The lambda probe for the VAZ 2112 is located on the downpipe of the exhaust manifold
Vaz 2112 lambda sensor (differently oxygen sensor) is located in the exhaust manifold of the engine. Its readings enable the control unit to adjust the desired ratio of air to gasoline that enters the combustion chambers. And in the case when a lean or, on the contrary, a highly enriched fuel mixture comes in, the electronic unit adjusts its composition, taking into account the readings given by the lambda probe to the VAZ 2112.
To completely burn out 1 kilogram of the fuel mixture, you need about 14.7 kilograms of air. Therefore, the data of the lambda probe is very important in the fuel supply system, since its performance directly affects the smooth and stable operation of the engine of your car. Periodic checking of its performance is very important, however, before performing a check of the lambda probe, we need to study the device, as well as the principle of operation. The oxygen concentration meter sensor, otherwise called the lambda probe, (in our case, the VAZ 2112 lambda probe) includes the following elements:
All parts of the lambda probe are made of materials that are resistant to high temperatures, since the operating temperature of the sensor itself is quite high, so overheating is not terrible for it, while overheating, for example, of the motor will have dire consequences (and this is possible if the probe defective). Probe sensors can have from one to four wires in the device, respectively, the name comes from them: one and so on up to four wire sensors. By the way, some "craftsmen" claim that the VAZ 2112 without a lambda probe works well, but they are mistaken, just until the engine is warmed up, the sensor readings are not taken into account during injection, since it has not reached its operating temperature, therefore, trusting such advice, you can ride without it, only on a cold engine. The breakdown of the oxygen sensor is often caused by violations in the maintenance and care of internal engine parts and some other factors, such as:
As a rule, if the lambda probe of the VAZ 21124 is faulty, this is the reason for the following very tangible problems in the operation of the motor:
Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the operation of the probe and the condition of the exhaust gases; it is recommended to check its condition every 5000-10000 kilometers, especially this is necessary before passing the certification of a car for exhaust toxicity. In order not to bother with checking and replacing, no one bothers you to go to the service station, they will replace the sensor, they may not even look for what the problem is, or even find a couple of additional (not always existing) faults, due to which the price of repairs will rise, and the quality of work may be poor.
In the photo above, we see what a replacement probe looks like, which is worth purchasing for self-replacement.
In order for you to be able to test the performance of your oxygen sensor with your own hands, you will need the following items:
Caution: when the motor is hot, there is a danger of scalding, so use heavy cloth gloves and be careful
That's all, success in replacing and checking your sensor, and in addition we recommend a video on how to replace it.
Most modern cars have special electronic control systems. They save fuel consumption and ensure optimum engine performance. One of the integral elements of the exhaust system is the lambda probe. If it breaks down, the engine starts to work in emergency mode. Can you fix the problem yourself?
The sensor records the amount of oxygen in the vehicle exhaust and transmits it to the control panel. Depending on the readings of the probe, the computer regulates the level of enrichment of the mixture that is supplied to the combustion chamber. Most models have two probes, one in front of the catalyst and one behind it. During operation, oxygen sensors fail; manufacturers recommend cleaning the devices every 30 thousand kilometers.
Many motorists forget about such recommendations and face a problem after the warning sign on the panel lights up. Most often, the lambda probe cannot be repaired. The cost of the device is rather big, and its replacement is always very inappropriate. Craftsmen have found a way out of this unpleasant situation. They suggest using a special automotive trick that will allow the engine to run normally and disable the Check Engine alarm.
Tip: Do not completely disable or block one of the sensors, this will not solve the problem and will only lead to increased fuel consumption and unstable engine idling.
Each of the methods quite effectively solves the problem of a failed sensor and returns the engine to its normal state.
To trick the controller, you need to install a metal bushing between the exhaust pipe and the lambda probe. To make a part you will need:
Tip: We recommend using a workpiece made of bronze or heat-resistant steel - these metals can withstand high temperatures and not deform.
You can make a part even without special work skills, the main thing is to have a good lathe. As a last resort, you can order its production from a familiar specialist.
The shape and dimensions of the sleeve are shown in the drawing.
After starting the engine, the Check Engine signal should go out. This moves the sensor slightly away from the exhaust stream. The mechanical snag-screw is suitable for most car models, the main thing is that the sensor is screwed into the body.
Since the controller receives electronic signals that come to it from the lambda probe, you can put a special blende circuit. It connects to the wires that go from the sensor to the connector. The installation location is different for different models: it can be a central tunnel between the seats, a torpedo or the engine compartment. To make an electronic circuit, prepare the following materials:
Disconnect the negative terminal before starting work. All connections must be well insulated. The best option would be to place the circuit in a plastic mold and fill everything with epoxy glue.
All electronic blende connections must be well insulated.
On sale you can find ready-made electronic tricks. They use a small microprocessor that analyzes the signal of the first sensor, processes it and generates the necessary indicators for the on-board computer. Such devices are easy to connect, but they will cost more than a homemade circuit.
Another variant of the trick is the flashing of the on-board computer itself. By changing the algorithm of the device, you block the processing of signals from the second lambda probe. The danger of this method is that if it is done incorrectly, it will be difficult to restore the previous operation of the computer. The original factory firmware is very difficult to obtain and the cost is quite high. Therefore, such work should be entrusted only to an experienced specialist whom you know personally.
When installing tricks, it is worth taking into account that all work is carried out at your own peril and risk. If such devices are installed incorrectly, the following malfunctions may occur:
Malfunction of the engine due to improper injection adjustment by the on-board computer.
Damage to the wiring and controller due to an incorrectly soldered circuit.
Errors in the operation of the on-board computer.
Damage to sensors.
Work with any kind of electronics must be done very carefully. Even the slightest inaccuracy can lead to damage, so you need to follow the instructions carefully.
Tip: You should not order trickery on the Internet on dubious sites. Most of them do not work well and will not bring the expected result.
Deception of lambda probes is practiced by many motorists. Such devices save money on replacing failed sensors. It is important to correctly make a snag and install it so that the latter does not appear negative for the on-board computer or engine.
The lambda probe, also known as the oxygen sensor, allows you to estimate the amount of free oxygen remaining in the exhaust gases. Its readings allow the ECU to correct the composition of the mixture. Oxygen sensor malfunctions may cause the engine to malfunction. Before replacing it, try do it yourself oxygen sensor repair .
First, let's figure out where and what is a lambda probe for? :
Hello everyone! My name is Mikhail, now I'll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange a dvenashka for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I was wildly annoyed by the breakdowns of the two, like nothing serious broke down, but the little things, damn it, so many things that really started to enrage. Here the idea was born that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the tayet Camry of the tenths.
The sensor reacts to the difference between the oxygen level in the exhaust gas and in the atmosphere, producing a corresponding potential difference at the outlet. Since a certain amount of oxygen must be present in the exhaust for normal afterburning of CO and CH on the catalyst, for more accurate regulation, use second oxygen sensor , which is located behind the catalyst.
The first 5-7 minutes after starting the engine, the ECU corrects the composition of the mixture based on the readings of other sensors and according to the averaged parameters. After this time, when the oxygen sensor has warmed up to operating temperature, then the ECU connects its parameters to the general calculation formula.
Oxygen sensor error could be caused by a malfunction of the heating circuit. As a result, the sensor will not have time to warm up in the allotted time, which means that incorrect oxygen sensor signals ... The fuel mixture will be inappropriate, which negatively affects the operation of the engine (high fuel consumption, idling speed floats, the car does not drive). As soon as the oxygen sensor warms up to operating temperature, then all symptoms disappear.
Resource of the oxygen sensor VAZ can reach 100-150 thousand km., but the service replacement of the oxygen sensor in the top ten should take place in the range of 60-80 thousand km.
A common cause of malfunctions is carbon deposits, which interfere with oxygen capture and thus distort the output signal.
Therefore, to restore oxygen sensor you need to clean the platinum electrodes on the ceramic rod from carbon deposits. It is impossible to clean carbon deposits by mechanical means, since this method will damage the metal spraying. It remains only to resort to the help of chemistry.
We open the sensor, for this we saw off first the first and then the second protective caps. Objective: to reach a white ceramic rod with carbon deposits of the same color.
Phosphoric acid is required to clean the sensor rod from carbon deposits, which may be part of the rust converter. Before using cleaning products, make sure they do not leave behind a protective layer.
We immerse our sensor in the cleaner for 20 minutes. During this time, the liquid will begin to grow cloudy, and the carbon deposits will go off (use of a soft brush is allowed).
Heating also allows you to get rid of carbon deposits, especially if you sharply cool the rod after heating. The temperature difference forces the soot to crack and fall off like a shell.
We heat the ceramic rod a couple of times over an open fire.
After cleaning, we grab the caps on several points of the semi-automatic kempi welding.
Oxygen sensor VAZ 2110 , as sensors of foreign cars have a similar structure, therefore such cleaning the lambda probe suitable for every car enthusiast.
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Did you manage to repair the oxygen sensor of the car?
Probably, almost all motorists have heard of the oxygen sensor. In other words, speaking - a lambda probe. Like any automotive sensor, it has properties to wear out, break down and fail. So, what are the signs of a malfunction of this element on a VAZ-2112 16-valve engine?
The oxygen sensor is located in the exhaust manifold
Before proceeding directly to clarifying the signs, you need to know where it is located and what it is responsible for. A lambda probe is an automotive sensor that reads the amount of oxygen emitted from the exhaust gases and regulates the flow of the fuel mixture.
Often, automakers choose the location in front of the catalyst. In this case, the sensor is in the exhaust manifold ... Some automotive critics believe that this location is not entirely correct, since the probe must be located directly in front of the catalytic converter.
The layout of the oxygen sensor in the exhaust system
Also, oxygen sensors with feedback can be installed and used to refine the system. For this, another lambda probe is installed after the catalyst, which is connected to the electronic control unit. This is done in order to more accurately read data from the exhaust exhaust gases, adjust the fuel mixture and reduce fuel consumption.
Replacing the oxygen sensor is quite simple, since it only requires disconnecting it from the power supply and unscrewing it from the exhaust manifold. But with the question of whether it is possible to drive with the sensor turned off, everything is much more complicated.
The switched off lambda probe entails that the ECU in this parameter goes into emergency operation and the amount of fuel that is injected into the cylinders will fluctuate. So, the gasoline mixture will be either rich or poor, which will lead to unstable operation of the power unit and wear.
Oxygen sensor layout with feedback
So, let's consider the main signs of a malfunction of the oxygen sensor on a 16-valve VAZ-2112 engine:
Oxygen sensor design features
It is worth noting that other sensors have the same reasons, therefore, to get a more detailed answer, you need to connect to the electronic engine control unit and see which errors popped up.
So, consider what errors are caused precisely by a malfunction of the lambda probe:
The lambda probe is installed in the exhaust system. Sensors are divided into two types: point-to-point and broadband.
The two-point sensor is made of ceramic, the elements of which are coated on both sides with zirconia. Installed in front of the catalytic converter or behind it. The principle of operation is to measure the level of oxygen concentration in the environment and in exhaust gases. If the level changes and becomes different, a voltage is created at the ends of the sensor elements, from low to high. A low voltage is created if there is an excess of oxygen in the system. Otherwise, if there is not enough oxygen in the system, then a high voltage will be created. These signals are sent to the engine control unit, which distinguishes them by their current strength.
Connect the adapter and run the engine at 2000 rpm. To keep the oxygen sensor hot during the entire measurement cycle.Do not disconnect the sensor block to avoid disrupting the full feedback loop in the fuel injection system. Connect the oscilloscope to the signal wire of the oxygen sensor. Be careful, there are heated sensors (three or four wire). In this case, connect to the signal wire. The oscilloscope will show you the waveforms of your sensor and give you an idea of the signal levels in the signal chain.
Check the scale on the measuring tool before taking measurements. It must be correct. A properly working oxygen sensor will show you a signal,
How to check the knock sensor on the link.
A modern lambda probe installed on a VAZ has 4 outputs: ground, a signal output and two for the heater.
It is best to read the lambda probe readings with special software by connecting to the diagnostic bus of your car. This is the only way to find out the shape of the signal it gives out and the rate of change of these signals. First of all, when diagnosing the sensor, remove the connector from it and check with a multimeter for the presence of voltage on the signal wire from the computer, it should be 0.45 volts. By the way, if this voltage deviates from the given value, most often in the direction of increase. This can be cured by installing an additional resistor. You can calculate the required resistor value as follows:
1) we take an adjustable resistor, such as on volume control
2) We include it in series in the lambda signal power supply circuit.
3) we connect the tester and turn the resistor until the voltage becomes 0.45-0.46 volts.
4) we start the car, check if everything is OK - we measure the resistance on it and select a regular resistor of the corresponding value. By the way, the resistor will not heat up there is no high load.
1) First, remove the “-” clamp from the battery by loosening the nut that holds this clamp with a wrench. (How to loosen the nut, and then remove the clamp from the battery, read the article: "Replacing the battery", in the "first" paragraph)
2) Next, find the second end of the wiring harness that goes from the oxygen sensor and connects to the block, and after finding it, disconnect them from each other.
Note! To make it easier for you to find the second end of the wiring harness and the block, in this case, start your search from the first end, which is installed in the exhaust pipe of the car!
3) After disconnecting the second tip, move to the first one, which is located in the front exhaust pipe of the car, and then, using a wrench, completely unscrew the nut that secures it.
Unscrewing the sensor nut using a wrench
4) And after unscrewing, remove the sensor from the car.
1) First, install the first tip of the new oxygen sensor in its place, and after installation, tighten the nut of its fastening until it stops.
2) Then connect the other end of the wiring harness to the block.
3) And under the completion of the operation, using the same article on "Replacing the battery", install the "-" terminal on it, in the reverse order of removal.
Important! When replacing the sensor, if the car's engine is hot, then try to work with thick gloves, or wait until the engine cools down to a cold temperature, because with strong engine heating, the intake pipe and the oxygen sensor itself get very hot, their temperature rises to about 360 ° C, and therefore, when replacing the sensor, protect yourself and your hands from burns!
Why did you start writing this article? This is because I myself am the owner of a VAZ 2110. And then one day I ran into a problem when the engine became unstable: revolutions began to float, and not constantly, fuel consumption increased, even a chek error caught fire. Arriving at the service station, I made computer diagnostics and lo and behold, the computer says that everything is in order. And then the employee says that this is possible if some kind of lambda probe fails. What is this, for me then there was a huge question.Or the problem is a clogged catalyst. Honestly, the first thought, the technician wants to earn extra money and I refused to repair and decided to figure out the problem myself. And now I want to convey this information to you.
The first representative of the oxygen sensor was a part representing a sensor element that was not equipped with a heater. Heating was due to exhaust gases. This procedure took time. Since over time, the emission toxicity framework was tightened, the lambda probe began its evolution. To this day, the conclusions are presented in the VAZ 2110 oxygen sensor: 2 heaters, a signal and a mass.
Check one of the sensor terminals, namely the signal one. For this:
Or use a scanner.
Or with the help of a motor tester. With the help of probes, the connection is made and the recorder is turned on. With the second method, you can see the waveform, current and peak values. The signal shape can be used to determine the health of the sensor.
Lest you be mistaken, I will explain that the main indicator for a lambda probe is not the composition of the mixture or the ignition timing, but the oxygen content. How the process takes place: A reference voltage of 0.45 V goes from the electronic control unit to the signal output of the sensor. To be convincing, you can flip the terminal away from the sensor and use a multimeter to take measurements. If everything is so, then the sensor is working properly.
When the volume of oxygen increases in the exhaust gases, the supply voltage to the sensor decreases to 0.1 V, when oxygen is less than the prescribed value, it increases to 0.9 V. A zirconium oxygen sensor is presented in the VAZ 2110, due to which the voltage jump depending on the volume of oxygen occurs by percentage stoichiometric mixture, with a ratio of 14.7: 1. With this in mind, the fuel-air mixture ignites.
If you understand how a lambda probe works, then you understand how to make a diagnosis. Well, let's say the error of the ECU (electronic control unit) P0131 pops up, which says about "Low signal level of the oxygen sensor 1". Here you need to understand that the sensor checks the state of the system and therefore, with a lean mixture, it will report an error. In such cases, replacing the lambda probe is not relevant.
You ask, “So how do you define a problem? How to find out the problem in the system or in the sensor? ". For understanding, I want to consider several situations:
There is one thing that can be confusing:
With misfiring, a mixture with a large amount of fuel and air is obtained at the outlet, the sensor regards this as a large amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases, and will show errors even if you change the sensor to a new one.
Do not miss yet such a thing as the appearance of a gap in front of the oxygen sensor, through which oxygen can enter from the outside. And how difficult is it to what it will lead to? That's right, to the fact that the sensor will report a lean mixture. Consequently, the mixture entering the engine will become over-rich, and the sensor will continue to report a lean one. In this case, it is not bad to use a gas analyzer, which will show the truth whether the mixture is enriched.
The service life of the oxygen sensor at the VAZ, including the fourteenth, is measured by the mileage. In the interval from 80 to 150 thousand km, the lambda probe will inevitably fail. If you listen to the advice of the craftsmen from the service, then it's time to replace the device after the first 60 thousand km. This pleasure is not cheap - from 1000 to 3000 rubles, depending on the region of the country.
Oxygen sensor (lambda probe)
Therefore, it is customary among VAZ owners to repair the lambda probe with their own hands or turn it off altogether (in this case, the firmware of the car's brains is simply done). The question is reasonable: is it possible to cut it off from the network (remove the sensor and connect the connector). In theory, this does not bode well, but in practice, the electronic engine control unit will set the average parameters for the fuel mixture - the characteristic will jump from rich to poor - the experienced dynamism of the car will disappear and the consumption will increasebenz. So, if you have a need to spend money on the right things, read the manuals on how to repair an oxygen sensor.
The main symptoms of a dying lambda probe:
Benz's consumption exceeds 12 liters per hundred square meters
At idle, the feeling that the engine is undermining
When accelerating, dips are possible, the dynamics, in principle, are not stable, the power of the engines becomes lower
Naturally, all these signs are just guesses, they may indicate a breakdown of other parts of the suspension or engines.
To know for sure whether your oxygen sensor is covered or not, you need to check the lambda probe, especially since the methods are simple, doable in a garage.
Another important point is the correct reading of the errors that the board will give you in case of a lambda malfunction (if it is not there, drive the car to the service, they will definitely help you there).
Usually, any malfunction in the car is issued by a check engine signal, although, in a situation with a lambda probe, it may not light up. List of the most common error codes:
Error P0130 - the signal from the sensor does not come in incorrect or does not come
Error P0131 - the signal from the sensor comes low
Error P0133 - the response of the lambda itself is very slow
Error P0134 - there is simply no response
Error P0135 - the heating element of the oxygen sensor is faulty
Error P0136 - shorted the ground of the second lambda probe
Error P0137 - the signal level of the second sensor is low.
Error P0138 - on the contrary, a high signal level on the second device
Error P0140 - there was a break in the sensor itself
Error P0141 - the heating element on the second device overheated
Error P1102 - the resistance of the information reader has disappeared or is very low
Error P1115 - a problem in the heating circuit of the sensor itself
The last error is the most common, if the heating circuit is covered, the lambda probe immediately gives out an incorrect signal from the electronic control unit, and all of the above symptoms of a malfunction can be correlated with lambda.
Reasons affecting the appearance of malfunctions of the oxygen sensor:
Low-quality benz on the exhaust gives off a lot of lead and iron, which clog the contacts of the lambda probe in just a couple of refuelings.
The condition of the oil scraper rings and seals is poor; the oil just gets into the fuel mixture and into the car exhaust system.
If the valves are pinched, the exhaust system is subject to constant popping that erodes the sensor surface.
Maybe the fuel mixture is of the wrong quality, the ignition timing is not aligned, there are many internal reasons.
All these reasons can give rise to the right thought: how to fix a lambda probe?
We need to find the place where this chain broke. Check all contacts in one go, they can oxidize and need to be cleaned (as always, the irreplaceable WD-40 will save the world). An open problem can sit in the electronic control unit. It just might not send a signal. Here you need to look if the lambda is powered.
If carbon deposits have formed on the working surface of the lambda probe housing.
Cleaning is the most common type of repair, which is associated not only with small readers, but also with other parts of the system. You will need to remove any carbon deposits that always form on the platinum electrodes of the ceramic rod. Just don't use sandpaper or anything metallic! This will wipe off any dusting on the ceramic surface. You need to take a special agent, for example, one that dissolves rust without leaving a residue.
We remove the oxygen sensor,
We clamp it in teski and cut off the ceramic cap from it,
The same procedure is repeated with the second cap, now that you have reached the rod,
We lower the lambda in a solution with a rust converter for half an hour, you can help with a brush (for example, to paint with paints), wait for the result.
If the first two did not work for you, then try heating the rust remover to increase its effect.
VIDEO After you have carried out the repairs, you need to patch the sawn holes with Campi welding and put the lambda probe in place.
Note! Before starting work, so that it would be easier for you to make it, first look at the photo below, which will show the oxygen sensor!
Where is the oxygen concentration sensor? One tip of the sensor is installed on the front exhaust pipe of the car, or to be more precise, on its connecting part, where two pipes converge into a single one, see the photo below for more details:
When do you need to change the oxygen concentration sensor? The sensor itself fails for various reasons, but after it breaks down, the car's engine starts to work incorrectly, namely:
• The engine becomes less responsive.
• Its fuel consumption increases.
• And also the engine starts to work unstable, at idle speed.
Withdrawal: 1) First, remove the “-” clamp from the battery by loosening the nut that holds this clamp with a wrench. (How to loosen the nut, and then remove the clamp from the battery, read the article: "Replacing the battery", in the "first" paragraph)
2) Next, find the second end of the wiring harness that goes from the oxygen sensor and connects to the block, and after finding it, disconnect them from each other.
Note! To make it easier for you to find the second end of the wiring harness and the block, in this case, start your search from the first end, which is installed in the exhaust pipe of the car!
3) After disconnecting the second tip, move to the first one, which is located in the front exhaust pipe of the car, and then, using a wrench, completely unscrew the nut that secures it.
4) And after unscrewing, remove the sensor from the car.
Installation: 1) First, install the first tip of the new oxygen sensor in its place, and after installation, tighten the nut of its fastening until it stops.
2) Then connect the other end of the wiring harness to the block.
3) And under the completion of the operation, using the same article on "Replacing the battery", install the "-" terminal on it, in the reverse order of removal.
Important! When replacing the sensor, if the car's engine is hot, then try to work with thick gloves, or wait until the engine cools down to a cold temperature, because with strong engine heating, the intake pipe and the oxygen sensor itself get very hot, their temperature rises to about 360 ° C, and therefore, when replacing the sensor, protect yourself and your hands from burns!
Exhaust systems with a catalyst began to be used on front-wheel drive cars of the VAZ family with the introduction of Euro-2 and Euro-3 environmental standards; an integral part of engines with a catalytic converter is the VAZ-2110 lambda probe. The oxygen sensor (another name for this part) is designed to monitor the level of toxic substances in the exhaust gases and, if the CO norm is exceeded, send an alarm signal to the engine control unit.
Like all parts in a car, the lambda probe (LZ) can fail over time, because of this, various malfunctions occur in the engine. In this article, we will consider the main symptoms of a sensor malfunction, the reasons for their occurrence, the features of replacing a part, as well as possible catalyst breakdowns, and methods for their elimination.
The main function of the LP is to determine the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases, based on the data received, the sensor sends a signal to the unit that controls the electronic system of the engine. In accordance with the readings of the lambda probe, the ECU corrects the functioning of all elements of the fuel system and ignition, making the engine the most optimal.
On a VAZ-2110 (2111, 2112) car with an 8-valve engine, the oxygen sensor is located on the exhaust pipe of the muffler, in the immediate vicinity of its connection to the resonator.Since the lambda probe does not start working immediately, but only when the exhaust pipe heats up to 360 degrees, VAZ sensors are often equipped with a built-in electric heater, such LZs have four wires and a corresponding plug for connecting to the electronic circuit of the car.
The main manufacturers of VAZ oxygen sensors are Bosch and NGK, "Boshevsky" spare parts are considered universal, they are used not only on "dozens" and "dvenashki", but also on other VAZ, models of other brands, in particular, on cars:
Opel Omega / Vectra / Astra / Calibra with C20NE engine (you only need to change the plastic plug);
VAZ 2108-2115;
Chevrolet Niva;
Business Gazelle with Cummins engine;
UAZ Patriot.
The price of a BOSH lambda probe with catalog number 0258006537 is on average from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles, you can buy a sensor in almost any auto shop, often advertisements for the sale of parts are found on the Internet.
4 wires of different colors are suitable for the 4-pin LZ connector:
black - signal;
gray - massive;
two white ones - for connecting an electric heater (the polarity of the wire connection does not matter).
The BOSCH lambda probe is sold in original packaging, with a protective plastic cap, a special grease is applied to the threaded connection of the part to prevent the sensor from sticking.
The service life of the oxygen sensor is on average 80-120 thousand km over mileage, but the resource of the part is often reduced for various reasons:
low-quality gasoline is poured into the car's tank;
the engine overheats;
the ignition is incorrectly adjusted, as a result of which detonation occurs;
a defective part has been installed.
Often, the lambda probe fails prematurely due to impact, the fragile ceramic element is easily destroyed by impact. It is for this reason that the oxygen sensor must not be hit or dropped from a height onto a hard surface.
It is possible to determine a faulty lambda probe by various indirect signs, engine malfunctions:
the motor is unstable at idle, the speed is constantly changing, more often this happens on an unheated engine;
fuel consumption has increased, and black smoke comes from the muffler pipe;
the Check Engine warning light comes on on the instrument panel;
spark plugs quickly become covered in soot;
the engine "dulls" - does not develop the speed, does not allow the car to accelerate to the required speed.
If you remove the lambda probe from the car, you will notice that its inner part is covered with soot (soot) - this indicates that the fuel does not burn completely, the proportion of the fuel mixture is violated.
To replace the LZ on a 2110 car with an 8-valve engine, the car should be driven into a pit or a car lift, so it will be much more convenient to get to the desired part. Before starting work, you must wait until the parts of the exhaust system have completely cooled down in order to avoid getting burned.
Often the oxygen sensor sticks on, especially in cases where it has not been removed for a long time, and the car's mileage is already quite large. To make the lambda probe easier to move from its place on the thread, it is possible to process its WD-40 attachment before starting work, only it is necessary to withstand the time (for an hour), allow the liquid to penetrate into the threaded connection. It should be noted that the LZ does not stick to the exhaust manifold as much as on the exhaust manifold of cars with a 16-valve engine, there VD-40 usually does not help, you have to use other methods to dismantle the part. The fact is that the temperature around the engine is higher than in the exhaust pipe, and the metal is oxidized more intensively.
We replace the lambda probe as follows;
open the hood by disconnecting the plug from the wires (the connector is located somewhere under the master brake cylinder);
we go down under the car and turn off the sensor itself with a 22-inch open-end wrench;
install the new LZ in place, tighten it with a force of about 30-45 Nm;
we connect the wires, this work can be considered complete.
It is important to connect the plug so that the insulation does not touch the exhaust pipe, otherwise the wires will melt and the lambda probe will not work normally.
The catalyst (also known as a catalytic converter) is designed to clean the exhaust gases from harmful impurities; it plays the role of a kind of filter. Inside the catalyst can are ceramic or metal honeycomb, coated with a catalytic layer of precious metal. Over time, soot from exhaust gases builds up, clogs the honeycomb, and exhaust gases pass through the catalyst with difficulty.
It is not always possible to clean the catalytic converter; in many cases it must be replaced. But since the catalyst is quite expensive, and clogs up quite quickly (often premature failure occurs due to low-quality gasoline), many car owners are trying to get rid of this part in various ways:
remove the catalytic element by knocking the honeycomb out of the can;
a flame arrester is installed instead of the catalyst;
if the catalytic converter is an integral part of the manifold, replace it with a special insert (stinger).
On VAZ-2110 cars with a 1.6 liter engine, two oxygen sensors are installed, and if the catalyst is removed, the lower lambda probe will record an increased CO content in the exhaust gases, and the diagnostic lamp will light up, fixing an error. It will not work just to turn off the oxygen sensor, the Check Engine lamp will still light up. To get rid of this problem, a special snag is used, which is a special spacer, supplemented with a mesh filter.
The trick does not reduce the level of toxicity in the exhaust gases, but limits the emission of the exhaust to the lambda probe itself; as a result, the sensor registers the normal CO content, and the error does not light up. If it is not possible to deceive the LZ in this way, the only way out remains - to reflash the engine control unit.
Answers to the questions "Is it possible to turn off the oxygen sensor" and "Is it worth operating a car with a faulty lambda probe" are of interest to many car owners, especially in those cases when you need to get to a certain place, and the engine runs intermittently. Disabling the LZ does not lead to any catastrophic consequences, but with a working sensor:
fuel consumption will increase slightly;
the level of CO in the exhaust gas increases;
the engine power is slightly reduced.
Disconnecting the connector with a faulty LZ, as a rule, gives positive results - the car starts to drive faster, dynamics appears. But it is still not recommended to operate a car with a failed lambda probe, all the same, the engine management system does not work in the desired mode, moreover, the regularly lighting up Check Engine reminds of errors.
In some cases, the oxygen sensor stops working only because the holes in the protective shield and the ceramic tip itself are covered with soot. To restore the working capacity of the part, it is necessary to clean the LZ from soot, but when performing such work, certain rules must be observed. It is important not to use for cleaning:
metal brushes;
other items that could damage the ceramic.
The best method to get rid of contamination is to soak the ceramic of the lambda probe in a solution of phosphoric acid, but for this, you must first carefully saw off the protective cap. If the acid cannot be found, you can use a rust converter that is sold in auto chemical stores. Of course, to clean the part from soot deposits, the sensor must be removed.
Video (click to play).
To soak the ceramic tip, it must be placed in the liquid for 15-20 minutes, so that the soot should disappear from the surface by itself. If the deposits are still not completely removed, they can be brushed off with a soft toothbrush.After the performed procedure, you need to fix the protective screen with the help of camp welding. When it is not possible to restore the lambda to work, there is only one way out - to buy a new oxygen sensor.