DIY repair of the main brake cylinder Kalina

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the main brake cylinder of a viburnum from a real master for the site

When diagnosing the brake system, special attention is paid to the brake master cylinder. After all, it is he who is responsible for the effectiveness of braking and the functionality of the entire brake system depends on its serviceability.

Brake master cylinder

You can check and timely repair all important components and assemblies of the brake system in your own garage. At first, it doesn't hurt to remember what the master cylinder is and what it consists of.

The main brake cylinder is part of the dual-circuit brake system and is one of the components of its hydraulic drive. The hydraulic drive, in addition to the cylinder, includes a brake pedal, a vacuum booster, an expansion tank, working cylinders and a system of hoses and lines for brake fluid.

Before removing and disassembling the master cylinder, it is necessary to diagnose the brake system. As a rule, the main malfunction of the cylinder is the uneven distribution of the brake fluid along the working circuits of the system. This can occur as a result of "airing" the system or as a result of fluid leakage. As a result, the pressure is distributed unevenly along the contours and the wheels are triggered with different intensities.

Diagnostics of the main brake cylinder:

1. The control lamp is on - indicator of system malfunction.
2. The cylinder body is checked for brake fluid leaks. The connection to the circuits is checked.
3. Check for mechanical damage to the cylinder body.
4. The pressure in the circuits is measured. For this, a pressure gauge is connected to the openings of the circuits, the indicators of which are compared with the check figures specified in the operating manual.

Video (click to play).

Repair of the master brake cylinder

After diagnostics, you can start disassembling the cylinder. To do this, it must be removed from the car, having previously unscrewed the outputs of the circuits. The cylinder is disassembled and all parts are washed with alcohol. All rubber parts must be replaced with new ones. There is a separate repair kit for each cylinder model. If the rubber parts are swollen and deformed during disassembly, this is a signal that the wrong brake fluid has been used.

The cylinder mirror and piston must be free of scratches and mechanical damage. As a result of breaking the mirror, it is better to completely replace the cylinder with a new one. Do not disassemble or attempt to repair the cylinder pressure regulator. This assembly is factory set and should only be replaced as a set.

Important! Before removing the master cylinder of the brake system of your car, you need to drain absolutely all the brake fluid from the distribution tank, and plug the circuit lines. After repair and installation of the brake cylinder, all pipelines, without exception, are connected in place, the brake fluid is poured into the distribution tank and the entire brake system is pumped until the complete removal of air that may accidentally appear in the system.

Video of repair of the master brake cylinder.

If the master cylinder piston is jammed (due to corrosion, breakage of the return springs), incomplete release of all wheels may occur. A defect such as a "failure" of the brake pedal may also occur.

Overhauling the master cylinder often does not lead to the desired results, therefore it is recommended to replace the master cylinder assembly.

Remove the battery and the air supply hose to the throttle assembly.

Having unscrewed the tank lid, remove the lid together with the liquid level sensor. Using a rubber bulb, we select the liquid from the tank.

Using a rubber bulb, we select the liquid from the tank.

1. Use a 13 wrench or a special wrench for the brake pipes to unscrew the fittings of the two brake pipes.

2. We remove the tips of the tubes from the holes of the master brake cylinder.

3. Using a 13 head, unscrew the two nuts securing the cylinder to the vacuum brake booster

4. Remove the master brake cylinder assembly with a reservoir.

5. The connection of the main brake cylinder with the vacuum brake booster is sealed with a rubber ring.

6. To remove the tank, squeeze the two legs of the tank body and remove them from the tides of the cylinder body.

7. Overcoming the resistance of the sealing rubber bushings, remove the tank fittings from the cylinder bores and remove the tank

8. If it is necessary to replace the sealing sleeve, remove it from the cylinder body

We assemble the main brake cylinder with a reservoir and install in the reverse order.

We pump over the hydraulic brake system.

All articles on car repair Lada Kalina - "Car repair Lada Kalina"

Translated from the Turkic language, brake (turmaz) means a lining under the wheels of a cart. We have already gone through the evolutionary line of development of transport, and in a modern car, the braking system is not limited to just one lining under the wheels of a car.

The braking system of a car today is a complex system of mechanical and electronic assemblies and parts that are designed to slow down or stop a vehicle. Brakes are our safety, therefore timely maintenance and repair of the brake system is a priority concept by default.

Image - DIY repair of the main brake cylinder Kalina

The main link in the brake system is the brake master cylinder.

Repairing the brake master cylinder naturally involves knowing its design. As the main mechanism that applies the brakes, the brake master cylinder is essentially simple. Like everything ingenious.

Image - DIY repair of the main brake cylinder Kalina

Its main components are: pistons that actuate the circuits of the front and rear brakes, return springs and O-rings. The brake master cylinder is paired with a vacuum booster.

Before you start repairing the brake cylinder, you need to know that the assemblies of the primary and secondary pistons are not disassembled, but replaced as assembled with new ones.