In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a tiled roof from a real master for the site
Sooner or later, no matter what materials were used to create the roof, it begins to collapse. Leaks are formed, materials deteriorate, the appearance deteriorates and the owner of the building has to urgently take measures to repair or completely replace the roofing. Roof repair is easy to do with your own hands, if you know the main stages of work and the materials that are used for this.
Owners of private buildings rarely make scheduled repairs to the roof of a house, only when this can no longer be avoided. And in vain, since minor defects are easier to eliminate before they grow to a serious scale. After all, if at least once a year to conduct an inspection and scheduled repair of the roof of a private house, then major repairs may not be needed soon. Such prevention does not require large financial investments, but it will help save the owner from unplanned expenses and force majeure.
All types of repairs, according to the degree of complexity, can be conditionally divided into four categories:
- small;
- capital;
- planned;
- complete reconstruction.
Sloped roofs require less repair than flat roofs due to their advantageous design... (Repair of flat roofs is described in detail in the article of the same name). On roofs with a slope, melt or rainwater does not linger, therefore, if it usually leaks, it is due to technological shortcomings during its construction or due to the limitation period of the construction.
A routine inspection is very important, therefore, even if the ceilings in the house are dry, a regular inspection of the house's rafter system is necessary.... Such examinations are traditionally carried out four times a year. In the spring, the roof is inspected for winter damage, in the summer for garbage collection, in the fall for problems before the long winter period, and in the winter for snow removal. Sloped roofs do not need to be inspected as often as flat ones and can be checked twice a year.
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Based on the results of the inspection of the roof top and its wooden frame, a repair plan is drawn up with an estimate of the required materials.
When examining a sloped roof, you should pay attention to:
- Search for mechanical damage.
- Detection of corrosion, fungal and putrefactive lesions of wooden rafters.
- Determination of the temperature of parts of the structure.
- Assessment of the moisture content of the timber frame.
- Determination of the condition of roofing from a technical point of view.
In addition to routine inspections, measures should be taken to clean the roof from snow masses in winter, as well as remove contamination and do preventive maintenance with your own hands. Care should be taken when cleaning sloped roofs in winter.
When removing snow, do not use metal tools to avoid mechanical damage to the roof surface.
Dents or scratches can lead to further corrosive processes. For such events, it is safer to use wooden shovels, as well as plastic panicles or scoops. Plywood panels can be used for cleaning large surfaces.
In the warm season, the roofs are cleared of dirt and leaves with their own hands, and they are examined for the appearance of traces from the claws of animals.
When you are on the roof in winter, do not get too close to the edge. Installation and repair of an inclined roof should be carried out in compliance with safety rules... It is recommended to use a safety harness and only navigate the designated paths.
Dampness or slight ingress of moisture can contribute to the appearance of fungal or putrefactive lesions of the wooden frame of the truss system... This is a rather serious problem, because such a roof may require large material costs for repairs and a serious amount of work. Such lesions spread very quickly and can completely capture the entire structure, therefore, if rot is detected, the complete removal of the affected wooden element is required and replaced with a treated new one. After completing the repair of the building frame, you can, if necessary, start repairing the roofing.
Damaged slate roofs are usually repaired on site... Sheets of asbestos cement that cannot be repaired are replaced, and those that are still quite intact are repaired with patches and glue. Repair of tile or other piece materials occurs in a radical way - with the replacement of damaged elements with new ones.
Minor repairs to the roof of a private house include, in addition to eliminating leaks, its painting and cleaning... Some types of roofs, such as galvanized ones, have a rather long operating period, therefore, they need to be periodically cleaned and painted to avoid corrosion. Before painting, the corroded surface is cleaned from rust with a special compound. The frequency of painting such a roof is once every 3-4 years.
The entire weight of the roof lies on the rafters of the wooden frame, it is they who take on not only the weight of the roofing material, but also atmospheric precipitation (streams of rainwater, snow masses), as well as gusts of wind. If a routine inspection revealed damage to the rafters, then do not waste time. A broken rafter may not withstand the load and collapse along with the entire roof... The need for overhaul of the rafter system arises only if half of its entire area is damaged by rot. Most often, damaged elements are replaced.
Repair of the rafter system in case of damage to the rafter leg in stages:
- If there is a break in the rafters, then a jack is installed on a previously prepared board, with the help of which the parts are aligned and connected.
- The damaged area is well cleaned and strengthened with meter-long boards on both sides, their thickness should be at least 3 cm.
- The lining is attached to the rafters with long nails.
- Holes with a diameter of 16 mm are made for mounting bolts (4 on each side).
- Bolts are inserted and tightened.
With a large area of damage, bar prostheses are used. Replacement of the affected areas is as follows:
- In the place of damage, sheathing, insulation materials and roofing are removed. Then the crate is taken apart.
- The rafters are propped up with temporary racks, which are removed at the end of the work.
- The decayed parts of the structure are removed.
- They put on a prosthesis on the rafter leg, it should be 2-2.5 times longer than the affected part of the board.
- The reliability of operation is checked, after which the racks are removed.
In a similar way, the parts of the Mauerlat that have undergone the decay process are replaced.
Sometimes it happens that the rafters are intact, but the crate is damaged, and is no longer able to bear the weight of the roof. This can cause the roof to buckle and crack. In this case, reinforcement or complete replacement of the lathing is done.... In this case, the timber is placed between the rafters, and the boards are stuffed in the transverse direction.
Usually, do-it-yourself roof reconstruction is resorted to when there is a need to arrange an additional habitable room in the attic space.
This is a rather serious manipulation, requiring a complete change of the entire rafter system.At the same time, not only does the external decorative appearance and material of the roof change, but also all systems of hydro, heat and sound insulation.
First, the roof covering is removed, then the entire rafter system is dismantled.
If at the same time it is planned to install a roof with an attic room, then the choice of the type of roof will be carried out between the hip and half-hip roofs, which are more suitable for this option than others and allow you to get the maximum space.
It is recommended to install inclined roofs with your own hands using a profiled sheet and an angle of inclination of up to 50 degrees. In winter, during heavy snowfalls, snow masses will not linger on such a surface, which will significantly reduce the load on the rafter system. In this case, during the construction of the roof, it is possible to use a wooden material for the rafter legs of a smaller section.
Elegant natural roof tiles unusually beautiful, environmentally friendly, durable, fireproof, soundproof, and most importantly, reliable. It protects well from any adverse weather events. In addition, such a tile is quite easy to install, does not require special care and is not afraid of corrosion, and its service life can reach 70-100 years.
With competent design and installation of natural tiles, which can ceramic or cement-sand, this material will last a very long time.
However, over time or due to the influence of various extraneous factors, the roof may be damaged: an elementary leak will occur there. In this case, you will need roof repair, in order to replace one or several tiles, to seal up microcracks or joints with a solution, to change the waterproofing. How to do it yourself, with my own hands, I will tell you in the article.
Most often, the tile cover of the house suffers from all kinds of cracks, faults or from delamination... There can be both natural root causes and non-compliance with the roofing technology.
For example, cracks can appear due to strong temperature changes, during which the tiles first shrink unevenly, then expand. At the same time, the places where the tiles adhere to pipes, to the antenna, on top of the ridge, on the plumb line of the roof and in other similar places are especially susceptible to cracking.
On the other hand, technological violations during the laying of ceramic tiles also play a negative role. Insufficient distance between the slats, illiterate design of the roof slope, installation of herringbone tiles or non-observance of the gaps in the joints of the tiles causes a strong "tension" of the roofing material, which leads to certain problems. In addition, shingles can be mechanically damaged by accident, removing snow or ice from the roof.
Other common causes of damage to a tile roof include natural aging or crumbling of lime mortar, as well as the destruction of the waterproofing layer.
Before making repairs, you need to assess the extent of the damage. First, inspect the roof of the house from the inside in the attic: check the rafters, beams, see if there are wet spots below, etc. If there is a leak, mark the place with chalk.
When a flaw is found in only one place, it is most likely a consequence of a crack in the tiles or chiseled problems with waterproofing. Leakage in several places at once, as a rule, indicates improper installation of tiles or poor quality of roofing materials.
An internal roof inspection is best done immediately after rain or rain.
Then proceed to external diagnostics. Check the ceramic tiles for cracks and movement. Pay particular attention to the joints of the roof elements, as well as the places where the tiles adjoin pipes, antenna, upper ventilated ridge, ribs, etc.
If one or two shingles are damaged, they can be replaced.... To do this, gently knock wooden wedges-pegs into the adjacent shards located above (or into the upper and right tiles from the panel to be replaced) in order to temporarily raise them. Then pry off the damaged tile with a trowel, pull it out by pulling it towards you and to the left. Raising the upper rows again, install a new tile, which should fit exactly "into the lock", catching the protrusion on the rail or on the end of the bottom panel. Then remove the pegs.
By the way, you can work together. The assistant from the attic gently lifts the panel lying on the defective tile and the second tile to the right of it. And you will pull out or put the desired tile on top, staying on the roof slope or navigating bridge.
Do not forget that in some areas of the roof, for example, in places of strong wind load or with a slope of more than 50-60 degrees, the tiles can be attached to wire, screws or clamps, so remove them first, if necessary. With a trowel, you can loosen the fastener or pry the fastener with a nail puller or nippers.
Another problem is obsolescence of lime mortar at the joints of the plates, when it begins to crumble strongly, and, as a result, a leak may form. It is necessary here seal the cracks with putty or completely change the solution.
In this case, clean the seams from the old putty, and then apply a normal sand-lime mortar with a trowel. Solution composition: lime 1 tsp and fine sand 2-3 tsp. Also add linseed tow to the mixture to improve its properties.
By the way! This solution can be used to seal small cracks in ceramics without changing the tiles themselves.
When replacing the mortar, if necessary, remove and replace the tiles themselves. Before installing a new brick, clean the adjacent elements from the mortar. To make the tile better fit into the gap, using a hammer, you can gently knock down about half of the "thorn", and only then apply the mortar.
It is better to coat with a solution between the peppered rows of tiles in the joints from the side of the attic, especially when there is only solution on the upper rows. But in the places where the tiles adjoin to the chimney, to the antenna, to the dormer window, on the ridge, rib, and the like, it will also be necessary to coat the outside with a solution. You will also have to work from above on the slope, if the mortar fixes the cement-sand shingles along the entire plane.
It is worth considering that not only natural wear and tear, but also deformation of the wooden roof frame, which does not withstand snow or wind loads, can lead to the destruction of the solution. The roof starts to "vibrate" and the solution collapses. Therefore, it is possible that it is still necessary to additionally strengthen the rafters, strengthening the roof truss.
When a tile roof subsides, it can be reinforced... Using wooden boards about 40-50 mm thick and 150-190 mm wide, carefully tap the rafters with them so that they connect three or four adjacent rafter legs at once (these are inclined roof beams that go from the ridge to the horizontal floor beam). Before repairing the rafters, it is advisable to remove the tiles on this section of the roof.
Improved or additional cross braces can also be supplied.
But in general, control the laying of the tiles even in the phase of roof construction: it is better to make a reliable crate in advance than to improve the entire structure after the first strong wind or snowfall.
It so happens that waterproofing is destroyed in the roof between the rafters and the battens to which the ceramic tiles are attached. Here the algorithm of actions will be as follows:
1. Remove the shingle fasteners, if any (screws, clamps, upholstery staples, etc.).
2. Use a trowel, pry and remove the shingles at the leak, driving small wooden wedges under the upper shingles. If you delete several tiles at once, then move "bottom-up".
3. Remove the nails holding the rails to the rafters.
4.Insert a thick piece of cardboard under the slats, but only on one side of the damaged area. The cardboard is needed to safely remove the slats.
5. Using a hacksaw, holding its blade at an angle, cut the slats from one end of the problem area, then move the cardboard and cut the blocks on the other side.
6. Using a mounting knife, remove the deformed fragment of waterproofing (roofing felt, etc.), then glue a new patch of a slightly larger size using mastic or special roofing polymer glue that is applied to the edges of the patch.
7. Measure the length between the ends of the trimmed laths, cut out exactly the same pieces and with the same section. You can also take old cut fragments, if they are in good condition. Then saturate them with an antiseptic and fasten them to the rafters with nails, preferably anti-corrosion ones.
8. Reinstall the shingles by moving up and down from the eaves to the horizontal ridge and from right to left along the roof. If necessary, you can replace the old tiles with new ceramics. At the end, be sure to check that the panels are correctly mated in the folds.
At the end of all repair work, it is recommended treat the surface of the tiles with a special protective compound based on silicone resins (impregnation "Feidal Steinschutz", "Ceresit CT 13", "Klinkier Oil", "Clear Seal", "Olipm", "Chemi Spectrum", etc.). They will protect the roof from moisture, ultraviolet radiation and mold.
Today every homeowner wants his property to look its best. That is why they pay great attention to the roofing material. Tiles are very popular in the modern market. This roofing material comes in a wide variety of colors and styles. Smooth and textured tiles will suit almost any home and can completely transform it!
Although shingles are a fairly durable roofing material, they also need to be repaired and replaced periodically. Tile repair is required infrequently, but the homeowner must be prepared for this situation. Nothing is eternal in our world, and tiled roofing is no exception to this rule!
The shingles can be quite heavy. That is why tile repair often requires additional reinforcement. It helps to strengthen the roof and can support the entire weight of the tiled roof. Like any other material, shingles are prone to damage. Most often it cracks. Moisture begins to enter these cracks, which seeps into the house. If one day it starts raining from your ceiling, then it's time to repair your tile roof!
If the tile is cracked, then it can be changed quite quickly and inexpensively. You do not need to remove the entire roof for this. It will be enough to change the damaged tile and install a new one in its place. Please note that tiles may fade over time. That is why it will differ in color from the new one. It is advisable not to waste time in vain, but immediately produce tile repair... Remember, the harder you pull, the more damage will be done to the roof. This can even result in damage to the supporting structures.
If you do not want to replace damaged tiles, you can use a special tool. It effectively fills cracks and prevents them from developing further. Thus, you can economically fix your roof, repair tiles with little money. However, it must be borne in mind that cracks propagate very quickly. They can also go to adjacent tiles. Therefore, you need to be careful when working on the roof. Damaged shingles lose their strength and can crumble under your weight. In addition, the roof surface is often slippery, which is very dangerous.
Despite its obstinate nature, a tile roof is a highly durable material that provides long-lasting and reliable protection for your home.It does not conduct heat like an iron roof, which helps you save on utility bills. If the roof is properly installed, you will always have a good and pleasant indoor climate. Also, the tiled roof has a very attractive appearance that will decorate any home!
So, what to do if the tiles of your house need restoration:
Fast tile repair. Action plan.
Naturally, before exercising tile repair, it is necessary to clearly understand how much work remains to be done.
First of all, we inspect the roof from the inner surface. Examine the beams and rafters. Check for dampness on the inside of the roof and, if present, mark with chalk.
A leak in one place indicates a crack in the tile or a source of waterproofing failure. Leaks in different places indicate poor installation or poor quality of the tiles.
Such an inspection should, of course, be carried out immediately after the rain.
Next, inspect the outside of the roof. Examine the shingles for movement and cracks. Inspect all joints and abutments of the shingles to the roof elements (antennas, pipes, ridge, various ribs).
Raise the edges of adjacent tiles (top and right) using lightly hammering in wooden wedges. Use a trowel to pick up the damaged shingles and pull them out of the row, applying force “to the left and towards you”.
Place the new shingles in place of the old ones, placing them back “in the lock”. Remove the wedges.
The operation can be carried out together, when the assistant from below (from the attic) picks up adjacent tiles, and you easily pull out the damaged one and make a replacement.
As a rule, in opposition to the wind or on steep roof slopes, shingles are attached to clamps, screws or wire structures. This fastener must first be removed (and loosened in the neighboring ones) using a trowel, nippers or a nail puller.
Over time, the lime mortar between the plates may crumble, leading to leaks, and tile repair becomes inevitable. In this case, the resulting cracks are removed with putty, or the entire solution is changed.
When replacing, the joints should be cleaned of obsolete putty. Next, the prepared solution is applied with a trowel.
The composition of the sand-lime mortar:
For one part of lime, two - three parts of fine-grained sand. To improve the solution, linseed tow is added to the batch. This mixture also perfectly binds small cracks on the tiles, eliminating the need for replacement.
When installing a new tile, remove the old mortar from adjacent elements, and only then apply the prepared mixture.
The transverse joints of the rows of tiles are coated on the lower side (from the attic). All adjoining tiles to roof elements (pipes, ridge, windows, antennas, pipe) are coated on the outside.
Under its own weight, or a mass of snow, a shingle roof can sag. In this case, you should tie the rafters with boards (thickness from 40 to 50 mm, width from 150 to 190 mm), hammering (fastening) 3-4 rafter posts at once. In order to avoid damage to the installation, it is better to remove the tiles in this area.
The reliability of the roof should be taken care of at the stage of roof assembly. This will significantly delay and facilitate urgent or planned shingles repairs.
If the waterproofing on the lathing, based on the fastening of the tiles, is broken, the following manipulations should be done:
- Remove the fasteners on the tiles (staples, clamps or screws),
- Remove the tiles in the desired area using wooden wedges and a trowel. Removing the tiles, you need to move "from bottom to top". Tile repair complex process and requires accuracy and consistency,
- Remove the nails securing the rafters to the rafters. Use a hacksaw to cut the slats in the problem area. It is advisable to put cardboard gaskets under the slats so as not to permanently damage the waterproofing.
- Remove the damaged area (roofing material, etc.) with a mounting knife and fix the patch on the mastic.
- Saturate the new slats with antiseptic and nail them to the rafters.
- Proceed with the installation of the tiles, moving “from bottom to top and from right to left”, from the eaves to the ridge, along the roof. Replace damaged tiles if necessary.
- Finally, for additional protection, it is advisable to cover the roof surface with special silicone resins for tiles, of which there are plenty in stores.
Tile repair is a procedure that will definitely be required sooner or later for this type of roof. And despite the seeming complexity, it is quite possible for a householder to do this on his own.
A reliable tiled roof can be the pride of any home owner. But years pass, and it periodically begins to leak. Perhaps there is a defect in the roofing, the layer of thermal insulation is wet, or the drainage system is out of order. There are many reasons, but can a tiled roof be restored to its former reliability?
To determine the strategy by which it is supposed to repair a tiled roof, it is necessary to accurately determine what the leak is associated with, its type.
If leaks occur directly during the rain or after some time, the cause must be sought either in mechanical damage to the roofing, or in the absence or insufficient tightness in the nodes abutting the vertical elements;
- It can appear when snow melts. This is, as a rule, a consequence of the formation of ice on the drain funnels, valleys and gutters, causing stagnation of melt water, since its normal flow is blocked.
It is not necessary for the flow to appear after the rain during the summer months. It can be caused by wetting of the insulation due to the critical pressure on the roofing cake, which is created by water vapor during a sufficiently high external temperature, or if there are microcracks in the roofing, or the protective umbrellas and aprons are of insufficient width.
You need to start repairing the roof immediately after the first leaks, since a prolonged leak can cause rotting of the supporting structure, which means that the cost of repair work will increase greatly.
Leakage of roof tiles is most often caused by the following reasons.
- Cracks in the tiles laid at the junctions with chimneys, antennas or on the eaves of the roof. The reason for the formation of the cracks themselves is in the unequal linear deformation of various parts of the roof, in other words, in their uneven compression and expansion with changing climatic conditions - a typical phenomenon for a tiled roof.
- Leakage can occur due to the appearance over time of cutting out (crumbling) of cement mortar, which has hardened at the joints of the tiles of natural tiles. According to experts, this phenomenon is associated with the deformation of the wooden roof frame, caused by the impact of wind and snow loads.
- Another reason for the leak is damage to the waterproofing layer under the roofing material between the rafters and the battens to which it is attached.
Replacing damaged shingle tiles
Wood wedges are driven under the overlying tiles and, prying off the damaged one, they try to remove it. If it is nailed to the rail, then by changing the position of the trowel - by turning or lifting it, the fastener can be loosened and the damaged plate can be removed. If, nevertheless, nothing works, you can use a special nail removal tool.
If the tiles are damaged in different layers, then they are removed, moving from bottom to top.
Sealing crumbling joints
To strengthen the roof structure, the rafters are lined with boards of the following dimensions: thickness - 38 mm, width - 150-180 mm, which connect 3-4 rafter legs.Crumbled pieces of mortar from the joints of the tiles are replaced with a new solution prepared in the ratio: one part of lime has two fine-grained sand, to which linen fibers from tow are added. Between the tiles, the mortar is laid from the side of the attic. To cut the tiles, if necessary, they are soaked in water for a day.
Replacing damaged waterproofing
After removing the nails, with which the slats are fixed to the rafters, a piece of cardboard (solid) is inserted under the slats and installed on one side of the damaged area. It is needed in order to safely cut the slats. Having cut them with a saw on one side, the cardboard is moved to the other side and the slats are cut in the same way. Now access to the damaged section of the waterproofing is free. It is cut out with a sharp knife and replaced with a patch; it should be slightly larger in size. Its edges are greased with adhesive and the hole is closed. It remains to restore the missing pieces of the slats and treat them with a layer of antiseptic.
Repairing a metal tile roof is usually necessary if:
Fasteners, screws, either tighten or replace with new, better quality.
Found mechanical damage
- Cracks and gaps in the roof covering are removed with the help of special putties.
- Scratches are covered with a special anti-corrosion paint, leaks and gaps are sealed with a roofing silicone sealant, and a steel patch is applied to the through holes, which is welded with a soldering iron.
Mistakes were made when installing the roof
The most common mistake is the use of cheap films with low water permeability for covering insulation. It needs to be replaced with a super diffusion membrane.
Replacement of soft tiles is carried out only in the presence of significant damage. Small cracks or loose spots can be repaired with ease. The tile is lifted and greased with roofing glue from the inside, then pressed firmly against the base.
To replace a shingle element
- using a small crowbar, raise the overlying tile and remove the damaged one from under it;
- the nails with which the damaged element was fixed are removed using a nail puller;
- glue is applied to the upper edge of the new tile from the inside;
- starting under the upper one, it is put into place, additionally fixing it with nails (the diameter of the caps is 1 mm);
- the edges of the lower and upper tiles, where necessary, are lubricated with roofing glue and pressed.