DIY repair of gas-oil racks

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of gas-oil racks from a real master for the site

Shock absorbers are a kind of consumable for your car. Moreover, the cost of maintaining the suspension in working order is inversely proportional to the quality of the roads. Car owners are constantly looking for ways to save money on the repair and maintenance of their car. We will tell you about self-repair and restoration of the characteristics of the shock absorber struts.

Typical malfunctions of this node are known to everyone:

  • Depressurization of the stem packing. Leads to oil leakage from the rack. It can leak at any time. The characteristics change up to a complete loss of performance.
  • Too free movement of the stem in the pipe. In fact, the strut turns from a shock absorber into a guide for the suspension spring. The malfunction is related to the internal valves.
  • Compression or rebound play. Associated with the development in the rod or cylinder. The consequences are similar to broken valves. The shock absorber does not perform its function in a car, it knocks, rattles and makes other unpleasant sounds, why driving in such a car becomes uncomfortable and dangerous.
  • External damage - dents on the body, cracks in the eyelet. Affects the chassis as a whole and can lead to more serious damage.

If any malfunction is detected, it is necessary to remove the rack and release it from the spring. Dismantling is carried out in the garage, without the use of special tools.

Sometimes the owners of foreign cars, noticing that their racks have leaked, turn to the service station for diagnostics, where they will carry out a check at the stand.

In fact, this is not such an easy task. Before carrying out work, you should carefully study the material and observe safety precautions. First of all, you need to determine whether you have a collapsible shock absorber or not. The monolithic body is not repairable, opening with a grinder and brewing is unacceptable.

Video (click to play).

If there is a nut or a retaining ring in the place where the stem enters the pipe, such a shock absorber strut can be serviced and repaired.

Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks

This is what a repairable rack looks like.
  • Compressor for supplying compressed air or pump for servicing bicycle shock absorbers.
  • Special connection for compressed air injection. Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks Example of a blower connection
  • Retaining ring puller.
  • Spanner wrenches of the corresponding diameter, depending on the design of the rack.
  • Workbench and powerful vise.

Attention! Safety must be taken care of. Work involves high pressure, so eye and hand protection is essential.

  1. The shock absorber is firmly fixed in a vice, the position is vertical. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the part and blow out the piston rod entry point with compressed air. It is disassembled - removing the protective cap of the stem. Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks For convenience, the work is carried out in a vice
  2. Then a device for gas injection is put on the rod. We pump gas to the required pressure. Care should be taken during this operation. The pressure build-up procedure can be repeated several times until the desired adjustment is achieved. Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks Use a pressure gauge for control. The method is suitable for gas and gas-oil racks
  3. Then the stem oil seal is lubricated and a protective cap is put on the body.

You can watch the process in the video.

There are different opinions: how to fill a car shock absorber. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide or just compressed air? In a garage, there are few options. Compressed air will not degrade performance much, especially since this is a repair and not a factory made rack.

  1. The rack must be completely disassembled and cleaned of dirt and old oil.Check the O-rings and the condition of the inner pipe wall. Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks Remove streaks and other contamination from all rack mechanisms
  2. Then the assembled rod in the tube is placed in a container with oil (you can find out the type of fluid from the characteristics of your shock absorber). Oil is drawn in with a smooth movement. The procedure is repeated several times until the air bubbles disappear. You need to hold the part vertically. Image - DIY repair of gas-oil racks No special equipment is required to work with oil racks
  3. If the stand is non-separable, you can install a bleed nipple at the bottom. To do this, it is enough to drill a hole, fill the rack with oil through it and tighten the screw on the sealant or weld it. In this way, the owners of domestic cars with solid mileage restore the performance of the shock absorbers.