Do-it-yourself funnel pipe repair in the toilet

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a funnel pipe in a toilet from a real master for the site

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that communications in the bathroom are not the most pleasant sight. No matter how expensive pipes with valves are, they are able to decorate only a specific interior such as a loft. If you are not among the adherents of industrial design, then there is a strong desire to hide these networks, right?

The author of the article presented for consideration describes in great detail how to close the pipes in the toilet. Describes in detail the popular options for masking communications, gives technical nuances and ways to implement interesting ideas.

Here you will find valuable information on proven methods for constructing camouflage structures. Find out how you can hide, leaving access for regular and emergency maintenance. The text is supplemented with helpful visual annexes and video tutorials.

The issue of pipe camouflage concerns both budget housing and luxury apartments. The difference lies in the methods of terminating communications. If in a 15-meter combined bathroom it is possible to sew up all the walls with false panels, then every centimeter is important on a 2 m² patch, therefore, after repair, the inner space of the toilet often takes on unthinkable shapes.

In typical housing, everything is simple: a common sewer riser runs in the corner of the room, and centralized water supply pipes are installed parallel to it. Intra-apartment communications from pipes of a smaller diameter are connected to them. Thus, both the vertical riser and the horizontally laid branches need masking.

Video (click to play).

Difficulties arise when, instead of a couple of branches, you have to hide water metering devices that require regular access, filters, collectors, etc. Simple boxes are not enough here, you have to attach partitions to the load-bearing walls or build structures that resemble screens.

In a private house, everything is easier if you take care of masking communications even before the implementation of the project. Some of the pipes can be hidden in the walls, and technical hatches can be created for important nodes. Filters and metering devices are installed in a specially designated room (along with a pump and other equipment responsible for water supply at home).

In high-rise buildings, no one will allow the walls to be channeled under the pipes, and the characteristics of the walls are not suitable for even partial destruction. What remains is the outdoor decor, with the options for which we will take a closer look.

The choice of the method depends on several factors: the size and direction of the pipelines, their location relative to each other, the availability of additional devices, etc. How to hide sewer and water pipes in a toilet is also influenced by interior design features. Suppose blinds do not go well with the classics, but they are suitable for minimalism.

The choice remains with the homeowners, and a description of how to mask pipes is below.

Despite some difficulties in the construction of structures on the frame, even beginners can safely undertake the construction of the box. Their solution is quite understandable: saving the family budget and the availability of photo and video installation instructions.

What is the difference between drywall and plastic boxes? The difference is fundamental: in the first case, you create the basis for further decoration, in the second, you get the finished product right away. Consequently, it is easier, cheaper and faster to create boxes from plastic panels.But this is possible only if the walls in the toilet are also faced with plastic (of the same type) or, in extreme cases, painted in the color of the panels.

Installation instructions for the plastic box:

  1. Checking the performance of communications. It is necessary in order to provide for the repair of pipes, which is usually accompanied by the dismantling of structures. The main task is to check connections, nodes, instrument performance.
  2. Wall and ceiling treatment. It is produced with an antiseptic solution to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew (an enclosed space with a high level of humidity and insufficient ventilation is a risk zone).
  3. Creation of the lathing. It is carried out on all walls or in the areas of passage of communications. If you need a box for masking a riser - the construction of a frame. For this, both wooden slats (bars) and a metal profile designed for drywall are suitable.
  4. Installation of plastic panels. The set of parts is fast, the main thing is to fix each in its place. Small nails are used for fastening. Small gaps at the joints and in the corners can be covered with special decorative strips or inserts.

A plastic hatch does not need to be cut and processed; it is better to purchase a ready-made model in the form of a door. It will still be noticeable, so we recommend installing a larger model to make it easier to service the devices. If the installation of a toilet paper holder is planned, at the stage of building the frame, a mortgage must be attached to the desired place - a wooden block.

The first stage is preparatory. Materials must be purchased in advance, and you also need to choose a tool for the job. For cutting a metal profile, you will need metal scissors, for cutting wooden parts, a hacksaw or jigsaw. You also need a hammer drill and a screwdriver to fix the parts on the wall with dowels and self-tapping screws. Wood processing is done with a brush.

Mandatory elements for the construction of a structure:

When renovating toilets, the question always arises of how to hide the pipes in the toilet. After all, the look of the pipeline gives the impression of "eternal" repair. The building materials market offers many types of finishing materials that are capable of disguising a technical unit.

The masking of the water supply and sewerage system should be such that access to valves and meters is convenient. In the event of a breakdown, the camouflage structure must provide access to the main components. Many owners have the question of how to hide the pipes in the toilet, and, most importantly, with what. There are three design options for decorating the pipeline.

One of the simplest designs. Plasterboard or plastic is useful for sheathing pipes. This method is quite simple: it is enough to purchase a sheet of drywall, preferably moisture resistant. The cost of one sheet is about 4.5 dollars. In addition to the gypsum board, you will need a profile. It can be made of wood or metal. Better to choose a metal profile. It is of two types:

  1. Guide. They form a contour and are attached at 4 corners, at a distance of at least 10 cm from the pipes.
  2. Wall. Serve to strengthen the structure.

Plasterboard box with inspection hatch

If the height of the box is less than a meter, then you can do without them. After installing the frame, the drywall sheet is attached to it with self-tapping screws.

Such a box can be tiled and made invisible. The cost of creating a GKL box will be slightly higher than sheathing with plastic panels.

The principle of building a box from plastic panels is the same as from gypsum board. In short, it is very simple to close the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels:

  1. It is necessary to install the frame around the perimeter at a distance of 5-10 cm from the pipes.
  2. If the height of the box is more than two meters, it is worth reinforcing the structure with a transverse profile or wooden bars.
  3. Cover with PVC panels. A square meter of such material will cost about $ 5 on average.

The method is quite simple and inexpensive, but due to the lack of space, it can be very difficult to correctly install the box.

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet
Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Concealed tiled inspection hatch

A useful cabinet that will not only cover the pipes in the toilet, but also leave space for storing cleaning products. It is very popular with apartment owners. Such a cabinet can be built from the same drywall. Laminated boards, ordinary edged boards are suitable as a cheap option. The frame is usually wooden, it is sheathed with the necessary material. Various locker options do not require large cash investments. The area under the cabinet is often hidden with plywood, gypsum board or laminated board. All that remains is to select and attach the doors.

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Such a screen requires technological holes for a hose for supplying water. The advantage of this method is its functionality, because the sanitary cabinet not only hides pipes, but also serves as a place for storing toilet utensils. In addition, you can close the pipes with roller shutters or buy ready-made doors for sanitary cabinets - these options are also quite popular.

Hinged doors for sanitary cabinet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet
Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Furniture fronts for a sanitary cabinet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Doors like a wardrobe are also suitable to hide pipes in the toilet.

Blinds in the toilet are the best option for those who do not want to mess with drywall and build various structures. This option is suitable for small bathrooms. It is much easier to close communications with blinds, but its cost is 2-3 times higher than the cost of a box or a sanitary cabinet. Conventional blinds can be made from floor to ceiling. Installation of blinds takes little time and leaves practically no debris.

When choosing a method of masking communications, determine the possibility of installing a particular structure in your toilet. To avoid pipe breakage, before installing the camouflage structure, it is worth checking all connections for leaks.

It is enough to arm yourself with some special knowledge in order to learn how to independently repair sewer pipes in an apartment, quickly solving problems associated with the functioning of the sewage system.

Modern sewerage is a rather complex technical complex, the task of which is to remove wastewater from an apartment, and then from a high-rise building, which is formed in considerable quantities during the life of each person. In any apartment today, apart from a toilet and a sink in the kitchen, there is a lot of other equipment connected to the sewer network.

The individual elements of such a network are connected together, naturally, as a result, a very intricate pipe system is obtained, which simply cannot work absolutely without disruptions and various minor problems.
Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

Moreover, a malfunction can suddenly appear in absolutely any part of the pipeline. Most often, urgent repairs to a cast-iron sewer pipe (or plastic) are required due to the following malfunctions:

  • the appearance of unpleasant odors from the elements of the sewer network, indicating that this or that pipe has cracked or a serious blockage has formed in it;
  • the appearance of smudges at the joints of pipe products;
  • blockage of the pipe.

The last malfunction in domestic sewers is extremely rare, but, nevertheless, such a misfortune also happens. The blockage is usually found in siphons located under sinks and sinks. A variety of debris can accumulate in these pipeline nodes, which can be removed without much repair work, simply using a plunger: a couple of confident movements with such a simple plumbing fixture, and the blockage will disappear. The main thing is not to forget to rinse the cleaned sewer pipe abundantly with a large volume of water.

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

In cases where the sink is equipped with a special hole that protects it from excessive filling (overflow), before using the plunger, be sure to close this overflow. If you do not do this, you will drive air through the pipes and nothing more, the blockage will not go anywhere.

You can also use the plunger when the toilet is clogged in your apartment. Here, however, it is worth saying that he does not always help. Perhaps, the effect of the plunger will not be, but it is worth trying to apply it. If there are no results (the blockage remains in place), you should try to break through the toilet pipe using chemicals. If they do not help, you will have to use a special cable for cleaning, and sometimes (with really difficult blockages) and call professionals with special equipment.

In situations where a leak is detected at the pipe inlet, the problem can be corrected quite simply:

  • sealing the entrance;
  • pulling up the connection;
  • replacing the gasket.

Typically, kitchen sinks, washbasins in bathrooms and bathroom sinks are leaking. In this case, in most cases, leaks are caused by inaccurate connections at the transition points of the pipe and the siphon or the drain hole of the sanitary equipment and the siphon.

Repair measures are more difficult when leaks begin to form at the joints of cast iron pipe structures. In such a situation, the repair of cast-iron sewer pipes will require quite a lot of effort from a person. Depending on the type of pipe connection (cement or lead), the leak is eliminated in two different ways.

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

If the joints of the pipeline, which began to leak, are interconnected with cement, the repair of the sewer pipes in the apartment is carried out as follows:

  • the old cement mortar is broken up with a chisel and hammer, and then removed;
  • the joint is thoroughly cleaned of packing residues;
  • a new packing is applied, a sealant is placed in it;
  • a new solution is being prepared (one part of water is taken for ten parts of cement), which must be carefully and reliably sealed up the joint.

Experts recommend using a special mixture for processing the strands of the sealant. It is prepared from seven parts of cement and three parts of asbestos. These components are mixed with each other, and then water is added to them until a plasticine consistency of the composition is obtained. A sealing layer treated with such a mixture will perform its function many times more efficiently.

Image - Do-it-yourself repair of the funnel pipe in the toilet

With a lead connection of the elements of the sewer network, the repair is carried out as follows:

  • the joint is cleaned as thoroughly as possible;
  • with the help of a chisel, new lead cones are placed into the gap (the procedure is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance, since lead is a soft material in its structure).