In detail: do-it-yourself electric meter repair from a real master for the site
We disassemble the energy meter CE101-R5
Friends, we have a review of the updated CE101 meter in the R5 case and compare it with the meters in the universal R5.1 case.
This electricity meter did not work much, and then broke down a little. I will say in advance: the reason for the failure is the counting coil.
Actually, Energomera CE101-R5. and in our case, the reader, the CE101 R5 145 M6. that is, the counting mechanism here is mechanical and six-bit.

Such single-rate electricity meters are inexpensive, and, regardless of the manufacturer, of course, they break down from time to time. In my practice, there are examples of failure of completely different metering devices, nevertheless, I do not presume to judge the mass or the weighted proportion of failures. The manufacturer's warranty obligations are important here. For some of the manufacturers, the conditions are softer and easier, for others, on the contrary, it is more difficult and harsh. Energomera. I must pay tribute, does not insert a spoke in the wheels. Maxim died, and ... IPU - an act from the network (or management / maintenance) company is enough and the device will be replaced. However, at a cost of a little over four hundred rubles, it is easier to buy a new one, change it. It's faster and takes less action. Then call a representative of the network organization for sealing.
At the current time, networkers' visits are free.
8. Actions subject to execution in accordance with this document by the subjects of retail markets, including actions to put metering devices into operation, to install seals and (or) visual control marks upon completion of the metering device commissioning procedure, to take and provide readings metering devices are committed by them without charging a fee for their commission, unless otherwise expressly established in this document.
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Video (click to play). |
(decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.12 No. 442)
But ... there is an opinion that everything may change very soon.
Say, this whole procedure will gradually change. Already starting to change. A Dismantling Act is likely to be mandatory for free commissioning. If the subscriber says that there was an accident or something else, then he goes to the PRUE for a copy of the order.

Perhaps I will not express my preconceived opinion, limiting myself to a simple posting of photographs in approximately the order in which the Energomer counter was sorted out.
Reader, do you have any preferences when choosing counters? Or maybe electricity suppliers impose something specific, don't they?
In Tomsk, according to the program, the big brother CE101 - R5 was installed in the whole city, the CE-101 counter, it was in 2011. On the housing stock of 50 five-story buildings, 6 driveways, 15-20 percent of 100 were replaced, some just a week after installation. Some stopped, others showed a constant load, and still others gave readings that were two or three times overestimated. There were three cases when they burned out from the inside, I don't know for what reason - the back wall of the meter melted.
8. Actions subject to execution in accordance with this document by the subjects of retail markets, including actions to put metering devices into operation, to install seals and (or) visual control marks upon completion of the metering device commissioning procedure, to take and provide readings metering devices are committed by them without charging a fee for their commission, unless otherwise expressly established in this document.
(decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.05.12 No. 442)
Please, for more details about this decree! I tried to find its full version - the content is completely different. in Tomsk, power sales demand 500 rubles for resealing.
consultant plus will help all of us. I recommend, among other things, to look at the footnotes.
Recently, the same counter, or rather its counter mechanism, has died. I called the office where I took it. There, specifying the release date, they said that at least in 2011 there was a large batch in which this defect was massively manifested. The plant itself admitted this. They seem to change without problems and right away, only an act from the energy supply is needed.
You do not know where you can look at information about the influence of voltage quality (drawdown, etc.) on electronic meters, in particular an energy meter.
Alexey, please advise the manufacturer of a model of a reliable and accurate meter in your opinion (for installation on a dinreyk). At the same time, I would like it to be inexpensive, to occupy the minimum space on the dinraik. Maybe electronic ... Although not important.
take any one based on a simple rule: "the cheaper the better" while it is advisable to ask the seller the order of treatment in case of anything. whether it is necessary to write a petition, a death certificate from networkers secured with a large official seal, etc.
this disassembled energy meter costs 400 rubles, it can be exchanged without any problems, well, it's not a pity to throw it out either
But I’ll say that recently the quality of Energomera has dropped sharply! and the number of refunds increased by 15 percent.
therefore, in principle, I stopped putting it on people.
I can't stand mercury due to the fact that it cannot be crammed onto a din-rail, or rather crammed, but it takes up so much space that it's just awful!
as a result, he began to constantly use Neva counters. while there were no failures (I asked the marriage department in the ABC store) very convenient terminal blocks, solid covers and latches on the rail itself.
for the price they practically do not differ from the others.
O! By the way, I'll drop into ABC live to see the dimensions of different options.
It is quite easy to understand that the electric meter has broken down. This requires a visual inspection of the device. Obvious reasons for the breakdown:
- The electricity meter has burned out. The body is melted, burnt marks on the contacts, the smell of burning.
- Mechanical damage to the case and sight glass (cracks, dents, chips).
- Change in readings (the disk began to spin strongly without load, or vice versa, stopped and does not spin when powerful consumers are turned on).
- The appearance of noise during the operation of the counter.
- The electricity meter does not show readings, while there is light in the house. There is also no light indication. Such a malfunction occurs with electronic models.

These are the main malfunctions of electricity meters. There are other breakdowns, so in any case, even if you have a different situation, the information provided below will help solve the problem.
As soon as you are sure that the meter is not working, the first thing you need to do is call the power supply organization and report the incident. If a non-working electric meter in an apartment presents even the slightest danger: hums, smokes or smells burnt, be sure to turn off the voltage at the input. After that, you will need to come to the organization yourself and ask for a sample application, after which the representatives of the energy sales should come to your home (the approximate date and time should be said right away).

On the spot, the inspector must draw up a report on the malfunction of the electricity meter. To do this, he examines the device for third-party interference in its design, takes the last readings and after that he already draws up a document. Be sure to specify when drawing up the act what cause of the breakdown the inspector writes in, so that later there are no disagreements and resulting problems.
Important! Never try to repair the meter yourself! If you even find that the cause of the breakdown is in poor contact or its absence, you should know that opening the seal can lead to a considerable fine.
If the electricity meter does not work and you have already reported this to the energy supply company by writing a corresponding statement, the payment for electricity will be based on the average monthly rate. It, in turn, is determined by the previous reporting periods. In more detail, this information is set out in the Rules for the provision of utilities, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, p. 59 "a".
Please note that payment at the average rate will occur only for the first 3 months after fixing the fact of meter failure. If the replacement is not completed before this time, you will have to pay according to the standard. We talked about how the calculation of electricity according to the standard is carried out in a separate article.
As for the replacement of the meter, it is paid at the expense of the energy supplying organization in several cases:
- If the meter is out of order through no fault of yours.
- If the electricity meter is located on a municipal territory.
In other cases, the owner will have to pay for the replacement or repair, i.e. you, even if it is located at the entrance to the site. Of course, if the electricity meter breaks down through your fault (for example, due to overload, shock, and even more so after installing the magnet), you pay.
One of the reasons for the breakdown of an electric meter is seen in the video:
That's all that we would like to tell you about why the electricity meter does not work and what to do in this case to eliminate the malfunction. We hope the provided steps helped you solve the problem!
The single-phase model of the Energomera CE 101 meter belongs to common metering devices. It is a simple and reliable device with a 5-year warranty, and enjoys a good reputation among users.
Electricity meter Energomera ce 101
According to the principle of operation, Energomera ce 101 is an electronic device in which the measured voltage and current are multiplied using sigma-delta modulation. The signal is then converted to a value that is proportional to the power.
The signal has a pulse nature, and the pulses are summed up by an electromechanical-type calculating device or a microcontroller. The result is displayed on rotating drums or on an LCD screen. There can be one or two current circuits. If there are two, the highest current is recorded.
The Energomera ce101 meter refers to modern devices that have the ability to connect the meter to ASKUE (automated metering) systems or for verification operations. Devices with LCD have a memory, independent of the presence of power supply, which allows storing measured values in case of disconnection from the mains, and a liquid crystal display with information displayed. If the display is damaged, then the data can be read after connecting a working screen.
Energy meter CE 101 with LCD display
Connection to automated accounting systems is carried out using special leads on the front of the case, closed with a plastic cover.
The CE 101 counter is equipped with indicator lights. Some devices have two LEDs: "Network" and "A". When one of them lights up, with the inscription "Mains", it means that the device is connected to the mains. The second one blinks when the load is connected.
Other device modifications have one LED "3200 imp/kW*h"Operating in two modes:
- in the absence of load, it burns with an even light;
- When the load appears, the LED starts flashing, the flashing frequency is proportional to the load current.
Some models have a "Rob" indicator. Its lighting up indicates the reading of the reverse power.
If the Network LED is off, there can be two reasons:
- Due to incorrect connection of the Energomer CE 101 meter.You should check the diagram and check the reliability of the connected contacts;
- Fault in the device or in the LED itself. The device must be sent in for repair.
When the "Mains" indicator is on and the counter does not work, the device must also be sent for repair.
Glowing LED of the electricity meter
Inside the case there are:
- a measuring module in the form of a printed circuit board that converts the power into a pulse signal;
- one or two current sensors (current transformers, shunts).
The counting device has been developed in several forms and has the following features:
- If the device has an M6 index, then six digits are displayed for reading, M7 - 7 digits, without an index - an LCD display with seven digits;
- The last digit is separated by a comma and has a red border on mechanical displays;
- The drum mechanism has stoppers that prevent the countdown;
- Energy meter with LCD display is protected from external electromagnetic fields.
Readings of a six-digit electric meter
Important! If the work of the electric meter Energomera ce 101 is required at low temperatures, then a device with a mechanical counter is more reliable. The declared operating temperature limits for it are wider (from -40 ° С to + 70 ° С). Despite the fact that for a device with an LCD screen, the indicated limits start from -30 ° C, practical experience shows that it is better to use them in rooms with heating.
The connection of a single-phase metering device Energomer occurs according to a unified scheme.
There are two (phase zero) or three (phase, zero, "earth") wires at the entrance to the apartment's electrical network. First, you need to choose the option of how to connect the meter using a single-pole or double-pole circuit breaker.
Electricity meters CE 101 are available in two installation options:
- S6 - direct mounting on the panel wall;
- R5 - DIN rail mounting.
To connect the electric meter Energomer ce 101, in accordance with the technical documentation, there are 4 contacts located in the lower part of the front panel:
- 1 - phase wire of the input cable;
- 3 - phase wire outgoing to the load;
- 4 - "zero" wire of the input cable;
- 5 - wire "zero" load.
In the documentation, these four contacts are sometimes designated: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Wiring diagram for meter contacts
Important! If there are three wires at the entrance to the single-phase network of the apartment, the "ground" wire is not used when connecting the electric meter, it is connected to the grounding device.
When performing the circuit using a single-pole circuit breaker, only the phase wire must be inserted through it, and the zero wire must be connected directly. But the use of a two-pole device with the establishment of both phases and zero through it is preferable, since in emergency situations the neutral conductor may be under high voltage.
Important! If a wiring diagram with a two-pole circuit breaker is used, two single-pole devices cannot be used instead.
To install, you will need:
- depending on modification, fixing screws, DIN rail;
- the counter itself;
- automatic switches for installation in front of the meter and for load distribution after the meter;
- copper wire for installation with a diameter of 1 to 6 mm;
- voltage indicators;
- working tool (pliers, screwdrivers, etc.).
Important! Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the power from the input cable, check the absence of voltage with an indicator or multimeter.
Installation diagram of a meter with a two-pole circuit breaker
Step-by-step installation of the electric meter Energomera ce 101:
- Mark where the meter and machines will be located. Counters should not be placed below 160 cm from the floor or other base, otherwise it will be inconvenient to read the information;
- Using a level, check whether the future installation is horizontal and drill the mounting holes;
- The first is the installation of the meter, then the circuit breakers on the panel wall or DIN-rail;
- The input and load cables are inserted into the meter box. When installing outside buildings, sealing glands must be installed at the entry points;
- Separate the wires carefully and remove the insulation cover about 300 mm from their ends;
- Make wires of the required length for assembling the electrical circuit between the meter and the machines and mark them to facilitate connection to the right places;
- Before making the connection of the input cable, apply the supply voltage and check the location of the phase and zero wire with the indicator. Then turn off the voltage again;
- Connect the input cable to the 2-pole circuit breaker: top right - phase cable, left - zero. In the case of using a single-pole circuit breaker, start a phase conductor through it;
Connection diagram with a single-pole circuit breaker
- Connect the wires to the electricity meter according to the diagram. Insert the stripped wire straight into the desired terminal, excluding distortions. Make sure that the coated conductor does not fall into the clamping area and that the bare part of the conductor does not protrude. Each contact has two screws. The screw on top is tightened first. Then you need to check that the wire holds well by slightly tugging it several times. Then tighten the bottom screw. Wait about 5 minutes, after which both screws are tightened again;
- Apply power to the machine.
Important! Installed electricity meters are subject to mandatory verification and sealing with the participation of a representative of the power supply organization.
For a three-phase meter Energomer, the connection diagram is different. There, three phases are started on the device, and three-phase machines are used. The neutral conductor of the three-phase network is connected directly to the device, bypassing the circuit breaker.
Energomera metering device is designed to read readings at one tariff. The liquid crystal screen simply shows information in a different form, but there is no way to program the device and keep multi-tariff accounting.
The readings are written off from the device, discarding the last digit. Then the result is calculated by comparing with the previously recorded value and multiplying by the value of the applied tariff.
Important! The display of a new device may contain indications that appear during the verification of the electric meter in production conditions. The calculation of the first amount of the consumer's electricity consumption is based on this figure.
The manufacturer puts protective devices on the electricity meters:
- a metal seal, which indicates the verification performed;
- protective hologram.
Protection reveals whether the device case was opened on the way from the factory to the consumer. Sometimes they offer to buy devices in which a module is installed that serves to stop the meter using remote control. Specialists can easily find additional equipment on an electrical device, even if the fake hologram and seal are well forged. The owner of such a meter is charged a large fine.
The operational life of the device is 30 years, the secondary verification is carried out after 16 years, counting from the date of installation. The meter attracts many electricity subscribers by its low price, which is an average of 700 rubles.
In April 2016, the question was raised: either a new electric meter is being bought (the price is at least 740 rubles) or is the existing one being repaired? Diagnosis: the counting mechanism does not turn, that is, the numbers do not change, while the clicks are clearly audible.
While reading the vastness of the Internet, I came across a post on one of the blogs of electricians, or rather on the commentary of Alexander Vshivkov 2014.11.26 22:41. I went to the nearest radio parts store and bought a capacitor for 4.30 rudders.
I sealed a new one and the electricity meter "came to life".
Good day! Faced the same problem. To solder a new capacitor on your own, you need to open the case and break the seal. The result is a new verification + money for travel to and from verification. Wasn't it easier to buy a new meter? Or am I missing something?
Alexander, you are absolutely right. But in my case, the task was precisely the repair. There was no need to restore the seal.
An electricity meter is a metering device for consumed electricity. There are 2 categories of metering devices: induction and electronic. The electrical panel for installing the meter can be separate or common, for several apartments (for apartment buildings). The electrical appliance can be installed independently, but it is imperative that you need to check and seal it by Energosbyt specialists. In addition, it is necessary to consult specialists about the type, amperage and other characteristics of the purchased meter. The periodicity of state verification of meters is 16 years. But what about the repair of an electric electricity meter when it fails?
Important! It is impossible to repair the metering device on your own. There is only one reason: any repair of meters involves breaking the seal. This entails a significant penalty. If a meter malfunction is detected, the owner of the device must report this to the power supply company.
As soon as you notice that the electricity meter is not working correctly, you need to immediately call a specialist. A device malfunction can be identified by the following signs:
- Contact attachment status. Incorrect and unreliable connection leads to overheating, and then burnout of the contacts. This destroys the insulation and creates sparking.
- Damage to the meter body. Such a device cannot be repaired and must be replaced with a new one.
- Rotating the disc. After all electrical appliances in the house or apartment are turned off, the disc stops, making no more than 1 turn. If the disc continues to rotate, this is a signal that you will need the services of an electrician.
Important! Sometimes the reason for the rotation of the device disk after turning off all devices that consume electricity is an electrical leak due to damage to the insulation of the electrical wiring. Here you cannot do without the help of a professional master.
- Excessive load on the electricity meter. Signs of overload are: a characteristic smell of burnt insulation, the appearance of extraneous sounds, staining of the glass of the viewing window in a yellowish tint. Contact the expert - he knows how to fix an electric meter.
Important! If the check indicates a malfunction, the counter must be replaced. How to do it correctly, read our articles:
- Disconnect all electrical appliances in the house.
- Then turn on a lamp of a known wattage for 15 minutes.
The calculated amount of energy consumption for the indicated time period must coincide with the readings of the electric meter, corrected for the error of the device.
Important! Sometimes the device shows an increased consumption of electricity at high air humidity or after checking the electricity meter.
After the device for energy consumption is found to be defective, payment is charged based on the average monthly electricity consumption for the last six months. If the consumer uses the meter for less than 6 months, then real time is taken to calculate the average monthly energy consumption.
And also read the topic about counters:
So, you do not need to think about how to fix the electricity meter, but if you have the slightest doubt about the correctness of its operation, contact the energy sales company or the management company.

It is necessary for an organization that supplies electricity to settle accounts with people and companies. Electricity is measured in kilowatt-hours.
There are two types of counters:
The action of the first counter is based on the rotation of a metal disk by an electric current. The second action is that the signals from the sensors are converted into a digital code. Using the counter, you can calculate the electricity used, which we multiply the cost of 1 kilowatt-hour.
In the future, the assessment of electricity consumption is carried out by the difference between the running kilowatts of measurements and those already paid for earlier. A meter for controlling electricity metering cannot work forever and anyway, sooner or later it will need to be replaced. One of the main reasons for changing the meter is its malfunction.

Then the question arises: what to do? Who should I call? Is there a penalty?
Since when you repair it yourself, you will have to break the seal of the manufacturer and the company that controls, and this is punishable by a fine.
As soon as the electricity meter runs out of time, it must be replaced with a new one.
It is also necessary to change devices whose power is less than the actual load. An authorized representative of the management company can change the meter. To do this, you need to contact the company itself.
To avoid misunderstandings when installing a new device, you need to formalize everything officially, with an agreement and receipt of a receipt for payment. Within one month from the date of installation, you must start using the meter.
What to do if the electricity meter winds up more than the actual consumption is explained in this article.

- The counter is broken. A new device will cost less than repairing it;
- The service life has ended. The client is obliged to replace the meter at his own expense;
- After checking, it was revealed that the device class is less than 2.0. If you do not change the meter, the management organization has the right to issue a fine. It is also not forbidden to install old counters of a class of at least 2.5, if they still have a resource;
- The state verification period is overdue. The client is obliged to supervise the device himself. The date of the next verification is indicated on the seal and in the document itself;
- Breaking the seal;
- The device cannot cope with the load;
- Visible serious damage, such as broken casing, broken glass.
In the future, the date and time of the work will be agreed. This can be done by phone or contact the RES in order to submit an application.
An employee of the company will check the meter, and, if necessary, install another. Verification is carried out on site or in the organization itself.
The device is considered to be officially faulty if:
- does not display the result;
- the integrity of the seal is broken;
- the reading values are higher;
- there is damage.
It is necessary to return the device for repair or replace it with a new one within thirty days from the time of the malfunction.
Read the article about the peculiarities of the service life of electricity meters here.

These consumptions are determined over the past six months according to the measurements of the home meter. When the counter has been operating for less than six months, real time is taken into account.
Also, for three months from the date of meter failure, if a new meter is not installed, payment for electricity will be made on the basis of consumption standards using a multiplying coefficient. The managing organization makes the appropriate calculation of payment on the receipt.
If there are doubts about the truth of this calculation, it is recommended to contact the management company by writing a statement. In the application, you describe the situation, if your problem is not resolved, you can apply by writing a statement to the housing inspectorate.
Watch a video explaining what to do if the electricity meter breaks down:

Group: New users
Posts: 2
Registration: 20.11.2014
User #: 42576
Good afternoon.
Private house. There is a counter Energometer CE101. Recently installed a 3kW electric boiler (temporarily heats two rooms / bathroom). I began to notice the following problem in the operation of the counter. When all three tens are turned on (each of 1 kW and is turned on with a separate button), the counter indicator blinks about 15-16 times after which a click is heard in it, but no changes occur on the dial. After that, blinking again - click, blinking - click, etc. After turning off one ten (any of the three), normal metering of electricity begins. Today, a similar problem has already appeared with the inclusion of just one shadow. I would like to hear the opinion of competent people. What could be the reason for this problem?
UPD: Closer to the night, the situation more or less returned to normal. When working with two tenths, correct accounting. Although the same electrical appliances continued to work in the house as before. Could this be due to any external factors?
Post has been edited AIMakS – 21.11.2014, 9:49
Message Epergosbyt 07-03-08 10:25 am
Message Concern "Energomera" Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:24 am
Message Well-wisher Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:13 am
Are you all that smart in your concern? A person hints to you port that: 1. Lead seals and stickers do not save you from penetration into the inside of the case, the stickers removed the same seals as they hung and pressed and someone will not see it (although why remove them. The case is almost made of plasticine, just a little Warm up with a hair dryer) 2. All your magazines are full x..I'm there, no one will understand anything, and at the factory they write coefficients, and they hang in the magazine, and if you press the DSTP, install a jumper, ... ... ..., and there are no magazines a white sheet write in it whatever you want, at the plant they have filled in all the questions to the manufacturer. 3 Well, about the dstp button in the CE301 R33, what's new, what's the old model, I am silent, it is always pressed no matter how you seal it (and for TsE6823m, TsE6850, TsE6850M, TsE6850M in the new case, bend the lid and insert a paper clip and you are happy) 4. CE 301 The terminal cover opens easily, you just have to pry it a little at the base without a bolt with a screwdriver and unscrew the voltage jumpers, although all 3 backwards are also easy to put and not dig, the magazine does not record this, except that the disappearance of one of the phases (again thanks to the plasticine body ).
And if you don’t understand, then Mr. Energosbyt did these simple operations not with one meter and not with a hundred. In our country, for example, this simple operation costs about $ 300, how many of these are installed among consumers, no one knows. Not every master has a laptop and an optical port for reading magazines, not everyone can see it, but you can wipe the form with the coefficients. So until your fucking programmers can limit in the new versions of Admintools and CE30 .. you will not see the ability to write the coefficients of happiness. Well, in order for them to chat a little there, you probably need to post a video report on YouTube according to the correct treatment of the concern's products. See you soon on YouTube.
All existing models of electricity meters are designed to perform one main function - they measure the amount of electricity consumed by the consumer. As a rule, specially trained people are involved in the installation of electricity meters. But with a strong desire, you can install such a device on your own. You just need to thoroughly understand the connection diagram and follow the instructions in everything.
Electricity meter connection diagram
Remember: only you are responsible for all possible consequences of unauthorized installation of accounting equipment.
There are two main types of meters on the market: induction and electronic. They differ in their mechanism of action and measurement accuracy.
Induction models are rapidly being pushed out of the market. The government is actively promoting this. The main disadvantage of devices in this category is that it is very easy to "cheat" them, which unscrupulous consumers use with pleasure.
Electronic meters are more versatile, compact and accurate. An additional advantage of modern models is the ability to configure them to operate in a multi-tariff mode. This point is especially relevant for consumers living in regions with different electricity tariffs during the day and night.

Three-phase electronic electricity meter MTX3 with GSM
Thus, when choosing the type of meter for self-installation, it is strongly recommended to give preference to modern electronic models.
Additionally, meters are classified according to indicators such as accuracy class and rated current. The smaller the number of the class of the counter, the more accurate it works.
The required rated current is determined on an individual basis. For the calculation, check with your local energy sales office the permissible active power indicator set for one consumer. This number must be divided by 220V or 380V, depending on the voltage of your power grid.
For users connected to a three-phase network, a higher active power threshold is usually set, however, using a three-phase connection in everyday life is not entirely advisable.
Important! If the meter is connected to buildings for which the calculated current value exceeds 100 A, current transformers are additionally installed. It will not work directly to "cut" the measuring device in such conditions.
In such situations, it is important to take into account that the inclusion of intermediate elements in the circuit can negatively affect the accuracy of metering, therefore, planning a transformer circuit must be approached with knowledge. To do this, it is better to contact a qualified specialist.
When choosing a meter, be sure to pay attention to the integrity of the seal and the prescription of its installation. You will find the seal on the screws on the meter cover. The maximum allowable limitation period for installing a seal for single-phase devices is 12 months, for three-phase devices - 24 months.
To avoid problems with the energy sales service, first contact its local representative to conclude a contract and obtain the necessary permits for the planned work.
An employee of the said service will give you documents, which, among other things, will detail the requirements that must be met before and during the installation of the electricity meter.
The law requires meters connected to private homes to be installed outside of residential areas. This is done so that, if necessary, an employee of the energy sales service can get access to the metering equipment. Apartment owners are obliged by law to install metering devices in a common panel, which is usually located on the staircase.

Electricity meter connection diagram (single-phase and three-phase)
We will not consider complex connection options - we will leave them to professionals, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with such work without the appropriate skills.

Direct connection electric meter connection diagram
The simplest option is a single-phase connection. It is performed using a maximum of 6 cables and a load. Ground, phase and zero wires are connected to the input of the meter. Similar wires are connected to its output.
A circuit breaker is installed in front of the meter. This is done for greater safety and ease of use. A small device will independently disconnect the house or apartment from the power supply in the event of any kind of dangerous situations.
To avoid problems with the energy sales service, we must seal the switch. To do this, we use an elementary kit consisting of a mounting DIN-rail, a seal and a plastic box.
The construction of a typical electricity meter includes a bus. This product is made in the form of a copper strip. Dielectric clamps are used to secure it. A number of holes are made along the length of the bus for the supply of electrical cables and their subsequent fastening. This connection method is relevant when it is necessary to combine several separate wires into one cable.
We install the electricity meter in compliance with the approved rules. First of all, we study the safety requirements for the operation of electrical equipment of any type and purpose.
- We install the meter at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. Accounting equipment, like any other electronics, does not tolerate exposure to cold.
- When installing the meter on the street, we construct a sealed heated cabinet for it. All materials and devices necessary for this are sold in specialized stores.
- We fix the electricity meter at a height of 1-1.7 m above the base. With a lower placement of the device, it will be simply inconvenient for you to watch the readings.
All other recommendations and rules will be introduced to you by a representative of the energy supervision service at the time of the conclusion of the contract and receipt of other necessary documents.
Do you know at what height it is best to install the sockets? No ? then read the article on our portal - here.
In addition, be sure to read about the electric meter connection diagram.
First of all, we prepare a set for work. We need the following:
- counter and flap;
- assembly tools with pre-insulated handles;
- insulators;
- switches (automatic machines);
- wires;
- fasteners (screws and nuts);
- voltage meter;
- DIN rails.
Next, we work in this order.
We will find out if our power grid is single or three-phase. We calculate the required number of switches.
We install the meter in the body of the protective shield. Fastening is carried out using special clamps from the kit.
We prepare the assembly wires

We put three phases into the meter, connect the lower terminals
Phase A enters the counter 1 terminal, exits from terminal 2 to the load; phase B enters terminal 3, exits at 4 and phase C enters 5, and exits 6.7 and 8 are zero
We install switches. We will attach them to the DIN rail with a special spring-loaded latch. The rail itself is preliminarily fixed with screws to the support insulators.
We carry out the installation of grounding and protective buses. We attach them to a DIN rail or insulators in the body of the protective shield. We fix it with screws and nuts. We place the buses at such a distance that the possibility of a short circuit of the wires is excluded.
First, we connect the load to the switches, then we connect the machines with the counter and only after that we connect the meter itself.
We connect loads. We start the phase on the lower clamps of the switches, connect zero to the zero bus, and connect the ground wire to the ground bus.
We install jumpers connecting the clamps on top of our machines. Jumpers are sold in specialized stores. We pre-purchase the required number of jumpers according to the number of machines.

We fasten the wire to the grounding bolt
We connect the electricity meter to the load. For this, the “phase” output (which is the third clamp of the meter) is connected to the upper clamps of the machines. Next, we connect the “zero” output (represented by the fourth clamp of the meter) with the zero bus.
We fix the housing of the electric meter panel on the wall or other suitable even base for this. We maintain a comfortable height.
We find the phase, zero and ground. In the absence of grounding, we check each core with a special indicator. This simple device will help us find the phase. If the ground is present, you can easily recognize it - usually this core is colored or marked in green.
We turn off the electricity supply to the house or apartment.
We connect the zero wire to the third terminal of the meter, and connect the phase cable to the first terminal.
We check the operation of the electric meter at idle, and then gradually apply the load.
We contact the local representative of the energy sales service for additional verification and sealing of the accounting equipment.
This completes the work on self-installation and connection of the electric meter.
Congratulations, you have successfully completed all the activities and saved money on the services of third-party installers!

We close the protective covers of the metering board, fasten with self-tapping screws
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