In detail: do-it-yourself sauna stove repair from a real master for the site
In many baths, people began to install metal stoves. This can be explained by the fact that such structures have a high heat capacity and are able to quickly heat up a room of any size. If a metal sauna stove breaks down, it is necessary to identify the causes of the breakdown.
Any metal sauna stove has a number of advantages:
- does not crack;
- has a high level of heat resistance;
- heats up quickly;
- has a compact size;
- easily transported;
- quickly assembled.
Many experts know that for long-term use of a metal stove in a bath, it is best to make brickwork from the outside. In this case, it is desirable to provide for the presence of refractory brick masonry. A gap must be provided between the metal oven and the brickwork. This is to prevent the metal from burning out. This air gap should not be too large.
When constructing ovens in the bath it is necessary to purchase high-quality iron sheets. Best of all, it should be 4-5 mm thick iron. If, at the initial stage of the construction of a furnace made of metal, low-quality iron is purchased, then the furnace can quickly fail. Most often, there is no draft in such ovens, from which the steam room is poorly heated. If a metal stove is built with your own hands, then all fire safety requirements must be taken into account.
If broke metal stove in the bath, you need to identify the cause of the breakdown. To do this, it is best to use the services of specialists who know the features of this type of structure. After examination, a specialist can identify what needs to be bought and replaced. It is important to remember that in any metal sauna stove there is a blower, which must be correctly installed. The blower should have good traction. Very often, the stove does not heat well due to the fact that it is not properly recessed. During the installation of a metal bath stove, it is necessary to properly deepen it. It is necessary to provide for the strengthening of the furnace with steel strips.
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Heat is retained fairly well in a metal oven. This is due to a metal cylinder that is filled with hot air and holds it for a long time. To identify a malfunction of a metal furnace, it is necessary to disassemble the brickwork. If it was found that a crack has appeared in the iron, then it is necessary to consult with a specialist on the subject of whether it is necessary to change the iron sheet or whether it is possible to weld the crack using a welding machine. If it is necessary to use welding, then additionally it is necessary to provide for the presence of a grinder and welding electrodes.
Quite often they began to build metal stoves in the bath because they are practical, economical and environmentally friendly. The metal from which the furnace is created has a long-term guarantee, which significantly increases the operational characteristics. When installing a metal stove for a bath, you must be guided by certain rules:
- it is advisable to use a light oven;
- you need to take into account the distance between iron and brickwork;
- the height of the oven and the distance to the ceiling must be taken into account.
Naturally, such parameters of the installation work of a metal furnace can be taken into account only if there is experience in this direction. Today, many construction enthusiasts, before embarking on construction of a bath, try to consult with specialists who can warn them against problems that arise later.
If a metal stove is created in a sauna room, which is made of wood, it is necessary to provide for sheathing with insulation. Today, the insulation can be made of stainless steel sheet, which will allow the furnace to be heated to the maximum temperature. Quite often, in baths, the stove was installed in the corner. In this case, it is necessary to provide insulation in the form of a corner sheet of metal, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out the cladding inside the bath. Sometimes the stainless steel can be replaced with other finishing materials:
If, while steaming, people notice that the stove does not emit the required temperature, then it must be disassembled and the reason for the low temperature return should be identified. For this, it is advisable to provide for the presence of a plan or drawing, with the help of which it will be possible to quickly disassemble it and find the cause of the breakdown. Having considered various furnace drawings, you can repair the oven with your own hands.
Very often you can identify such malfunctions in a metal furnace:
- poor fastening of the steel coupling;
- poorly welded steel disc at the bottom of the furnace;
- the niche for the firebox is incorrectly made;
- the chimney is incorrectly installed;
- the rules concerning the distance between the bottom of the oven and its top are not followed.
In such cases, do not hesitate, it is urgent to do furnace repair .
Carrying out the correct installation of a metal stove for a bath, it must be remembered that such a design will allow people to be in the steam room for a long time. This is due to the fact that during the furnace all carbon monoxide is sent to the chimney, from which the room is always clean and there is no smoke. Such a stove is absolutely not harmful to people. If you use it correctly, then the possibility of exploitation increases significantly.
For creating metal stoves it is necessary to provide for the presence of some materials that can be safely used in a room such as a bath. These materials include:
- corner for creating a frame;
- sheet metal;
- grate;
- pipe for the branch pipe;
- blower doors.
A properly designed furnace made of a sheet of metal will give off heat to the room while maintaining the desired temperature. If the stove breaks down, you should not light the firebox, you need to immediately fix the breakdown. This will prevent damage to other parts and save fuel, as if there is a malfunction, the oven does not work well.
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A brick oven can serve for several decades if you regularly engage in preventive maintenance and promptly eliminate damage and breakdowns. Depending on the complexity of the work, it is customary to subdivide furnace repairs into current, average and major. Minor problems are easy to fix in a few hours, while major problems can take days. To save on stove-maker services and extend the life of the stove, it is recommended to make repairs already in the first years of operation.
Professionals strongly recommend that you carefully examine the state of the hearth before the start of each heating season.Timely repair of stoves and fireplaces prevents accidents and fires.
Any owner, even if he does not have building skills, can perform minor repairs to a stove in a country house or in a residential building.
- The scuffs that appear on the pre-heating sheet make cleaning difficult and can cause a fire. The leaking metal must be removed, the floor covering must be protected with an asbestos sheet and roofing steel of the required size must be nailed on top.
- To replace the grate, you need to remove the old part from the oven and clean the area of soot. The new grille must be exactly the same size as the broken one. It is laid in place without mortar, similar to the old grates.
- The chimney should be inspected twice a year for foreign objects and debris. It is recommended to use special chemicals to clean the canals from soot.
Leaky seams spoil the appearance of the brickwork and let harmful gases into the room. To detect weak areas, it is recommended to heat the stove - this will make large cracks visible. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to clear the seams by 2-3 cm, having previously soaked with water. Next, the walls are well washed with clean water using a brush.
The resulting depressions are filled with new clay mortar, carefully compacting the mixture and rubbing the voids. To increase the resistance of the mortar to cracking, you can add a little table salt to the clay - 300-350 grams per bucket of mortar. It is recommended to seal wide gaps with a fire-resistant cord. If necessary, the walls are plastered and whitewashed or tiled.
The gaps formed between the doors and the masonry due to mechanical stress and thermal expansion also begin to let dangerous gases into the room. Do-it-yourself oven repair in this case begins with cleaning the surface and removing the old solution. The cleaned area is washed and primed with heat-resistant glue diluted in the same volume of water.
A sealing asbestos or ceramic cord is attached along the perimeter of the door - it protects the clay from cracking, compensating for the differences in thermal expansion of materials. In order not to buy a fake instead of a fire-resistant cord, experienced stove-makers recommend setting fire to the purchase without leaving the checkout. Next, the area around the door is rubbed with repair mortar and left to dry for at least a day.
Similarly, the gaps that appear between the hob and the walls are eliminated. To remove the stove, heat the stove a little, then pry the cast iron with a hard metal object, such as an ax. Instead of a cord in this case, you can use basalt wool or felt. If possible, the old stove can be replaced with a more modern one.
Medium-level malfunctions will also not be difficult to eliminate without the involvement of experts. This approach will help save money on the services of a stove-maker.
Over time, the refractory brick from which the firebox is made collapses and requires attention. Do-it-yourself repair of the furnace firebox is carried out through the furnace door. In case of minor damage, the destroyed areas are restored using clay mortar or factory-made masonry refractory mixture. If several bricks are damaged, a partial replacement can be dispensed with. To do this, soak and clean the solution in the right place and remove the damaged element. New bricks are carefully inserted into the voids and carefully covered over. It is advisable to take the same composition that was used during construction.
It is not always possible to completely replace the lining through the furnace hole; in some cases it is necessary to disassemble the wall. If the top of the stove is covered by a hob, it is easier to get to the top of the combustion chamber. The new lining is made of fireclay bricks, not forgetting that the refractory material should not be tied up with the one from which the furnace body is folded.In large ovens, bricks are laid flat, in small and medium-sized ones - on the edge.
A new cast-iron door must have the same parameters as a broken one. In order not to be mistaken, you must measure the width and length of the product before purchasing. The old door is dismantled together with the frame, clearing the masonry as much as possible in the right places. So that the masonry mortar can be easily and quickly removed, it is soaked with water. Just in case, you need to stock up on a few bricks - they will be needed if unforeseen destruction occurs during dismantling or unusable bricks are found. Steel legs are attached to the new cast-iron door and set so that the strips are in the masonry seams. An asbestos or ceramic cord must be placed between the masonry and the frame. The gaps are filled with a solution, carefully eliminating all the cracks.
Major renovations are rarely complete without replacing damaged bricks. Most often, the problem occurs above the fire door. The damaged elements are carefully removed from the structure, after soaking the solution, and the resulting "window" is cleaned from the remnants of clay. The new brick is immersed in water for a few minutes and placed on a refractory mortar, after which possible gaps are filled and the seams are rubbed. When repairing a sauna stove, it is recommended to seal large gaps with a mortar with the addition of brick chips made from refractory bricks. The repair of the Russian stove in many cases consists in the restoration of a destroyed or sagging vault. As a rule, to eliminate the destruction, it is required to make a new circle and move the brick in this area. The second vulnerable spot of the Russian stove is underneath, here the burnt-out bricks can be easily removed and replaced with new ones.
For those who do not feel the strength to repair a brick oven with their own hands, we do not recommend taking up work. In this case, as well as if a complex chimney repair is necessary, it is better to immediately seek professional help from experienced stove-makers.
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- weak or no draft, slow combustion of fuel, penetration of smoke into the room in the case of an open firebox door, as well as in the wind;
- the appearance of dark spots on the outer surface of the smoke channel due to excessive moisture;
- loosening and detaching the doors of the fuel combustion device and other furnace components;
- rapid heat loss after completion of the combustion process;
- weak or excessive heating of surfaces and their areas;
- cracks in the masonry that cannot be repaired;
- installation of stove appliances of inappropriate dimensions, various irregularities inside the smoke ducts.
The main thing is to start repairing the stove on time, without putting yourself and your loved ones at risk. Only a working device can guarantee both fire and sanitary safety. The nature and complexity of the work determine the scale of the repair, which can be current, medium or major.
Weak draft or its absence can arise, for example, due to the accumulation of a large amount of cold air in the chimney during a long break in the operation of the stove. However, there are other reasons: obstruction of the canal (clogged with soot), squally wind outside, there is no access to air, the flow of which could support combustion.
In this case, you need to light the fire not with paper, but with a dry substance, for example, a piece of rubber. In this case, fuel (kerosene, etc.) should not be used.
If more than a year has passed since the moment the soot was "burnt out" in the chimney, most likely it will be clogged. To eliminate this problem, you need to act as follows: first try to get rid of the soot by pouring a little coarse salt into the burning stove and immediately closing the shutter. Burning down, the layer of soot begins to crack strongly, pieces of it fly out of the chimney.If this method turns out to be ineffective, you will have to apply manual cleaning. There is a special door for this.
One of the signs that cracks have formed in the brickwork is the strong smoke from the stove. In this case, the seams must be sealed with a clay-sand mixture, adding salt and crushed asbestos fiber to the solution. The last ingredient is used for elasticity. In terms of consistency, the mixture should turn out to be not very viscous, but not liquid either: after drying, a too greasy solution will crack, and a thin one will not provide the required strength, which will lead to the destruction of the masonry. To save time, you can purchase a ready-made mixture in a specialized store. An instruction is attached to it, following which you can quickly and easily dilute the solution and perform all the necessary work.
Another problem is the need to replace the old, burnt-out brick with a new one. To do this, the surface must first be prepared: remove dust and clay, moisten, then put a clay cake there. A new one is put in place of the burned-out brick, after immersing it in water and applying the prepared mixture to it both from above and on the sides to fix the seams. It is necessary to use the same mortar as for filling the cracks.
Before proceeding with the sealing of the joints, they need to be prepared: remove the residual clay, rinse thoroughly with water using a brush, then prime with heat-resistant glue (a 50% solution is suitable). When grouting the joints, make sure that the repair mixture fills the joints to the end, leaving no voids. If too large a gap has formed in the masonry, a ceramic cord must also be placed in it, in addition to the mixture. Due to its physical properties, it not only withstands open fire, but also very high temperatures - over 1000 degrees.
Ceramic cord is often counterfeited, therefore, before purchasing, you need to bring a lighted match or lighter to it in order to evaluate the heat resistance of the product. The cord is placed in the seams of the masonry along the perimeter of the cast-iron plate, using heat-resistant glue for fixing.
To protect the elements of the stove that do not need to be repaired, they must be covered with masking tape.
If it is necessary to replace the grates in the oven, an expansion joint with a thickness of 5 mm must be made between them and the brickwork.
If the firebox door falls out, it can be secured using steel wire. However, you first need to disassemble the brickwork around the sash.
Pre-furnace plates, as a rule, cannot be repaired: perforated and rusty elements are simply replaced with new ones. In this case, the old product is removed, the nails are removed, then a felt soaked in liquid clay is placed on the bottom, and a new sheet is placed and nailed on top.
If there is a need to replace the lining, the same brick is taken for the new brickwork that was used for the old one. The thermal expansion coefficient must remain the same.
In case of damage to the firebox lining or hearth, more serious work will be required. As noted earlier, it is necessary to maintain the same coefficient of thermal expansion, therefore, the homogeneity of the selected material, namely brick, is extremely important.
These types of work include the following: replacement or repair of faulty elements, as well as the return of the furnace once lost performance. Many people think that such a reconstruction can only be done by an experienced stove-maker. However, this opinion is erroneous: any home craftsman can do this kind of work.
If it is necessary to replace the lining, experts advise against touching the main masonry. The wall of the stove must be dismantled from the bottom of the ash pan to the height of the firebox, without affecting the ribs, then cleaned of rubble after disassembling the old lining and lay out a new one without fastening it to the masonry of the walls. The thickness of the seams should not exceed 2 mm.
The upcoming transition of the stove to another type of fuel is a serious task, and each stove-maker solves it in his own way.As an example - one of the methods. First you need to lay out the walls of the firebox using fire-resistant bricks. In this case, it is required to use a solution that can withstand high temperatures and open fire. The sides of the firebox must be equipped with small slopes so that at the moment of heating the coal falls down, closing the grate. In this case, it is important to use only high-quality bricks.
Repair of a sauna stove is carried out in the same way as the restoration of a conventional heater. The only difference is in preventive measures that need to be carried out more often. This is due to the higher temperature conditions of the bath device. In this case, special attention should be paid to both the fire resistance of the brick and mortar. If the tile is broken, it is forbidden to use such a stove until it is replaced with a new one.
If an external examination of the rear wall of the structure does not reveal serious damage, then the device is suitable to become a frame for repair work.
When inspecting the oven, the following facts may come to light:
- The device does not have an additional blower, the so-called summer, which enhances the furnace draft when it is fired up.
- Changing the location of the blower: instead of the lower part of the firebox (under the door), it is placed on the side of the end of the furnace.
In addition, there may be no additional hood above the hob, and the heating of the room is less on the side where another wall is located. These errors also need to be corrected.
The second minus is the location of the view relative to the upward-going smoke channel. From an ergonomic point of view, this valve cannot be positioned horizontally all the time. This leads to the disruption of her work or, as the stove-makers aptly put it, to “the tears of the stove”. The fact is that in winter, especially during frosts, a lot of condensate accumulates in the equipment, which, mixing with soot, turns into a solution of carbonic acid of high concentration, which leads to the gradual destruction of the masonry.
So, thanks to an external examination, it was possible to identify problem areas that need to be worked on. After that, you can start repairing the brick oven with your own hands.