Do-it-yourself gas equipment repair on a car

In detail: do-it-yourself gas equipment repair on a car from a real master for the site

Car gas equipment repairs should be carried out by professional craftsmen. This is due to the fact that such installations of a new generation, although they are distinguished by increased reliability, require a particularly careful approach to the selection, installation and maintenance. Moreover, many models and modifications are presented on the market today, both from well-known world manufacturers and Chinese fakes.

When choosing HBO, many are wondering which one is better to give preference - where is the gas pipeline made of copper or thermoplastic? Here you should immediately pay attention to the legal component. For example, in many countries it is allowed to use gas pipes that are made of copper. According to international standards, in particular, DSTU UN / ECE R 110-00: 2002 and R 67-01: 2002, it is allowed to install thermoplastic. In accordance with the Geneva agreements on the adoption of uniform technical standards and requirements for accessories and related equipment for wheeled vehicles, these standards are spelled out in UNECE No. 67-01.

Craftsmen, for whom the repair and installation of gas equipment on a car is the main activity, know about all the nuances and are always ready to help make the right choice.

Much depends not only on personal preferences and prices, but also on some external factors. This is clearly seen if you look at their characteristics.

In LPG systems designed for methane, only copper pipes are installed. It is explained by the fact that they can withstand a sufficiently high pressure up to 300 atm.

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For LPG for propane-butane, experts recommend giving preference to thermoplastic gas lines, which is due to the following factors:

  • increased mechanical strength;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • longer service life;
  • reliability and efficiency.

The latter conditions are ensured by the fact that oxides are not formed on the surface and do not clog the filter and the tube itself. This leads to the fact that LPG car repairs have to be done much less frequently. For example, there is no need to change the gas line every 2-3 years (like a copper one).

The gas reducer is the main device of the LPG car. Its main functions:

  • maintaining the nominal outlet pressure;
  • lowering the gas pressure to the required level (from 16 atm. to 1.8 bar for methane and 1.2 for propane-butane);
  • converting a gas that is in a liquid state into a gaseous state.

Reducers for LPG have their own design features, which are well known to the craftsmen who repair gas vehicles. Therefore, only professionals should be trusted to work.

It is advisable to give preference to specialized service stations that work with a specific manufacturer of gas equipment.

This is due to the fact that new modifications appear on the market all the time, and old ones are improved. The masters of such centers undergo constant training, and also have the necessary tools for the installation and maintenance of gas equipment of a particular manufacturer.

Repair of gas-cylinder vehicles at a specialized service station has a number of advantages:

  1. Professionalism of the craftsmen.
  2. Only high quality and original spare parts.
  3. Knowledge of the device of gas equipment of a particular manufacturer.
  4. Warranty for all types of work and installed spare parts.
  5. Use only professional tools and equipment.

Currently, a gas installation for a car and its repair is a rather demanded service, which is due to the efficiency and benefits of use. Therefore, more and more car owners are trying to switch from traditional gasoline to gas, making the operation of their vehicle more profitable.

Naturally, with an increase in demand for HBO and services for their maintenance, more and more service centers for their maintenance and repair are opening. But here it should be noted right away that if the gas equipment of the first generations could be carried out by home craftsmen in the artisanal conditions of an ordinary garage, then modern installations require a more careful approach and professionalism of the craftsmen.

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Among the most famous manufacturers of gas equipment, the most famous are: Tartarini, Tomasetto, Stefanelli, Longas and some others. Turning to a specialized service station for the maintenance of gas equipment, you will always receive high quality service, reliability and a guarantee of trouble-free use of a gas vehicle and a long service life.

Gas equipment (LPG) has been installed on cars for a long time. This is largely due to the desire for savings, since at almost the same consumption compared to conventional fuel, the cost of gas is much lower. Working on gas, cars emit various harmful substances into the atmosphere much less.

Methane or a propane-butane mixture is used as fuel for automobile engines. Currently, HBO is used on a car in several options:

  • second generation - for installation on old carburetor cars;
  • third generation - transitional system;
  • fourth generation and newer - for installation on modern cars equipped with injection engines with a microprocessor control system.

Image - Do-it-yourself gas equipment repair on a car

Second-generation equipment has the required minimum of devices and manual switching of types of fuel. The latest generation of gas equipment automatically switches to another fuel when the operating mode of the car's engine changes, depending on the software setting of the control unit.

Consider the most common HBO breakdowns on a car and do-it-yourself repairs.

The most common causes of gas equipment breakdowns in vehicles are damage to joints in gas pipelines, seals and gaskets in gas valves and switchgears.

By the nature of the car's behavior when running on gas, one can judge the location of the damage to the equipment. If the filter is clogged or the gearbox malfunctions, the engine will have unstable idling and dips during sudden acceleration (pressing the gas pedal).

If the equipment connections or gaskets are damaged, you can smell gas. You need to turn off the car immediately and start troubleshooting and repairing.

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The location of the gas leak can be determined using a soap solution, which is applied to the sections of the gas pipeline to be checked with a brush or sponge. The fluid will bubble at the leak.

When refueling with low-quality gas, the gas filter may become clogged. It is not necessary to change the filter to auto. It is enough to disassemble it and rinse it in any solvent.

Replacing diaphragms and gaskets in a gas equipment reducer on a car is an easy procedure to do with your own hands. Such HBO repair is performed every 2 or 2.5 years. To replace the gaskets, the dismantled gearbox must be disassembled. After cleaning the inner surface with a solvent, new gaskets and diaphragms are installed, and the gearbox is assembled by hand in the reverse order.