In detail: do-it-yourself photo gallery balcony repair from a real master for the site
The first step is to carry out preparatory work of the following nature:
- The scope of work is assessed and an expense estimate is drawn up. At the same stage, construction and finishing materials are selected and purchased;
- Old windows, balcony block are dismantled, old finishing material is removed;
- If necessary, the floor is removed from the slab, after which its condition is checked. If there are deep potholes, especially along the edges of the slab, they are cleaned, primed and sealed with cement mortar;
- The walls are leveled to facilitate the installation of finishing materials;
- If it is necessary to strengthen the parapet, then this is done with the help of foam concrete blocks. They are placed on a special glue.
Advice: Do not use aerated concrete blocks for the parapet due to the fact that they strongly absorb moisture, unlike foam blocks.
Next, we will analyze the repair of the loggia with our own hands in stages, dwelling on certain points in more detail.
The loggia must be glazed by choosing a certain type of window system for this purpose. If desired, you can install double-glazed windows that have an energy-saving effect. Choose windows according to your taste:
- Metal-plastic windows... The most practical and affordable type of glazing, characterized by durability and good thermal insulation properties;
- Aluminum windows - less warm structures with a weak degree of noise protection. They are used relatively rarely, in cases where insulation is not planned;
- Wooden windows... A very expensive pleasure. It should be borne in mind that even high-quality wooden windows are susceptible to moisture in the air.
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The procedure for installing glazing on a loggia should be as follows:
- On the parapet, strictly according to the level, a window frame is installed, which is attached on each side with at least two self-tapping screws, anchors or dowels.
- A window sill is installed inside the loggia at the bottom of the window.
- An ebb is attached outside the window.
- Double-glazed windows are installed in their places.
- All gaps between the frame and the structural elements of the loggia are filled with polyurethane foam.
- After the foam has hardened and trimmed, all gaps are closed with decorative overlays.
In the process of repairing a loggia with your own hands, do not forget to lay wires for lighting and power supply. To do this, lead the power cable to the loggia, having previously de-energized it. From the cable, wires are routed in the recesses of the wall or at its corners, going to the lamps, the outlet and the switch. If the walls are flat, then 2 options apply:
- channels for wires are grooved in the wall of the house;
- wires are pulled inside the crate.
Any sconces, pendant and spotlights, LED lighting can be used as light sources.
And in more detail about how cold glazing of a balcony with an aluminum profile is carried out, we told in a separate article.
How to make repairs on the loggia so that when you enter it you feel the comfort, and not the coldness of the street? Of course, you need to insulate it with high quality. All cracks and voids must be sealed, and the structural elements of the loggia are protected from moisture.
It is very desirable to combine the formation of the floor with its insulation. For this, the following flooring options are used:
1. Wooden floor... To do this, a waterproofing film or foil foam is spread on the floor. Wooden logs are laid on top of this layer. They are aligned and fixed to the slab by means of dowels. Between the lags, 5 cm thick foam sheets are inserted, or the same or a thinner layer of extruded polystyrene foam. You can also lay a layer of mineral wool. On top of the insulation, you can lay another layer of foam foam. Grooved boards or OSB board are attached to the logs.
Advice: It is not recommended to use chipboard for flooring, as the material, if moisture gets on it, can gradually deteriorate.
2. Cement strainer... First, the plate is leveled, after which plates of expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam are laid on it. They are carefully sized. A cement screed with a thickness of at least 4 cm is made on top of the insulation.
3. Warm floor system... It can include one of the following components:
Heating mats. They fit in ready-made sections. The advantage of mats is that it is not necessary to prepare a rough surface for their installation. Mats work from electricity, being laid directly in a layer of tile adhesive. Floor tiles are usually laid on top of the mats;
If you decide to make a warm ceiling on the loggia, then you should know that all the cracks above the windows must be closed to prevent condensation from forming on top of the ceiling panels.
Ceiling insulation is performed in one of the following ways:
- A wooden frame is stuffed on the ceiling, between the strips of which insulation is inserted. On both sides of the insulation there should be a layer of vapor barrier such as penofol, although often penofol is used only on top of the insulation;
- Penoplex is nailed to the ceiling plate with dowels. Next comes the vapor barrier layer in the form of penofol again. Below the layer of insulation, on the frame, a suspended ceiling is formed.
The front and side walls are insulated on the loggia. For the wall of a house, such an operation is usually not performed.
Tip: The house wall is not insulated even if the loggia is being repaired with your own hands in a panel house.
For wall insulation, 2 options can be used:
Penoplex is attached to the walls with glue or dowels. Then penofol is attached as a vapor barrier. Next, a wooden crate is nailed on the dowels;
It is advisable at the design stage to choose the materials that will be used for the interior decoration of the loggia.After all, they all have different costs and installation features.
The following materials are the most practical for the interior decoration of the loggia:
- PVC panels... They are simple and quick to assemble, easily processed to the desired size. Contrary to prejudice, PVC does not emit harmful components into the surrounding space. Plastic is durable and practical, easy to clean. The panels are fastened with self-tapping screws or clamps to a wooden crate.
Wooden lining or block house... This is the most environmentally friendly cladding, but also the most expensive. Many people sheathe the loggia with wood precisely for its beautiful appearance and naturalness. For fastening the planks, a wooden lathing is required, to which the planks are attached using self-tapping screws, nails or cleats. It is desirable to cover wood with varnish or impregnation containing varnish.
Instead of regular wallpaper, you can use liquid wallpaper. And we will show you how to glue liquid wallpaper. The work is not difficult, but it has its own nuances.
At the final stage of the renovation, you can think about curtains. We recommend paying attention to the Day-Night curtains, which we talked about here.
We figured out how to repair a loggia with our own hands. The final touch remains - heating this small room during the cold season of the year. If the "Warm floor" system was not installed on the loggia, then the following heating devices can be used as a heating system:
- Infrared heater... This is ideal for a loggia, as it warms up quickly, but the air does not dry out on it;
- Electric radiator... The most economical is an oil cooler, and the most energy-intensive is a heater with open spirals;
- Convector... Quite an economical and low-noise option, but it can lower air humidity;
- Fan heater... It is advisable to use an appliance with a ceramic heater that does not dry out the air.
Note: There is also an option to move the heating radiator to the loggia, but it requires a permit, which is not possible for houses with centralized heating.
Here you can see how the repair of the loggia is carried out with your own hands in stages in the video.
A beautiful balcony is not only pleasant, but also a significant expansion of living space in any apartment. It is quite possible to repair the balcony with your own hands, the photo in this article is proof of this. But where to start and how to make repairs quickly, beautifully and inexpensively, we learn from those who have already coped with this work.
To turn a balcony into a living and useful area, it must be glazed. But not all architectural organizations and municipalities give their permission for this.Therefore, before purchasing building materials, it is necessary to obtain permission for such a change in the facade of a residential building.
If the repair of the loggia is planned, then permission must be taken only if it is planned to dismantle the walls in order to combine the space of the kitchen or room with the loggia. In this case, the load-bearing walls of the house could be damaged, causing a collapse. Therefore, it is necessary to approve the redevelopment project in the local authorities for urban planning.

The permit is issued by the committee for construction and architecture of the region, district or city, depending on the location. If such permission is not given, then you just have to decorate the balcony beautifully with your own hands, the photo of which is shown below.
All work is carried out in stages, then many annoying misunderstandings can be avoided:
- Preparation for repairs - removal of garbage, dismantling of old structures. Ideally, the work area should be completely free of rubbish, old furniture, bicycles and skis, and other items that can be found on all balconies of high-rise buildings.
- Restoration, plastering and finishing works.
- Glazing - as required.
- Insulation of walls, floors and ceilings.
- The final, finishing decorative finish.
But, of course, you need to start with the choice of material for repair.
Depending on the chosen design, which are presented in the heading, balcony renovation, photo gallery of ideas, we will need the following materials, some without fail:
- Cerezit cement, sand and adhesive mixture for leveling walls and floors.
- Plastic lining or MDF - the first is preferable, since it is more durable and is not afraid of moisture. These are the most affordable materials for balcony cladding. You can, of course, choose a more expensive wooden lining or siding, but this already depends on the financial viability. If you choose expensive material, then you would rather hire workers than do the repairs yourself.
- Silicone sealant and polyurethane foam for processing joints and seams.
- Decorative plaster (bark beetle). Be sure to pay attention that the mixture has water-repellent properties, this will help prevent mold and mildew from appearing on the balcony.
- For the floor, you can choose ceramic tiles or natural wood planks. The tree will reduce the cost of floor insulation and reduce heat loss on the loggia, even in severe cold weather.
- If it is decided to repair the balcony with your own hands, and permission for glazing has been obtained, then it is better to purchase frames with glass in a set. This will reduce time and nerves, it will be enough just to fix them on the dowels and process the cracks with foam. Check the dimensions very carefully so that you do not have to redo it yourself.
- Paint, varnish, wood stain, primer.
As you can see, the list is not small. But do not be afraid, because the area of a standard balcony is small, you need a little material.
We will not dwell in detail at all stages of construction work, but pay attention to the most important nuances in repairing a balcony, which experts advise to spend time and not spare money.
What must be taken into account when repairing a balcony so that you do not have to redo all the work the next year?
- Repair of balconies and loggias necessarily implies strengthening the parapet. For this, lightweight and durable foam blocks are ideal, which are inexpensive, unlike bricks.
- It is imperative to carefully seal all crevices, gaps and cracks with cement mortar or ceresite. If the gap is inside, then you can completely do with foam or silicone sealant.
- If the cracks and cracks on the outside are too large, then you can reduce the consumption of cement by first foaming the crack, and then plastering it with cement mortar.
- Before painting and plastering, the walls must be treated with a primer against fungus and mold.In addition, the primer provides better adhesion and the paint or plaster will last much longer.
With the preparatory work finished, it's time to start finishing.
The easiest way is plastering and painting, but it looks, to put it mildly, too simple. The ideal solution to repair the balcony, the video of which can be viewed below, will immediately solve several problems on the crate:
- It guarantees a beautiful stylish design.
- Allows you to choose high-quality insulation using inexpensive materials.
- It is not at all difficult to make such a crate on your own, even without building skills.
The lathing finish has only one drawback - it reduces the area of the balcony. But if you mount the trim on metal guides, then these area losses can be reduced to a minimum.

The presence of a balcony or loggia allows you to increase the area of the apartment with their competent arrangement.
In order to translate into reality various ideas aimed at achieving the desired result, you will have to carry out repair work.
What should be done and in what order? Consider in this article.
At this stage, you need to do the following:
1) draw up an installation diagram and purchase all materials;
2) dismantle old structures (remove windows, balcony blocks and remove trim);
3) if necessary, you can knock down the old screed or remove the old wooden floor, and check the condition of the balcony slab (if there are potholes on it, from which the reinforcement protrudes, it must be treated with a rust converter, and the potholes must be plastered);

5) to create a reliable fence, you can use blocks of foam concrete, laying them with edges on a special adhesive mixture (the old parapet can be left in its place).
Advice: foam blocks should not be confused with gas blocks, since the latter absorb moisture very strongly and are not suitable for arranging a balcony fence.
It can be accomplished using materials such as:
- metal-plastic profile (optimal in price, durable and perfectly retains heat for a long time);
- aluminum (as a rule, it is installed on loggias that are not intended for insulation);
- wood (the most expensive material, which, in addition to everything, is highly susceptible to moisture).
The sequence of work related to the glazing of balconies or loggias is as follows:
1) on a parapet equipped with foam blocks, using a building level, a window frame is placed strictly vertically and fixed with self-tapping screws or anchor bolts (at least two on each side);

3) and from the outside - low tide;
4) after that, a double-glazed window is installed in each window frame;
5) all cracks formed during glazing must be sealed with polyurethane foam (this will not only help retain heat, but also create reliable protection against various sounds coming from the street);
6) after drying, the protruding parts of the foam are cut off with a clerical knife and these places are covered with special overlays.
To create a comfortable environment on the territory of a balcony or loggia, it is imperative to bring in electrical wires for installing an outlet, a switch and lighting lamps.
To prevent these wires from spoiling the interior, they must be laid in the corners or hidden in special channels made in the walls. Light sources can be a variety of lamps or LED backlighting.
To create comfortable conditions on the territory of the inner space of the loggia, it will be necessary to insulate all surfaces through which the heat from the apartment can escape to the street.
First, the cracks are closed and waterproofing work is performed.After that, they draw up an installation diagram and carry out the purchase of materials.
There are two ways to insulate this surface, each of which depends on the coating material (we are talking about a wooden or concrete field).
For a wooden floor, the sequence of work is as follows:
1) a film of waterproofing material is laid on top of the balcony slab;
3) sheets of insulation are laid in the formed gaps, which can be polystyrene or mineral wool;
4) another layer of waterproofing is laid (it is necessary to protect the insulation from water ingress during wet cleaning of the floor);
5) cover it all with a floorboard or sheets of OSB plates, fixing them to the logs with self-tapping screws;
6) the formed surface is covered with several layers of paint or varnish.
Advice: in no case should chipboard sheets be used as flooring, since this material is very afraid of moisture (swells and collapses).

1) first, they equip a rough screed made of cement mortar (with its help they try to smooth out the unevenness of the balcony slab as much as possible);
2) then the sheets of expanded polystyrene are laid close to each other (in the case of gaps or cracks, they are sealed with polyurethane foam);
3) a waterproofing film is spread over them and a reinforcing mesh is laid;
4) then put up beacons and fill in a finishing screed 5–7 mm thick, leveling it with a small rule.
Such a system can work either with a heated coolant or from an electrical network using elements specially designed for this purpose (we are talking about an electric cable, heating mats, or a film covering that emits infrared rays).
If the apartment is not equipped with a water floor heating system, then in this case the use of electric heating will be the most appropriate.

1. An electric cable intended for heating is placed on top of a layer of insulation, after which a finishing screed is poured. When the concrete is dry, floor tiles are glued to it.
The advantages of this method are that the cable connected to the electrical network heats up over time and transfers its heat to the concrete, which, in turn, heats the entire floor area.
2. As for the heating mats, they can be placed in a layer of tile adhesive, on top of which the tiles are laid.
3. To place an infrared-emitting film on the floor, a heat-reflecting material must first be laid on top of the rough screed. The final coating can be tiles, linoleum, etc.
If it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, it is imperative to seal all the cracks using polyurethane foam before starting work. Otherwise, condensation will accumulate between the insulation layer and the upper ceiling of the balcony, which will eventually lead to the formation of mold.

1) build a wooden frame and lay the sheets of insulation in the gaps thus formed, then fix the vapor barrier on top of the insulation and hide it all behind the finishing;
2) fix the penoplex on the upper balcony slab using special dowels (they are also called "umbrellas"), lay a layer of vapor barrier and, having built a wooden frame, close it all with plastic panels.
Only those sides of the loggia that are not adjacent to the apartment should be insulated. Insulation sheets can either be glued with glue and additionally attached with dowels, or placed in the gaps between the previously equipped frame.
Then (in the first and second cases) a layer of vapor barrier is laid.Finally, the installation of the topcoat is carried out, which can be used, for example, plastic panels or other materials.
To carry out work related to the interior decoration of balconies or loggias, you can use various building materials, but the most practical among them are:
- wallpapers of various types, tiles and whitewash (recently they have been used very rarely due to the loss of their relevance).

The lining made of wood, although it has a high price, but it has a beautiful appearance and is made of natural material that does not have a negative effect on the human body. It is mounted on a wooden crate with self-tapping screws. Upon completion of the work, the surface equipped in this way should be covered with several layers of varnish, each of them sequentially dried.
PVC panels are durable and harmless material that is very easy to cut, install and wet clean. Installation is carried out in a similar way.
MDF panels are also expensive because of their beauty and strength. Using such a material, you can imitate the surface of marble, granite or expensive wood. Installation is carried out by analogy with clapboard made of wood or PVC panels.

Decorative stone brings its zest to the interior decoration of the loggia. The territory of the balcony, equipped in this way, looks dignified and elegant. This material is harmless to humans and can serve for many years.
For a longer service life of all building materials involved in the repair, the balcony or loggia must be heated in the cold season.

Applying all the above tips, and consistently translating each of the stages of work into reality, you can repair balconies or loggias of varying complexity, using the most practical building materials.
For competent and high-quality finishing of the balcony inside, you need to make no small amount of effort... At first, it seems, what is there to decorate the balcony: plastered, painted and ready. In fact, first you need to decide what you want to see after the completion of the repair and from this start some actions.
As noted above, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of the balcony. Here you can arrange:
- Rest room;
- Study;
- Games area;
- Warehouse, etc.
The choice of one or another purpose of the balcony depends on the preferences of the owners and on the size of the balcony itself. Of course, if the balcony is large, then here you can arrange everything as you want. However, if the balcony is small, then you shouldn't despair either. The main thing here is to think over everything correctly and then even your small balcony can be equipped based on your desires and capabilities.
In any case, whichever of the arrangement options you choose, the balcony must be insulated. Usually, if the balcony is intended for storing things, then it is enough to insulate the outer walls of the balcony with foam plastic and, of course, put double-glazed windows on the windows. For all other options, in addition to insulating external walls and windows, it is necessary to make additional batteries and "warm" floors.
The interior decoration of the balcony is chosen after you have decided on the purpose of the balcony and insulated it. The decoration of the balcony inside the photo design depends on your taste and financial capabilities.
If the territory of the balcony is limited to storing things, then it will be enough to plaster the walls, paint them, lay the floor with tiles and put several lockers for storing things.
A small sofa and a table can be placed on the balcony, which is set up as a recreation area.
Advice! If the area of the balcony is very small, then it is better to make the table foldable from one of the walls, thus freeing up additional space.
If this is also a study, then here on the smaller side, you can place a computer table and a chair. In this case, be sure to take care of sufficient lighting. Wall sconces or ceiling lamps will come to your rescue.
Advice! If you plan to place a computer on the balcony, then take care of good curtains on the windows, which will protect it from direct sunlight.
If the balcony is set up as an area for children to play, then in this case it is especially worthwhile to approach the issue of wall and floor insulation, where you can additionally spread a carpet on the floor. Place small toy boxes on the sides of the balcony.
Are you still using your balcony to store your old sledges, skis, and all kinds of junk that might never be used by anyone? Given the constant rise in real estate prices, this use of your square meters can hardly be called rational. How about getting rid of all the unnecessary and transforming a balcony used as a smoking room or a drying space into a potentially new space for a study, a home workshop, a place for short meals, or even a summer bedroom? Whatever area our dwellings have, there is always not enough space. We bring to your attention a selection of interesting design projects for arranging balconies and loggias with a wide variety of functional purposes.
Before you turn your precious 2-5 square meters into a cozy corner that will become your pride, you need to develop a detailed plan of action. First of all, you need to decide whether your work on improving the balcony or loggia will be decorative (the structure remains open and only the facade is sheathed with finishing material) or constructive (the balcony must be glazed and insulated). The choice will depend on your personal preference and expectations. Someone lives in the south of our country and has a magnificent sea view that opens directly from the balcony. It is enough to refine such a structure and equip a place for meals with a gorgeous view of the seascape. And for someone, a non-glazed balcony will be covered with snow for most of the year and its improvement will require a considerable amount of action taken. But first things first.
Having the opportunity to be outdoors without leaving your own home is a great idea for those who live in the southern part of our country. From the point of view of the design of the facade of the open balcony, the owners do not have many options. In addition to the traditional cladding of the fence, you can decorate the structure with original forging and live plants. It all depends on how the facade of your apartment building is decorated and whether you want to join the existing options for decorating your own parapet or stand out from the general background.
In modern apartment buildings, you can most often find a solid metal frame with inserts of transparent, translucent or molded plastic of all kinds of color solutions as a fence (as a rule, the tone is selected for a harmonious combination with the color of the building facade).To create an original image of an open balcony, you can use a custom-made forged frame. In any case, before planning the reconstruction of the appearance of the open balcony, find out if the building has historical value and if residents are allowed to decorate the parapets at their discretion.
An excellent way to decorate a balcony in the case of an open structure can be the use of living spaces. In order to preserve as much as possible all the available internal space of the balcony for placing furniture, use the following devices for placing plants:
- flowers are located along the side of the railing;
- live decor is located at the base of the fence;
- at the end of the balcony, you can use a cascade or stepped arrangement;
- for climbing plants, the ideal option would be gratings that are attached to the walls on both sides of the doors.
Obviously, the decorative approach to the design of the balcony is a seasonal event, designed for warm, dry weather. Therefore, all furnishings must be mobile, lightweight and preferably foldable. Choose compact garden furniture that is not afraid of various exposure options - from moisture to burnout in the sun. And be prepared for the fact that in a strong wind with rain, you will need to bring textile elements (pillows, removable seats, blankets, etc.) inside the home. In the design of a closed balcony, there are much more design and functional variations - let's dwell on them in more detail.
So, if you decide to transfer the outer part of your home into additional living space and have already decided on its functional purpose, then the following types of work await you:
- mandatory assessment of the condition of the balcony - slabs and fences;
- glazing of the structure;
- insulation, waterproofing with preliminary elimination of all cracks;
- in some cases, the dismantling of the balcony block follows (depending on the reconstruction option);
- work on laying electrical systems;
- alignment (filling) of walls and floors (may not be available - it all depends on the types of finishing work);
- finishing;
- arrangement of furniture and accessories;
- decorating a new room.
There are two types of glazing: cold and warm. The so-called "cold" glazing is used if the balcony or loggia just needs to be protected from moisture and dust, but it is not envisaged to organize an additional room there to perform any functions. With this type of glazing, one of the following options for the construction of transparent structures is usually used:
- "Frameless" way - the barrier looks like a solid glass sheet. In fact, parts of the transparent wall can move along horizontal tracks to open and close windows;
- wooden swing doors;
- sliding or swing-out structures with a metal-plastic profile.
If you need to carry out "warm" glazing, then the option with the use of plastic double-glazed windows is the best way to create high-quality heat and sound insulation. Very often, in such cases, the technique of removing the frames by 15-25 cm beyond the plane of the facade is used for some expansion of the balcony area. The feeling of spaciousness and a fairly wide window sill that can be used as a work surface is a great bonus for the owners.
From the point of view of decor and bringing originality to the design of the balcony through the glazing stage, you can use tinted glass, stained glass, products with laser engraving or photo printing. Depending on the design solutions, such decor can be used both fragmentarily and for the entire surface of the protective glass barrier. Modern double-glazed windows can be made with any color scheme of the frames, imitate any type of wood.The original appearance of the glazing is the key to creating a non-trivial image of a balcony or loggia.
This stage of work must be taken with full responsibility - not to save on materials and specialist fees. A poor-quality installation of heat and waterproofing can subsequently nullify all finishing work, lead to damage to the furniture and, as a result, return you to your starting position with the need to rework the repair. Minor savings at this stage of work can result in significant costs for reconstruction and loss of time.
Polystyrene most often acts as a heater for floors, for walls and ceilings - expanded polystyrene or technoplex. Any insulation is mounted only after all the cracks have been removed and processed. To create a vapor barrier, foamed polyethylene has recently been most often used, which is laid with the shiny side inward. Further, on the surface, it will be possible to mount the lathing to create surface finishes.
The most effective way to insulate a loggia is to install a so-called "warm floor". One of the most affordable ways to install the system is an infrared film floor. In such a room it will be really warm and comfortable at any time of the year. Temperature control modes will allow you to independently set the microclimate of the additional room.
The amount of work on the wiring will depend on the estimated number of lighting sources and household appliances used on the territory of the balcony, the presence of "warm floors" and whether the loggia is being repaired in conjunction with the main alteration of the apartment or not. If the reconstruction concerned only the balcony, then you can not complicate the process and restrict yourself to a conventional extension cord, having previously calculated the required section taking into account the maximum load.
The number of light sources will directly depend on what you expect from a balcony or loggia. If this is a place for breakfasts and rare evening romantic dinners overlooking the cityscape, then one lamp or built-in lighting will be enough. If the additional room will be used as an office, workshop or children's play area, then one light source will not be enough. The number of lamps is also influenced by the size of the balcony and its location relative to the cardinal points.
The choice of finishing materials directly depends on the general idea of using the auxiliary room. But, regardless of how you will use the balcony or loggia (create a winter garden or install exercise equipment), there is a list of the most popular finishing options suitable for the special microclimate of the additional space:
- MDF panels;
- PVC finishing panels;
- moisture-resistant drywall is perfect for eliminating irregularities and creating cladding, niches and other structures;
- cork (creates excellent heat and sound insulation);
- decorative plaster;
- fake diamond;
- painting;
- combining different materials to create an original and durable coating.
The choice of material for creating flooring is influenced by the presence of a system of "warm floors", but in general, any modern raw materials can be used:
- ceramic or stone tiles;
- floor board (parquet);
- laminate;
- linoleum;
- carpet.
If we talk about the choice of the color palette, then it is obvious that in a modest room in terms of area, light shades will look much more organic, allowing you to visually expand the space. But, on the other hand, if all your furniture and decor of the balcony (loggia) are executed in light colors, then you can choose more colorful color solutions for the background.
Only at first glance it may seem that the limited space of the balcony significantly reduces the list of possible options for using this additional room. The modern owner has not used this utilitarian room as a pantry for a long time, but arranges there an office, a workshop, a greenhouse, a children's area, a playroom for adults with billiards, a gym, a hookah room, a place for meals and even a bedroom.
In order to place a full and functional environment on several square meters with a specific geometry, it is necessary to resort to various design techniques. It is not only a visual expansion of space due to the use of light finishes, mirror, glossy and glass surfaces, but also the installation of compact furniture (more often custom-made according to individual sizes), the maximum release of the floor - folding furniture, shelving and consoles that are attached to walls.
A place for meals is one of the most popular uses for a balcony or loggia. If you have an excellent view of the cityscape from your balcony, or even better - you can see the sunrise or sunset from your windows, it will be unforgivable not to use such a wonderful opportunity. The width of some loggias allows you to install a compact dining table, while in others you have to be content with a bar counter or a narrow console (most often a continuation of the window sill). Also, an effective technique can be the installation of a compact round (oval) table or folding panel.
Another popular solution is to organize a reading and relaxation corner on a balcony or loggia. It is logical to install shelving for your home library and organize a comfortable place for reading books in a light-filled room. Even if the balcony is glazed with frames, there will still be enough natural light for comfortable placement. In this case, in addition to shelving with books, it will be necessary to install a couple of comfortable chairs or a compact sofa, an ottoman.
In order to organize a modern office, you need very little usable space. It is precisely such a modest size that a balcony or loggia has. A small console can be used as a work surface (modern laptops or computer screens take up little space), a comfortable adjustable chair, and a pair of hanging shelves for storing documents and office supplies.
One of the most popular options for organizing storage systems in balcony spaces is the installation of shelving. Even a shallow floor-to-ceiling shelving unit can accommodate a huge amount of household items. At the same time, the structure does not look massive due to the absence of facades.
Built-in wardrobes are no less popular. But given that it is necessary to mount a storage system from floor to ceiling in a small area, it is better to give preference to light types of wood. The use of glass and mirror surfaces will not be superfluous - they will help to lighten the image of the cabinet.
Even a small space under the balcony windowsill can be used rationally. Shallow shelves, hidden behind the sliding doors, can accommodate a large number of necessary little things.
It is effective to use corner sofas as seating places, under the seats of which there are spacious storage systems. For balconies of small width, you can use similar, but only linear models.
The balcony is the perfect place to use your DIY household items. For example, building pallets can be used to design benches and sofas, tables and coasters, racks and other storage systems, even beds. Thus, you can not only significantly save money, but also create a truly unique image of an additional room.
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But in modern design projects there are also completely unusual options for using the available square meters. A gym, or rather a mini-room, laundry, Finnish bath or Russian steam room, is not a complete list of creative ideas. But it is important to understand that organizing many of these original projects will require not only a lot of resources, but also the appropriate permissions.