DIY geyser power repair

In detail: do-it-yourself power gas water heater repair from a real master for the site

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One of the important units is the water unit of the gas water heater or "frog". The regulation and safety module is installed in semi-automatic and automatic flow-through gas boilers. A faulty gearbox is reflected in burner startup failures, failure to start and other irregularities.

Instantaneous water heaters turn on immediately after opening the water supply tap and turn off after closing it. The working process regulates the water block of the gas column.

The hollow frog device is divided into two parts by a rubber membrane. One half of the reducer is connected to the cold water supply, the second is a stem connected to the gas valve. On the metal rod of automatic water heaters there are “wings” connected to the electric ignition unit.

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The principle of operation of the gas-water unit of the gas column is as follows:
  • when the cold water tap is opened, one of the cavities is filled with water;
  • under the pressure of water, pressure is exerted on the membrane of the water unit;
  • the diaphragm bends under pressure and presses on the rod located in the second cavity;
  • a metal rod presses on the valve, opening the gas supply;
  • in the automatic dispensers on the rod there are ears connected to the ignition unit;
  • a spark is supplied to the burner, igniting the flame;
  • after the DHW tap is closed, the structure and internal parts of the unit begin to reverse;
  • the stem returns to its original position thanks to the spring and shuts off the gas supply.

The device of the gas water heater reducer may differ depending on the model of the gas water heater, but the general principle of operation of the unit remains unchanged. Any malfunctions are reflected in equipment malfunctions. A breakdown can be determined by several characteristic features.

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Hard water, constant thermal stress and other factors destroy the structural components of the column over time. Any gas consuming equipment needs to be serviced regularly. And if defects are detected, carry out immediate repairs.

The design of the water reducer of the gas column has a simple internal structure. Everything is easy to understand. If desired, you can repair the gas water heater frog or carry out preventive maintenance without calling the master.

First you need to shut off the water and gas supply. After this, work is carried out in the following order:

  • water is drained from the heat exchanger - for this purpose it is better to use a tap or mixer located significantly below the water heater;
  • disconnect the gas and water supply pipelines (an adjustable wrench is required);
  • now you can remove the water assembly of the gas column, if everything is done correctly, the frog should be easily dismantled.

The design of the reducer may differ depending on the flow column model. In order for the removal of the water block to be successful, it is necessary to unfasten all parts and pipes that fit the main structure. The case can be removed easily, no physical effort is required.