In detail: DIY repair of fumigators from a real master for the site
It's a shame when in the middle of summer the fumigator (a device for repelling mosquitoes) breaks down, you come to the store, and there they say that everything that was sold out, and new ones will be brought in next year. In this case, the broken fumigator has to be repaired by hand.
The main breakdowns of fumigators are two: 1 - wire breakage (in models of fumigators with rotating plugs), 2 - heating element burnout. In 95% of cases, a resistor serves as a heating element in fumigators.
To access the resistor for replacement, it must be removed from the ceramic substrate (heating plate and / or bulb wick). It is located under a layer of some kind of solidified sandy-clay mixture. The mixture is picked out very easily with an ordinary knife or screwdriver.
I do not recommend using a one-watt resistor as a heating element for a fumigator (it was not in vain that it burned out). Moreover, a two-watt resistor can be placed in the hollow of the substrate without any obstacles. To select the resistance of the resistor, I measured the resistance on a similar fumigator. It was 10k, but at the same time, the fumigator consumed not 3 watts (as it is written on the body), but as much as 5. This is almost 2 times more, therefore, repelling plates and liquid (in other models) are consumed twice as fast. The use of a 15k resistor made the fumigator less power hungry, and its consumption began to match the declared 3 watts.
You can use a teaspoon of gypsum plaster or tile adhesive to fix the heating resistor to the substrate. If you use glue, then it will be almost impossible to replace the resistor again. Before using the repaired fumigator, wait until the new "putty" is completely dry. This time will take 7 to 12 hours, depending on environmental conditions and application layer.
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Video (click to play). |
So, inside the fumigator there is a resistance that has burnt out and the value of which is not visible at all, but the power consumption of 4.5 W is indicated on the body of the device itself. Let's try to determine the denomination of the unknown resistance .. we will look for the all-available formula:
I = U / R => R = U / I
U = 220v is our known voltage, but I (current) will have to be calculated from the power of the device using this formula:
P = I * U => I = P / U
from here we get R = U / (P / U)
substitute the values R = 220 / (4.5 / 220) = 10 755 ohm or 10.7 kOhm
now we subtract from this 1k which is connected in series with the LED and we get a resistance of 9.7 k.
So, the burned out resistance had a power of 0.5 W, but in fact, for normal and long-term operation, almost 4.5 W is needed. But the dimensions of such resistance will exceed the dimensions of the fumigator body.
The maximum resistance that can be pushed into this ceramic is a resistance of 2W, so we will reduce the power of the device by increasing the resistance!
I = P / U = 2/220 = 0.00909 Ampere
R = U / I = 220 / 0.00909 = 24220 Ohm or 24.2 kOhm
Subtract 1k and we get a resistance of 23.2 kOhm, I'll take it at 22 kOhm 😉 this is still within acceptable limits.
The electrofumigator burned out.
There is a tiled plate with a depression. A resistor is inserted there and some kind of garbage resembling cement with sand is sprinkled on top.
see photo
This resistor burned out. It burned out because there was poor thermal contact with the tile plate.
Well, the resistor itself was a bad carbon one. (The Chinese do not know how to make resistors!)
The question means this: How to make cement correctly. So that there is a normal thermal contact and so that there is electrical safety.
Who repaired the fumigators? Share your cement recipe?
Try liquid glass - a common silicate glue that is also used when repairing soldering irons. Apply, heat.With rapid strong heating, it foams, but it performs its functions.
Silicate glue + talcum powder + quartz (grinded in a mortar) sand.
I have a feeling that for storing the above picture, the forum owner will pay more than the new fum cost.
Probably, it will be easier and cheaper to buy a new one and immediately build a capacitor into it to reduce the current. It still works for me after that:!/1693-4/2006/07/27/20-07-28/
One of the first lives with me, still without a hole for a bottle
it’s too lazy to take it out of the socket all season and it warms up - we knew how before
Chinese people are things to do!
It is useless to buy a new fumigator as it will burn out just like this one.
One is already lying around broken. He has a heating element - a conductive track.
The one that is now easier to restore. I will put there 2 resistances of 0.5W each just enter.
The problem is what to fill.
silicate glue will likely crack over time.
If pure cement? Well add a little sand
And why do you offer exactly quartz sand? Where can I get it?
Quartz sand (or the like) is covered with powerful fuses. A similar recipe was used to insulate the tip of a homemade soldering iron.
Of course, the price of such a fuse is much more expensive than a fumigator. It's up to you what to do next.
The two fumigators that I use have been in operation for three seasons. There are no resistors in their design. The heater is made in the form of a graphite-like track. The cost of such a device is equal to the cost of a loaf of black bread.
Alex s: And why do you offer exactly quartz sand? Where can I get it?
Coef. thermal expansion of quartz is minimal. Therefore, cement with it
less cracking.
Quartz sand - usually taken from the river bank.
alabama3: Quartz sand - usually taken from the river bank. Or they buy from suppliers, for example here
And I didn't bother with the sand. After the Chinese rezik burned out, he took the “bulbulator”, counted the denomination and put 15 kOhm MLT-1 (or MLT-2, in general, what he found in the nightstand), filled it with Knauf gypsum putty - it remained after working with drywall. There was still not enough quartz sand to spend on this craft.
Thanks for the video, everything is clear, only, nevertheless, which is better than 1 W or 0.5 W, the author writes about the reliable operation of the second one. A couple of remarks: I did not immediately understand kerazite cerazite, ordinary tile glue) any will do without cement, the consistency is important, not liquid and not thick! It is more plastic than cement and is used just with warm floors, where it heats up even more! And then I recently watched a video where the author of it, instead of a respirator, said a respirator, and even about 100 times probably, after that I almost forgot how to do it myself!) And so thanks for the video again, there is no time to choose a combination, I will use this option!)
There is no ceramics now, only smelly plastic. And if you make a heater out of putty?
+ viacheslav shc there will be more sense with brick than sculpting from cerosite
Can I saw a fire brick?
+ Dmitriy Sherstniev you did not understand, from your putty or another composition
Window putty? Not that "compote")))
Thanks for the video, I just used it for 1 day, and he fucked up.
What a simple scheme: 1) I bought a resistor (in an office or a grocery one?) 2) I bought a soldering iron 3) I mixed cement AND repaired the fumigator))) Isn't it easier to buy a new fumigator from another company?
Dmitry, this is a philosophical question. The manufacturer specially makes fumigators so that they break down quickly. (Everyone does this) You go and buy a new one, it will break again. The bottom line is that you will be like a sucker to pay for the same thing, over and over again, litter and actually enrich the scam. As if admitting that you were fucked. I understand that we all have to feed the parasites of society, but still. A trifle but nice. I have a soldering iron - a very useful thing (I recommend buying it). The radio market is 3 km from the house, I go there all the time. The resistor costs 5 rubles. And instead of cement, ordinary clerical (office / "liquid glass") glue with sand.And you feel like a happy child “I DO” Someone, in his free time, stupidly watches TV, someone plays with tanks. And then, you took a soldering iron, turned on quiet music and enjoyed the process. I plugged it in, it works - it's nice.
I measured it with a tester - 11 lump in a Raptor fumigator like this. You have enough space there. therefore, you can stick in parallel 2-3 resistors instead of one. for better heat transfer .. naturally calculating the total resistance “. In the case of a heater sprayed onto the plate. then you can solder a chain of SMD resistors on a metallized substrate ..
Hello, I bought the same one, insert a record and a red lamp is on, but the record does not light up, what should I do? Just bought
I just stuck the floor of the plate between the turns of the energy-saving lamp and sleep well.
)))))) So, we can, at worst, an iron?
Eka Mar: Well, you hold on there)
And my device burned out, and the night is already, and mosquitoes. I think I can turn on the iron for a minimum of heating, turn it over, and the plate is already on it .. I cannot yet find on the Internet how many degrees are needed to start the evaporation from the plate. And the lamp in the room is round! There is nowhere to stick)) And sleeping with light is not an option.
where can I get such a resistor
We have such fumigators cost 30 rubles. I don't think the resistor will cost much less. So there is no point in repairing such a device in our area.
Great. This is 100% efficiency 😉 That's what you need. I will continue to experiment.
qoogi blog means and heats up by 6 W. In this case, the resistance in the load, the consumed electrical power is the same as the heat released.
I'm talking about consumption. I can't measure how much heat it emits. I just have an idea to make a mini heater. So I'm testing. Warms well for my purposes.
qoogi blog 6 W of overall power, or is it heated by 6 W?
I have a question with a resistor burned, but I soldered 2 and 4 combs and turned them on, but my LED did not glow, but the smoke of ishol and tried it hot with a finger, you need the one you said you need 22 or 30 com
With a 33 kΩ resistor, it will heat slightly. The last time I used 12 kOhm water, it works well, does not burn out.
but today I bought a 33 K OM 2 watt resistor on the market, they said just what you say
2.4 kOhm is very small, it will overheat, and in general it will burn out quickly. better in the range of 15-22 kOhm. And your LED probably burned out, you need a new one. But you do not need to put the LED on, it does not affect the operation of the fumigator, only as an indicator, just 🙂
It would seem that the 21st century is in the yard, humanity with might and main is mastering the cosmic expanses, while it can not cope with mosquitoes!
Neither mosquito nets, nor sprays, nor bracelets help.
Of course, today there are many modern and expensive devices - fumigators, mosquito repellents and exterminators, but sometimes even they are unable to cope with adversity.
We will tell you how to do it yourself to scare away mosquitoes ...
- Dark plastic 2 liter bottle
- Cutter
- Awl
- Thick wire
- Dry yeast bag
- Half a glass of sugar
- A glass of warm water
1. Take a dark plastic bottle, cut off the top of it - about one third.
2. At the top, remove the lid - we have a funnel.
3. We insert our funnel inside the cut bottle.
4. With the help of an awl we make two holes along the edges.
6. Fix it on both sides - the mosquito trap is ready! Now it's up to the bait ...
7. Mosquitoes react to carbon dioxide and heat that is generated ... when yeast ferments. Therefore, pour about 5 grams of dry yeast into a bowl.
8. We measure out half a glass of granulated sugar.
10. And add a glass of warm (not hot!) Water to our mixture, the temperature of which is about 30 degrees.
12. Mix our mixture well.
13. And pour it into the bottle. The main thing is that the mixture does not reach the neck. Now mosquitoes, attracted by the carbon dioxide and heat that ferment yeast, will rush to our trap. Once inside, they can no longer get out. The bait in the trap should be changed every two weeks.This trap can also be used for wasps and flies by adding a little sugar syrup or jam instead of the yeast mixture.
You can decorate our trap with a spectacular "skirt".
The fact is that the fumigator is in normal condition, but does not pass electricity through the ceramic plate and therefore does not heat up. How can this plate be restored?
It's a pity to throw it away, in good condition, but we are not very rich to waste money.
The presented fumigator costs 50 rubles. These are 2-3 trips by minibus. All such devices are made in a disposable version and are meant to be thrown away in the event of a breakdown, like most household appliances. Clinical hoarders and do-it-yourselfers can certainly waste a lot of time repairing such nonsense. But during this time they could earn much more than they save on repairs.
Fumigators are widely used in everyday life to control mosquitoes. As a rule, not of high quality, which in turn leads to failure. However, not all defects are fatal, and I also encountered such a defect. With the help of a soldering iron, I solved this problem, which was just a wire break. How to repair it yourself, see this video. Anyone can repeat this repair, thereby saving their money and time, it took me 3 minutes, which is less than going to the nearest store to buy a new device.
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ShadowPriestok - Evgeny Chernyavsky
Albert Crash - Interesting Homemade Products
Essentially, the repair of the BINDER device. But I wonder what thanks for the video!
I'd better show you how to separate them and not break them
Is it possible to connect, say, a garland of ten LEDs soldered in parallel in place of one LED?
The question is on the merits! How to convert a fumigator to 12 volts? I would really appreciate your help.
In focus on the diagram, I do not see the current-limiting resistor for the LED.
Which should be in series with the LED.
At least in the DC circuit.
Or is R2 used as such?
?? where to get (withdraw))) such spare parts.
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Fumigator can be made by yourself. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to make a small-sized heating element. The easiest way is to use a wire-wound resistor of the C5-35V (PEV) type with a power of 25 watts as a heater. A dozen or two of these resistors can always be found in an amateur radio "box with trash". The smelly cardboard is placed directly on the surface of the resistor.
Experiments have shown that for normal evaporation of the cardboard substance, it is necessary that a power of about 12 W be dissipated on the resistor at an air temperature of 20 ° C. Based on this, the voltage supplied to the resistor is calculated.
Resistors with a resistance of 3.9 kOhm or 4.3 kOhm can be connected directly to a network with a voltage of 220 V. A resistor with a resistance of 2 kOhm can be connected to the network through a rectifier diode. A 13 ohm resistor is suitable for car fumigator .
But what if there are resistors of other ratings? You can, of course, connect them to the network through a matching transformer. However, making a transformer is difficult and troublesome. It is much easier to connect the resistor to the network through ballast capacitor... Resistor R2 is needed to remove the residual charge from the capacitor after turning off the power.
Ballast capacitor capacity
can be calculated using the formula:
R1 - heater resistance, Ohm,
P is the power dissipated on the heater W It is curious to note that the function C (R) has an extremum. The values of the capacitance of the ballast capacitor for resistors of different denominations, as well as the values of the voltage across the resistor are given in the table. The capacitance of the capacitor is selected by measuring the voltage across the resistor.
The device can use non-polar capacitors with a maximum allowable voltage of at least 350 V. The designations given on the capacitor cases generally refer to direct current. The maximum permissible alternating voltage is usually half that, it depends on the type of capacitor, the frequency and the shape of the voltage.Experience has shown that paper capacitors rated for 350 V withstands sinusoidal 220 V mains voltage well.
The design of the fumigator should be such that the heating resistor does not come into contact with fusible and combustible materials.
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Summer is wonderful. But there is something that darkens the joy of this wonderful time a little. These are mosquitoes.
Nasty bloodsuckers itch and bite. At a picnic, by the sea, in the park. Why, sometimes they even seep into houses.
Many mosquito repellents can be found today. They take up entire shelves in supermarkets.
But I really don't want to apply aggressive products on my own skin. And it is clear to the child - not only mosquitoes will suffer.
It is much wiser to use natural mosquito repellents. You can cook them with your own hands.
A harmless and very pleasant way to protect yourself from annoying mosquitoes is available to everyone. For this you need a lemon and a clove.
The options are:
1. Slightly mash the lemon so that it gives juice. Poke a clove into a lemon, as shown in the video. In addition to fighting mosquitoes, it serves as a decoration and flavoring :).
2.Squeeze the lemon juice into a glass and pour the cloves into it.
Mosquito repellent must be placed next to the bed and you can safely sleep, even with an open window.

If we want to fully enjoy the summer, of course, we must come up with a way to get rid of insects in our homes.
Nature has given us many substances that repel insects. Especially noteworthy are the essential oils contained in various parts of plants.
These products, unlike chemical ones, not only perfectly protect against mosquitoes, but also have a pleasant aroma, are beneficial for the skin and health in general.

♦ Mosquito cream butter
- aloe juice 1 tablespoon
- oil for the base, any, to choose from: chamomile, refined cosmetic olive, shea butter or melted coconut. These oils are well absorbed by the skin and do not leave marks on clothes.
- essential oils that mosquitoes are afraid of: basil, rosemary, lavender, geranium, peppermint, lemon balm, citronella, cloves.
Choose oils to your taste.
Scarlet needs to be crushed and squeezed through cheesecloth or a strainer. You will get a nice gel base.
Add 2-3 types of essential oils, 5-7 drops each and a little base oil.
Apply to exposed areas of the body before going outside. This mosquito repellent can also be applied to your face.
You can store it for more than a month, and not necessarily in the refrigerator. Place in a dark place. Better to use a dark glass jar.
♦ Mosquito spray
Take 40-50 ml of water (preferably warm), add table salt "on the tip of a knife" and 20 drops of one of the above essential oils. of which mosquitoes are afraid.
Add oil and salt to the water, shake everything well. Everything, the mosquito repellent is ready.
For ease of use, pour the product into a container with a spray bottle. Now spray the spray on exposed parts of the body, on fabrics in the interior: curtains, pillows, upholstered furniture, carpets. Each time the mixture must be shaken vigorously, if not shaken, we can spray a spray with too high a concentration of essential substances that irritate the skin, or too low a concentration that will not work against mosquitoes
As you can see, it takes five minutes to prepare a natural mosquito repellent. In terms of efficiency, they compete with chemical ones.
As for the aroma - we will not even compare.
by the way
Any of the oils of these plants can be used for protection - just drop the oil into the cologne (5-10 drops).
Spray the spray from a distance onto open areas of the body, avoiding contact with the eyes - be aware of the alcohol content. The spray should be renewed on the body every two hours. Shake well before use.
Cologne can be replaced with vodka, add eff. oil and pour into a spray bottle
It is also effective to put a few drops of a suitable essential oil on a fire source such as a fireplace, campfire, candle, or hot pan. Moisten a cotton swab with the oil of these plants and put it on the windowsill.
Deterrent agents include smell valerian and tobacco smoke.
One hundred grams camphor, evaporated above the burner, will keep flies and mosquitoes out even in very large rooms.
Tea tree oil it can also be used as a repellent, it also helps with bites.
Smell cedar nut oil scares away not only mosquitoes, but also flies and cockroaches.
Essential oils are powerful substances. They should not be applied undiluted directly to the skin. Particular care should be taken when using them in children (under 3 years of age) and in pregnant women. Most of these drugs are not recommended for them.
For external use, essential oils should be diluted with the base to obtain a concentration of 5-10%. As a base oil, we can use, for example, sunflower, jojoba or olive oil.
If you need a little product, you can mix 10-20 drops of essential substances with 2 tablespoons of the base. Apply to exposed skin, avoiding the eye area.
Store in a cool, dark place, preferably in an opaque glass bottle
♦ Fumigator hand made
When you run out of liquid for an electric fumigator, do not rush to the store for a replacement unit. Pour 100% eucalyptus extract (!) Into an empty bottle. Mosquitoes will forget their way to your home.

♦ Wormwood roots decoction
No insect touches your face if you wash decoction of wormwood roots... It is simple to prepare the broth: a handful of chopped roots are poured with one and a half liters of water, brought to a boil and insisted.
Have a nice summer evenings, ugly mosquitoes!

morons tore off the wire themselves, like it broke

Thank you for helping us. like.
Solder the wires and that's it. These are the masters. And if the wiring is intact and that's not the point?

The question is on the merits! How to convert a fumigator to 12 volts? I would really appreciate your help.
Well you guys! Catch Like Jack of all trades, epta))) Like!
This is such a wonderful video. You always doing an awesome job. THUMBS UP. Great to be friends with you 🙂
Happy weekend 🙂

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just loaded, very cool, I like your vidos, I like it) I will always watch
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Great video! Thumbs up! Like # 19 🙂 P.S: I would be happy if you could check my channel 🙂

This is a necessary thing, especially at such a mosquito time 🙂

I like your channel! Thumbs up! Would love for you to visit our channel and do the same if you like!

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Thank you for the video! We really enjoyed. Like and full view. Come visit!