DIY Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters from a real master for the site

On cars, a problem very often arises with the fact that the valves begin to knock, or the engine runs intermittently, this may be due to the fact that the hydraulic lifter does not work correctly, therefore, it is necessary to replace the hydraulic lifters for normal operation, the Chevrolet Niva is no exception.

And so let's figure out why the valves are knocking

On classic VAZ engines, a rocker is installed in the gas distribution mechanism, and the gaps in the valves can be adjusted using screws. And on 2123 cars, a hydraulic compensator is installed instead, which in their shape resemble the same adjusting vents, but without gaps, and are adjusted thanks to a plunger pair that work under oil pressure. This hydraulic compensator on Chevrolet Niva cars consists of several parts, and its device is very simple, it consists of:

  • Frame
  • Return spring
  • Upper and lower part of the plow pair

Timing valves can knock for the following reasons:

  • Insufficient oil pressure in the system
  • Clogged oil valves due to dirty engine oil
  • Insufficient oil level in the lubrication system
  • The seat under the expansion joint is worn out
  • Parts installed in the system, due to poor quality, require replacement

As a rule, the GC knocks when the car is not yet warmed up, and a minute after the car is started, the knock disappears. This is due to the fact that the oil supply occurs with a certain delay, and you can try to eliminate this problem by replacing the oil filter along with the oil. If the knocking occurs while the engine is warmed up, this is already more serious, therefore, it is necessary to remove the hydraulic lifters and the camshaft and clean all the channels. If after that the knock remains, then it is necessary to change the GCs themselves.

Video (click to play).

But the valve knock appears not only due to the fact that the hydraulics are faulty, but the reason for this may be the following:

  • Camshaft cams worn out
  • The valve stem end is worn out
  • The surface of the rockers is worn out

But it also happens that the hydraulic lifter on a Chevrolet Niva car causes intense wear of the camshaft and rockers. If a valve knock occurs, then driving is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • Parts of the gas distribution mechanism fail
  • Due to the rather large clearance, power is lost in the valves, increasing fuel consumption
  • This knock is unpleasant to the ear.

Image - DIY Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters repair

Already with low mileage this knock may appear, this is because initially from the factory they are installed on the Chevrolet Niva, low-quality expansion joints, the reason may also be insufficient rotation of the main engine at the factory, but if the hydraulics are still inoperative, then they can be replaced, for example, with those, which are produced by the German company INA, they are one of the most reliable, you can also purchase derivatives for this car at AvtoVAZ, they come in two samples of the old and new and differ in cylinder heads.

Basically, they are sold by the piece, but their price is not cheap, and ranges from three hundred to four hundred rubles, but the adjusting bolt will cost half the price. If the adjustment occurs every ten thousand kilometers, then it will be more convenient to put an adjusting bolt, since there will be fewer problems and it turns out cheaper.

  1. If there is a knock, do not rush to remove the valve cover, first change the engine oil in the engine
  2. Fill in the same brand of oil, this will reduce the chance that the HA will become clogged.
  3. They should not be tightened too much, as the constriction will lead to a quick failure.
  4. Before installing new ones, it is advisable to rinse the old ones in gasoline in order to clear it of toxins, then check it by pressing the plunger with your finger and if it returns to its original place, it is serviceable

Replacement of hydraulic lifters Chevrolet Niva. If the driver agrees to adjust the valves every 10 thousand km, then the New hydraulic lifters on the Chevrolet Niva are not cheap, and there is no guarantee that they will not knock again.

How to change hydraulic lifters on a Chevrolet Niva video. If the driver agrees to adjust the valves every 10 thousand km, then it is better to install the bolts - there are fewer problems, and the repair is cheaper.

Perhaps the main thing is that the installation of hydraulic lifters on the Niva requires incredibly fine adjustment and great care, which means that it will take much more time.

Repair DIY repair. Here I will clarify - it is imperative to check the marks when the leading branch of the chain is stretched, the one that is pressed by the damper, well, and not to confuse the timing mark on the sprocket with other holes, of which there are also enough. Posted on 24 January - And one more very important nuance - all hydraulic supports that you install and those that are already on the car must be tightened with the same torque. Such hydraulic lifters "Niva Chevrolet" were distinguished by easier installation compared to their predecessor. Despite the extensive list of positive aspects, there were some drawbacks that arise during the assembly line.

Image - DIY Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters repair

The principle of operation of hydraulic lifters, as well as their diagnostics are described in the article Why hydraulic lifters knock on hot and cold. In this article, we will talk about how to change hydraulic lifters on a Chevrolet Niva. Such a replacement is necessary if the problem is not in the oil system or the oil that does not match the engine, but in the malfunction of these parts.

If you are going to change your HA outdoors, find a clean, dry, level area and work on a calm, sunny day.

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Wait for the engine to cool completely. If you open the hood, this process will go faster. Engage neutral and disconnect the battery. Now you can start replacing the hydraulic lifters. For your convenience, we have created a step-by-step guide to help you with this. What you need to replace hydraulic lifters To work you need the following tools and materials: flat and Phillips screwdrivers; ratchet wrench with extension and a set of nozzles; socket wrench tube for 10 and 12; soft wire, wire or plastic clamps; torque wrench; valve cover gasket; clean rag.

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Image - DIY Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters repair

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Image - DIY Niva Chevrolet hydraulic lifters repair