In conclusion, we will conduct a comparative analysis of the cost of bath restoration, based on the methods discussed above.
The cost of high quality enamel "Reaflex 50" produced by the Finnish company "Tikkurila" is 550 rubles per 1 kg. The Russian restoration kit "Svetlana" costs 750 rubles. As a result, you will have to pay 1,300 rubles.
If you buy a set for the restoration of a bath with liquid acrylic, for example Plastall, it will cost about 2,000 rubles. By the way, it contains everything you need for independent work, even a CD with a video lesson.
The cost of the liner itself and polymer glue ranges from 2800 to 3000 rubles.
The best option is the method of self-leveling restoration, in which you get a beautiful and durable coating for little money. Moreover, any of these methods are several times cheaper than buying and installing a new bath.
Aging and deterioration of the coating is a disease of all cast iron and steel bathtubs. Dismantling and installing a new structure can turn into a full-fledged repair of the entire bathroom, while the wall covering in the bathroom is guaranteed to be damaged. In order to avoid these difficulties, two technologies are used: installing a bath-in-bath insert and applying new enamel to the surface of the old bath.
Repairing a bathtub coating using acrylic enamel is a modern, rapidly gaining popularity technology, which we will consider in detail in this article.
"Bulk bath" technology.
For professionals, the answer to the question - how to cover a cast-iron bathtub is obvious - the most common and affordable technology for bathtub restoration is a "bulk bath" using acrylic enamel. The material is supplied in two components: a semi-finished product of acrylic enamel and hardener No. 144.
Acrylic bathtubs have a number of significant advantages over other, sometimes advertised materials.
The following are the main benefits of acrylic:
Long service life of the coating - subject to all conditions - up to 15 years;
The optimal curing time is 36 hours, which allows the coating to completely cure, while excluding the occurrence of defects;
During the operation of the bath, restored with liquid acrylic, stains do not appear;
Acrylic is almost odorless, making work possible without the use of respiratory protection;
When the bath is covered with liquid acrylic, bubbles do not form in the material that has not yet hardened;
The occurrence of drips during application is excluded, the material spreads in an even layer;
Acrylic mixes well.
Liquid acrylic enamel differs significantly from other similar products. Below are a comparison of the characteristics of acrylic and its cheaper counterparts.
Baths, due to constant use, quickly become inadequate. Scratches, chips, and discoloration on the surface make it look unsightly, old and dirty. A full bath replacement can turn into a repair and replacement of plumbing, which implies significant financial costs.
Do-it-yourself acrylic bathtub
There are a couple of ways that you can update the look of a product without huge financial investments: special inserts and restoration of the bath cover with liquid acrylic or enamel.
Enamel application is a complex and time-consuming process that requires experience and skill. Therefore, most often, preference is given to acrylic coating.It is acrylic that is recognized as the simplest and most reliable material, the use of which during restoration work does not require knowledge and the presence of special tools.
Content of step-by-step instructions:
For the restoration of the bathtub coating, two types of acrylic-based material are most often used: liquid acrylic (snow-white paintwork with a high mass of non-volatile components) and stacril (acrylic + epoxy enamel).
The material can be ready-to-use or consisting of 2 components that need to be mixed together. When combined, these components form a composition that, when solidified, differs in strength and resistance to stress and temperature changes. There are several popular brands of acrylic coating "Epoxin", "Plastall", "Stakril".
Liquid acrylic in the form of a coating on a bath retains its appearance and protective properties for more than 14 years, with the condition of correct and gentle use.
Liquid acrylic in the form of a coating on the bath retains its appearance and protective properties for more than 14 years
The finished material does not thicken, spreads in an even layer, no air bubbles form in its thickness
Many experts prefer the two-component material "Stakril" and its analogs mentioned above. Unlike cheaper pouring bath materials that have appeared on the market, it has many advantages.
The bathtub remains snow-white throughout the entire service life.
No sagging during application and the formation of an even protective layer during restoration work.
No bubbles or unevenness.
Good mixing of ingredients.
Add the hardener that comes with the kit to Stakril and stir it thoroughly for 10 minutes
Acrylic and hardener.
A stick for mixing the components of the coating.
Rubber or plastic spatula.
Grinder or drill for bath preparation. The attachments must be equipped with sandpaper discs.
Oxalic acid for removing rust (if the bath is damaged by corrosion).
Automotive filler in case of large chips on the surface.
Before you ennoble the bath, you need to very carefully prepare its surface. If this is not done, the acrylic coating will spread unevenly and all chips and depressions will be visible. If there is rust and it is not removed before the restoration of the bathtub, after a while it will "lift" the coating and show through on the walls.
Bathtub surface treatment
The first stage of the preparatory work is the removal of the old coating. If the bathtub is very old and its inner walls are significantly damaged, then the old layer of enamel should be completely removed.
To do this, using a grinder or a drill with a nozzle, you need to carefully grind every centimeter of the bath. During this work, a lot of dust can form, it is advisable to protect the respiratory organs during this work.
If the damage on the old coating is minor, then you can simply sand it off with sandpaper.
The second stage of the preparatory work is cleaning the surface of the bath from dust during grinding. It is washed off with warm water, carefully examined for the remaining old enamel, not polished chips, rust spots. If everything is in order, they begin to degrease the surface, if not, continue the preparation.
The second stage of the preparatory work - cleaning the surface of the bath from dust during grinding
Experts recommend repairing deep chips and scratches with automotive filler, this will reduce the work with a sander or drill. After application, the putty is cleaned with fine-grained emery paper.
Degreasing is carried out using a solvent. If there is no such substance, then ordinary soda can be used. Several packs of soda are diluted in warm water to a puree consistency and applied to the inner walls of the bath.Every centimeter of the surface must be treated, otherwise liquid acrylic in untreated places may form an air bubble and chip during operation.
The next step is to heat the bath with hot water. To do this, you need to take a full bath of the hottest liquid from the tap and wait half an hour. Then the water is drained, the surface of the bath is quickly wiped off with an absolutely clean cloth with a lint-free surface.
The bath must be completely dry before pouring.
Then the water drains are dismantled. A container is placed under the lower one, into which the remnants of acrylic will be drained, under the upper one is covered with cellophane, which protects the floor from drops of material. It is also recommended to cover the entire floor around the bathtub to avoid damaging its appearance with white drops of acrylic coating.
Then the water drains are dismantled
Before mixing the components, it is important to keep them indoors for several hours. Mix acrylic and hardener gradually, in small doses. After thorough mixing, the mixture should stand for 15-20 minutes. Only after curing can the material be applied.
It is written above about mixing acrylic and hardener, but still, you should first read the manufacturer's instructions so that the result is as successful as possible.
After thorough mixing and curing of the two-component liquid material, the bath can be refined. It is recommended to pour acrylic from the main container into a tall glass, this will simplify the application of the liquid to the walls of the bath.
The rims of the bathtub, which border the wall, are poured first.
The rims of the bathtub, which border the wall, are poured first. You need to pour it gently, in a small stream. Use a trowel to carefully level the material against the wall. Then proceed to the outer side. It is important to cast so that the acrylic does not drip to the floor. In this case, the flowing material should reach approximately to the middle of the walls of the bath.
Then proceed to the outer side
When working, you need to focus on ensuring that acrylic is applied to the walls in an even layer, 3-5 mm. After the first round of pouring, you should proceed to the second. Acrylic is poured in the same thin stream onto the walls of the bath along the perimeter. You need to pour the material until it covers the entire bath.
In order to level the sagging at the bottom of the container, you can use a spatula to run along the bottom of the bath in zigzag movements, achieving an even distribution of the material. This must be done carefully, without touching the bottom of the container. If, nevertheless, there are influences and irregularities, do not worry: the composition will even out itself during the drying process, and the excess acrylic will drain into a special container under the lower drain.
To smooth out the beads at the bottom of the tank, you can use a spatula to draw along the bottom of the bath in zigzag movements.
After finishing the walls, the bath will dry after 36 hours. More information on these material properties can be found in the instructions.
But experts recommend starting to use the bath a few days after the restoration - this will extend the life of the coating.
The last stage of work is the connection of plumbing communications to the updated bath.
Experts recommend starting to use the bath a few days after restoration.
Before starting work, it is required to thoroughly mix the acrylic in a bucket. Pay special attention to the bottom and walls. Thus, the material becomes homogeneous, with a uniform consistency.
Do not heat liquid acrylic, as its viscosity decreases. This can lead to the fact that all the material simply flows down and a very thin layer remains on the walls. Use the material at room temperature, after keeping it indoors for 5-6 hours.
If you want to change the color of the bath, you can use tinting paste.This material is added during the mixing of the components. It is important to know that the amount of color should not exceed 4% of the total mass of liquid acrylic. This will help to avoid changes in the strength characteristics of the coating. The color of the bath will be muted when adding color.
Despite the fact that acrylic coating positions itself as strong and durable, it can be damaged if not properly maintained. It is strictly prohibited to use acids, abrasive powders, metal sponges for cleaning the bathroom. These cleaners will quickly leave deep scratches and ruin the finish.
To clean a refurbished bathtub, special liquid acrylic products are suitable, which can be found in any household chemical store. They will not only keep the surface intact, but also enhance the mirror shine.
Let your new bathtub delight you as long as possible!
Like any coating, the enamel becomes thinner over time, rust spots, stains, chips appear on it. When the most effective abrasive chemical cleaners fail to fix the problem, most owners decide to switch equipment.
But after assessing the laboriousness of installation work with material costs, they begin to look for alternative options associated with updating the old cast-iron bath. Despite the aesthetically unsightly appearance, the design, which is quite suitable for performing the main function in accordance with all operational characteristics, will last another half a century. It's all about the enamel coating. This means that something new is required, and thanks to new technologies, this manipulation is carried out in the shortest possible time.
A radical method is to replace the plumbing tank. First of all, you need to calculate how much this procedure will cost. Let's summarize the cost of an ordinary classic bathtub with the costs of its delivery, including transportation and loading, taking into account the required floor. Dismantling of old equipment and installation of new ones are carried out in accordance with the company's price list. According to the most conservative estimates, at least 13,000 rubles will be needed. This is without taking into account damage to the wall and floor coverings, which is inevitable in any type of installation work. Partial replacement of cracked fragments and cosmetic repairs will be required. Conclusion - getting rid of the old one and installing a new one is quite troublesome and costly.
Wouldn't it be better to think about restoration, given the good functionality of an old bathtub with a thinned or washed off white surface? Moreover, a large amount does not guarantee an excellent result, since the purchase of the least budgetary capacity was originally meant. When choosing a better quality, convenient or design project, costs can increase significantly. If this method is not suitable for the owners, they think about affordable and effective restoration options. It is important to approach this issue competently, choosing the optimal solution.
Restoration of the old surface layer by "pouring" acrylic is the most popular method. The know-how technology was highly appreciated by the majority of consumers due to its simplicity and low cost. With this method, a liquid synthetic mass is poured onto the inner lining of the bathroom.
Advantages of bulk acrylic:
• long-term durability. When applied correctly, the service life is calculated for a period of 8-15 years; • Due to the density and plasticity of synthetics, an even smooth surface structure is formed; • The flowable mass smooths out all kinds of defects and scratches • Acrylic is applied at a high speed, a simple application technology allows you to bring the volumetric layer of the surface up to 6 mm. • The filling is characterized by the absence of a specific odor, so allergy sufferers, children and the elderly will not need other housing for the duration of the renovation. Significant disadvantages of bulk acrylic are:
• long drying of the composition - 3 days • Coating sensitivity.It is unacceptable for dust, dust to enter the drying plane, otherwise it will deteriorate. • The apparent apparent simplicity of the technological operation is extremely deceptive. In fact, pouring acrylic requires certain skills in working with a liquid mass. • Relatively high material costs in comparison with enameling. But the cost pays off given the increased service life and high quality.
Painting is often considered the oldest restoration method, when a special enamel is applied to a worn-out coating. The owner should be thinking about how to freshen up old equipment? There are two types of enamels: for professional use and for household purposes. The structure of the first is the thinnest, you will need to apply at least 3-5 layers. This is a laborious procedure. The latter are characterized by a thicker structure and, accordingly, two-layer styling is easier to apply. Apply the liquid coating with a roller or brush, trying to spread it evenly over the cleaned canvas.
Advantages of the enameling method:
• is the most economical restoration option;
• there is no need to dismantle the drain and the overflow does not require reconstruction;
• this method is intended not only for cast iron products, but also for steel containers.
Enameling has the following disadvantages:
• insignificant service life, less than 5 years; • drying time is about a week; • at the exit, the coating is non-glossy, uneven, sensitive to deformations; • a thin layer of enamel is not able to mask dents, chips, which may appear over time; • the appearance of a yellow tint during operation, since the original factory epoxy coating is radically different in composition. Cold enameling is considered the cheapest and easiest restoration method. It can be compared to painting the canvas with a special compound. To extend the life of the enamel, you must heed the following recommendations:
• cleaning the renewed cast-iron coating requires not abrasive cleaning agents that destroy the integrity of the coating, but a solution of washing powder or soap; • the new container must be protected from impacts, sharp objects can scratch the acrylic sheet; • the enamel does not tolerate boiling water, it can crack. When filling the bath, before opening the tap with hot water, cold water is first turned on, and not vice versa.
For option 3, additional equipment will be required - an acrylic insert, which is mounted using the "bath in bath" method. This two-layer construction will last about 15 years. At the same time, a new acrylic insert is installed inside the old structure, which ideally follows its outline. The stability of the additional element is ensured by means of technical adhesive foam.
This method has advantages:
• acrylic is a more durable material than enamel; • due to perfect alignment, all defects and deformations of the cast iron sheet are smoothed out; • inert material does not turn yellow until the end of the service; • the two-layer construction successfully combines all the advantages of acrylic and cast iron.
Disadvantages of acrylic liner:
• dismantling of the drain siphon will be required; • it is forbidden to apply the acrylic structure to areas of lightweight or thin cast iron, otherwise the bath sags and the adhesive layer moves away from the fixing insert; • in the bathtub method, the materials must meet the standards. Low-quality inserts or a composition not intended for gluing metal will negate all efforts; • requires careful measurement of the insert, down to the millimeter. The slightest discrepancy with the parameters of the basic structure is unacceptable. All 3 restoration methods are simple and effective, they provide preliminary degreasing and removal of dirt and limescale.You can get rid of greasy marks by using oxalic acid or baking soda. Then proceed to a thorough cleaning, removing plaque and deformed fragments until a flat plane is obtained. The next stage is grinding, the purpose of the bark is to obtain a rough surface. Unevenness of the web on contact with the adhesive will ensure maximum adhesion.
Having weighed all the pros and cons, the owner must decide: to dismantle or restore the much-needed plumbing equipment. But with competent and qualified restoration work using high quality materials, the updated bathtub will look like new. If possible, you should trust experienced craftsmen who have proven themselves on the good side. Then an excellent result for relatively little money is provided.
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