DIY phone headset repair

In detail: do-it-yourself phone headset repair from a real master for the site

Image - DIY phone headset repairThis article provides an example of repairing the Nokia WH-205 headset with visual illustrations. This method is suitable for repairing any wired headset or mobile phone headphones.

Very often, owners of mobile phones are faced with the problem of failure of a wired headset (headphones). However, there may be no sound from the headphones or the microphone may not work. As a rule, a person buys a new headset or gives an old one for repair. Why spend money when you can repair your headset yourself? In this article, we will answer the question of how to repair any wired headset or headphones yourself.

Let's take a look at an illustrative example of repairing the Nokia WH-205 headset. The main reason for the failure of the headset is wire damage or wire breakage at the soldering point in the microphone unit or to the plug. First, we inspect the headset.

In this case, the wires in the microphone unit are soldered normally. Next, we inspect the wire for visible damage. If the headphones work normally, the music does not disappear, and the microphone is faulty, then the wire is damaged in the area from the plug to the microphone. In the event of a malfunction of one or two headphones, the place of damage may be along the entire length of the wire.

As a rule, wire damage occurs as a result of stretching it. That is, the suspected place of damage can be detected by visual inspection of the wire. In this case, you should pay attention to changes in the thickness, color of the wire or other minor flaws. If the wire is torn as a result of stretching, then in the place of damage it differs in color, and is also slightly thinner than in other areas. If a damaged area is found, we proceed to the next stage - elimination of the damage.

Video (click to play).

To do this, we cut the wire at the place of damage and clean both ends. You can use a razor blade for this purpose by making a shallow cut around the wire. In this case, you should act carefully, as the conductor may be damaged by the blade.

After the wire is stripped, it is necessary to clean the conductors from the varnish. To do this, it is enough to bring the conductor to the fire for a split second.

Peeled conductor ends

After that, we put on a wire a small piece of a heat-shrinkable tube, which will later be put on at the junction of the conductors.

Heat shrink tubing on wire

Then you can go directly to the soldering of the conductors. When the conductors are soldered, it is necessary to insulate them from each other with small pieces of electrical tape. Then we put on a heat-shrinkable tube and heat it to the required temperature.

Very often the wire is damaged near the plug. If the wire is damaged a little further than the plug, then you can try to solder it. Then, as in the previous case, it is necessary to insulate the conductors and put a heat-shrink tube on them.

An approximate diagram of a headset on a 55A07A microcircuit is given below. All elements are assembled on a small printed circuit board, on which, in addition to the details, the buttons and the microphone are located. The 55A07A-X microcircuit provides identification of the headset when it is connected to a mobile phone, transmitting a special code pulse sequence through the ACI circuit. Similarly, it sends a message to the mobile phone about pressing the headset button. The supply voltage goes to the microcircuit from the phone.

Headset contact wire colors:

MIC + - yellow
MIC- - black
L + - blue
L- - red / blue
R + - brown
R- - golden / blue
Serial - golden
VOUT - red
GND - green

The loss of sound in one or both headphones or the fact that the interlocutor does not hear the words spoken in front of the microphone are most often to blame for broken wires in the connecting cable. They occur where there are frequent bends in the cable near the connector, headset housing, or headphones. Broken wires near the headset body are easily repairable. It is necessary to cut off and remove part of the wire between the breakage point and the contact pad on the board. Damaged headphones can be replaced with any suitable one. The wires of new phones are cut to the desired length and soldered to the contact pads of the printed circuit board instead of the faulty ones. For additional fixing of the wires inside the headset case, you need to use hot melt glue. In this case, after dialing the headphones, a break in the winding of the mini-speaker itself was noticed.Therefore, the only repair option is to solder a pair of headphones from one headset to another. The top cover must be removed. We pry with a screwdriver from the side of the wire going to the phone, first from one side, then from the other. Remove the cover and button. All further work on repairing the headset's performance is illustrated in the photos below.

After replacing the headphones and wires, we assemble the case and carry out tests - the headset works like new.

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