I took apart the laptop and repeated everything I saw in the video, with minor changes. On the side where I would put the iron under the foil, I put a couple of layers of ordinary office paper so that, in addition to the bridge, other elements of the laptop motherboard would not float. Yes, I'll explain why they wrapped the entire motherboard in foil. So that the solder reaches the desired temperature and then the board cools down evenly and does not lead it.
After such a repair, I assembled the laptop. I was pleased with the result! The laptop has been running for over a year. There were no other problems. The laptop began to work faster, the cooler made less noise.
After watching the video on repairing a laptop, I weighed all the pros and cons and decided, I will try to repair my laptop myself. Good luck with the repair!
The computer has many different connectors for connecting many different devices: keyboards, mice, printers, modems, monitor, game joystick, etc.
The tables below show the pinout and pinout of the internal and external connectors of a personal computer.
Posted by admin in Repair 10.02.2018 Comments on DIY laptop repair asus videos disabled 658 Views
While the laptop simply and reliably works, it is good, but when it breaks down, then the full price comes. The price of a system unit and a laptop is almost the same, but it is much easier and cheaper to maintain a system unit than a laptop. It is easier to replace components with a system unit than with a laptop.But since you have a laptop and you need it, and not a computer, then in the article below let's look at: how to properly disassemble, repair and assemble a laptop.
Then by chance on the Internet I found a video on disassembling an Asus X50N laptop repairing. I decided to look and here it is what I have been looking for for so long!
3 videos on disassembly, repair and assembly of the Asus X50N laptop were posted. After watching all three parts of the video, I made a lot of discoveries for myself, how does laptop repair work, in most cases. You can watch these videos below the article.
I took apart the laptop and repeated everything I saw in the video, with minor changes. On the side where I would put the iron under the foil, I put a couple of layers of ordinary office paper so that, in addition to the bridge, other elements of the laptop motherboard would not float. Yes, I'll explain why they wrapped the entire motherboard in foil. So that the solder reaches the desired temperature and then the board cools down evenly and does not lead it.
After such a repair, I assembled the laptop. I was pleased with the result! The laptop has been running for over a year. There were no other problems. The laptop began to work faster, the cooler made less noise.
After watching the video on repairing a laptop, I weighed all the pros and cons and decided, I will try to repair my laptop myself. Good luck with the repair!
Laptops are very demanding on the thermal mode of operation. Due to the compact arrangement of the heat-generating parts in them, the slightest failure in cooling leads to a significant increase in the internal temperature, and this inevitably leads to unstable operation and breakdowns.
During the operation of the laptop, dust and various foreign particles get into the cooling system and settle on the radiator and cooler! So they make it difficult for the normal air flow. If you do not regularly clean the laptop from dust, then over time the temperature inside will rise, and this will significantly shorten the life of the laptop!
***** It turns off spontaneously after some time of work. The time can be from a few minutes to an hour ***** Some time after switching on, it slows down. For example, a video may play very slowly ***** There are stripes, squares, ripples across the laptop screen ***** It makes a lot of noise. ***** Heats up a lot in the heatsink area ***** Air does not come out of the laptop heatsink,
In order not to treat the effects of overheating, just don't let it happen! Do preventive cleaning.Prevention is done once a year, at least (I cleaned mine after 1.5), but better - once every six months. The operation of a laptop at elevated temperatures can damage the processor, chips of the north and south bridges, and the video chip. And repairing a laptop will cost much more than a timely preventive cleaning of dust and dirt!
We take: a screwdriver, a brush, cotton swabs, a can of compressed air (I did not use it) and 50 gr. alcohol. * Flip the laptop over first take off battery. Unscrew the screws and remove the back panel. ** You need to start cleaning from the laptop cooling device - coolers (fans). We clean the accumulated dust on the cooler using cotton swabs moistened with alcohol. *** Use the cans carefully, do not tilt the can down too far, since the liquid in them can get on the motherboard and this can lead to undesirable consequences. **** Take your time with cleaning. Take more time, but clean it carefully! You must be sure of the quality of the work performed and you will not have to repeat it in 2-3 months.
There is nothing difficult in this! And you can still make money on this. Many people have laptops, everyone needs laptop cleaning. Not everyone will want to give a laptop to the service. You can establish yourself as a laptop cleaner. People will contact you and they will also recommend you to the next clients.
For information. In specialized services, cleaning a laptop reaches 5,000 rubles! The price is naturally overpriced (in reality, cleaning laptops costs from 800 to 1500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work performed), but this is our service.
We remove the battery, MANDATORY!
The lid where the cooler is located
Pay attention to the cooler.
The ventilation grill is visible, it is also clogged with dirt!
Let's not forget to clean it up too.
After a thorough cleaning, the laptop works like new!
As a rule, Asus laptops work flawlessly, delighting their owners with functionality, quality and appearance. Nevertheless, malfunctions occur even with these laptops, and repairs in such situations should be trusted only by professionals.
Our service center offers a full range of Asus laptop repair services - from diagnostics to replacement of the required spare part. We are also ready to provide our assistance in setting up the software and expanding the capabilities of your laptop.
By contacting us, you can count on a prompt solution to the problem. Our technicians will accurately determine the cause of the malfunction and offer the best solution. If you need, for example, replacement of the keyboard, fan or repair of the board, power supply (when there is no charging), we guarantee the availability of original components and accuracy of manipulation.
Thanks to the impressive experience with the Asus technique, we can eliminate both the most common and rare problems. By choosing our service center, you significantly reduce the risk of repeated breakdown, because all our work is covered by a guarantee. You can find out the cost of repairing an Asus laptop immediately after the diagnosis - there will be no unforeseen overpayments!
Laptop freezing - if you have to wait a long time for the device to react and constantly restart it, you should be afraid of a serious breakdown. With a timely solution of the problem, you will forever forget about freezing, and the laptop will work smoothly even with the most intensive use.
Flooding your laptop - liquid that gets inside the device can seriously harm it. It will not work to correct the annoying oversight at home, it is better to immediately contact the professionals who will save not only valuable details, but also the information contained in the laptop's memory.
Overheating of the case - if your laptop literally boils, hurry to the service center! Repairing or replacing the ventilation system will help to avoid freezes and spontaneous shutdowns, as well as other serious damage that often occurs due to prolonged overheating of the laptop.
Damage to the matrix - if the display of your laptop was damaged as a result of an impact, dots, stripes, streaks appear on the matrix, or it does not burn at all, only a complete replacement of the matrix will return the Asus laptop to normal operation. We also have access to repair of Asus netbooks.Branded accessories are available for devices with a diagonal of 10 to 19 inches.
Malfunctions in the motherboard are a good reason for urgent repairs, and if it is impossible to fix the malfunctions, then a complete replacement of the board. Usually the work of the wizard takes no more than an hour, but after that the correct operation of the laptop is ensured.
Broken connectors or malfunctioning modules such as bluetooth, wi-fi - in order to restore access to external devices, you need to disassemble the laptop and find the cause of the breakdown. Only a person who has been working with Asus equipment for many years can repair or replace faulty components.
First of all, check if the machine is connected to the mains. If everything is ok, but your laptop won't turn on, bring it to our service center. Diagnostics will reveal the exact cause of the breakdown, and our master will tell you how it can be eliminated.
The lack of response to switching on may be the result of other malfunctions that have interfered with the stable operation of the device for a long time. The problem can be hardware - when disassembling the laptop is required, or software - that is, due to the incorrect operation of the operating system and various programs. In any case, if Asus stops turning on, it is necessary to involve a specialist who knows his business in the repair.
This issue could be caused by a faulty connector, battery, or power supply. Repairing the entire power circuit of an Asus laptop will require the intervention of an experienced technician. If your laptop is plugged into a power outlet, but does not charge, or does not fully charge, visit us.
Our experts will explain the cause of the breakdown and help you quickly establish the operation of all elements of the power supply circuit. Never try to repair your Asus laptop yourself.
Remember that you will not be able to replace the batteries yourself, since resetting and calibrating (battery firmware) is possible only at a service center.
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Posted by admin in Repair 09.10.2018 0 12 Views
You are here: Home Content Articles Do-it-yourself Asus laptop repair
It is better to entrust Asus laptop repair in Moscow to professionals if you have no experience in disassembling equipment. Turning to specialists will allow you to avoid aggravating the problem, since an inexperienced person with a screwdriver in his hands can do more harm than good - the plastic case of laptops is quite thin and breaks down with a bang. Also, contacting the service center will allow you to get a working laptop the next day, while a full range of work will be carried out - diagnostics of malfunctions and their elimination.
Despite the warnings from the manufacturers and the de facto prohibition on disassembling the laptop and repairing it with your own hands, this is not difficult if you are ready to consistently and carefully disassemble it. However, it must be remembered that in this case you risk losing the warranty, since the seals that are glued will be damaged.If the warranty period of your laptop has already expired, then you can try to disassemble it. Below we will take a look at common problems with Asus laptops.
A common problem with some Asus models is the power connector. On the forums on the Internet, there are plenty of stories about replacing several connectors at once, after the failure of another of them. The Taiwanese company does not disclose what it is, a marriage at a supplier of components or a constructive miscalculation. The problem is solved by disassembling the laptop and replacing the non-working connector.
There are situations when the power cable is connected, the plug is inserted into the outlet, but the charge goes on and on. When moving by wire, the power jumps again. This indicates a break in the wire, usually at its base at the bend. To solve the problem, we take:
Soldering iron with solder and tin and an oxidizer
Stationery knife
Insulating tape.
We cut a hole with a knife (care must be taken, as it is possible to damage the working wires or break their insulation), separate the broken contact and the wire. Using a heated soldering iron, we connect the plug to the wire. In conclusion, we wrap the restored wire with electrical tape.
The most common reason for contacting a service center is to replace the hard drive. There can be many reasons for this. The most common of them are: the desire to increase the volume of the disk, replacement of a damaged or non-working disk, recovery of lost information. Replacing a hard drive is the easiest operation with a laptop. To do this, turn off the laptop, remove the battery, unscrew a couple of screws on the bottom and remove the cover. After removing the cover, you will see a view of the hard drive and RAM, which can be easily replaced by disconnecting the ribbon cable from the HDD and removing the RAM from the slots.
When assembling a laptop, you must adhere to the reverse sequence. Special care must be taken to ensure that the loop is securely connected. In a laptop, everything is similar to a regular PC, but if it is easy to repair a stationary computer due to the large free space, then in laptops the components are placed very compactly. Difficulty can arise only when connecting wires, connectors, loops.
In most cases, all components that are interchangeable with others are subject to repair. Replacing HDD and SSD drives, RAM, Wi-Fi modules, keyboard, touchpad, screen matrix and so on is painless. The only difficulty that arises is breaking the laptop, in which you can break something. Also, an appeal to specialists will be necessary in case of problems with the motherboard and the elements soldered into it (resistors, transistors, capacitors, etc.).
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How diagnose if the laptop does not turn on at all - does not start does not load, the monitor does not even display the initial loading screen saver, which means the forecast is quite serious. Failure of one of the laptop bridges, chipset, motherboard electronic circuits is possible. Such repairs can be carried out only in a specialized workshop, or after an accurate diagnosis, try to order a similar motherboard. But you can still try to revive the laptop.
To do this, carry out a set of measures:
it is necessary to exclude a breakdown of the power supply - connect a known working
if it doesn't help, go ahead. Let's replace the RAM with a known working one. Turn on, see the result
if there is no result, then. Let's try to check the presence of a signal from the analog output of the laptop - connect the VGA connector to the laptop output, and the other end of the cable to the desktop computer monitor. When turned on, you must try to switch the laptop mode to work through an external monitor by pressing the key combination on the laptop, which is responsible for this -Fn + F3, Fn + F4, Fn + F5.And monitor the result, if there is no image, then with a probability of up to 95% the laptop motherboard is damaged. There will be an expensive laptop repair in a service center, where engineers with experience in eliminating this kind of breakdown will determine the exact cause and repair the laptop. If the image miraculously appeared, then you need to determine where exactly to look for the problem.
In a situation where, when a laptop is connected to a stationary computer monitor, the signal safely ignites the monitor and the laptop starts to boot, there may be several breakdowns.
First, the laptop's digital video converter is faulty, so the signal does not go to the matrix. The second, possible, is a defective (broken) cable of the laptop matrix, the third is the failure of the laptop matrix (breakdown of the laptop screen).
I would also like to note that if the laptop matrix breaks down, the picture looks like this. The laptop monitor lights up, but there is nothing else on the screen except for a white backlight or dashes and stripes. Regarding the loop, we can say that most often the loop breaks down in such a way that the image on the screen becomes unstable, images may appear and disappear depending on the position of the screen and its tilt in relation to the horizon.
Thus, we considered option number one, and how to identify a laptop breakdown with our own hands at home.
It is a pity, but even the most modern and technically advanced device cannot work flawlessly all the time. Even with proper and careful operation, your computer or laptop can break down.
Then the time comes to think about the question: Is it possible to repair an hp laptop with your own hands? It is indeed possible to fix some breakdowns on your own, but keep in mind that if your laptop is under warranty, then with this type of repair, the warranty period will automatically be canceled.
One of the first symptoms of the disease of this technique can be periodic freezes or shutdowns. The reason for this malfunction usually lies in an OS failure, which you can reinstall yourself. Just take care of a high-quality and licensed installation disk in order to avoid malware infection of your laptop and ensure it works correctly. If the installation of the new OS has not yielded results and malfunctions continue, it is possible that the clogging of the cooling system with dust and small debris is to blame. The process of cleaning the laptop fan can be done by yourself, at home. The main thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. This will be the key to a successful operation to save the patient.
Almost any laptop repair involves disassembling the case. Here it is necessary to act with the utmost care and precision. Be sure to remember the location of each screw and screw! If you tighten them incorrectly during assembly, you can damage the motherboard or ribbon cable. Once you have disassembled the case, you can start removing the hard drive or keyboard. With your own hands, it is really possible to purge the internals of the laptop from dust, clean or completely replace the cooler. You can replace a sunken key on the keyboard or carry out resuscitation measures after pouring tea or coffee.
For any repairs, be sure to turn off the power and remove the battery from the device. This will protect you from electrical shock and protect your laptop from possible system short circuits. Don't try to repair the battery! At home, this is almost impossible. And in the service center, they often offer to replace the battery with a new one. If you have any doubts about your own abilities, contact a specialized company for help, where experienced craftsmen will provide you with quality assistance.
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Wake up well, boyar! Today I will tell you how I repaired the Asus X50VL laptop connector. When this laptop was brought in for repair and I looked at the broken power connector, I thought that I would have to order the connector. Some masters do just that - they immediately say "the power connector is only under the order for 6 weeks." I decided to run a full diagnostic first.
To disassemble your Asus X50VL laptop yourself, you must first remove the bottom covers that cover the battery, hard drive, RAM, cooling fan, and Wi-Fi adapter.
When disassembling the laptop, a large number of bolts are formed. It is better to prepare several small containers for them at once, so as not to be confused. The fact is that screws from different parts of the structure have different lengths and different sizes. If you don’t sort the screws right away, you’ll have to spend time selecting the correct length for each hole. I often use plastic bottle caps. Plastic milk bottle caps are especially good. They are roomy, colorful and do not tip over.
After removing the bottom covers, you need to unscrew all the screws in the bottom base of the laptop. Then you can remove the DVD drive and remove the cooling system for the processor and south bridge.
To completely disassemble the Asus X50VL laptop, you will have to remove the display. To do this, unscrew the cap screws near the DVI connector.
Display cable connectors are located under the cover. They need to be carefully disconnected.
Make sure the display cables are not damaged and remove the coaxial cables of the Wi-Fi antenna.
Now you can proceed to removing the keyboard. It was tightened with screws from the bottom, which have already been unscrewed and is held only by latches at the top and on the sides.
Be careful when removing the keyboard - there is a loop under it, which is easy enough to break. To remove it, you need to unfold the keyboard along the bottom edge.
The keyboard cable is attached to the connector under the white pressure plate. We move it to the right with tweezers and take out the graphite connector.
There are a few more screws under the keyboard, which also need to be removed.
Pay attention to the touchpad cable. It is attached to the connector in the same way as the keyboard cable - push the brown latch towards you and pull the cable out by the blue holder.
After all the manipulations, we can finally disassemble the lower half of the laptop by snapping off the latch around the perimeter.
Under the cover we see the motherboard of the Asus X50VL laptop. To remove it, you need to unscrew a few screws again. Sort them using separate containers.
So, when I got to the power connector of the Asus X50VL laptop, I saw that it fell into two parts. One part remained on the board.
This is how the power connector looks from the back.
The second part of the connector with the central core was broken off and fell off the board.
I made a decision to restore the connector. I planted the broken part on epoxy and soldered it into the through hole on the board. Assuming that the laptop owner would not stop trying to break the connector or make a microcrack in my solder, I additionally routed the wires from the central contact of the connector to the other side of the board.
It turned out, of course, not very aesthetically pleasing, but reliable.
To prevent the wiring from dangling, I filled it with glue.
To prevent the wiring from being pinched by the laptop case, the latter had to be filed in the right place.
When reassembling, I decided to remove the clogged dust from the laptop cooling radiator.
Practice shows that the cooling fan also needs to be cleaned. To do this, you need to disassemble it by unscrewing three screws.
It is better to use a stiff brush to remove dust from the impeller.
Video (click to play).
This completes the repair of the Asus X50VL laptop connector and cleaning the cooler from dust. After reassembling, the Asus X50VL worked fine. Now I think - I should have put on more epoxy. You always want the repaired equipment to serve for a long time.