DIY car repair tools

In detail: do-it-yourself fixtures for repairing a car from a real master for the site

Factory tools, undoubtedly, are necessary things, but sometimes tools for repairing cars with your own hands and caring for it are in no way inferior to factory ones.

The car requires two types of repairs: fast and long-term. The first type involves a certain replacement of spare parts - most often, only one needs to be replaced. The second, however, type assumes partial or complete work on the repair of the machine.

There are the following subspecies of car repair:

  1. Actual. It involves the replacement of individual parts only in case of its complete failure, for example, repairing the brake system.
  2. Repairs according to plan. It is produced according to the schedule. Most often, it is used in the repair of public or special vehicles.
  3. Complete renovation. It is necessary in case of failure of several departments of the car at once, which requires its complete disassembly and bulkhead of all spare parts.

Thus, based on the types of repair, the following methods can be distinguished:

  1. Individually to every detail. It involves the removal of individual parts, repair and re-installation. This is the longest type of repair - complete. With this type, you have to wait a long time for it to end.
  2. Fast way. In this case, the defective parts are first removed, and then the workers are immediately inserted. This type of repair is called actual repair. It takes about an hour, during which there is a complete replacement of failed spare parts.
  3. Self-repair. It involves the implementation of independent repair actions in relation to your car. It can combine all types of repairs at once - depending on the severity of the repair.
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With this type of repair, the main rule is to timely prepare and constantly carry with you tools and devices for car repairs.

They can be located in one of two options: in a special box or in a special cassette. It is a piece of styrofoam with a hole cut into it.

All other parts are attached to the bottom of the vehicle.

These containers will include the following types of instruments:

This is the whole DIY car repair tool.

Read about car repair of all brands here. Is it possible to repair the bumper with your own hands? See this article.

As for the devices made with one's own hand, the following points can be noted here:

  • Rags. They should be wide and dense. The best choice would be rags or canvas fabrics. They are least of all prone to chafing and last longer without forming holes. They can be used to wipe off excess oil, hands or glass. An important rule should be remembered: if oil appears on the rag, you should get rid of it, because this can lead to ignition.
  • Spare parts. In the case of replacing contacts or other parts of the car, parts that are least worn out can be reused for preliminary repairs with the possibility of arriving at the repair site.
  • Additional details. These include the radiator cap, petrol pump, fuses and extra belts. All of them tend to fail at the wrong time. With their presence, this situation can be easily corrected.
  • Additional wheel. If you are in a deserted area, only it will help in the case of a punctured old wheel.
  • Cigarette lighter. It is required to charge the battery from another car.
  • First aid kit. It should contain all the necessary medicines and first aid equipment.
  • Gloves. They should be woolen with the ability to perform such dirty and difficult work in them as pulling a car out of a swamp or replacing a dirty wheel.

These homemade car repair tools can help you cope with repairing your car in tough conditions.

For the rational use of space, communications and devices for the garage are used with their own hands from scrap materials. It is necessary to use walls, an underground level in the process, place machines inside the room, organize normal lighting.

DIY garage accessories

For the comfortable operation of a room intended for storing a car, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • the tool must be as accessible as possible;
  • storage areas equipped with shelves / racks are much more convenient;
  • do-it-yourself workbenches, a viewing hole, home-made machines and garage accessories expand the capabilities of the car owner;
  • the cellar allows you to save space on the site;
  • the quality of lighting depends on the productivity of work, minor repairs.

Organization of the working space inside the garage

Depending on the size of the building, the area occupied by equipment, fixtures, and communications should not be more than 10 - 20% of the size of the garage floor.

In 80% of cases, do-it-yourself garage fixtures are constructed to store accessories, tools, and vehicle equipment. It should be borne in mind that the most bulky parts of the car are sets of winter / summer tires, depending on the season.

It is more convenient to store wheels on brackets of the following design:

  • two triangular frames from the corner, connected by jumpers from any rolled metal;
  • the triangles are attached to the wall, the wheels are installed perpendicular to the supporting structure, falling slightly between the lintels.

Wheel storage brackets

This is the most economical option for storing rubber in the off-season. Straight and corner workbenches are most in demand by car enthusiasts. The lower space is usually filled with shelves or drawers, sharpeners and vices are located on the table top.

Homemade garage workbench

An example of organizing a corner workplace

A folding workbench can be very convenient.

Wood is a versatile material for both workbenches and shelving

A wooden workbench is easier to build on your own, but it has a lower resource than an analogue from rolled metal, which needs to be welded. If corners for shelves are not laid in the load-bearing walls during construction, it is easier to make racks from rolled metal or sawn timber.

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Homemade garage racks

Use for glass bottle racks

Built-in wardrobes are very compact

Original hanging shelves are suitable for storing long items

The design and arrangement of shelving within each garage is too individual to follow general guidelines.

An inspection hole becomes a necessary device for a garage with your own hands. Moreover, the owner does not have to make all the repairs on his own. Underground communication can be used in the following cases:

  • inspection of the chassis, steering, brake system before a long trip;
  • oil change, which allows you to save, does not take much time;
  • minor repairs that allow for the qualifications of the owner.

It is more convenient to enter the cellar from the pit, as this will allow several steps to be concreted instead of using a ladder.

The main nuances of these designs are:

  • swelling of clayey soils is harmful to underground structures;
  • therefore, all elements of the pit and cellar are insulated with expanded polystyrene outside;
  • in the underlying layer before concreting, backfilling the sinuses of the pits, sand or crushed stone is used;
  • along the perimeter of underground structures at the level of the sole, drains are laid to collect and drain water.

The width of the pit should allow the driver to enter it without lighting.

In garages, parallel lighting circuits are more often used. One lamp allows you to use a specific area, several devices are turned on during major repairs, visiting the cellar. The minimum power consumption is ensured by LED lamps. Daylighting devices have a great resource.

In cars, poisonous, harmful fuels and lubricants are used, therefore, do-it-yourself devices for ventilation of the garage, allowing you to create air exchange, become relevant. The inflow is organized from below:

Ventilation of the garage and cellar under it

The hood is mounted under the ceiling of the cellar, the roof of the garage, or has the form of vents in the main walls at the highest points.

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Do-it-yourself garage ventilation. From this publication you will learn why garage ventilation is so important, what air exchange schemes exist, and the nuances of installation.

Useful accessories for a garage with your own hands can be made from used dishes, inventory, materials left after construction. For example, by gluing the lids of plastic cans horizontally / vertically, the owner gets a convenient transparent utensil for tooling or hardware, which is always at hand.

Device for storing small parts, tools, hardware

Interesting PVC pipe screwdriver storage rack

From a power tool, you can assemble homemade machines and accessories for the garage:

Drill boring machine

The advantage of the machines is a more accurate positioning of the tooling relative to the workpiece. The equipment turns out to be collapsible, the drill and angle grinder can be removed and used as intended.

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Image - DIY car repair tools

Metal lathe for garage. Machine types, technical characteristics, design, overview of popular models in a special publication of our online magazine.

The simplest design of a hydraulic press is derived from an automobile hydraulic jack. For pressing / pressing in bearings, pressing / compressing parts, you will need to build a frame and a removable movable stop. The frame consists of 4 channels welded to each other. At the top, the structure is reinforced with stiffeners (kerchiefs), at the bottom, transverse corners are added, giving the frame stability.

DIY hydraulic press from a jack

The stop is pulled in a normal position to the upper crossbar of the frame by powerful springs. A hydraulic jack is installed between them, if necessary, pressing the stop to the lower crossbar of the frame. The force of the press is regulated by a jack, the dimensions of the working area are selected depending on the size of the workpieces.

And finally, a few more examples of useful things for the garage.

Storage pockets for cutting discs made from disposable plates

Device for the convenient use of threads and ropes

PVC pipe trims are ideal for creating convenient storage areas

Convenient pull-out racks for storing tools

Car repair is a serious and responsible job that requires certain knowledge and skills. There are operations that a beginner can handle as well. But many types of repairs require serious experience and some preparation.

However, any car repair specialist was once a beginner - each of us once did even the most familiar work for the first time.

Therefore, if you are determined to master the ability to repair a car with your own hands, do not be afraid to start. Learn, be attentive, pay attention to every little thing, and after a while you will acquire all the necessary skills.

Image - DIY car repair tools

Car repair tools

You will also need a special tool for auto repair - as you understand, it is impossible to do without it.

To do many work with your own hands, you will need various tools and materials - with their help, fixing of units, assembly and disassembly, operations to eliminate defects, etc. will be carried out.

Let's figure out what special tools and accessories you may need during do-it-yourself car repairs.

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Essential Car Repair Tools

To begin with, consider the standard set of tools that you will need not only to have in the garage, but also to carry with you. There are different situations - it happens that a breakdown forces you to work with your hands right on the spot, making it impossible to reach the garage. For this purpose, you must have the following special set with you:

  • Screwdrivers - any work with the machine rarely does without them. You will need two flavors:
  • with a slot;
  • with a cruciform tip.

Since you may need different sizes, it is best to carry a universal screwdriver with different types of bits.

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Image - DIY car repair tools

Multifunctional screwdriver with attachments
  • Adjustable wrench - it may be needed when the force of the pliers is not enough to unscrew a stubborn bolt;

Image - DIY car repair tools

Adjustable ratchet wrench
  • Jack - will be needed in order to raise the car or hold it, for example, when changing a wheel. There are 3 popular jack types:
  • screw;
  • rack and pinion;
  • pneumatic.

The screw jack is considered to be the most convenient - it is compact and efficient.

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Mechanical screw jack
  • Socket wrenches for unscrewing the heads. They can have 6-sided and 12-sided heads.
  • A set of spanner wrenches. There should be as much as possible. The car has a huge number of different nuts, so such a set will be extremely necessary for you.
  • Several hammers of different sizes. A light hammer is used to knock out bolts, nuts and studs. The heaviest one is needed for wheel replacement operations, door repairs and other heavy work.
  • Pliers.
  • Nippers.
  • Rope for towing cars. It must be worn, reliable, non-slip and not damaged.

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Machine repair tools

In addition to the standard set of tools, it is advisable for you to carry with you special devices and materials that you may need to work with your own hands at the breakdown site:

  • spare parts - it is advisable to have small spare parts with you that may be needed during the repair. These can be bolts, nuts, gaskets, hoses, and the like;
  • spare parts and components: belts, fuel pump, fuses and other little things that can let you down on the way;
  • spare tire - if you have a punctured wheel, only the spare wheel will save you;
  • cigarette lighter - it will come in handy if there is a need to charge the battery from another car;
  • woolen gloves - useful so as not to injure your hands during hard work;
  • clean dry rags and rags - they are used to wipe hands or car parts from dirt, dust and oil.