If the owner of an electric mower does not have sufficient knowledge, service centers will help to repair your favorite equipment that allows you to keep the area around the house in proper form, you can find out more about which on the sites:
Gasoline lawn mowers are designed for large garden areas and have several advantages over electric counterparts:
Mobility - no cable and complete independence from the power source.
Cheap maintenance (although malfunctions in a gasoline lawn mower are more common).
The illustration shows the construction of a standard gasoline lawn mower. Let's figure out what problems the owners most often face, is it possible to repair the lawn mower with their own hands.
Gasoline lawn mower malfunctions
Rattling, rumble during operation
The motor bolts are loose, the housing itself is poorly fixed
Check and tighten bolts as needed
The mowing knife is damaged, the cutting mechanism is weakened
Tighten the bolts securing the cutting mechanism, replace the broken element
The mower does not cut the grass well
The knives are damaged or dull
You can do elementary repairs to the lawn mower yourself - replace the knives or sharpen them with a file. Sharpening angle - 30 °. Some models are equipped with abrasive belts glued to fixed knives. Therefore, you just need to minimize the gap between the movable and fixed knives, and then switch the mower several times for 15 seconds.
Involuntary stopping of the motor
Check the oil level in the crankcase. If it is normal, you cannot do without the help of a master.
The design of a gasoline lawn mower has one significant drawback: when working on hills with a slope of 25 °, the oil ceases to effectively lubricate the rubbing parts. This leads to accelerated wear and tear and serious damage. The problem concerns household, semi-professional and professional lawn mowers of all popular brands (regardless of power and motor resource): Bosch, Husqravna, Makita, MTD, AL-KO, Honda, Craftsman, etc.
Timely replacement of oil and air filter - according to the manufacturer's regulations.
Keeping the motor clean - Blow out cooling fins with compressed air or wipe with a soft cloth.
CIP repair of a two-stroke lawn engine motor using the RVS Master 2 Strock Engine.
The preparation consists of shungite carbon, which, when heated, enters into redox reactions.
Due to the activation of micrometallurgical processes, a metal-shungite-carbon layer is formed. It optimizes clearances, eliminates wear. As a result, the risk of jamming during "oil starvation" is reduced (occurs on hills with a slope of 25 °), gasoline consumption falls on average by 5-15% , the nominal dimensions of the parts are restored, the power and efficiency increase.
Most lawn mowers are equipped with either Honda or Briggs & Stratton two-stroke engines. When selecting a repair and restoration composition for them, be guided by the following diagram:
Note: Powerful four-stroke lawnmower engines are treated with the standard RVS Master Engine. For example, if the volume of the oil tank is 0.6 L, as in the Briggs & Stratton 950E Series, 1/5 bottle of RVS Master Engine Ga3 is sufficient (instructions).
Owners of beautiful and green lawns using lawn mowers can face problems while working. In this article, we will tell you how to repair gasoline lawn mowers with your own hands , and you will also find out the common causes of breakdowns of this device.
Most mowers are push-driven from the rear, but there are models that can be steered using the steering wheel.
A certain type of device is designed for different jobs. Small ones handle a normal medium-sized plot, while large steering mowers are used for large lawns.
But all devices have the same structure. Let's start with the case. Gasoline mowers have aluminum and steel housings.
Electric lawn mowers lighter than gasoline ones and their body is made of ABS plastic. It is used to create car bumpers.
The mower wheels should be large in diameter so they can easily overcome bumps. They also create less pressure on the ground and do not injure the lawn. The bearings will provide high reliability and durability.
Many manufacturers make the two front wheels swivel. This allows for increased maneuverability. The front wheels pivot around an axle so you don't have to raise the windrower to change direction. Let's talk about knives. All of them, as a rule, are rotary and are located on the working shaft. The diameter of the blades determines the cutting width of the mower.
The rotor performs following functions :
support of knives at a certain distance from the ground;
rotates quickly and cuts the grass;
has blades serving as a fan. The air flow from the fan carries the cut grass into the grass catcher.
All knives are made of high quality steel.
Grass collector Is a large bag or plastic box with air holes. It can be easily removed and the contents discarded.
Many mowers not only cut the grass, but can also grind it into flour. This process is called mulching. In this case, a grass catcher is not used, since the greens after mowing will serve as fertilizer.
Next, we will consider the main causes of breakdowns of this unit and the corresponding types of mower repairs.
If you hear a rumble and rattling noise inside the mower during operation, it means that the engine bolts are loose. Another option for extraneous sounds is a poorly fixed unit body.
All of this can be repaired. Check each bolted joint of the mower and, if you find unacceptable play, tighten the loosened bolts.
The other most common breakdown is strong vibration and sudden uncontrollable movements during work. The problem is a damaged mowing blade or a loose cutting mechanism on the mower motor shaft.
In this case, you can simply tighten the loosened bolts or replace damaged knives if you notice broken elements.
If you hear a whistling sound while the mower is running, the problem is a foreign object getting inside.
As a result, the roller in the aerator is blocked. To fix this problem, it is enough to turn off the video and remove the unnecessary item.
If you notice that when mowing the grass, the mower leaves greenery behind it - this means that the knives in it are dull ... It is enough to sharpen removable knives or buy new ones.
If the mower is running intermittently, the drive belt is worn out and needs to be replaced. If, when inspecting the unit, you notice that the clutch cable is stretched - adjust it .
Lawn mower won't start? Take the unit to a service center for a qualified repair. The problem could be spark plugs or running out of fuel. In such cases, a simple replacement of spark plugs or refueling with gasoline will help.
In order not to carry out repairs to the engine or other elements of the lawn mower, carry out a regular technical inspection in winter. You will find the exact recommendations in the original operating instructions.
Engine cleanliness ... It is air cooled so that the cooling fins work efficiently and do not overheat, please clean it with a soft brush.
Change of oil ... In this case, the mower engine must be still warm so that the remaining oil can be easily drained off. Check the oil level when filling with oil. Be careful not to get dirt during pouring.
At the end of each season we recommend replace air filter mowers. Since during operation, dust settles in it. The spark plugs can also be checked at this time.
If you see that there is a small carbon deposit, white bloom or oil residues on the candle, then it will be enough to clean it or replace it with a new one. In case of any other damage, it is better to replace the spark plug immediately.
By the end of the season we also recommend run out all the gasoline in the tank f lawn mowers before storing the machine for winter storage.
Repair of both gasoline and electric lawn mowers may be necessary at the most unexpected moment. We will tell you about the main breakdowns of homemade and branded equipment, tell you what to look for, and by what signs you can recognize a malfunction.
The lawnmower is a great alternative to the hand mower, making it easier and faster to cut grass in a wide variety of places, including those where a normal mow just won't turn.But behind the comfort and convenience lies a sophisticated modern mechanism that requires unremitting attention and regular maintenance.
Regardless of the manufacturer, all units have a similar design. Therefore, do-it-yourself Viking lawn mower repair is carried out in the same way as for other brands: Husqvarna, Shtil, Bosch, Gardena, Oleo Mak. A home-made lawn mower will not be an exception, but eliminating a breakdown requires basic knowledge. Consider the most common causes of engine failure, and do-it-yourself lawn mower repair in the field.
Regardless of the type of engine, the mechanical part of the scythe includes knives, a device for ejection or accumulation of cut grass and a transmission mechanism. Most often, knives fail or line ends.
Cleaning the mechanical part of the Bosh lawn mower
Broken or bent knives are visible to the naked eye. Depending on the material and the degree of damage, the knives are replaced or restored by simply folding them back to their original state. With heavy wear, the cutting part can be sharpened. A do-it-yourself lawn mower from a trimmer can fail for many reasons. Most often, this is an excess of the maximum permissible torque and engine load, since a knife is used instead of a fishing line.
Restoration of the throttle handle
During inspection, check the condition of the grass supply duct into the container and, if necessary, clean it. More complex mechanical failures require a complex tool, special equipment, professional skills, and it is better to entrust the elimination of such malfunctions to professionals.
Not only factory, but also home-made electric lawn mowers fail. The main reason for stopping the electric motor is loss of contact and lack of power at the motor terminals.
Drawing of an electric lawn mower using the example of TBH 1650
Therefore, first of all, we check the presence of voltage in the power outlet, the condition of the electrical cord and the absence of its breakage. Then, if a collector motor is used, you need to check the condition of the brushes and replace them with severe wear. The brushless hand lawnmower offers increased durability, but requires regular brush replacement.
DIY electric mower engine repair
Asynchronous motor hand mowers also have problems. A phase-shifting capacitor often fails, but testing it in the field is problematic. An indirect symptom of a capacitor failure is:
jerking of the motor at the time of power supply;
strong heating of the engine even at low load;
reduced speed;
characteristic buzz.
Do-it-yourself electric lawn mower is made from scrap materials that can fail. If a malfunction is detected, in any case, you need to make sure that voltage is supplied to the motor terminals, and if it is absent, check the operation of the switch.
DIY electric lawn mower
If there is voltage, the capacitor or brushes are in order, then the most likely cause of failure is a burned-out winding. In this case, the unit will have to be handed over to a repair shop. Home-made electric lawn mowers most often have to be repaired on their own, since when assembling the device, all the nuances of its work are not taken into account.
Lawn mowers use gasoline two-stroke internal combustion engines. When deciding how to make a lawn mower with your own hands, they often use engines from other household devices - chainsaws, compressors, motor plows and trimmers. The process of finding and eliminating the problems of these engines is carried out according to one algorithm. Do-it-yourself gasoline lawn mower repair begins with determining the cause of the failure.
General diagram of a gasoline lawn mower
In this case, failure of the mechanical part is guaranteed or, as an option, its attachment to the motor shaft is destroyed.
Damage to the mechanical part and repair of the viking lawn mower do it yourself
A do-it-yourself mechanical lawnmower with a gasoline engine does not start well, but it works normally in operating modes (when gas is supplied). Such a malfunction can be caused by two reasons - a malfunction of the idle speed system in the carburetor or an incorrect fuel composition.
Exploded drawing of a petrol lawn mower
To eliminate it, you should start with fuel, combine gasoline and oil of the required brands in the required proportion and pour this fuel into the tank instead of the old one. If this does not help, remove and disassemble the carburetor and adjust the idle system in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Most likely causes: clogged fuel jets, clogged fuel filter, clogged air filter. For elimination: jets are blown with compressed air, filters are changed or washed, depending on their design.
Bosh lawn mower engine repair
If the engine starts and runs at idle, but does not hold the load poorly during operation. Most likely, "oxygen starvation" takes place. Do-it-yourself lawn mower repairs are performed by replacing or cleaning the “blow-through” air filter.
It happens that, despite the presence and normal supply of fuel, the engine does not start. Most often, the absence of signs of life indicates a failure of the ignition coil. If, upon visual inspection, all electrical circuits are in order, then this coil will need to be replaced.
DIY lawn mower engine repair
A less common occurrence is heavy carbon deposits or spark plug failure. It is determined by visual inspection of an unscrewed candle. The most effective way to determine this malfunction is to replace the spark plug with another one that is known to be working properly. When thinking about how to make a lawn mower if the engine does not start, pay attention to replacing the spark plugs with new ones, and preferably more reliable ones.
Taking into account the peculiarity of the “field conditions” in which lawn mowers are operated, the manufacturers of these devices have tried to protect their consumers from possible problems as much as possible. But, as you know, even a manual manual lawn mower, made with your own hands, can fail one day. We really hope that our tips will help you in this case and will direct your troubleshooting in the right direction.
Hello! In this article, we will get acquainted with general recommendations for repairing do-it-yourself lawn mowers. And to be more precise, electric lawn mowers, although the principle of their construction is generally the same everywhere, be it electric or gasoline. The drive will only be different. There are several types of electric lawn mowers. They are cylindrical, rotary and mulching. Let's consider the principle of operation and the device of each separately. This gives us the opportunity to successfully repair lawn mowers with our own hands and operate them correctly.
These lawn mowers have a set of spiral blades that together form a cylinder. The knives are driven by a large toothed pulley mounted on their axle. The rotation of the electric motor is transmitted to the knives by means of a toothed belt. The lawn mower is moved using a roller, which is driven by the same knife drive electric motor.
As the cylinder rotates, the knives press the grass against the fixed knife, thereby cutting the grass. The cutting height in this type of lawn mower is adjusted using a roller or wheels mounted in front and behind the knives.
Rotary lawn mowers are equipped with a single horizontally positioned blade attached to the motor shaft.
When rotating at high speed, the knife cuts the grass.Rotary lawn mowers of different models have wheels, and some more modern ones are made on air cushion.
Many lawn mowers have containers for clippings. Those mowers that chop the grass into small pieces and leave them on the lawn as mulch.
All modern lawn mowers are equipped with devices that ensure safety during operation by the fact that there are special handles that must be activated at the same time, emergency shutdown and safety interlock buttons. This must be taken into account when repairing lawn mowers with your own hands. If you are tired or unsatisfied, do not start mowing the lawn. Postpone this activity until you are healthy. Avoid putting yourself and others at increased risk from the mower in operation. Make sure the power cord and protective covers on the windrower are intact before plugging into the power outlet. Unwind the power cord completely and place it so that it does not fall into the mowing area during operation. And do not forget one more important point. Examine the lawn carefully for small stones, bones, etc. They can damage the knives or be thrown to the side by the operating knives. Place the power cord on your shoulder and hold the mower handle securely with both hands. After that, you can press the switch and start mowing the grass.
1.Knives are dull or damaged ... In this case, of course, you need to check the knives and, if necessary, you can replace them with new ones or sharpen them on emery.
If you have a lot of time, you can work with a file. When sharpening, do not neglect goggles and thick gloves. The knives are sharpened on each side at an angle of about 30 degrees. You can also use special sharpening devices supplied by the manufacturer of this mower model. This is mainly done using adhesive abrasive belts on the fixed blade of the mower.
In this case, the gap between the fixed and movable knives is set small so that the rotating knives touch the abrasive belt.
Then plug the mower in and drive the machine at short 15 second intervals until the blades are sharp. Remove the abrasive belt and adjust the normal gap.
2. Incorrect blade adjustment ... On cylindrical lawn mowers, the gap between the rotating cylinder and the bedknife should be less than the thickness of the paper.
To do this, refer to the user manual for your particular lawn mower model. Disconnect the plug from the socket before adjusting. Achieve uniform clearance along the entire length of the cutting blade.
1 stuck knives ... Long grass can block the mower blades. Unplug the mower and use a wooden stick to turn the cylinder in the opposite direction until it turns freely.
2. The drive belt is broken. ... When a cylindrical mower is operating, the drive belt wears out and this leads to its frequent breakage or stretching. To replace the belt, do the following: - remove the protective belt cover and you will see if the belt has fallen off or broken
- loosen the screws securing the engine and slide the small drive pulley towards the large one.
Install the new belt on the small gear and gradually turn the large pulley, put the belt on it - tension the belt by sliding the small pulley away from the large one.
A correctly tensioned belt should have no more than 4mm deflection when pressed with your finger.
3. Broken power cord ... When operating the mower, the power cord moves around the lawn and constantly bends. As a result, the copper conductors of the power cord are often broken. Therefore, if the mower is silent, then start the repair of lawn mowers by checking the supply cable for an open. To replace the power cord, unplug the power plug, unscrew the switch cover and set it aside.
Before unscrewing the power cord retainer, remember how it was connected to the switch.
To disconnect the cord, insert a 1mm Allen key into the holes with the conductors.
This will release the clamp and the conductors can be removed.
Video (click to play).
Now, with a multimeter, check the cord for an open circuit. Prepare a new power cord if necessary. Reinstall the power cord in reverse order. 4. Defective power switch ... Check it and replace it with a good one if necessary. 5. There is no voltage in the socket ... Make sure that the protection on your shield has not worked. 6. The mower is not plugged in . 7. Blown fuse in the mower plug. ... If your lawn mower has a special. plug, it most likely has a built-in fuse. Disassemble the plug and ring the fuse with a tester. 8. The thermal protection of the mower motor has tripped. ... Some lawn mower models have this protection. It shuts off the drive if it overheats or if the mower blade is blocked by something. It's a good idea to check the mower's ventilation grilles for dirt. Clean them with a soft brush if necessary. The thermal protection will turn on the drive itself as soon as it cools down. This concludes the article on repairing lawn mowers. I also recommend reading useful posts jigsaw repair, refrigerator repair yourself. Success in troubleshooting!