In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a honeywell vk4105m gas valve from a real master for the site
Warnings: 1
Posts: 266
Electronik22In which pot is the valve installed?
sa-shaThe valve stands in the mainfour 240f board cs0263c. As for opening it, I don’t want to work on a collective farm yet, because the pot is new.
Warnings: 1
Posts: 266
They are not connected in any way in the valve, although I did not call 1-5, I called 1-2 and 4-5.
smd55, I looked here carefully before going to the boiler, that's why I diagnosed the bridge departure. And now he began to doubt.

Warnings: 1
Posts: 266
Yes, but after the expiration of the limitation period it could be canceled
I apologize, but I wrote in the subject line (I rang the winding gas valve V1 = 2.9 kOhm (1-2), V2 = 1.6 kOhm (3-4)) Nobody said what was right or wrong. I wrote that the Voltage is 200V there are 1-4 and 2-3 contacts at the time of ignition of the boiler - no one said anything. I am almost 99% sure that the problem is most likely in the brain that at the time of ignition there should be 220 terminals on 1-2 terminals, but they are not 3-4 voltage changes. came
He advised to change the boiler! Along the way, and here are such tips!
ut5esd, read this manual for your gas valve. To check its operability, as well as the serviceability of the control board, a conventional multimeter is not always enough. The control of this gas valve is not as simple as it seems at first glance. for this, the instructions for this device should help you.
Yes, I have already downloaded the manual. Thanks for the advice. After all, I can supply the valve (s) with a rectified voltage of 220V and if they are working "clack" .valve-question what?
![]() |
Video (click to play). |
Well, or the question is how to check the gas valve.
For the first time Sasha will not clack loudly - you will hardly hear
secondly 220 v should not be applied to it impudently - low voltage modulation coil
3 main thing I wrote to you xarl, in the 4th post
anatol22, or rather like a supermicra?
Well, if you think so, I would have at least 2 control boards in stock (at today's prices 20t). The boiler is not more complicated than the machine, only more dangerous because of the gas.
I ask the masters about the possible causes of the breakdown (after all, I am not the only one with such a breakdown) And on the advice I can figure out what problem I have.
Official BAXI Forum in Russia
Message Olegbez "14 Jan 2013, 10:37
Message BAXI-Ural »14 Jan 2013, 10:52
Message Olegbez "14 Jan 2013, 13:31
Message BAXI-Ural "14 Jan 2013, 14:46
A cheap analogue of the Honeywell c6065 pressure switch was found. Made in the same place as the original, i.e. in China.
On my Nuvola 3 Comfort, and this is not an economy option (in 2011 I paid about 60 tr for it), my native plastic died in the first winter. Thanks and-no, I figured it out, bought Honeywell, it has been working for the sixth year. I bought it in Cheboksary for 1465 rubles, today the price is about 4 thousand rubles, and in China I bought a spare one for 228 rubles.
The gas valve is an element of the gas supply system (including for a gas boiler) responsible for the reliability and safety of its operation.
If the boiler is equipped with a built-in gas burner, it is he who is responsible for supplying gas to the burner. Such systems are used in the presence of an atmospheric burner and a floor or wall boiler.
Similar equipment is used in household heating systems. Most often, they mean individual heating installations that work using energy from a gas boiler. The boiler in the house must work constantly, which is quite natural.
However, primitive valves are not able to provide normal automation or autonomy of the process. Running to the boiler every time when you need to start its work is not a pleasure for everyone.
It is in these situations that gas valves are used. They are able to optimize the operation of heating equipment as much as possible by shutting off and supplying gas at the right time.
With the valve installed, you no longer have to worry about various troubles associated with interruptions in the operation of heating systems. And the boiler itself will be much safer, since at a critical moment the system will be able to shut down on its own.
Equipment of this type is presented on the market by products of many manufacturers, including products from Honeywell. This company produces, in particular, various elements of shut-off, three-way and shut-off valves for water supply, as well as automation elements for gas equipment.
It is also possible to obtain from this manufacturer all the necessary fittings for organizing domestic hot water supply (for example, a Honeywell safety choke). Moreover, the resulting products will differ in reliability, workmanship and reasonable price.
When using water heating equipment on gas, so-called electromagnetic valve circuits are used.
The scheme of operation of such a mechanism assumes the supply of electricity to the coil, due to which, under the electromagnetic influence, the core of the device is drawn into the coil. Thus, the part begins to supply gas to the system.
There are several options for such products:
- One-way solenoid. This sample has two positions - "fully open" and "fully closed". In the open position, the throttle allows the entire volume of gas that can be supplied to enter the system (also called one-stage);
- Two-stage (or two-way). The core of this sample can be in a position intermediate between "open" and "closed". Then it is possible, at the beginning of the boiler operation, to supply a small amount of gas to the burner and start it smoothly. After a while, gas is fully supplied to the system. Among other things, the intermediate position allows a stable flame to be created on the burner;
- Three-way solenoid (otherwise - three-stage). It is used in boilers with two operating power levels. Then there is a position without gas supply, a mode for ignition and two options for operating the boiler.
- Modulated. In this case, the position of the core can be set by continuously adjusting the burner power (modulation);
- Model for systems with piezo ignition. The system used here does not depend on the availability of electricity. In this case, the choke is manually opened by the user and then held open by a coil connected to a thermocouple.
The "multiblock" system is also often used, that is, for a gas boiler, the throttle is not supplied separately, but is a one-piece block of a filter, pressure switch, stabilizer, etc. (the gas valve device can be built in a similar way).
It is also recommended to use other fittings from this manufacturer in the system. For example, a Honeywell pressure reducing throttle required for organizing a hot water supply system or a Honeywell three-way valve.
Since gas valves (also as part of multiblocks) are not operated separately from gas equipment, the product description often indicates which boilers from which manufacturer they can be installed.
Gas valve VK4105G (5108 4) is a model with a built-in modulator that can be installed on Baxi, Mainfour or Junkers boilers. This Honeywell solenoid valve uses connection ¾, requires a 230V power supply, and the maximum gas pressure in the system is 60 mbar.
There are adjusting bolts on the body of the device that allow you to adjust the maximum and minimum pressure on the burner, as well as the gas supply.
The VK4105M gas valve has performance characteristics similar to the previous one. Sometimes, for some articles of this model, other manufacturers of compatible boilers may be mentioned.One block with ignition regulator S45XX can be supplied.
You can buy this range of gas valves for $ 75 or more.
The VS8620C gas valve is a combination unit with an additional burner with two thermocouples and a thermostat.
This configuration makes it possible to build an automated heating system for a domestic boiler based on two thermoelements, the maximum pressure is 30 mbar. This model of Honeywell gas valves can be purchased for US $ 50 or more.
To compensate for the pressure and maintain the temperature already for the heating network, a three-way Honeywell valve can be used.
Gas valve V5475 - is an element of gas automation with a working gas pressure of up to 50 mbar, the power of the boiler on which this device can be installed is up to 32 kW.
The device is non-volatile, uses a piezoelectric element and has the ability to automatically turn off when the gas supply is cut off or there is no traction in the system. Compatible with boilers "Mayak", "Zhitomir", "Danko".
Gas valve Honeywell V5474G - a model with mechanical modulation, non-volatile, has characteristics similar to the previous model and the same type of compatibility. It can handle many different gases.
A Honeywell gas valve for these models will cost $ 32 or more.
Gas valve VS8620C 1011b - compatible with boilers:
The mechanism is non-volatile, power is 60 W. It allows you to control the gas supply to gas equipment, to maintain the operation of those at low gas pressure.
Gas valve VR4605C - designed to work with a maximum gas pressure of 60 mbar, with a voltage of 220 V and temperatures up to +60 C.
Considering that Honeywell also manufactures various plumbing fittings, reducing samples from this manufacturer can be used to work on a system with these valves.
For example, a Honeywell D04FS pressure reducing valve, a Honeywell D06F pressure reducing valve. These models are used wherever pressure reduction of the flowing medium is required.
Such solutions are relevant for industrial distribution centers. Also at production facilities, a three-way valve with an electric drive is also applicable - it is installed in areas of large diameter to simplify adjustment.
In addition to regulating units, there are other models among the products. For example, a Honeywell check valve. This mechanism is useful in order to prevent the medium from flowing back through the pipeline.
In baxi boilers of all series, two versions of gas valves could be used: SIT or Honeywell. When diagnosing the electrical part of the valves, the resistances on the coils are measured (in either case, there are two of them).
SIT SIGMA 845048
on slots 1 - 3: 6.5 kΩ
on slots 1 - 4: 7.4 kΩ
on the modulator contacts (where two wires are suitable) 20 Ohm
Honeywell VK4105M
on slots 1 - 2: 2.8 kΩ
on slots 4 - 5: 1.3 kΩ
on the modulator contacts (where two wires are suitable) 40 Ohm
To measure resistances, the boiler must be de-energized. Infinite resistance indicates a break in the coil and the need to replace it (or replace the valve assembly). Replacement work must be carried out by a qualified technician with a corresponding permit.
The numbering of the connectors is on the valve - you can also see the figure.
Modern gas boilers are quite sophisticated technological equipment. With proper care and proper handling, the gas boiler will serve for a long time without any interruptions. However, even the most expensive and functional equipment has its own resource, after the exhaustion of which all sorts of malfunctions begin to appear.
DIY gas boiler repair
Knowing the main causes of malfunctions and the procedure for eliminating them, you can repair your gas boiler with your own hands. This is a very painstaking, responsible, but in most cases relatively easy job.
Contents of step-by-step instructions:
First of all, it is necessary to establish why any malfunctions may occur in the operation of gas heating boilers. A number of different factors can lead to problems.
Modern gas boilers are equipped with various automation equipment. These funds, in turn, are powered by electricity. And, despite the fact that the 21st century is already in the yard and systems for the use of alternative energy sources are being actively developed around the world, the problem of stability of power grids remains relevant for many regions, especially for remote villages and all kinds of summer cottages.
A sudden power outage or a strong surge in electricity is one of the main enemies of any modern gas boiler.
To avoid all the accompanying troubles, buy a quality stabilizer in advance. Do not spare money to buy this device - there is little sense from cheap models, so it is better to immediately allocate funds to purchase a good stabilizer from a well-known manufacturer. Be sure that in the event of a breakdown of the automation, you will spend much more money on its repair and replacement.
At home, wall-mounted models of gas boilers are often used. Such devices are simultaneously responsible for both space heating and hot water preparation.
The design of wall-hung boilers includes a flow-through heat exchanger. Low-quality hard water with various impurities is the main enemy of the heat exchanger of a gas boiler. At the same time, under the influence of low-quality water, the heat exchanger can fail in just one season.
Install special filters to prevent such damage. The best option is a complete water purification system. With it, your boiler will work as long as possible, and using purified water is much safer for health.
Any knowledgeable person will tell you: only qualified specialists should be engaged in the installation and piping of gas heating equipment.
Even the slightest mistakes at the stages of installation and connection of equipment can lead to irreversible consequences. For example, an incorrectly executed piping in the case of a cast-iron gas boiler more powerful than 50 kW will lead to the fact that the unit will simply split at low temperatures.
If you are not an experienced gas operator, entrust the boiler installation to professionals.
Therefore, if you are not an experienced gas operator, entrust the installation of the boiler to professionals - this way you will save yourself from many problems in the future.
Unfavorable weather conditions can also lead to the appearance of many different problems. In frosty winters, people turn on the heating at almost full capacity. This leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the gas pipeline system. As a result, boilers cannot fully realize their potential.
You will not be able to solve this problem on your own - you still cannot explain to your neighbors that by their actions they only aggravate the situation. As a solution to the problem, you can install an additional boiler that runs on a different fuel.
Automatic solid fuel coal-fired boiler with hopper
A modern gas boiler is a complex and potentially dangerous system. The main danger of such units is the risk of a gas explosion in the event of improper handling of the equipment or untimely elimination of various malfunctions.
Various kinds of automation are responsible for maintaining the operation of the gas boiler at an optimal level. An inexperienced user is often unable to understand its device. Therefore, it is better to immediately invite specialists to troubleshoot serious problems.
On your own, you can try to eliminate only visible damage and various contaminants that have led to the failure of the pipe, chimney and other parts of the boiler.
Typical malfunctions of gas boilers
There are a number of typical problems that you can fix yourself in most cases. Problems will also be listed, in the event of which you can only protect yourself before the arrival of a specialist.
If a distinct smell of gas or smoke appears in the room, immediately turn off the boiler and leave the room, opening it for ventilation.
Gas boiler functionality diagram
Call a professional immediately. Trying to solve the gas leak problem on your own without the necessary skills is extremely dangerous and unreasonable.
If the flame sensor or the gas supply pipe breaks down, turn off the boiler, close all gas valves and let the unit cool down completely.
Return to the area after a while to check for the smell of gas. If everything is in order with the draft, try to turn on the boiler again. If there is no thrust, immediately call a repairman.
Overheating is one of the most common problems in modern gas boilers. The reason for this may be a malfunction of the automation equipment or a clogged heat exchanger.
It is impossible to cope with the repair of automation without the appropriate knowledge.
You can also clean the heat exchanger with your own hands. The most common materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers are copper and stainless steel. There is usually no problem cleaning them, but be extremely careful anyway.
Primary heat exchanger for wall mounted gas boiler Beretta
According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, the heat exchangers must be cleaned of soot every few years (each manufacturer indicates a specific interval in the instructions for their equipment).
Primary heat exchanger (heating circuit) of the gas boiler Rinnai SMF
To clean the heat exchanger, simply remove it and clean it thoroughly with a metal brush. In the case of a copper heat exchanger, it is best to replace the brush with a metal sponge used for washing dishes.
The problematic place of fans is their bearings. If the fan of your boiler stops developing the set number of revolutions, try to eliminate the problem as soon as possible.
Fan (3311806000) for Daewoo gas boiler
To do this, remove the back of the fan, take out the stator and lubricate the bearings. Machine oil is fine for lubrication, but it is best to use a higher quality carbon compound with heat-resistant properties if possible.
Fan RLA97 (Aa10020004) for gas boiler Electrolux
Also, an interturn short circuit can lead to problems with the fan. Only a specialist can cope with the elimination of this malfunction. Return the stator for repair to replace the winding, or immediately replace the faulty unit with a new device.
Gas boiler chimney diagram
Often, excessive clogging of the coaxial chimney leads to the appearance of various malfunctions in the operation of a gas heating boiler.
Remove the chimney and thoroughly clean all of its components from soot. So you will not only return the previous level of efficiency of the unit, but also significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler.
The boiler can shut down spontaneously for several reasons. This usually happens due to a malfunction of the combustion sensor. This problem, in turn, most often leads to contamination of the gas pipe.
Draft sensor 87 ° C for Thermona boiler
Remove the branch pipe, rinse it thoroughly with water, clean it with a cotton swab and blow it off the remaining moisture. Put the pipe back in place and try to turn on the boiler. If it doesn't help, call the wizard.
No wonder they say: the best repair is prevention. Gas boilers require annual preventive maintenance, which must be carried out before the start of the heating season.
Whenever possible, maintenance should be carried out twice a year, before and after the heating season.
Check all the previously discussed boiler elements for their serviceability. Follow the preventive maintenance recommendations given by the manufacturer in the instructions specific to your boiler. Eliminate any malfunctions that arise in time, if possible.
Remember! A gas boiler is a potentially hazardous equipment. Incorrect use and untimely troubleshooting can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, be careful and do not engage in any repair work if you doubt your ability and correctness of action. Otherwise, follow the instructions provided.
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Gas valve (HONEYWELL VK4105M M-M G3 / 4) for gas boiler Baxi GAS VALVE - a device for regulating the gas supply to the burner. It regulates the amount of supplied gas (changes the combustion power) or cuts off the gas supply depending on the signals coming from the electronic board. Suitable for Baxi boiler models: MAINFOUR
Gas valve H oneywell VK 4105M installed on almost the entire model range of boilers of the brand Baxi | Westen .
Gas valve H oneywell VK 4105M (5108 4) flange connection, electric coils connected in parallel, power supply 230V, maximum gas inlet pressure 60 mbar.
Modulator (modulation coil) specifications:
- Coil resistance: 40 Ohm (T = 25 ° C)
- Electric current with natural gas: 30 - 230 m A dc
- Electric current with liquid gas: 45 - 310 mA dc
Gas valve setting
- Connect the positive output of a differential pressure gauge to the pressure tap on the gas valve (Pb).
- Connect, for closed chamber models, the negative output of the pressure gauge to the “T” to connect the boiler compensation inlet to the outlet (Pc) of the gas valve and the pressure gauge (the same measurement can be taken without connecting the negative output of the pressure gauge by opening the front panel of the combustion chamber).
- Open the gas cock and turn the mode selector knob to the "Winter" position.
- Open the hot water tap for min. flow rate of 10 l / min, or make sure that the max. heating request;
- Remove the plastic cover from the modulator and turn the bronze nut to achieve the pressure value as indicated in the table in the boiler technical manual.
- Check that the measured pressure at the port (Pa) corresponds to the specified value.
- Disconnect the cable from the modulator and turn the red screw to achieve the value specified in the technical manual for the boiler.
- Reconnect the cable.
- Replace the cover and tighten the retaining screw.

Wire (connector, cable) of the Honeywell gas valve article 1.019555. Gas connection cable

Westen Star Digit high efficiency wall mounted gas boilers are equipped with a liquid crystal display.

Baxi flow sensor | Westen Fourtech, Pulsar D article 710048100. The flow sensor is used in ..

Baxi safety valve | Westen Fourtech, Pulsar D article 710071200. Safety cl ..
Instructions and diagrams will help you understand the operation, determine the malfunction and choose the right spare part for the repair of your gas equipment. It is possible to buy a spare part, a part for repairing a gas boiler in any locality of Ukraine:
We deliver spare parts for gas boilers (Ukraine) to the following cities: Kiev, Dnipro, Mariupol, Bakhmut, Kramatorsk, Kryvyi Rih, Nikopol, Kamenskoe, Lisichansk, Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Berdyansk, Belaya Tserkov, Kropyvnytskyi, Cherkassy, Uman, Smila, Poltava , Kremenchug, Zhitomir, Berdichev, Vinnitsa, Lviv, Khmelnitsky, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Uzhgorod, Rovno, Lutsk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, New Kakhovka, Sumy, Chernigov, Nizhyn and their regional centers.
Delivery of gas equipment components to the regions of Ukraine is carried out by the most convenient courier services at the address indicated by you. We send gas spare parts by transport companies: In-Time; New Mail.
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Gas valves Honeywell VK4105G 1138 for combination valves and ignition systems (CVI) have been specially designed for gas equipment using either a pulsating pilot burner (IP) or direct burner ignition (DBI).
When developing gas regulators Honeyvell VK4105G 1245 for this system, ignition regulators of the S4565 / S4575 / S4585 series, fixed directly to the valve, were used.
At the same time, the combined system provides software-controlled safe ignition, control of the flame size and regulation of the gas supply to the main burner and / or pilot burner of the device.
Valves VK4105G 1146 can also be used independently for devices with direct ignition. In this case, a connector with an integrated rectifier circuit must be used.
VK4105G gas regulators can be used with three types of gases, namely lighting (heating) gas, natural gas and LPG.
Gas regulators VK4105G are certified in accordance with:
Instructions and diagrams will help you understand the operation, determine the malfunction and choose the right spare part for the repair of your gas equipment. It is possible to buy a spare part, a part for repairing a gas boiler in any locality of the Russian Federation:
We deliver spare parts for gas boilers (RF and Crimea) to the following cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar, Togliatti, Izhevsk, Ulyanovsk, Barnaul, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Makhachkala, Khabarovsk, Novokuznetsk, Orenburg, Kemerovo, Ryazan, Tomsk, Astrakhan, Penza, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tuksa, Lipetsirov , Kaliningrad, Bryansk, Kursk, Ivanovo, Magnitogorsk, Ulan-Ude, Tver, Stavropol, Nizhny Tagil, Belgorod, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Sochi, Simferopol, Sevastopol and other cities of Russia and their regional centers.
Delivery of gas equipment to the cities of Russia and Crimea is carried out by the most convenient courier services at the address indicated by you. We send heat spare parts by transport companies: TC "SDEK", "Kit"; "Business Line"; "Glavdostavka"; "PEC Logistics Company"; TC "Energy"; "DPD" and in any other way convenient for you.
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Gas valve HONEYWELL VK4105M 5108 - a device for regulating the gas supply to the burner. It regulates the amount of supplied gas (changes the combustion power) or cuts off the gas supply depending on the signals coming from the electronic board. The gas valve ensures stable boiler operation even at low gas pressures.
When replacing with gas valve SIT gas valve Honeywellpreviously installed on the boiler, it is also necessary to change the high-voltage wiring set or the remote ignition unit (if available). When replacing the SIT gas valve previously installed on the boiler with a Honeywell gas valve, it is also necessary to change the high-voltage wiring kit or the remote ignition unit (if present).
Electric current (constant)
for liquefied gas: 45-310 mA
Gas valve Honeywell VK4105 equipped with two blocking coils and one modulating one, which is controlled by the boiler board. The gas valve regulates the minimum and maximum gas pressure.
Locking coils
Voltage is supplied to the coils in ignition and boiler operation modes. The coils are connected in parallel and duplicate the action of each other. The difference between the solenoids of the Honeywell VK4105 valve is that there is a diode bridge in the connection plug and a constant voltage is supplied to the solenoids.
Modulation coil
A direct current is supplied to the coil, the value of which is varied by the regulating board. Depending on the voltage value, the flow area of the gas valve changes and, accordingly, the gas pressure on the burner.
Gas pressure regulation.
The maximum and minimum gas pressure is adjusted in accordance with the calibration tables, which indicate the type of boiler, the type of gas used, the gas pressure and the corresponding boiler output.
To adjust the pressure, connect a micromanometer to the outlet of the gas valve.
Gas valve calibration includes the following operations:
Honeywell VK4105 (yellow protective cap)
Minimum gas pressure regulation:
turn off the power of the modulation coil and turning the nut (clockwise increase, counterclockwise decrease);
set the required gas pressure.
Regulation of maximum gas pressure (performed only after the minimum gas pressure has been adjusted):
connect the power supply of the modulation coil;
open a full hot water tap and set the DHW regulator to the maximum value by turning the nut (clockwise increase, counterclockwise decrease);
set the required gas pressure.
Gas valve Honeywell VK4105 is compatible with the following models:
We will help you in the selection of spare parts, our employees will advise you on all your questions.
Check the price and compatibility of this spare part with your boiler with our consultants by number: +7 (347) 273-03-04, +7 (917) 803-03-04
We offer Gas valve Honeywell VK4105M 5058 B NSK Attack (ref .: 9812) at a bargain price, available in the store KERF Thermotechnik Servise by the address: Ufa, st. Parkhomenko, 104 Manufacturer's warranty.
Delivery across Ufa is carried out by the courier of the company.
Delivery across the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russia is carried out by transport companies.
You can leave an application for the installation of spare parts and repairs of a gas boiler by the number: +7 (347) 273-03-04, +7 (917) 803-03-04
Gas valve HONEYWELL VK 4105 M (5108 4) - is installed on almost the entire model range of Baxi | Westen boilers
Gas valve HONEYWELL VK 4105 M (5108 4) - is installed on almost the entire model range of Baxi | Westen boilers
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Gas valve HONEYWELL VK 4105 M (5108 4) - is installed on almost the entire model range of Baxi boilers | Westen article 5665210 | 5665220
Instructions and diagrams will help you understand the operation, determine the malfunction and choose the right spare part for the repair of your gas equipment. It is possible to buy a spare part, a part for repairing a gas boiler in any locality of the Russian Federation:
We deliver spare parts for gas boilers to the following cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh, Saratov, Krasnodar , Togliatti, Izhevsk, Ulyanovsk, Barnaul, Vladivostok, Yaroslavl, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Makhachkala, Khabarovsk, Novokuznetsk, Orenburg, Kemerovo, Ryazan, Tomsk, Astrakhan, Penza, Naberezhnye Chelny, Lipetsk, Tula, Kirov, Chebryn Kursk, Ivanovo, Magnitogorsk, Ulan-Ude, Tver, Stavropol, Nizhny Tagil, Belgorod, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Sochi, Simferopol, Sevastopol and other cities of Russia and their regional centers.
Delivery of gas equipment to the cities of Russia is carried out by the most convenient courier services at the address indicated by you. We send heat spare parts by transport companies: "Kit"; "Business Line"; "PEC Logistics Company"; TC "Energy"; "DPD"; "CDEK"; "Russian Post" and in any other way convenient for you. Also, delivery is carried out by bus (through the driver, 100% prepayment) from the bus station.
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