DIY KamAZ power steering repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a KamAZ hydraulic booster from a real master for the site

The hydraulic steering system is an integral part of any KAMAZ, because without it control of the vehicle will be, if not impossible, then very difficult. Thanks to this unit, the driver can turn the steering wheel more easily. You can learn more about what the KAMAZ power steering system is and how to air it out from this material.

First, let's look at the main characteristics of the power steering on the KAMAZ 6520 or any other model. Let's start with the purpose and device.

The main goal of the power steering system is to maximize the relief of the effort used to turn the steering wheel when steering, as well as to perform many maneuvers when driving at low speed. In addition, thanks to the power steering system, the effect on the steering wheel will be more noticeable if the car is moving at high speed. If the power steering for some reason fails, this will lead to the fact that the driver will have to put much more effort to turn the steering wheel.

Image - DIY KamAZ power steering repair

General scheme of the steering of KAMAZ

Now let's briefly consider the power steering device.

This system consists of the following elements:

  1. Switchgear. This component is used to direct the flow of working fluids, in particular, hydraulic oil, in the line and the cavity of the system.
  2. Hydraulic cylinder. This device performs the function of converting hydraulic pressure into mechanical work of pistons and rods.
  3. The working material in this case is hydraulic fluid. With its help, the force is transferred from the pump to the hydraulic cylinder. In addition, thanks to the fluid, all rubbing components and units of the system are lubricated.
  4. Power steering pump KAMAZ. Thanks to this device, the pressure necessary for its normal operation is constantly maintained in the system. Also, this element is used to circulate the working fluid.
  5. Connectors or lines. They are used to bring together all the working components of the system.
  6. Control device or electronic unit. With its help, the direction, as well as the adjustment of the amplifier operation, is carried out.
Video (click to play).

Image - DIY KamAZ power steering repair

Image - DIY KamAZ power steering repair

The pumping device is installed in the collapse of the BC. In domestic trucks, a gear top drive is used, but the device itself belongs to the blade type. In accordance with the technical documentation, this unit is characterized by a double action, that is, in one turn of the steering wheel, it performs two suction and discharge cycles.

Let's take a quick look at how it works. When the wheel turns, the rotor blades begin to rotate, which, in turn, are pressed against the stator device. Working fluid begins to flow into the blades that, when pressed, coincided with the holes on the body. Further, thanks to the same blades, the consumable falls into the narrower holes that are between the stator and the rotor.

The moment the working surfaces can align with the holes on the distribution disc, the consumable will go beyond it. Further, the oil will pass through the lower valve, for this high pressure is formed in the system.

The working fluid, leaving the cavity behind the distributor disc, will flow to the rotor blades, as a result of which they will press even more strongly against the stator plane. The process of pumping the substance, as well as its suction, is carried out simultaneously in two places.As the number of revolutions of the rotor device increases, liquid from the surface behind the disc will not pass through the calibration hole. By creating pressure in the system, the bypass valve is opened, and part of the consumable, through the manifold, is again supplied to the suction surface (the author of the video about replacing the hydraulic booster at KAMAZ is Matur Malay).

It must be said right away that the repair of KAMAZ power steering is a procedure that our compatriots do not encounter so often. If the driver observes the basic rules for operating the unit, as well as timely maintains it, then the likelihood that it will fail will be minimized. As practice shows, mainly problems with the performance of the hydraulic booster arise in the cold season. In general, all malfunctions can be divided among themselves into mechanical and hydraulic breakdowns, and both of them can appear in any part of the device.

As you know, any hydraulic system most often shows malfunctions in frost conditions, in particular, temperature differences. After all, it must be remembered that the pumping device generates high pressure, so if the viscosity of the fluid in the system increases, this will lead to the expulsion of the oil seals and, accordingly, its leakage. Especially the problem of oil seals manifests itself in cars whose drivers do not follow the operating rules, for example, they leave the car in the parking lot with the wheels turned off. This will lead to the fact that after starting the engine, the pressure will increase on only one side, respectively, the oil seal will squeeze out in any case.

As for the warm season, in summer, malfunctions usually manifest themselves as a result of dirt and dust getting into the system. If any part is depressurized, the wear of the bushings, as well as the rods, will be faster. Stems usually rust quickly enough, resulting in accelerated bushing wear. When operating a car with such a problem, after several hundred kilometers, a large backlash will arise between these elements, and this, in turn, will lead to the steering rack starting to work with a knock (the author of the video about repairing the system in garage conditions - channel EIGHT ATMOSPHERE).

The need to pump the system usually arises after refueling it or eliminating breakdowns in the operation of the unit. Air entering the lines leads to less efficient operation of the hydraulic booster, so the only solution in this case is to remove the air.

So, how to pump the power steering:

The process of assembling and adjusting the power steering using a special stand is presented in the video below (the author of the video is the Zavod Avtoagregatov channel).

Dismantling the power steering pump Kamaz! What's inside!

Repair of the steering pump of KAMAZ and how to pump the power steering