In detail: do-it-yourself tomasetto gas reducer repair from a real master for the site
HBO, like any other equipment, requires regular maintenance, filters must be changed on time, and the gas reducer must be cleaned and, if necessary, some of its spare parts must be replaced. So over time, the membranes "dub", and the gas channels are clogged with slag and resinous deposits, which impede the normal operation of gas equipment.
Today you will find out how to clean the gas regulator Tomasetto AT-07 at home. I will tell you how to properly disassemble and clean the gas reducer without breaking or damaging anything. Go!
- Adjustment problems. Idling is either difficult or impossible to tune. Idle turns are constantly floating, adjustment does not help, or helps, but not for long.
- On gas, the revolutions float, but when switching to gasoline, everything is normalized.
- Bad reaction to the "gas pedal", the car "dulls", stalls, acceleration dynamics deteriorates.
- Increased fuel consumption.
Most of the problems with LPG arise precisely because the quality of gas in our country is at a very low level. Moreover, gas stations inflate their customers while refueling with gas.
The first step is to take care of safety: shut off the gas supply valves, remove the "-" battery terminal, work in a well-ventilated room or on the street. IN NO EVENT DO NOT SMOKE NEAR THE WORKPLACE AND DO NOT BRING SOURCES OF AN OPEN FIRE!
1. When cleaning and repairing the reducer, I recommend replacing the gas filter of the reducer and the gasket. To do this, unscrew the three bolts with a hexagon to "5". We throw away the old filter, and install the new one after all the repair work has been completed.
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2. Using the “8” head, unscrew the 7 bolts securing the gearbox cover.
3. Then use a flat screwdriver to unscrew the adjusting screw (sensitivity adjustment screw).
4. Remove the cover of the first reduction stage, remove the spring aside.
5. Next, pry on the membrane, bend it a little and pull it towards the adjusting screw in order to remove it. The principle is the same as for attaching picture frames (round hole and narrower groove).
6. Turn the gearbox over and unscrew the 6 screws with a Phillips screwdriver. There is a second membrane under the cover, which is more fragile, so if you are not going to change it, remove the cover very carefully so as not to damage the membrane.
7. Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the two fastening screws of the valve, then pry (jack up) with a flat screwdriver and remove the valve itself.
8. We turn over the gas reducer and remove the second valve according to the same principle, having previously unscrewed the two mounting screws.
9. Using solvent or detergent, clean the gearbox parts. Remove all plaque and gum deposits.
10. Replace the diaphragms, seals, rubber bands on the valves, then reassemble in the reverse order.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your attention, I hope the article was useful to you and you have successfully repeated all the above steps. All the best, take care of yourself and until we meet again at the GBOshnik. Till!
My car is equipped with a fairly powerful and reliable gas reducer Tomasetto Arctic AT09. Its performance with a margin is enough for two motors. It is rated for a maximum power of 360 hp. Accordingly, in severe frost, the gas in such a reducer warms up more efficiently than in reducers of lower performance.
Its 150 thousand km. he worked as it should, with the exception of minor excesses in severe frost. I could have continued to work (there were no complaints about his main duty), but he had exhausted his resource, and the prospect of doing it, on a frosty winter day (or at night ...) did not please.
Resolved: buy a repair kit and replace worn parts. It was not so! No repair kits! On his younger brother (Tomasetto Alaska), they lie in abundance, in every gas office. But to mine - no ... I searched for a week, phoned all the offices ...
I found it, much more expensive than the average cost, in a shuffled bag (you see, it has been gathering dust for a long time ...). For exactly what you need.
The process of replacing rubber bands is extremely simple and does not require any special skills.
In addition to the standard tool, you will need a 5mm hexagon and Torex # 20.
Before removing the patient from the bowels of the engine compartment, you need to close the valve on the cylinder and let the motor work out the remaining gas in the line. Then you should drain the antifreeze and disconnect all hoses: two from the cooling system, one 12 mm. gas and copper (someone may already have plastic) pipe for supplying gas to the reducer by 8 mm.
If the engine has run out of gas, then even "zilch" will not work.
Slightly clean its body from dirt.
And we spin everything that is spinning.
"Knowledgeable" people promised kilograms of dirt and indelible deposits. Somehow I didn’t notice.
This valve is responsible for a stable and metered gas supply. We must change the elastic band. We thoroughly clean the saddle.
After halving, thoroughly wash all the parts with gasoline or kerosene, then blow through with air. We take out the repair kit and, according to the scheme, change the rubber bands and put everything together. Just like a fairy tale! Don't forget to put in a new filter.
To stop the "snot" from the fittings in the bud, in addition to the new rubber bands, we put the fitting on the "correct" sealant.
The gearbox is ready for installation.
After installing the reducer in place and connecting the gas line, we check the tightness with soap foam. Bubbles, you understand, should not be. After replacing the diaphragm, you will most likely need a pressure adjustment. If the gas is of the fourth generation, one cannot do without computer diagnostics. Adjustment by eye, is fraught with increased consumption or poor traction. We call in to a friend, pick up a computer, 15 minutes and ... rejoice at the increased dynamics and throttle response.
PS: After three years and 150 thousand kilometers, the gearbox again demanded attention. This time, it was not possible to find the original repair kit. Someone advised me to try to install a membrane from "Alaska" - the younger brother of my reducer. What came of this, see for yourself:
The Vremya Gaza station specialist tells in detail how to replace the Tomasetto AT 07 Super reducer repair kit. Nothing complicated.
After this video, even a humanities student can handle it.
Video Repair of the Tomasetto AT 07 Super Reducer. OWN HANDS! - Gas time TV channel STO Gas time - setting and service of LPG
- How to adjust the Tomasetto gas regulator?
- Purpose of the Tomasetto gearbox
- How to set idle
- How to set up the dispenser
The gas injector (reducer) is a solenoid valve designed to dose fuel (in this case, gas), heat the fuel and supply fuel to the "engine". So what is the Tomasetto injector for? It performs the function of distributed gas injection. Works on cars with a capacity of 120-250 horses.
The Tomasetto multivalve performs the following functions:
1. Prevents overfilling of the container with fuel (gas).
2. Controls and limits the gas exit rate.
3. Protects against destruction in the event of an accident.
4. Shows the fuel level.
5. Works as a non-return valve.
The Tomasetto gearbox is designed for 1st and 2nd generation automotive systems. It has a dual control system that significantly increases the productivity of the unit.
In this and the following sections, we will look at how to adjust the Euro 2nd generation gas reducer. Consider the adjustment of the gearbox in injection and carburetor vehicles.
1. Pressure adjustment in the 2nd stage of "idle" or (No. 2 in the picture).
2. The amount of gas that passes through the idle channel (No. 1 in the picture).
After purchasing and installing Tomasetto, you should not start the car right away. First, you need to adjust this device well. Before starting the setting, it is advised to start the car and warm it up. Set the revolutions to 950-1 thousand. After completing the previous step, it is worth stopping the gas supply, unscrewing the dispenser to the maximum mark, first tighten the “idle” screw all the way, and then turn it five turns.
Adjustment of "idle" speed for HBO 2nd generation is produced as follows. Before installing the Tomasetto gearbox, start your car. In order to easily start a car on gas, it is advisable to first adjust the rpm to 1800-2000 using the "suction". After that, you need to smoothly remove the pumping element and pick up the required number of revolutions. The previous step should be repeated until the “engine” works stably on the “cold” one. Screw up little by little sensitivity screw under number 2 until the "idle" speed is close to the real rpm on gasoline.
It is necessary to unscrew the screw-gas evaporator until the speed stops increasing. When tightening or unscrewing the screw, you need to remember that the reaction to your efforts will occur with a delay of a couple of seconds. For this reason, you need to do everything slowly enough.
After that, you need to open the air damper and set the car to idle. How to adjust the sensitivity level Adjusting the Tomasetto injector is easy. But! It is important to follow all instructions so that there are no negative consequences. If the settings were optimal, then you should not change them, as you can only make it worse. To tune the Tomasetto, you need to turn the screw to number 1 (see the picture in the previous section) until this action begins to affect the idle speed of the engine. After that, we turn it back one and a quarter turn. Presses a couple of times on the gas pedal.
Now let's move on to setting up the dispenser. The dispenser screw (“greed” screw) is shown in the picture below.
Instead of a suction, you can use a screwdriver. We substitute it under the throttle cable on the damper and you're done.
The dispenser must be unscrewed until the speed begins to change. If the screw is tightly tightened, the speed will begin to decrease, if it is unscrewed to the maximum, it will increase until it equals the pressure of the supplied gas from the reducer. If the RPM stops growing, you have reached the gas supply threshold (RPM does not grow, but it does not fall either). Next, you need to turn the dispenser screw by half or a little more from this indicator.
We advise you to check the LPG 2 setting for the content of O2 and CO in the exhaust gases.
We have described the possible adjustments for the Tomasetto reducer-evaporator, which has excellent functionality and is an indispensable unit for cars that use gas as fuel. The Tomasetto multivalve is an essential element of the entire HBO design. It is designed to ensure minimal engine wear, reduce noise and, at the same time, get excellent functionality and the necessary safety.
You can make all possible adjustments both in your garage and in a service center. Therefore, with a lack of experience or fear of spoiling this device, you can contact the service center, where they will explain everything in detail and carry out the optimal setting.
The Tomasetto reducer requires replacement of the repair kit in the following cases:
- Antifreeze leaks along the perimeter of the body or from the supply pipes
- Gas leaks around the perimeter of the case
- Constant gas leakage through the pressure relief port.
- If the inner membranes are damaged.
It is necessary to remove the gearbox from the vehicle. Clean the surface of the housing from dirt with a brush and gasoline.
Using a 7 key, unscrew the bolt securing the gas valve coil and remove the coil.
Unscrew the 3 bolts of the filter cover, remove the cover, take out the filter and two O-rings.
Remove the 7 TORX screws on the front housing cover. Spread the antifreeze pipes apart from each other, carefully remove the front housing cover with a spring and an adjusting nut.
Using a 17 wrench, unscrew the gas valve stem body from the gearbox housing. Caution - Do not lose the valve stem and stem spring!
Carefully separate the membrane from the body around the perimeter, move it 0.5 cm towards the filter and remove it from the rocker arm of the metering valve.
Unscrew the two screws securing the metering valve rocker and remove it.
We unscrew the 8 screws securing the rear cover of the gearbox and remove it together with the housing spacer. We separate the membranes from the body and spacers.
We wash the parts of the gearbox housing with gasoline using a brush.
We blow off the parts of the gearbox housing with compressed air. We pay special attention to the channel from the filter to the metering valve - purge the channel and check for foreign objects (sometimes they come across)
We are starting to replace the rubber parts. From the reducer repair kit, we replace the rings of the antifreeze pipes, the gas valve stem ring, the rubber part of the metering valve, three reducer membranes, filter rings, filter and filter cover.
Wipe the gas valve stem clean from the inside and outside with a dry cotton swab.
We carry out the assembly of the gearbox in the reverse order. Tighten the cover screws gradually, evenly, in several passes. First we put the front diaphragm into engagement with the rocker arm of the metering valve, and only then we put the spring, nut and front cover.
A properly assembled reducer works immediately, but requires adjustment to the pressure required by the LPG system. The pressure control of the reducer is carried out through the HBO diagnostic program.
It is also imperative to check the gearbox housing and the fastening of the supply line for gas leaks. It should be checked with soap foam, applying it to the joints of the parts of the gearbox housing and the filter cover.
The key element in the operation of LPG equipment is the gas reducer. By reducing the high pressure of the liquefied gas leaving the cylinder, it normalizes it to the working level and forms a portion of the gas for injection into the engine. The two main types of reducer are electronic and vacuum, depending on the principle of operation of the valves, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.The vacuum version is safer when switching from gasoline, since it does not immediately supply gas to the intake manifold, but only after a certain number of revolutions has been set. On the other hand, on the electronic one you will move faster, it is more difficult for an impatient driver to stall. Both methods are suitable for cars with a carburetor.
For the first time such a principle of operation was patented by S. Brown back in 1823, and the first production batch of cars left the assembly line for display cases in 1860. At that time, LPG was designed to use ordinary lighting gas, and gas generation technologies were primitive. Opportunities are now well advanced, and a frenzied spike in gasoline prices has created high demand for such equipment for alternative fuel systems.
The Italian HBO manufacturer Tomasetto has been one of the largest and most respected in its field for 30 years. Generations change, but the equipment, which is produced at the Tomasetto branded plant near Venice in Caste Negro, is always in demand and enjoys well-deserved popularity due to the best quality-price ratio on the market. The company produces both electronic and vacuum reducers (the so-called LPG of the 2nd generation), and new computerized ones for injection engines, compatible with the Tamon TGStream PM control.
Such a device necessarily requires accurate adjustment for normal full-fledged operation.
Now you yourself can remove any scratch from the body of your car in just 5 seconds.
The setting varies greatly depending on the type of gearbox and belonging to a particular generation, but everything can be reduced to two main options in the case of the Tomasetto manufacturer:
- manual mechanical adjustment (for carburetor engines) by rotating the screws directly;
- installation of an electronic controller for distributed gas supply to the Tamon TgStream Pm motor - a high-tech unit. Together with a special advanced Tomasetto device of the Arctic, Alaska, Antarctic and similar models, it forms an advanced mechanism of the 4th generation, that is, a split injection device with remote calibration of parameters.
There are two key screws to make adjustments with your own hands: pressure through the second stage (sensitivity) and gas passage through the idle channel.
- The engine starts with gasoline and heats up to the standard temperature for full operation, idle speed reaches 1000 rpm. After that, the flow stops until the gasoline is used up.
- Initial position of adjustment: the hose is fully open, the bolt on the body is screwed in until it stops, then it is turned five times, the feedback screw is installed in the middle.
- First, the freewheel mode is set. The fuel is replaced by gas and with the suction switched on, the mode is leveled to 1800-2000 rpm.
- Gradually, very smoothly reducing the level of suction, the idle screw is unscrewed so as to maintain the rpm value. The screw is adjusted before the choke is turned off, as a result, the engine functions stably without trying to stall. Now the sensitivity is turned in, in case of a sharp decrease in speed, the idle speed screw is adjusted to the original amount. The procedure will have to be repeated.
- Successful completion: when the screw is turned almost all the way to the stop, the motor rotates idle at full 1100-1200 rpm. You need to slow down a little, up to a thousand revolutions.
- The second step is to set the response level of the valves.
The corresponding unit rotates as much as it takes to start the extraneous engine noises, return the screw by 3/4 and press the pedal sharply - if everything is good, then the work will be smooth and comfortable.Very approximate parameters, for more with one hand for a fairly primitive setting without using Tamon TGStream PM it will not work.
There are very few fundamental differences. Vacuum variation is of two types: with split calibration, which is completely similar to the previous method. Combined is even easier, since you only have to adjust a single bolt. Briefly, the procedure consists of two steps, the repetition of which improves accuracy and protects the engine and carburetor from malfunctions.