Do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair

In detail: do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair from a real master for the site

The Gorky Automobile Plant produced the GAZ-3110 Volga sedan from 1996 to 2005. Production stopped long ago, but you can still find a lot of these cars on the roads of Russia; for their owners, the issues of operation, maintenance and repair of the GAZ-3110 "Volga" remain relevant. In the event of a malfunction, you can contact the workshop, but all the warranty periods for the car have long expired, any problems will have to be eliminated at your own expense. Therefore, many owners choose to carry out maintenance and repairs themselves.

Volga Gaz 3110 car design

During the trip, you should constantly monitor the condition of the car, monitor the readings of the devices. If you hear abnormal sounds, try to determine the cause and fix the problem. Do not allow the engine to run at maximum speeds for a long time, do not exceed the speed limit, especially on roads with poor coverage, this leads to rapid wear of the suspension. Try to anticipate the situation on the road, move smoothly, without sudden acceleration and braking.

If the maintenance time is exceeded, the units operate on contaminated liquids, their service life decreases. Avoid excessive wear on the brake pads, replace them if signs of wear appear (squeak when braking). A complete list and terms of routine maintenance are given in the instructions for the car.

If any malfunction occurs, it is necessary to determine what exactly failed. Sometimes this is immediately clear (for example, a flat tire), but often the source of the problem is not easy to find.

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Very often the problems are associated with him. On the GAZ-3110 "Volga" they installed ZMZ-402 (carburetor), later ZMZ-406 (injection), cars with a diesel engine were also produced, but in very small quantities, no more than 150 units per year.

Injection engine ZMZ-406 for the Volga car

Various malfunctions of other units and assemblies are possible. Transmission and suspension repairs usually boil down to replacing defective parts. There are only two problems in the electrical circuits of gas 3110: there is no contact where it is needed, or there is where it is not needed. A joke, of course, but there is some truth in it. Repair consists in cleaning the contacts and replacing faulty devices, for example, light bulbs.

In the first place among the malfunctions is the oxidation of contacts in the system. The consequence of this is a break in the network and engine failure.

To check the ignition system, disconnect one of the high voltage wires from the spark plug and bring it to ground (any place on the block or body, stripped of paint) at a distance of 6–8 mm.

It is dangerous to hold the wire with your hands, reinforce it with available dry materials (preferably wooden). When cranking the engine with the starter, a spark should slip through. If not, troubleshoot the low or high voltage circuits. It is better to do this with the help of special devices (voltmeter, ohmmeter, special stroboscope). If they are absent, the low voltage circuit can be checked with an automotive light. Connect one of its contacts with a wiring to ground, the other - to the point of the circuit being checked.
Image - Do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair

If the light comes on, there is voltage. Do not forget that the electrical circuit after ignition is checked with the ignition on. Start on the battery and work your way down the low voltage circuit in sequence. If you find a point where there is no voltage, strip the ends of the wires and the connection surfaces. If this does not help, the point is in the wire or device installed in front of this point.

In the high voltage circuit, clean any dirt and wipe dry all wires. Make sure that their ends are in close contact with the sockets of the coil, distributor (for 402 engine) and spark plugs. If a breakdown to ground occurs somewhere, the ignition will not work normally. Sometimes such a malfunction is easier to identify in the dark (sparking is visible at the breakdown site). On the GAZ-3310 "Volga" with a 402 engine, additionally remove the central wire from the distributor cover and check it for a spark (similar to a spark plug).
Image - Do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair

There is no spark - the ignition coil is faulty, it cannot be repaired, it will have to be replaced. If there is a spark after the coil, but there is no spark on the spark plugs, remove the distributor cover, clean it from dirt, check the condition of the central electrode ("coal"), runner and contacts.

Another characteristic malfunction is poor contact with the "ground" of the wire coming from the battery. Symptoms of this problem are dim headlights after stopping the engine and the inability to start it (you can hear the click of the starter, but the crankshaft does not rotate). Disconnect the wire from the ground and strip the contact surfaces.

If you suspect a malfunction due to lack or poor fuel supply, make sure that there is gas in the tank. Some drivers notice such an elementary thing only after long attempts to find a fault in other places.
Image - Do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair

Sometimes this is due to a failure or poor performance of the fuel level sensor. If there is enough gasoline, make sure that it is supplied to the carburetor (for 402) or to the injectors (for 406 engine). A vapor lock can form in the gas lines (in the hot season), blocking the access of fuel. If this happens, put a wet rag on the fuel line to cool down, or just wait, the engine will cool down and the plug will disappear. In cold weather, water trapped in the fuel can freeze, the ice plug also does not allow gasoline to pass through. Do not heat gas lines with open fire; use hot water.

On the 406 engine, check if you can hear the hum of the fuel pump when the ignition is turned on. If not, its fuse may have blown. Before replacing, try to find the cause, the location of the short circuit can be determined by the smoked wires.

Gas pump from the ZMZ-406 engine

When the starter is turned on, gasoline should be poured from the hose. If it doesn't, the diaphragm may be damaged or pump valves are stuck. Check for leaks of gasoline in the pipe connections. If air enters the system, the pump pumps it instead of fuel.

In the cooling system, overheating is the result of a malfunction. Main reasons:

  1. Leaking or insufficient coolant level. Check for traces of leakage, especially on hose connections, top up fluid. Image - Do-it-yourself gas 3110 repair
  2. Insufficient tension on the fan and water pump drive belts. It is necessary to tighten.
  3. Faulty thermostat. Replacement required.
  4. Faulty water pump (pump). Replacement required.
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Common lubrication system problems:

  • Oil leaks. They are determined by the traces of smudges, the seals in these places must be tightened or replaced;
  • Low pressure on a hot engine. If the cause is contamination of the pressure reducing valve, flush the parts and the seat in the oil pump housing. Severe wear of the crankshaft main bearing shells or parts of the pump itself is possible. Replacement required.

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The main problem for the bodywork is corrosion. The condition of the paintwork should be monitored and, if necessary, restored.