Vacuum cleaner lg 1600 v DIY repair

In detail: vacuum cleaner lg 1600 v do-it-yourself repair from a real master for the site

Repairing vacuum cleaners, like other household appliances, is a common practice, since all appliances tend to break. The cause of breakdown is most often the wear of parts and the destruction of mechanisms. However, a breakdown of a vacuum cleaner does not always mean that you need to buy a new one, since it is quite possible to repair such equipment with your own hands.

The vacuum cleaner is rightfully considered the most popular piece of household appliances. Most housewives today can no longer imagine their life without a vacuum cleaner, since it significantly saves time and helps to keep the house clean and tidy.

See also - How Do I Pick a Good Vacuum Cleaner at an Affordable Price?

In most cases, the motor is the cause of the vacuum cleaner's failure. Such a breakdown occurs with almost all brands and models of the device, regardless of the manufacturer. By the characteristic signs and features of the device, you can diagnose a problem and try to repair the vacuum cleaner with your own hands.

  • The first sign of a malfunctioning engine is a hum and the appearance of a dusty cloud during the operation of the device.
  • Insufficient suction power or its complete absence indicates that the hose is out of order. Another sign that the tightness of the hose is broken is the quiet operation of the device. In addition to breakdown in the corrugation, the receiving brush can be damaged.
  • Slow suction speed and a drop in operating speed can be the result of bearing failure. Proof of failure of these particular components is the periodic restoration of normal operation.
  • Excessive hum during proper operation indicates that the engine is out of order. In most cases, malfunctions in the motor directly affect the suction power of the air.
Video (click to play).

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Regardless of what is the cause of the malfunction, you need to know how to disassemble the vacuum cleaner in order to repair it yourself.

Repairing a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function will be a little more difficult, since you will also have to work with a water pump. The main task of the pump is to supply water to the dust collector, for this reason the pump is installed at its inlet. When repairing a washing vacuum cleaner, you must pay attention to disconnecting the pump.

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When repairing a vacuum cleaner from companies: Hoover, Vitek, Samsung, Rowenta - it is recommended to check the power cord is working properly. You can check the integrity of the cord using a multimeter. The reason for the failure of the cable most often lies in the active use of the vacuum cleaner, in which the cable is frayed, twisted and broken. If such a breakdown is confirmed, it is enough just to shorten the cable to the required length or replace it.

Vacuum cleaners of the Dyson, Miele brand have a distinctive feature that manifests itself in the frequent failure of the filter. Low suction power is a sign of dirty filters.

It is very important to periodically clean and rinse not only the dust container, but also the filter. Timely maintenance of the filtration system of the vacuum cleaner is the key to its long-term and high-quality operation, which primarily depends on the serviceability of the engine.

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For the vacuum cleaners of the Korean company LG, which has long mastered the production of this type of household appliances (it even produces garden vacuum cleaners), rather high reliability is characteristic.Most of the models have high suction power and are easy to operate and maintain.

The cause of malfunctions is most often an overloaded engine, a negligent attitude to technology or a factory defect. To extend the life of a home assistant, you should follow the rules of operation and monitor its technical condition. If repairs are unavoidable, refer to the information on how much it will cost to replace worn parts.

Before taking the vacuum cleaner for repair, you should determine the cause of the equipment failure and try to eliminate it.

Below are typical malfunctions of LG vacuum cleaners (even handheld vacuum cleaners for the home of this company) and their causes:

  • poor suction - the power regulator is incorrectly installed; the dust container is full; the filter is dirty;
  • poor-quality garbage collection - the brush or nozzles are worn out and need to be replaced; the drive belts are worn out;
  • unpleasant odor - the trash bag may be full; if it smells like burnt rubber, check belts and bearings;
  • loud hum during operation - bearing wear;
  • buttons are broken, the hose is broken, the cord is damaged - due to careless handling of equipment (a common problem with LG vacuum cleaners).

Sometimes a vacuum cleaner prematurely loses its performance due to a hidden factory defect or as a result of a fake brand name. In this situation, the presence of a warranty card helps the consumer to protect his rights. If the warranty is not expired, a free repair will be performed at an LG Service Center.

The motor breaks down if:

  • the collector has overheated due to increased sparking or physical wear of the bearings has occurred (a common problem with Philips vacuum cleaners);
  • the engine is overheated due to insufficient ventilation;
  • water has entered the engine, therefore a short circuit has occurred or its elements have suffered from corrosion.

Testing helps to establish that the motor is faulty. It also allows you to determine what kind of problem occurred and whether the most important unit of the device needs to be restored. A list of tests for the engine is provided.

  1. The vacuum cleaner does not start (frequent breakdown of Philips vacuum cleaners)... If there is voltage in the network, the socket, cord, plug are in good working order, then you should contact the workshop. The contacts may have broken, but most likely, there was an inter-turn stator short circuit. It is necessary to replace the engine - repair is not possible in this case.
  2. The vacuum cleaner hums, roars... As mentioned above, the motor bearings are to blame. If they are out of order, but the fan impeller is intact, the motor is repairable. However, the cost of the work is almost the same as the price of the new engine.
  3. Strong vibration, crackling, grinding... This is a sign of damage to the impeller, most often due to the ingress of a foreign object. Impeller repair is not practiced, the motor is completely replaced. By the way, the malfunction may also be in the vacuum cleaner brush.
  4. Sparking, smoke, burning smell... The collector carbon brushes are worn out. Subject to the timely termination of the vacuum cleaner, these motor parts must be replaced. If, despite the malfunctions, they continued to use the vacuum cleaner, the collector fails. In this case, it is necessary to install a new motor.

To replace the engine, proceed in this order:

  • using a screwdriver, unscrew the 4 screws securing the cover;
  • disconnect 2 latches;
  • take out the engine, disconnect the wiring (remembering its location);
  • a new engine is placed in the housing, then all operations are carried out in the reverse order.

The cost of the motor for the main models of vacuum cleaners depends on its power and dimensions. You can buy an engine for the LG PA2210 unit for 660 rubles, for the LG VCE284E08 model - for 1245 rubles. The most expensive is the purchase of an engine for the LG VMC753E5 vacuum cleaner and other vertical vacuum cleaners - 3000 rubles.

It is preferable to repair the engine in a specialized workshop with equipment, tools, electrical measuring instruments and stands.If you buy an engine yourself, then replacing it costs only 200 - 300 rubles.
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1. Hose. It must be cleaned regularly, and if it is thoroughly clogged or burst, the hose must be replaced with a new one. To buy a hose for different models of LG vacuum cleaners is offered at a price of 700 to 900 rubles. The hose has various configurations.

The corrugated tube is traditional. The hose can be replaced with a more modern version - its control is on the handle. In this case, the hose becomes a multifunctional unit of the separator vacuum cleaner.

2. Dust collector. Before you buy a dust bag, you should know its label. The most common type is "DB-33" - with a rectangular flange and without a dust damper. This dust collector is used in such series of LG vacuum cleaners: Storm, Extron, Turbo (modifications Alpha, Beta, Delta, S, X).

Dust collector "DB-42" is designed for Turbo vacuum cleaners (max, Gamma, Storm, Magic). These bags also have a rectangular flange, they also have technological cutouts. Dust collector "DB-63" is designed for brands of vacuum cleaners Sharc, Vollk, Vollk Plus.

The universal TH 1 UH dust collector is suitable for all models. All bags are available in two versions: paper or synthetic material. Synthetic bags (4 pcs. Per set) cost an average of 800 rubles. Paper bags can be bought for 240 rubles. (set of 5).

3. HEPA filter. This reusable filter filters the air coming out of the vacuum cleaner. If this filter is clogged, the indicator lamp on the handle comes on - in this case it should be washed. Buy a HEPA filter for LG vacuum cleaners is offered for 300 rubles.

4. Filter on the engine (inlet). The reusable device is washed at least every six months. If the warning light is on, the air purifier also needs flushing. The filter costs an average of 740 rubles.

5. Brushes, attachments. The kit usually includes a brush for an LG vacuum cleaner (for cleaning the flooring), a nozzle for furniture and crevices. For washing vacuum cleaners, other attachments have also been developed - for example, LG VK80102HX (for the Compressor series of vacuum cleaners). It allows you to collect dust and clean the floor at the same time. To help the attachments last longer, they are cleaned and rinsed after each cleaning. If the attachments are worn out or out of order, they are easy to buy.

A turbocharged brush for an LG vacuum cleaner costs 700 rubles. Slotted and furniture nozzles, depending on the model of the vacuum cleaner, can be bought for 150 - 350 rubles. Nozzles for washing vacuum cleaners are somewhat more expensive - from 500 to 750 rubles.
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It must be said right away that the diagnostics and repair of LG vacuum cleaners is a copy of the diagnostics and repair of Samsung vacuum cleaners. Therefore, as in the case of Samsung products, equipment diagnostics is estimated at about 100 rubles. Repairing the power cord, replacing knobs and buttons cost an average of 100 rubles. Restoring the functions of the electronic module costs 300 - 400 rubles. Repair of a washing vacuum cleaner is estimated by workshops at 900 rubles.

You can replace the engine filter, hose, HEPA filter with your own hands - for this, you should find the corresponding sections and schematic images in the vacuum cleaner operating manuals. See how Thomas vacuum cleaners are repaired, and you can repair LG vacuum cleaners using the same principle.

Regardless of the type of vacuum cleaner, the heart is called the engine. Television programs like to depict the creation of a vacuum, which, in our opinion, is an inept manipulation of words. The motor draws in air by the blade, the filter keeps the moving parts from dust. Each bearing is equipped with an insert for this purpose. The engine has no protection from vacuum ... Do-it-yourself repair of a vacuum cleaner is advisable when the heart of the device is functioning properly, there is a need to replace, modify the brushes, lubricate the bearings. It is charming that the devices are similar from the inside, like two drops of water. The mechanical part, the device for collecting dust, filters, brushes, hoses, housings vary. Accessories are an essential part of the appliance. The device of the vacuum cleaner, the basic idea remains the same!

The heart of the vacuum cleaner is rightly called a motor, traditionally a collector motor. Let's take a quick look at the design of an irreplaceable product and create a clear idea. In an asynchronous motor, a rotating field is created by correctly distributing the phases by the windings, the winding collector commutes in series. There are unpopular exceptions.The direction of movement is determined by the direction of engagement:

  1. The current flows, the fields work for attraction.
  2. The current flows, the fields are repelled.

As for the question why the rotor turns exactly in this direction, not opposite when connecting the windings unidirectionally, the answer is revealed by the mutual arrangement of the brushes and stator coils, the structure of the collector. The number of coils is wound on the armature, equal to the number of contact pads of the shaft. The brushes feed a single winding at a time. Then the shaft rotates a certain angular distance, the next coil is energized. One revolution passes, the cycle begins anew.

Imagine the stator pole (so far only one - not two), located at the bottom. Suppose, at the initial moment of time, the brushes are set so that the armature pole is fed to the left of the building axis. Then, due to repulsion, the shaft begins to describe the hour hand. The axis passes the angular distance, the current begins to flow around the next winding, which managed to take the place of the previous one. This happens as long as the current exists. And there is no difference, constant or variable. The collector motor will run driven by the direction of the field. The speed of rotation is not determined by the frequency - by the design of the mechanical part, by the magnitude of the voltage.

Now if the fields are attracted, the rotation will start counterclockwise. By the time the stator and rotor poles become opposite each other, the power will be transferred to the next coil, which will begin to create the required force. The cycle is circular. Now the coils. Brush motors are equipped with a pair of stator windings for direct current, because the alternating current encounters too much resistance from the inductors. This is why some brushed motors are designed with separate stator leads. It will allow you to use one instead of two windings. It is clear that the load capacity drops significantly. But losses are decreasing.

In a vacuum cleaner on the motor stator, we notice two diametrically opposite windings that help each other. Mutually beneficial coexistence is ensured by the correct direction of inclusion (wrote above). Reversing motors have a special power relay that switches the poles in proper order. For comparison, in an induction motor, a similar relay distributes the voltage phases in a different way. It turns out a reverse. The collector motor does not require a starting winding and a capacitor (one phase), which try to imitate the second winding. Simply put, the efficiency of three-phase asynchronous motors is higher. The brainchilds of Nikola Tesla and Dolivo-Dobrovolsky are used by industrial equipment, in the 90s they were replaced by collector equipment from household appliances (vacuum cleaners were traditionally supplied with graphite brushes before the restructuring).

Two brushes are used to transfer current to the armature. The difference is leveled, where the plus, where the minus, the direction is provided by the correct commutation.

Is it possible, by changing the order of connecting the brushes, to make the motor rotate in the opposite direction. The polarity of the field is reversed. This technique is used to obtain a constant voltage reverse. When doing self-repair of vacuum cleaners, remember the correct position of the contacts.

A tangential fan is hidden behind the filters for coarse and fine air purification. Air enters in the center, is discharged to the periphery, moving forward, enters the room through a HEPA filter that traps particles of a few microns (micrometers) in size. The blade is covered with a cover, the part is made in the form of curved aluminum partitions between two metal planes. Closed channels are obtained. The engine is enclosed by a plastic casing (traditionally white), in which the outlet flow path is cut.

It is interesting! Due to the presence of a tangential fan, the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner barely reaches 20-30%. With a power consumption of 1600 W, the suction will be 350 W.

Brushes are fixed in mines, it is good for beginners to know: this is a typical pencil graphite (carbon, coal). You can, if necessary, sharpen the parts, adjust as needed, so that they become in place. If the area of ​​contact with the collector is small, it is not scary, gradually the brushes will wear in. The tips are slightly grinded in a semicircle inward. Each brush is pressed by a spring through which the current passes, the measure will provide a long service life to the products. The carbon will work until it wears down to the ground. However, the copper collector must be kept clean. Wipe with your favorite product if necessary, remove the oxide film to a coppery shine.

The shaft is attached to the stator with two bearings. Different sizes to make it easier to disassemble the vacuum cleaner motor. The front bearing is large and the rear bearing is small. The shaft is carefully knocked out of the stator by suitable means (pneumatic puller), moderate heating helps. The bearings are equipped with anthers. Although the vacuum cleaner creates a vacuum, dirt gets in there too. The anthers are carefully removed with a screwdriver if necessary to lubricate the parts. Suitable: composition HADO, Litol - 24, EP - 2. The grease is put inside, the boot is put in place.

Do-it-yourself vacuum cleaner repair begins by removing the case. In each case, the methods are different. Filters blocking access to the engine are removed. The electrical installation is disconnected (the vacuum cleaner is unplugged), the plastic motor housing is unscrewed from the base. Remove the motor from the casing, after which the fan is removed. The nut has a left-hand thread, twist carefully. The fan is followed by a collector-cover, under which the electrical part is hidden. The further course of operations is clear from what was previously read up to the removal of the rotor.

If necessary, the bearings are racked off with a threaded remover or a hydraulic press. Aids are being used. Small balls with a diameter extending into the bearings. It is recommended to flatten on one side so as not to roll. Reverse mounting is done in a similar way. If you hold the armature by the bearing in your hand, the rotation should be fast, quiet, confident. When lubricating, the outer boot is removed, take the trouble to put new spare parts on the same side.

  • brushes;
  • bearings;
  • motor windings;
  • power wire;
  • fuse.