DIY pvc pool repair

In detail: do-it-yourself pvc pool repair from a real master for the site

Frame pool (Intex) is very common in the climatic conditions of most of Russia.

Some time after the operation of such a reservoir, it may be necessary to repair its surface and make a patch in the place of leakage. If such a need arises, you should contact the professionals who can glue the surface of the frame pool correctly and return your reservoir to its original state by making a reliable patch. The most common problem for a frame reservoir is a puncture of the product, which must be fixed with a special patch.

First of all, make sure that there is a puncture and you need to make a patch. Sometimes, the reason for a noticeable decrease in the volume of water in the frame tank is the evaporation of the water, not the leakage.

You can check the moment as follows:

  • Pour water into a bucket or other container, leaving a small gap to the edge, and fix it in the frame pool;
  • Fix the liquid level with a marker stroke with two marks (outside the container and inside);
  • after 24 hours, you can compare the marks and water level in the two tanks;
  • We draw conclusions about the reasons for the decrease in water. If the level in the pool and bucket is still the same, it is definitely evaporation. When the level of the liquid in the pool becomes lower than in the bucket, the fault is a leak.

In order to determine the location of the puncture, it is necessary to record the water level readings in two modes of the pumping unit (on and off) within 24 hours. After completing observations, compare the results.

Video (click to play).

If, when the filter is running, the volume of water decreases rapidly, then the puncture is located in the pipeline system. In the case of the same values ​​of the two modes, the cause of water loss is the leakage of the pool body itself.

After determining in which part of the pool the water flows, it is necessary to find out a more accurate puncture site. First, pay attention to the filter design, as the cause may be a gasket in the filtration system that allows water to pass through. Also inspect the area where the slag separator is connected to the pipe. It is possible that the puncture site will be a part of the pipeline that works to suck water.

To determine the location of the defect, you can use a coloring pigment - this is a special substance that reacts to an increased flow of water and helps to detect a puncture. This method is often used to test the correct operation of artificial reservoirs and to identify the puncture site.

If the damage has touched the very bowl of the frame reservoir, it is not at all easy to detect the defect. Start by checking the valve located in the drain section. Also, water can appear on the outer surface of the product, due to holes in the body or small cracks.

A leak at the bottom is accompanied by the accumulation of small particles of dirt around the flaw.

In order to bring the pool into a state of correct operation, you must first empty the tank from the entire volume of water. Then you can proceed to a detailed study of the surface of the bowl from the inside.

Minor cracks in the product can be repaired with a sealed mixture. Then the pool will be able to function as usual, but do not use this method for larger punctures. For serious damage, it is better to use a PVC patch or special film.Patches made of these materials are fixed to the pool surface with vinyl glue.

You can glue the Intex pool with VINYL CEMENT special vinyl glue (5,7g). It is designed for gluing two rubber surfaces with an Intex vinyl patch, which covers the defect. You can use a similar method to seal the inflatable pool using glue and a patch.

By purchasing a frame pool, it is possible to get with it all the tools necessary to repair and maintain the integrity of the tank (sealant, patches, vinyl glue).

There are kits for the repair of artificial reservoirs, with which you can seal the puncture with patches without scooping up the water from the pool. In order to avoid draining the liquid from the reservoir, the flaw and its position must be known in advance.

Image - DIY pvc pool repair

Rest at the cottage brings maximum pleasure if a swimming pool is installed on the site. During operation or due to mistakes made during installation, various breakdowns may appear. It is possible to repair some of them with your own hands, while saving a lot of money.

The most common breakdowns include:

• burnout of the backlight (searchlight);

• insufficient air conditioning.

If we are talking about the failure of hydraulics, then it is recommended to involve specialists in the repair work. To fix such a malfunction, you will need deeper knowledge and equipment, which a common man in the street does not have.

The bowl repair technology is simple, everyone can master. You should start work by inspecting the surface. It is worth conducting an audit carefully so as not to miss minor deformations.

Before eliminating the detected flaws, you need to determine the cause of the breakdown in order to avoid repeated damage.

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Among the main provoking factors:

• incorrectly laid waterproofing, low-quality waterproofing film;

• poor preparation of the object for wintering;

• lack of an insulating layer or insufficient thickness of the heat insulator;

• mistakes made when laying communications.

To prepare the pool for the warm season, the following amount of work should be done:

• clean minor damage from finishing and seal cracks with a special putty;

• treat with waterproofing material;

Image - DIY pvc pool repair

• apply a layer of liquid glass to all surfaces of the bowl;

• after drying the walls, treat with a primer or sealant;

• lay tiles or mosaics.

Concrete matures for at least 28 days. During this time, it is necessary to moisten the surface to prevent the formation of cracks. It is also worth creating protection from direct sunlight on the walls of the bowl.

Image - DIY pvc pool repair

If strong destruction of the concrete bowl is revealed, it is recommended to make a secondary concrete pouring. To do this, the entire surface is cleaned of wobbly elements, treated with soil, after which the formwork is created.

The concrete layer must be at least 5 cm. Further work includes treatment with waterproofing, liquid glass and finishing material, if any.

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The parameters of the concrete used:

To prepare one cube of concrete solution, you need to take 600 kg of cement, 150 kg of medium-fraction sand (cleared of debris), 700-900 grams of a ton of fiberglass, 1 kg of plasticizer and water.

If the destruction has touched the reinforcing layer of the bowl, then a major overhaul will be required, providing for the installation of new reinforcement, pouring concrete, processing (with waterproofing material and liquid glass), as well as finishing.

Do not try to reanimate dilapidated structures that leak from all sides. It is easier to dismantle and build a new pool. The collapsing bowls have communications in disrepair, so partial repairs will turn out to be a waste of time.

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Slow drainage of water is obtained as a result of non-observance of the rules for arranging water supply lines. This may be an insufficient slope of the line when laying sewage drains, the use of low-quality metal pipes, which begin to leak and silt during the heat process. Even when using plastic pipes, there is a reality of leakage if the connections are bypassed.

If a complete replacement of the pipeline is planned, it is recommended to use polypropylene pipes. Alternatively, choose a high quality PVC-U, LESSO pipe.

The product compares favorably with analogues in the following advantages:

• easy installation with connecting elements of the same brand;

• inertness to aggressive environments;

Image - DIY pvc pool repair

Inflatable pools are made of rubber or PVC. It is necessary to select the glue for eliminating the hole, taking into account the type of material. In some cases, on the packaging of the pool, the manufacturer gives recommendations on the choice of an adhesive composition for repair work.

Specialty stores offer glue and patch kits and liquid patches. In any case, the glue mixture must be waterproof, otherwise the hole will quickly depressurize. Another important advantage of the adhesive composition is the drying speed.

• Intex set (specially designed for inflatable mattresses, swimming pools).

Image - DIY pvc pool repair

The sequence of repair work:

• degrease the surface with an alcohol solution;

• sand both sides of the gluing with fine sandpaper;

• Apply glue to the surface and patch and press down with a heavy object for 1 hour.

If it is difficult to determine the location of the damage in the pool, you need to inflate it and lower it into the water. In the place where the bubbles form, there is damage.