyone, but RESANTA 220 has been working for me just fine for five years. No, not in an industrial environment, but if I work, then I really don't give her a chance. Good luck with your creativity.
whether Blueveld is Chinese or not. like made in italy?
Real Italy at 140A. starts from 40-50.000. rubles.
How glad I am that I am familiar with Techsvar 🙂
+ Eldar Jafarov well, if you are not Massatom, then excuse me, I missed you.
Seriously? Sorry, I overdid it, sorry.
Yes, you, my friend, have already got everyone!))))
Why do you need so many devices?
I had exactly one, I digested about 50 kg of electrodes in 10 years. I'm not a welder by profession, a programmer) But there is a lot of iron at home. Yes, as soon as I bought it, I altered it a little, namely: the cooler blows in it xs where, a strip of cardboard on one side on the Celikon and foam rubber on the other completely removed the issue of thermal protection in hot weather. It became possible to cut and cook non-stop, what to take from them from these Chinese people) A year ago I began to mope, comrade frost does not start, then only in maximum mode. I urgently needed to cook in the house and I bought what was, a resant 200 with a display, and so on. Resanta is more powerful and more comfortable, it can be cooked with any slag electrodes. Then he decided to dig deeper into his old man, replaced the almost dead cooler and it did not start, it turned out that the fan power supply circuit was tied in the generator feedback, he just put in a slightly more powerful one,
30% current, returned the old one, replaced the worn out bushing and lubricated it again, wound up, but it worked again badly. After a careful examination of the board, I put on one Conder - chubby and dirt in the form of an iron cinder, washed everything in a bucket of diesel fuel, dried it and collected it. Plows like new. Cooked on it cloudy 2.5 3 mm electrodes. Its worth 100%. I bought it in 2005 for 4800 rubles. Yes, I forgot to say the front and rear grilles of the air flow actually increased in front, cut with a knife, drilled in the back with a 15 mm drill. Now I use it as a spare or whenever someone asks for it. In terms of use, I can say very hardy, there were days when it did not turn off for 5 hours, there was an active construction of the house. Here)))
I have the same problem. I have Telwin tecnika 164 for almost 2 years so I can't fix it. I really liked this video, thanks to you and show me how he works himself
These devices burn very often, they are not brought to mind from the factory, or maybe that's how it was intended. Now everything is done one-time, so that a person would go to buy again.
Aria inverter disassemble interesting opinion!
+ BUILDING A HOUSE ON THE BOLOT Well, if it doesn't burn out right away, then we can work.
Fly fly) And I bought it) and waited half a year))) Why is it so critical?
“Do not interfere with his work” - I said this more than once to my Son when He tried to improve the Volkswagen. Here is another kolinkor however ..
Izmail Inverter Thanks for the video! Very informative. Say in a similar inverter there are 2 keys 2 diodes 1 capacitor 680μF. There is a free space for a capacitor and a free space for a diode. Why did not their Chinese solder X, Z. Do I need to solder the missing parts? And what will change for the better or for the worse? Thanks in advance for your reply.
It's just that the arc is not stable, maybe it will be better that it’s confused. Everywhere I’m looking at the smallest 2 electrolytes in the rectifier, there are only one. Maybe one cannot cope with a drawdown under load?
Izmail Inverter 8 days ago
Fayzabad province 12 days ago
Thank you, your video helped a lot, the question arose - from the videos you mentioned a homemade trance if you can voice the dimensions of the core and a little more about the manufacturing technology.
I kept thinking why not “drain-source” but like a bipolar)
please tell me whether it is necessary for the ferrite ring tgr to make a gap
thank you very much for answering
Izmail Inverter Misyats to that
those that I saw - there was no gap
Izmail Inverter Misyats to that
told in one of the videos
Where do you get tgr or buy?
master Lomaster 7 days ago
data winding can lay out? otherwise I've been breaking such a device for three weeks already. I can’t find the ratio of turns. native to the cold is ideal, but as heating loses inductance almost completely up to 50 degrees. and I myself shake some slaves ..)))
Izmail Inverter 2 months ago
On such an inverter, I also had almost the same ugly picture on an oscilloscope in the absence of transistors, and when I soldered them, the picture became good. The transformer did not touch. In general, I do not understand well the work of all this electronics in the drivers of IGBT transistors. Can someone somewhere explain how they work? I also don't understand why a 12V fan is connected there to 24 volts through 2 powerful resistors and with a zener diode. I connected a 24V fan directly - it works, though you can hear how it slows down when the load is turned on
alexey ananev 3 months ago
when connected from an external power supply, the yellow LED should probably be on, since there is no power at the output. For some reason, it does not light up for me, so I am afraid to turn it on from the network for now.
Izmail Inverter 3 months ago
Good day, tell me where you can buy a driver transformer, if it's not a secret), thanks
Izmail Inverter 4 months ago
And I think it won't be cheaper to send the device across all of Ukraine, the tr-tor will probably be cheaper ..
Ishmael Inverter driver is normal, but it burns after replacing it with a new transistor, it is obvious that the problem is in a trance ..
Izmail Inverter 4 months ago
send for repair. will cost less
winding is not a problem I do not have an oscilloscope (a little expensive for me) I will not check the oscillogram (I use the method of damage to transistors), you have checks, I would buy, thanks
Alexey Loskutov 4 months ago
Hello Ishmael, please tell me what could be. Replaced the keys and resistor R4 47 Ohm in my opinion. I switched on 3 pieces in parallel through the 75W lamps. The lamps lit up and went out, but then there was a sound trrr and the lamps lit up and the resistor R4 started smoking. The keys struck: (((( is it TGR can be to blame? .But why did the keys burn out even through the lamp. Thanks
Izmail Inverter 2 months ago
The lamp must be installed after the network capacitors, otherwise the charge of the capacity manages to kill the keys
Alexey Loskutov 4 months ago
Izmail Inverter 4 months ago
Alexey Loskutov 5 months ago
Thank you very much for such detailed videos. Subscribed and like :)
Amid Kovkuli 5 months ago
I generally drink with suction so as not to overheat the radioelement, even if it is out of order, but this is not a dogma. Great videos. I watch your channel already stick!) It is almost a priority for me)
Evgeny Flyagin 5 months ago
I repair Technique 164, changed keys, restored drivers. The device has started, but does not regulate the current when the rheostat is loaded. I measure a current transformer, the resistance is only 4 ohms. Is he dead or is it supposed to be?
Vatarobot Ivan 5 months ago
Hello Ishmael! I have a blueweld 186 pro. turns on, the fan works but does not cook, does not react at all. Tell me what could be the reason.
Izmail Inverter 5 months ago
Vatarobot Ivan 5 months ago
Ishmael Inverter. where are you located?
Izmail Inverter 5 months ago
does not cook at reduced voltage, it does not ignite the arc
the device has 150 A declared in the passport
Sergey Morozov 7 months ago
It is possible to put additional keys there are free spaces for the keys must be isolated from the radiator and will it be better? Thank you.
Sergey Morozov 7 months ago
Izmail Inverter 7 months ago
transistors will heat up less. you will not feel any changes in your work. diodes will not have anything
Sergey Morozov 7 months ago
Izmail Inverter that the higher the power or less will affect the low voltage of the network, and nothing will happen with demagnetized diodes
Izmail Inverter 7 months ago
Rasim Balayev 8 months ago
GRISH Petrov 8 months ago
Can you please tell me you can convert this circuit to a semiautomatic device?
Ivan Mudrov 8 months ago
alexander h 9 months ago
How do you remove, put the bracket on the diodes? I pulled it together with the radiator, but how to put it back? After all, the steel is thick.
Alexander h 9 months ago
Izmail Inverter 9 months ago
I press down with platypuses. sit down without problems
Alexander Zavarihin Rіk to that
I looked at the inductance of the primary winding of the power transformer, it is 0.66 or 0.67 Henry miles, but not the duty officer.
but there is no impulse. lm224 plays a role?
there are voltages on the uc3845. 1 Hz yellow LED flashes.
First, look at the diagram and figure out how it works. and then ask questions
please tell me the protection will work for me. no impulse
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- Magik
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Good day to all.
Please, help me with what you can.
The device was covered.
When they opened it, they saw this picture:
Who can tell which parts have burned out. You can't take it to the service, you want to buy and solder it yourself, because the device is needed almost every day. Help urgently solve the problem! I am very grateful to everyone!
“Do not interfere with his work” - I said this more than once to my Son when He tried to improve the Volkswagen. Here is another kolinkor however ..
Izmail Inverter Thanks for the video! Very informative. Say in a similar inverter there are 2 keys 2 diodes 1 capacitor 680μF. There is a free space for a capacitor and a free space for a diode. Why did not their Chinese solder X, Z. Do I need to solder the missing parts? And what will change for the better or for the worse? Thanks in advance for your reply.
It's just that the arc is not stable, maybe it will be better that it’s confused. Everywhere I’m looking at the smallest 2 electrolytes in the rectifier, there are only one. Maybe one cannot cope with a drawdown under load?
Izmail Inverter 8 gün önce
Fayzabad province 12 gün önce
Thank you, your video helped a lot, the question arose - from the videos you mentioned a homemade trance if you can voice the dimensions of the core and a little more about the manufacturing technology.
I kept thinking why not “drain-source” but like a bipolar)
please tell me whether it is necessary for the ferrite ring tgr to make a gap
thank you very much for answering
Ismail Inverter Aylar önce
those that I saw - there was no gap
Ismail Inverter Aylar önce
told in one of the videos
Where do you get tgr or buy?
master Lomaster 7 gün önce
data winding can lay out? otherwise I've been breaking such a device for three weeks already. I can’t find the ratio of turns. native to the cold is ideal, but as heating loses inductance almost completely up to 50 degrees. and I myself shake some slaves ..)))
Izmail Inverter 2 aylar önce
On such an inverter, I also had almost the same ugly picture on an oscilloscope in the absence of transistors, and when I soldered them, the picture became good. The transformer did not touch. In general, I do not understand well the work of all this electronics in the drivers of IGBT transistors. Can someone somewhere explain how they work? I also don't understand why a 12V fan is connected there to 24 volts through 2 powerful resistors and with a zener diode. I connected a 24V fan directly - it works, though you can hear how it slows down when the load is turned on
alexey ananev 3 aylar önce
when connected from an external power supply, the yellow LED should probably be on, since there is no power at the output. For some reason, it does not light up for me, so I am afraid to turn it on from the network for now.
Izmail Inverter 3 aylar önce
Good day, tell me where you can buy a driver transformer, if it's not a secret), thanks
Izmail Inverter 4 aylar önce
And I think it won't be cheaper to send the device across all of Ukraine, the tr-tor will probably be cheaper ..
Ishmael Inverter driver is normal, but it burns after replacing it with a new transistor, it is obvious that the problem is in a trance ..
Izmail Inverter 4 aylar önce
send for repair. will cost less
winding is not a problem I do not have an oscilloscope (a little expensive for me) I will not check the oscillogram (I use the method of damage to transistors), you have checks, I would buy, thanks
Alexey Loskutov 4 aylar önce
Hello Ishmael, please tell me what could be. Replaced the keys and resistor R4 47 Ohm in my opinion. I switched on 3 pieces in parallel through the 75W lamps. The lamps lit up and went out, but then there was a sound trrr and the lamps lit up and the resistor R4 started smoking. The keys struck: (((( is it TGR can be to blame? .But why did the keys burn out even through the lamp. Thanks
Izmail Inverter 2 aylar önce
The lamp must be installed after the network capacitors, otherwise the charge of the capacity manages to kill the keys
Alexey Loskutov 4 aylar önce
Izmail Inverter 4 aylar önce
Alexey Loskutov 5 aylar önce
Thank you very much for such detailed videos. Subscribed and like :)
Amid Kovkuli 5 aylar önce
I generally drink with suction so as not to overheat the radioelement, even if it is out of order, but this is not a dogma. Great videos. I watch your channel already stick!) It is almost a priority for me)
Evgeny Flyagin 5 aylar önce
I repair Technique 164, changed keys, restored drivers. The device has started, but does not regulate the current when the rheostat is loaded. I measure a current transformer, the resistance is only 4 ohms. Is he dead or is it supposed to be?
Vatarobot Ivan 5 aylar önce
Hello Ishmael! I have a blueweld 186 pro. turns on, the fan works but does not cook, does not react at all. Tell me what could be the reason.
Izmail Inverter 5 aylar önce
Vatarobot Ivan 5 aylar önce
Ishmael Inverter. where are you located?
Izmail Inverter 5 aylar önce
does not cook at reduced voltage, it does not ignite the arc
the device has 150 A declared in the passport
Sergey Morozov 7 aylar önce
It is possible to put additional keys there are free spaces for the keys must be isolated from the radiator and will it be better? Thank you.
Sergey Morozov 7 aylar önce
Izmail Inverter 7 aylar önce
transistors will heat up less. you will not feel any changes in your work. diodes will not have anything
Sergey Morozov 7 aylar önce
Izmail Inverter that the higher the power or less will affect the low voltage of the network, and nothing will happen with demagnetized diodes
Izmail Inverter 7 aylar önce
Rasim Balayev 8 aylar önce
GRISH Petrov 8 aylar önce
Can you please tell me you can convert this circuit to a semiautomatic device?
How do you remove, put the bracket on the diodes? I pulled it together with the radiator, but how to put it back? After all, the steel is thick.
Izmail Inverter 9 aylar önce
I press down with platypuses. sit down without problems
Alexander Zavarikhin Yıl önce
I looked at the inductance of the primary winding of the power transformer, it is 0.66 or 0.67 Henry miles, but not the duty officer.
but there is no impulse. lm224 plays a role?
there are voltages on the uc3845. 1 Hz yellow LED flashes.
First, look at the diagram and figure out how it works. and then ask questions
please tell me the protection will work for me. no impulse
“Do not interfere with his work” - I said this more than once to my Son when He tried to improve the Volkswagen. Here is another kolinkor however ..
Izmail Inverter Thanks for the video! Very informative. Say in a similar inverter there are 2 keys 2 diodes 1 capacitor 680μF. There is a free space for a capacitor and a free space for a diode. Why did not their Chinese solder X, Z. Do I need to solder the missing parts? And what will change for the better or for the worse? Thanks in advance for your reply.
It's just that the arc is not stable, maybe it will be better that it’s confused. Everywhere I’m looking at the smallest 2 electrolytes in the rectifier, there are only one. Maybe one cannot cope with a drawdown under load?
Thank you, your video helped a lot, the question arose - from the videos you mentioned a homemade trance if you can voice the dimensions of the core and a little more about the manufacturing technology.
I kept thinking why not “drain-source” but like a bipolar)
please tell me whether it is necessary for the ferrite ring tgr to make a gap
thank you very much for answering
those that I saw - there was no gap
told in one of the videos
Where do you get tgr or buy?
data winding can lay out? otherwise I've been breaking such a device for three weeks already. I can’t find the ratio of turns. native to the cold is ideal, but as heating loses inductance almost completely up to 50 degrees.and I myself shake some slaves ..)))
On such an inverter, I also had almost the same ugly picture on an oscilloscope in the absence of transistors, and when I soldered them, the picture became good. The transformer did not touch. In general, I do not understand well the work of all this electronics in the drivers of IGBT transistors. Can someone somewhere explain how they work? I also don't understand why a 12V fan is connected there to 24 volts through 2 powerful resistors and with a zener diode. I connected a 24V fan directly - it works, though you can hear how it slows down when the load is turned on
when connected from an external power supply, the yellow LED should probably be on, since there is no power at the output. For some reason, it does not light up for me, so I am afraid to turn it on from the network for now.
Good day, tell me where you can buy a driver transformer, if it's not a secret), thanks
And I think it won't be cheaper to send the device across all of Ukraine, the tr-tor will probably be cheaper ..
Ishmael Inverter driver is normal, but it burns after replacing it with a new transistor, it is obvious that the problem is in a trance ..
send for repair. will cost less
winding is not a problem I do not have an oscilloscope (a little expensive for me) I will not check the oscillogram (I use the method of damage to transistors), you have checks, I would buy, thanks
Hello Ishmael, please tell me what could be. Replaced the keys and resistor R4 47 Ohm in my opinion. I switched on 3 pieces in parallel through the 75W lamps. The lamps lit up and went out, but then there was a sound trrr and the lamps lit up and the resistor R4 started smoking. The keys struck: (((( is it TGR can be to blame? .But why did the keys burn out even through the lamp. Thanks
The lamp must be installed after the network capacitors, otherwise the charge of the capacity manages to kill the keys
Thank you very much for such detailed videos. Subscribed and like :)
I generally drink with suction so as not to overheat the radioelement, even if it is out of order, but this is not a dogma. Great videos. I watch your channel already stick!) It is almost a priority for me)
I repair Technique 164, changed keys, restored drivers. The device has started, but does not regulate the current when the rheostat is loaded. I measure a current transformer, the resistance is only 4 ohms. Is he dead or is it supposed to be?
Hello Ishmael! I have a blueweld 186 pro. turns on, the fan works but does not cook, does not react at all. Tell me what could be the reason.
Ishmael Inverter. where are you located?
does not cook at reduced voltage, it does not ignite the arc
the device has 150 A declared in the passport
It is possible to put additional keys there are free spaces for the keys must be isolated from the radiator and will it be better? Thank you.
transistors will heat up less. you will not feel any changes in your work. diodes will not have anything
Izmail Inverter that the higher the power or less will affect the low voltage of the network, and nothing will happen with demagnetized diodes
Can you please tell me you can convert this circuit to a semiautomatic device?
How do you remove, put the bracket on the diodes? I pulled it together with the radiator, but how to put it back? After all, the steel is thick.
I press down with platypuses. sit down without problems
I looked at the inductance of the primary winding of the power transformer, it is 0.66 or 0.67 Henry miles, but not the duty officer.
but there is no impulse. lm224 plays a role?
there are voltages on the uc3845. 1 Hz yellow LED flashes.
First, look at the diagram and figure out how it works. and then ask questions
please tell me the protection will work for me. no impulse
Hello to you and to all inverters in your hands. Ishmael, please tell me the key binding. and the demagnetizing diode too. in prestige. thank you.
Google Telvin Technique 164.
Kind time of the day) tell me what keys are in this miracle. Thanks in advance)))
Ishmael Inverter if install 60N60 will it be easier for them to live?
20N60 - relatives. put FGH40N60
Hello Izmail, while I was disassembling the TGR, the magnetic wire or whatever is called ferrite was broken in the air in places. I glued the moment the impulse did not change?
Of course, you will not like my work, but you have to blindly repair
I can't advise you anything. they are moody.
Where I live now, there is no oselogroph here, that's why the swami wanted to ask
and how are you going to fix it blindly?
I have no oscelegroph, it won't work
Hello, very cool, good luck with the renovations.
I want to rewind TGR myself. What varnish should be used between the windings
Thank you for your videos, you are very interesting and accessible to talk about breakdowns, diagnostic and repair methods
Do you wind the TGR yourself, or do you buy ready-made ones? If you buy, share the link.
I take an acquaintance from electronics engineers
145 amperes, I measured and repaired this, there is on the channel).
Did they bring such an inverter for repair only without damper diodes of the power switch from the factory, does it necessarily put diodes?
I did not understand the question? formulate correctly
thanks for your videos. tell me in the choice b, a donkey in my region on avito for the best price has such devices for sale, such as yours and s1-67, s1-68 what to pay attention to.
Sergey Andryushchenko Bandwidth, presence of probes.
buy better with a specialist
Only the LOWER transistor is measured against the minus! I repeated one mistake 3 times.
Where can you find such a transformer?
Ishmael what transformer did he replace?
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