DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a rowenta hair dryer from a real master for the site

Today, all women, and often men, use a hairdryer to dry their hair quickly. There are many varieties of these products, but the principle of operation and design are the same for them, only sometimes there are small technical nuances. If you are thinking, for example, about how to disassemble the Rowenta Studio Dry 2000 hair dryer, then you should immediately warn that its design is no different from other analogues, with the exception of the Rowenta CF 9320 or 9000 models, which are considered hair dryers.

Any model of Rovent hair dryer has basic elements in stock, without which it cannot function. These knots and parts work together to do the main job of drying hair of any length with excellent effect, and some, with badge ION - make air ionization for better styling.

Each product has switches, the appearance and number of which is different, but the principle of operation is the same.

According to experts, the most difficult part of the device is a thyristor, so it is not difficult for users to repair a hair dryer for drying hair with their own hands.

The picture below shows the main components of any hair dryer:

  • fan;
  • Electrical engine;
  • protective grill of the air intake;
  • the basis of the hair dryer is a heating element;
  • heat-resistant base;
  • start button;
  • thermostat switch;
  • power supply cord;
  • handle end lock;
  • block of contacts.

Repairing a hair dryer of any complexity begins with a visual inspection of the product - there is not much difference here, whether it is done by a specialist or a user who dared to do everything with his own hands. We will tell you step by step how to diagnose the product.

Video (click to play).

First, you should carefully inspect the outlet for burning contacts or their looseness. If malfunctions are found, clean or tighten the contacts, the plug should enter them with some effort and not dangle at the same time.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

It is necessary to inspect it from the place of entry into the handle of the product: here is located contact block, and then the inspection continues until the plug itself - it is necessary to look for damage to the insulation, internal burns and a break.

As a rule, disassembling a hair dryer begins with dismantling the case, which consists of two halves that are connected with screws, and in the front part of the nozzle with special latches. These latches can be broken, so be careful and there are hidden screws that cover stickers, plastic inserts, and removable covers.

Models of Rowenta hair dryers are quite similar in appearance, for example, the Rowenta Pro 2300 model is disassembled in the same way as other standard hair dryers, but hair dryers-combs understand a little differently - they have their own design features. This must be taken into account when you are going to repair the product yourself - you need to carefully read the instructions and watch the video on disassembling your particular model.

They put in front of him protective grill and filterthat prevents hair and dust from getting inside. Quite often it clogs up and needs to be cleaned with a small brush. In budget options, there is only a grill, so the fan can slow down due to the presence of hair and dust on the shaft. The blades of the device are cleaned with an old toothbrush, and the propeller must be carefully removed from the shaft and coiled hair removed.

If it does not work correctly, then the whole device jumps, which happens when the winding breaks down or the diode bridge burns out. In some cases, the brushes are to blame - their maximum development has occurred.

The axis of the engine should rotate without beating and in free mode; after any repair, all rubbing parts should be lubricated, and problem areas should be adjusted manually.

Many models have several spirals, with the help of which the operation of different modes of heating the air flow is carried out. Their integrity is restored by soldering, and all defects are easy to detect visually. Sometimes the spirals should be replaced with similar products. from nichrome thread with identical parameters.

Let's analyze the typical types of malfunction:

  • the base of getinax can crack, while the tin track is torn, the repair is carried out according to the following technology - tinned the damaged areas, cover with solder;
  • capacitors swell - they are evaporated and new ones are installed;
  • defective resistors immediately darken - they need to be replaced.

Here the skills of working with a soldering iron will come in handy, and for those users who do not know how to do this, we advise you to go to the masters, you should not disassemble the hairdryer yourself in this case.

We briefly tried to explain how you can disassemble some models of the hair dryer from the German company Rowenta, but we want to warn you that the repair of these products is difficult for uninitiated users. Lurking inside are such improvements as smooth-acting regulators such as the Care button, which means "Care"; spirals are made of special alloys, breaking them is difficult to connect reliably at home. In addition, manufacturers are introducing special air flow ionizers and other innovations.

Before you start disassembling the hair dryer, you need to find circuit diagram product, if it is not in the attached instructions, consult with familiar specialists. Remember - disassembling any household appliance is much easier than assembling it and not disrupting the interaction of all the main units and parts.

In everyday life, a large number of electrical appliances are used to make life easier for the layman. But any technique tends to fail over time. Repairing a hair dryer can be easily done with your own hands at home, without asking for help from a service center.

A hair dryer is a device that is used to dry and style hair. It consists of the following structural elements:

  1. Engine;
  2. TEN - heating element;
  3. Fan;
  4. Thermal protection;
  5. Power cable;
  6. Regulators (fan speed, temperature, etc.).

The principle of operation of the household hair dryer is based on a low-voltage DC collector motor. In order for the device to turn on, a special lowering coil is used in its design, which helps to drop the voltage to the required level. It is installed inside the heating element. With the help of a diode bridge, the voltage is rectified. The engine has a steel shaft on which a fan is mounted (in most cases, it is made of plastic, although there are now professional models with metal blades). The fan can have two, three or even four blades.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - hair dryer design

The heating element of an electric hair dryer is presented in the form of a spiral with a nichrome wire. It is wound on a non-combustible base, which increases the safety when using the device. When plugged in, the coil begins to heat up, and the fan installed behind it blows warm air out of the hair dryer case. To protect against overheating, a temperature controller (adjustable during operation) and a thermostat are used. In addition, any hair dryer has a "cold wind" or "cool" button - when you press it, the spiral stops heating up, only the engine and the fan remain to work, respectively, cold air blows from the nozzle.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - filter

It should be noted that not all equipment has a thermostat. It is designed to control the heating of a block with nichrome during long-term operation of the device.For example, it can be a stationary professional hairdryer (used in hairdressing salons). When the coil reaches its maximum allowable temperature, the thermostat cuts off the power. After cooling, the contacts are turned back on.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - nichrome spiral

Typical malfunctions of the Bosch LCD hair dryer (Bosch), Valera, Skil, Vitek, Scarlett (Scarlet) and others:

  1. Smells burnt. The smell can come from the coil, which has gotten the hair as a result of careless handling, or from burning of the internal parts of the circuit;
  2. Hair dryer does not turn on. The reason may be a breakdown of the engine, a broken power cord, a lack of voltage in the network;
  3. Decreased work efficiency. The power of the device depends on the cleanliness of the filter installed on the back of the case. If it gets clogged, then the device will start to work with less efficiency;
  4. The fan rotates very slowly. Most likely, something just bothers him;
  5. Hair dryer Braun (Brown), Philips (Philips) or Rowenta (Roventa) does not heat up. There are several reasons why this happens: the cold air button is blocked, the spiral is broken, the circuit is damaged, the thermostat does not work.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - model for drying hair

Before starting repairs, you need to know how to disassemble a Parlux, Saturn, Moser or Jaguar hairdryer yourself. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need an instruction and a screwdriver:

  1. There are two bolts on the back of the body. They need to be unscrewed and carefully removed. In some cases, there are more of them, make sure that all fasteners are removed;
  2. In parallel, you can also remove the cover from the top panel - there is a fan under it. It is most often simply pressed against the body, so it comes out without problems if you pry it with a screwdriver;
  3. Under the top panel of the case there is a mode switch and a cold air button. Several wires are installed on the panel. Which are connected to the pins of the circuit. For further disassembly, they will need to be removed;
  4. Now you can remove the coil from the hair dryer head. It is necessary to act carefully, otherwise it may break, remove only after making sure that all fasteners have been removed;
  5. Under the spiral, respectively, there is a motor. Most often there is no need to get it out, since almost all malfunctions will be noticeable immediately at the place where the motor is connected to the contacts of the heating element. An exception is the need to replace a part, then a major repair is made.

Consider how to make an independent repair of a hairdryer Babyliss, Rowenta Brush Activ, Bosh, Remington and others at home. First of all, you need to clean the fan and motor shaft from hair. A lot of them are collected there even after several months of intensive use. To do this, you need to remove the back top panel and cut the hair, then simply remove it with tweezers or fingers. In no case should you wipe the parts with a damp cloth - this will damage the contacts. This is done anyway, regardless of the problem.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - fan

If it smells burnt, then you need to repair the spiral and filter. They can be cleaned with a dry soft brush. Just wipe the heater teeth and clean the filter. Be careful not to break the contacts during the cleaning process.

Image - DIY hair dryer repair rowenta

Photo - Cleaning

If the hair dryer does not turn on, then you need to check the power cable right away. Most often, it breaks at the base, because during operation, the hair dryer rotates many times in different directions along its axis. If everything is fine with him, then look at the contacts on the spiral. They can be 2, 3 or 4. When the device falls or hits, they sometimes get unsoldered, which causes the motor power to be cut off.

When the breakdown is related to the fan, it is as easy as shelling pears to repair the device. The first step is to check if the blades are intact. Of course, the efficiency of their work does not change too much from their state, but if cracks or notches are noticed, then it is better to immediately change the propeller.Then inspect the shaft. Sometimes small parts or other debris fall into the nozzle of the hair dryer, blocking the shaft, and it starts to spin slowly.

Now let's discuss the reasons why the spiral of dry warm air does not heat up with a professional Coifin, Steinel or Lukey hairdryer. As we said, there can be several reasons. For example, the cold air button is stuck. The principle of its operation is as follows: when you press the button, the contacts inside the case open, as a result of which the heating coil stops working. If it is open all the time, then the spiral simply cannot start heating. If the problem is not in the button itself, but in the contact, then you need to solder it yourself.

The cause of the breakdown may lie in the broken coil, its repair is a little more difficult to carry out than cleaning. In some models, it is made of low-quality material that breaks easily from impact. If some notches are missing on the base or mother-in-law is visible, it is replaced.

Video: how to repair a spiral in a hair dryer