Restoration of the plastic surface is the elimination of cracks and scratches.
1. Minor damage can be removed with a special Cosmofen compound. After exposure to the agent, the surface is covered with "liquid plastic".
2. When repairing significant flaws on the plastic, use cosmetic glue, which is used to fill the gaps. A white sealant is also suitable for filling deep cracks. After the aggregate dries, the surface is sanded with fine emery paper.
3. The final stage of restoration is surface treatment with a special construction pencil.
Sometimes, when eliminating sagging, the door is pulled too tight, after which it is difficult to close it.
It is better to entrust this work to professionals in order to avoid unpleasant consequences: condensation, frozen glass, problems with operation. If the warranty period is valid, you should contact the company that installed the PVC structure. Installing yourself may adversely affect the appearance.
In the event that such problems arise during operation, repair is necessary. Moreover, such malfunctions can be eliminated independently, without the involvement of experienced specialists. In order for the work to be successful, it is necessary to objectively analyze the volume of cases and the availability of free time. If you appreciate that there is not enough free time, then contact the professionals.
Plastic doors are deservedly considered one of the most reliable options for any premises. Despite this, even the most reliable door can break under serious loads, as well as during long-term use. Repair of plastic doors is quite possible. The complexity of the repair differs depending on the specific breakdown. Most often, the problems are minor and are eliminated by a small adjustment of the mechanisms, or by replacing the fittings. Repair costs are generally low.In addition, breakdowns are eliminated as soon as possible.
There are several typical breakdowns that occur most often. Such breakdowns include:
Each breakdown requires a specific approach to its elimination. Most problems can be eliminated without resorting to the services of a wizard. Let's take a closer look at how the above types of breakdowns are eliminated.
In the vast majority of cases, problematic opening and closing is caused by a malfunction in the adjustment of mechanisms. The adjustment process does not take much time, repairing a plastic door in such cases is the most simple. Let's consider the adjustment procedure in stages.
First of all, when the door sags, as well as problems with its opening and closing, it is necessary to determine the place in which the canvas contacts the frame. At the point of contact (displacement), a line is drawn with a simple pencil.
The adjustment is to move the blade to the side opposite to the place where the sash touches the frame. For example, if the door catches the upper edge of the frame, it is necessary to move the door leaf down and away from the point of contact.
The adjustment is simple enough. The top and middle hinges have hex screws. Turning the key clockwise presses the canvas against the hinges, counterclockwise - unclenches them. Such repair of plastic doors is quite simple.
The bottom hinge is also adjustable. The screw, which is located at the end of the hinge, adjusts the web in the vertical direction, and the screw on the side - in the horizontal direction.
If the door is fitted with glass, adjustment is possible with a glass unit. For this, the glazing bead is removed, on which the glass is held, and then, with the help of a wooden spatula, the glass unit is moved to the side until the sagging is corrected. Spacers are inserted into the gap where the blade was. After adjustment, the belt should move freely. Upon completion of the adjustment procedure, the glazing beads are installed back, while they should not be confused in places. Incorrect installation can lead to cracks in the web.
It is very simple to repair plastic doors if the repair consists in adjusting a loose handle. The fact is that with increased loads on the mechanism, as well as with prolonged operation, the fasteners of the handles are often unscrewed from the socket by one or several turns. Because of this, the handle begins to hang characteristically.
The elimination of the problem consists in removing the decorative cap from the door and then tightening the dangling screw. The screws can be replaced if necessary.
Repair of a plastic door cannot always be completed without replacing its structural elements. If the locking mechanism breaks down, it is much easier to remove and replace it than to carry out repairs. Locking mechanisms can be purchased at any hardware store. Any other fittings, in particular, a broken doorknob, change in the same way.
Failure of a double-glazed window is a serious problem. The fact is that cracks in glass cannot be completely eliminated. There are special fluids for repairing cracks, however at certain angles, due to the refraction of light, the crack will still be visible. In such cases, replacement of the entire glass unit is required.It is very expensive to repair plastic doors with a broken glass unit, therefore it is necessary not to subject the glass to mechanical stress, to protect it from sudden temperature changes.
One of the main functions of doors is noise and heat insulation of the room. The gasket plays an important role, as it ensures a tight fit of the canvas to the box, does not allow sounds to pass through and retains heat. During operation, the seal wears out, loses its properties.
To replace the seal, you must first select a replacement of the appropriate dimension. It can be purchased at any hardware store. The old seal is removed, and the new one is glued to the door using special glue. It should be noted that the repair of a plastic balcony door, if necessary to replace the seal, is no different from the repair of any other PVC doors.
With prolonged operation of the doors, as well as with mechanical stress, various damages can occur on the door leaf. Plastic doors are repaired by plastic restoration. Such restoration is possible with the help of special compounds that mask damage. They can be purchased at specialized hardware stores. If it is necessary to really qualitatively repair plastic doors that have mechanical damage, it is better to contact a specialist. Only a professional can restore the door to its original state, completely masking all damage.
So, you can repair a plastic door with your own hands, having certain skills and knowledge. Some breakdowns are not significant for repair, and some should be entrusted to specialists. Carrying out repairs yourself, you can save money and spend money on something more necessary.
Reinforced-plastic doors are in great demand. This type of product benefits from ease of use, beautiful appearance and durability with proper care before moisture. At the same time, depending on the preferences of the customer, the dimensions of the products can be made of any shape and size.
However, over time, any structure wears out and needs adjustment. In this regard, in order to save the family budget, it is important to know how to repair a plastic balcony door with your own hands without involving the labor of specialized companies.
During the operation of PVC products, it is important to know that there are many special devices that can extend the life of these structures, namely:
Opening restriction rail. It will protect the doors from hitting the slopes.
Microlift. A device whose function is to additionally support the door. As a rule, it finds its obligatory application when using heavy structures.
When buying plastic doors for a balcony or loggia, immediately take care to maximize their service life.
To do this, install a closer (microlift), and also protect the structure from impacts with a limiter. Then they will serve you for a long time without requiring repair.
The reason for malfunctions is often a cheap profile and fittings. Such structures often do not withstand increased loads on fasteners. Added to this is sloppy handling and the absence of a limiter.
PVC doors, like any other structures, during operation require periodic repair and control over their functioning. If these works are not carried out in a timely manner, then over time, a complete replacement of products will be required.
It is recommended to regularly, at least 2 times a year, inspect the plastic door. Timely adjustments will help avoid future breakdowns. In this regard, it will be relevant to consider the most common malfunctions in the operation of plastic structures and ways to eliminate them:
replacement of fittings and rubber seal;
replacement of the lock or its parts;
elimination of scratches and dents;
elimination of malfunctions by means of adjustment;
replacement of a cracked glass unit,
When repairing plastic balcony doors, sometimes you have to remove them from their hinges. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the constituent elements. When disassembling, follow the steps below:
Remove the plugs from the curtains.
Push the axle screw down as far as the stop.
Leaning slightly forward, remove the structure from the hinges.
After the replacement of the fittings, we hang the canvas in the reverse order.
It is not difficult to repair a plastic door, for this it is necessary to prepare materials and tools in advance and only then proceed with the repair.
During the operation of the door structure, the following violations in its operation are often encountered:
The door starts to sag, the frame is rubbed against the threshold from below. In such a situation, we are looking for a screw on the top panel and tighten it with a hexagon, aligning the verticality of the product. If the reason is not eliminated or not completely eliminated, you need to remove the cap from the lower curtain, where the adjustment screw is located, which is responsible for the position of the curtain above the threshold, and slightly tighten it.
The side of the box is rubbed. Open the lower curtain, look for a side screw on the inside of the canvas. Turning it clockwise, we tighten the canvas. Additional adjustments can be made in the upper curtains.
Loose linens to the box. For this, there are special adjusting eccentrics at the ends of the door leaf. We make the adjustment with three eccentrics at once, turning them with equal efforts. Additionally, we increase the tighter tightness of the closure using the upper and lower hinges. There are special adjusting bolts for this purpose. For more information on adjusting the balcony door, see this video:VIDEO
You can solve the problem of adjusting the door yourself using the most ordinary hex key.
Repairing a loose handle is easy. We find a decorative plate behind the handle, easily pulling it towards ourselves and turning it 90 degrees, the adjusting screws open to our eyes. They securely hold the handle on the canvas.
In the case of a loose handle, tighten the screws clockwise. If it is necessary to replace the handle or its constituent elements, we unscrew the fasteners and insert new devices.
If the lock has broken, you need to disassemble it and find out the reason. To do this, remove the handles and core. We unscrew the screws that hold the lock and take it out.
First of all, it is necessary to lubricate the entire locking mechanism, after which we check its operation with a key.
If carrying out these manipulations did not lead to the desired result, we change the lock for a new product.
Your seal is worn out and does not protect against blowing out - it's time to replace it.
First you need to purchase a special rubber cord and glue, by the way, German will serve you longer than others. Next, we perform the following actions:
we take out the old cord with its remnants;
remove dirt and degrease;
apply glue with a continuous strip;
starting at the corner, inserts a new cord.
In order for the seal to serve for a long time, it is recommended to lubricate it with a special silicone grease for rubber 2 times a year, but you can use ordinary petroleum jelly for this.
If you decide to change the double-glazed window, to do this, remove the casing with a plastic spatula, which holds it in the frame. We remove dust and debris, degrease the frame. When everything dries up, we insert a new glass unit, securing it with the removed glazing beads.
To avoid problems with the installation of a new glass unit, it is important to accurately measure its optimal dimensions in advance. To do this, use a ruler or tape measure to measure the distance of the glass unit, including the thickness of the retaining glazing beads. For more information on how to replace a glass unit, see this video:
There are dents or scratches on your door that spoil your interior, they should be redecorated. Degrease the damaged areas.
Apply a special putty with a rubber spatula. We are waiting for complete drying, grind, cover with glossy or matte varnish.
When installing PVC products, it is important to remember that periodic repair, adjustment and replacement, regular replacement of fittings is the key to the reliable functioning of these structures.
Very often, when installing new plastic structures, windows or doors, problems arise with the opening-closing mechanisms or other functions. This is due to many factors: improper installation, shrinkage of the house or careless operation. To eliminate the trouble, you should not call the master: adjusting PVC doors with your own hands is quite possible. Moreover, the master will require a rather large sum for his services, and this is a reason to save the family budget.
For high-quality adjustment, only three tools are required: an Allen key No. 4, a screwdriver and an eccentric. They are versatile, since the design of plastic products involves their use. All fittings have special holes for tools, mainly hinges and handles.
Installation diagram of the door leaf.
Horizontal adjustment involves pulling up the top and bottom hinges. The door should be open at this time. If you turn the key clockwise, the sash will be attracted to the hinge and, conversely, may loosen the fastening. In this way, the bottom of the door is adjusted. If you stand on the outside of the PVC door, then, working with the lower hinges, you can tighten or loosen the top of the sash. This method of adjustment allows the door to be brought into parallel alignment with other plastic structural elements. The eccentric is supposed to be used in the sash pressure adjustment. Very often, the main function of metal-plastic doors is far from ideal. Therefore, with the help of such a key, you can bring it to the desired state. To do this, the eccentric is brought into the pressure pads along the entire perimeter of the door. The key has a special risk, showing the degree of clamping. All this can be seen clearly when used. In addition to the eccentric, the sash can be clamped with special plates or, on the hinge side, with a hexagon. Doors can be installed depending on the season: weaker in summer, vice versa in winter. But it is worth knowing that with increased pressure, the sash structure can quickly wear out.
The hinge clamping implies greater reliability of a heavy structure. Adjustment is carried out using a key corresponding to the bolt perpendicular to the sash. First of all, you need to remove the caps from the hinges and set the canvas open. With this type of installation, the door must be held, because there is a risk that the structure can fly off, holding on only on one hinge, which is not subject to adjustment, and also the entire canvas can be in the ventilation mode, that is, rejected. By turning the key, you can adjust the hinges either upper or both at once, thus achieving a snug fit of the fittings.
The sash may sag due to its heavy weight. Therefore, the adjustable parts, i.e. the hinges, are tightened with a hex key. Depending on the symmetry of the door, both or one are pulled up. The elimination of the defect can be seen immediately. But if this does not help, the problem is solved radically.
The door can sag due to poor installation of the glass unit when it comes to the balcony option. Such work should be provided only to the masters of their craft, otherwise there is a risk of permanently spoiling the structure. They can remove the glazing beads and either change the glass or adjust its installation. It will not be possible to solve the problem on your own without having the knowledge.
Visually, this defect will be noticeable immediately. The problem is eliminated by using the built-in regulators.The bottom and top are twisted in accordance with the parallelism of the sash to the door frame.
Drafts due to the seal
Perhaps the most common problem in the operation of PVC doors. The issue is solved by pressing the sash with an eccentric. It is not worth delaying troubleshooting for a long time: drafts can bring dampness, which is not very good for a sealant. If it is dilapidated, the rubber should be changed immediately, no pressure will help, on the contrary, too zealous will lead to PVC bending.
If these are hinges, they are tightened with a hexagon, installation is carried out crosswise, in case of failure of both elements, and in the usual way for one. It is imperative to control the pulling force. Otherwise, in this case, pinching can lead to other consequences, and adjustment will be needed for other parts of the structure. To securely attach the handles, tighten the bolts by turning the handle 90 degrees. This is done with a screwdriver. In addition, a ventilation comb can be installed in the base of the door handle.
Bad or difficult turning of the hardware
In addition to the fact that the PVC door requires regular inspection and tightening, all undercarriages should be lubricated with machine oil, using cotton swabs for this, so as not to leave greasy stains on the surface.
There are some simple tricks for the door to show its own defects immediately when adjusting. Then the likelihood that unscrupulous craftsmen will return the money spent on the construction will increase.
With a simple pencil. In this way, the parallelism of the frame or web guides can be checked. The door closes tightly, and the structure is drawn with a pencil around the perimeter of the entire canvas. After that, the drawn contour can visually reveal the overly drawn sashes. The adjustment takes place from the side where the lines are not parallel. If the sash can sin on two sides or one, after working with keys, this is a reason to call the masters.
Method for detecting flap clamping defects using a piece of paper. To do this, the door is closed with a piece of newspaper and then pulled back. If this happens easily, the door needs to be adjusted with an eccentric.
The door can spontaneously perform its functions, open and close without any action on the part of the owners. This indicates a poor fitment installation. If the adjustment does not help, you need to call the company where this design was made.
Also, the adjustment period may be a consequence of poor installation.
As a rule, it is not required for properly made doors. Defective ones or in violation of the installation technology will require editing almost immediately. You need to be vigilant when installing PVC doors with your own hands.
Many problems during the operation of doors can be avoided by entrusting the installation to trusted companies.
But it is not always worth sinning on shameless craftsmen: it is quite possible that your own negligence has led to such consequences, and the problem can be eliminated by yourself, without resorting to expensive repairs.
Video (click to play).
If neither budget nor time allows to tinker with repairs and adjustments, you need to be extremely careful when choosing a PVC production company, reading reviews about it and checking the list of product certificates provided. The guarantee is also important not only for the service life, but also for the repair. And with the above recommendations, adjusting the door will not be difficult. Good luck!