In detail: do-it-yourself Fiat Ducato gur repair from a real master for the site
You can buy the power steering for Fiat Ducato at a bargain price in our store.
This device is based on the use of the principle of hydraulics. The pressure in the system, filled with a special fluid, is generated by a hydraulic pump driven by the crankshaft of the engine. The design provides a slide valve, which, when the steering wheel is turned, switches the fluid supply to one cavity or another, providing an additional steering mechanism (gearbox or rack).
The challenge is to make steering wheel turning easy enough when maneuvering at low speed and more noticeable in terms of steering wheel effort when driving at higher speeds, so that driving is as safe as possible.
The specialists of our car service will help you to eliminate the malfunctions listed below in the power steering of your Fiat Ducato.
Possible malfunctions and remedies
Fiat cars have long been equipped with power steering - the first models with this feature appeared decades ago. Drivers appreciated the power steering support in the driving process. The system helps the driver to turn the steering wheel in the right direction, without much effort. The power steering pump is the most important component of the entire system. If it fails, it becomes very difficult to drive - a less responsive steering wheel interferes with a safe and comfortable ride. That is why you need to contact a car service as soon as possible, where the craftsmen will repair the Fiat power steering pump in a short time.
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In a car service, craftsmen are often faced with the need to repair power steering on Fiat cars. This is one of the reasons why restoration work is done quickly and efficiently. It does not matter what brand of power steering pump - repairs are carried out according to a long-honed algorithm:
- Dismantling the hydraulic system to remove the power steering pump from the engine compartment.
- Cleaning the device at the sink to remove dirt, carrying out troubleshooting and visual inspection.
- Carrying out the necessary repair work aimed at restoring the pump's functionality.
- Control check of the repaired pump on a special hydraulic stand in the service.
- Installing the device, ready for further operation, back into the engine compartment of a Fiat vehicle.
It may seem that repairing Fiat power steering pumps is a service that requires a lot of money and time. In fact, this is not at all the case. It rarely takes more than a couple of hours to restore the pump operation, and the cost of the service is very acceptable and fits within an adequate framework. This is one of the reasons not to postpone repairs indefinitely.
There are a lot of reasons why a power steering pump repair may be required for Fiat Ducato, Doblo, Punto, Albeo, ducato, doblo, punto, albéa. Among them are often found:
- Constant overheating of the pump for a long time (due to active use).
- The appearance of dirt, dust, foreign objects, gas bubbles in the hydraulic system of the car.
- Incorrect installation of the power steering pump after removal, unqualified repair and maintenance.
- The use of low-quality hydraulic fluid for power steering, its untimely replacement.
- Twisting, kinking or deformation of the hydraulic lines of the power steering system.
Rarely does the power steering pump fail immediately. This is usually preceded by numerous signs:
- During a trip, an unpleasant noise comes from the engine compartment - a sign of a pump malfunction.
- Turning the steering wheel to one or both sides involves a lot of effort on the driver's side.
- When driving, even on flat surfaces, strong vibrations and noticeable beating are felt on the steering wheel.
- It is much more difficult to turn the steering wheel to one side than to the opposite side.
- The steering wheel does not return to its original center position after the car leaves the turn.
Delaying and postponing the moment of contacting a car service is an opportunity to aggravate the situation with the power steering pump. This can lead to the need for costly repairs. In addition, driving with a faulty control pump is potentially dangerous for the driver and other road users.
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Wednesday & nbsp17 October 2018
Tell us about Fiat Ducato Club
Last edited by kovbenya on Feb 13, 2010 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FIAT DUCATO 14 2.5 D 95g. low, short.

There are few fools in the world. But they are placed so competently that they are found at every step!

Drinking and smoking. Give twice as often.

119 horses and one black horse and mustache
and here are general recommendations. from the basics
Councils to car owners.
Most modern foreign cars are equipped with a power steering (GUR), which makes it easier to control the car and increases its comfort. The resource and performance of this system largely depend on timely maintenance and compliance with the rules for its use, specified in the car's manual. It is equally important to know some other subtleties to avoid damage to the power steering of a car.
Like most units and assemblies, the power steering also needs periodic maintenance. Car manufacturers do not give specific recommendations for changing the oil in the hydraulic booster, but only require checking its level (at each service) and, if necessary, topping up. Domestic power steering repair specialists treat this issue differently. According to them, the hydraulic booster is very sensitive to the state of the oil used, so you still need to change it. The frequency of replacement depends mainly on the intensity and operating conditions of the car. With a low mileage of the car (up to 5-8 thousand km per year), the craftsmen recommend changing the fluid once every 2 years. At each oil change, it is necessary to change the filter element in the reservoir (if any). If the car is used more intensively, the replacement should be carried out when the fluid darkens or a burning smell appears.
You should use the oil recommended by the car manufacturer for this car model. Do not use cheap oils as power steering fluids. In an emergency (with an oil leak), in order to get to the service station, you can add automatic transmission fluid and engine oil to the tank. It is impossible to use mixtures of hydraulic oils of different types for long-term operation of the hydraulic booster. After the forced "incest" and elimination of the malfunction, before pouring in a new fluid, it is necessary to flush the entire power steering system from the remains of the mixture.
Deterioration in the operation of the power steering can also occur when the drive belt of the hydraulic pump slips (this is signaled by a squeak from under the hood of the car). Such a breakdown is possible not only due to a worn pulley or belt, but also in the event of a pump failure. It is not necessary to increase the belt tension in this case - this will accelerate the "death" of the pump. If the hydraulic booster is equipped with a drive belt common with other equipment (generator, water pump), its tension is often carried out automatically by a special mechanism. If the drive malfunctions, in order to establish the cause of the malfunction, you should contact the car service.
In the event of an oil leak, the power steering pump “dies” within 5-15 minutes. To avoid this, the pump must be turned off. This is possible only in structures with an individual belt drive of the pump (the belt is removed or cut) or where it is equipped with an electric drive (dismantle the corresponding fuse).
In circuits with a common drive for a pump, generator and water pump, it is impossible to turn off the hydraulic booster by cutting the belt, as this leads to overheating of the motor, battery discharge and electrical equipment failure. Since in modern cars power steering and their pumps are quite expensive, in case of problems with the belt (if it is impossible to remove it), the car should be immediately transported by tow truck to the place of repair.
At high engine speeds (in forced modes), hold the power steering wheel with a conventional hydraulic pump in the extreme position for more than 4-5 s. This leads to a sharp increase in oil pressure in the system, ruptures of hoses, hydraulic cylinder oil seals, etc. In a power steering with an electric pump, a fuse may blow out. During parking, continue to put pressure on the steering wheel when the car rests on the side surface of the wheel against the curb. To avoid dangerous loads on the pump, it is enough to slightly (1-2 cm) turn the steering wheel back. Drive for a long time (2-3 months or more) with an inoperative (disconnected) pump. The mode is dangerous with possible accelerated wear of the rack teeth and the steering shaft gear. Operate the hydraulic booster in case of loss of tightness of its components (in case of oil leaks). The “I'm topping up” tactic is dangerous. At any time, the leak can become significant, which will lead to a breakdown of the power steering. Use a car with torn protective anthers on the steering rack. Road dust, sand and moisture, getting into the hydraulic cylinder, will inevitably cause its accelerated wear and lead to failure. Operate the car with faulty steering rod joints and tips. Rapid wear of the bushings of the toothed shaft and the rack clamping mechanism is possible.
Power steering oil change
To prevent the occurrence of emergency situations associated with a failure of the vehicle's steering system, it is necessary to periodically monitor the presence of oil in the power steering tank. With a noticeable decrease in its level, not related to temperature, angle of rotation of the wheels, tilt of the car, etc., it is necessary to check the tightness of the components of the hydraulic circuit: hoses, their entry points, etc. To increase the service life of the power steering elements and the system as a whole , it is recommended to replace the working fluid once every 1-2 years. The operating instructions for most cars emphasize that the wheels cannot be held in the extreme position for more than 5 seconds, as this can lead to overheating of the oil, up to its boiling, and system failure.
Last edited by Tolyanych on Mar 20, 2010 4:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The cost of work must be agreed with the master by phone!
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According to the latest poll data, residents of St. Petersburg and the region as a whole prefer inexpensive, but high-quality middle-class cars, such as Skoda, Volkswagen, Kia and Fiat. However, trips on domestic roads "kill" even high-quality cars, the chassis and steering mechanism are especially affected.
One of the important components of the control mechanism is the steering rack, which transmits power to the wheels of the car. To avoid repairing a fiat steering rack, you need to know more about this design.
The mechanism consists of interacting parts: a toothed gear and a toothed plate. The gear is equipped with bearings, a circlip and a retaining nut, as well as a protective cover. The toothed plate consists of two parts: the right part rests on the bushing of the mechanism body, the left part is pressed against the gear by a stop equipped with a spring. The spring itself is fixed with an adjusting nut and a lock nut. The rods are attached to the mechanism with the help of ball joints.
Signs of malfunction and impending repair of a Fiat steering rack, such as Fiat Albea, can be detected on your own.
- In case of malfunctions, it is possible to "bite" the steering wheel, hard movement when turning, it is especially difficult to control at the extreme positions of the steering wheel
- A hum when the steering wheel is rotated can signal a leak in the oil seals, a low level of fluid in the power steering reservoir.
If these signs are present, it's time to go to diagnose the car.
The most common reason for repairing the steering rack of Fiat Doblo and other models is sloppy driving.
Domestic roads in themselves are imperfect, so you should not add problems to the car by aggressive driving. Fast travel over pits, bumps, speed bumps, rails - all this takes away the life of the structure.
The reason may be holding the steering wheel in the extreme position for a long time. It is advisable not to hold this for more than five seconds. Also, a likely reason may be a negligent attitude towards the car: the state of such a delicate design must be monitored, the anthers and oil seals must be checked for wear, they often become unusable.
An experienced auto mechanic will tell you where the source of the problem is, even performing visual and auditory diagnostics. A knock heard when driving can indicate several reasons:

- Incorrect angle of contact between shaft screw and teeth.
- Wear of hinges, oil seals, bearings, seals, etc.
- Incorrect shaft movement.
- Poor fixation of the toothed plate.
Steering play is also caused by various details:
- The spool stop is loose.
- The silent blocks are worn out.
- The shaft is bent.
To find out the exact cause of the malfunction, you need to carry out diagnostics at a car service.
If knocks are heard from the steering wheel, namely a knock from a toothed pair, this does not always mean repairing the steering rack of Fiat Tempra, Ducato and others. The diagnostics carried out may not reveal any problems, except for an increase in the gap between the rack and the gear. In this case, adjust or tighten.
The car is driven into a hole and, if everything is done correctly, the backlash is measured, for this there is a special device - a backlash. The permissible backlash is no more than 10 degrees, this applies to all cars. Tightening the adjusting screw or nut is carried out slowly and carefully. This nut is unpinned and turned to the desired value. It is advisable to clean this gap from accumulated dirt before tightening.
If the adjusting screw is tightened firmly, the steering wheel will bite when turning.
Let us consider in detail how the repair of the steering rack of a Fiat Ducato takes place in a car service.
The construction was removed by the master from the car, then he begins to disassemble it:
- It removes the anthers, gives up the joints of the rods and removes the rods themselves, diagnoses the worm gear along the entire stroke.
- Drain hydraulic fluid, release locknut, and remove clamp adjusting nut.
- Then he removes the spring and stem clamp, removes the bottom plug and unscrews the distributor shank nut. Removes the distributor, diagnoses its condition.
- Removes the retaining spring, then the stopper itself.
- Shifts the stem and removes the back support with the right stuffing box, removes the stem. Examines the stem surface for wear.
- Using a puller, removes the left stem oil seal.
All parts are cleaned of dust and dirt and thoroughly washed and degreased. On a lathe, the surface of the stem and the journal of the distributor shaft are ground. New oil seals and o-rings will be installed during assembly.
- The left gland is installed, the rod teeth are lubricated, the rod is installed in the body.
- The worm gear is lubricated and the valve is installed in the housing.
- A lubricated clamp is installed in its original place, then a spring and a nut with a locknut.
- The nut of the distributor shank is lubricated and tightened, a plug is installed.
- The upper distributor bearing is lubricated and installed and pressed with a mandrel.
- The rear support with the right oil seal is installed, then the stopper and the stopper spring.
At the stand, the operability of the distributor and the absence of leaks are checked.
The repair has been carried out, the structure is ready for installation on the vehicle.
The rack, in other words, is a gear pair: a gear and a horizontal piece of iron. With a straight-line movement of the machine, this pair wears out, if from time to time it is not pulled up to the gear, because in the teeth of both one and the other there is a production. The main thing here is not to overdo it - if you tighten it tightly, the steering wheel will "bite", and this will lead to a complete replacement of the entire structure. It is better to entrust the adjustment of the fiat steering rack to a specialist.
A complete replacement is not always necessary: this structure is repairable, and a Fiat steering rack repair kit is easy to find.
A defective steering rack is a headache for any car owner. Elimination of this problem will leave the driver without a car during the repair, and the repair itself will cause unpleasant minutes and expectations, and costs. Therefore, it is better to undergo a scheduled inspection on time and drive the car carefully, then it will last longer.
Power steering oil change Fiat Doblo 2
Power steering pump repair, for all GM brands
Why is the power steering pump humming?
Steering rack repair for Fiat Ducato Steering rack repair for Fiat Ducato in St. Petersburg
CORRECT replacement of power steering fluid. "Garage number 6"
Removal and repair of the power steering pump Espice3
Replacing the power steering pump with 156 vehicles
The gur is buzzing, possible reasons
The cost of work must be agreed with the master by phone!
The address:
Moscow, Glavmosstroy st. 7a
Working hours:
Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00
The address:
Moscow, Shluzovaya emb. 2/1 bldg. 4
Working hours:
Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00
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Moscow, Volochaevskaya st. 12a
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Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00
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Moscow, Ostryakova st., 3
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Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00
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Moscow, Tuchkovskaya street 13, building 2
Working hours:
Mon – Sun: from 9:00 to 21:00
The address:
Moscow, Kashirskoe sh. d.67 bldg. 14
DIY peugeot boxer rack repair
Even a strong knock on the control rail cannot be a prerequisite for exchanging a similar spare part for the newest one. Peugeot Boxer control rail repair - that's what you need!
The stability of movement on the track directly depends on this mechanism, for this reason, only a qualified master should restore the control rail. Substitution of the control rail is absolutely not inevitable, try to first understand the source of the breakdown and the ways of its elimination.
And even if you need to replace the part with the newest one, our company also offers you the sale of Peugeot Boxer control rails, guaranteeing deliveries on order.
with hydraulic booster / 4004.E4; 4000.EC; 1310352080
with hydraulic booster / 4000.90; 1323199080
with hydraulic booster / 4000.JW; 1336494080
with hydraulic booster / 1341019080; 1359225080
without power steering / 71718438; 9451178380; 4000.E5
It is recommended to carry out routine maintenance and technical service of the Peugeot Boxer every 7-10 thousand km. mileage. Departure of the electrician to the place of the Peugeot boxer engines do it yourself. This will certainly include changing the engine oil, oil filter, air filter and cabin filter. When carrying out scheduled work, we will create a free diagnosis of all vehicle components and draw up a list of tips.
Every 60 thousand km. mileage, we advise you to change the timing belt with rollers, and if the motor is chain, then it is better to change the chain every 120 thousand km. It is better to change the candles every 40 thousand km of run on gasoline engines and 100 thousand km. run on a diesel engine. Do-it-yourself pneumatic system on an SUV, install. On Peugeot Boxer models with adaptive throttle valve, it is recommended to clean and adapt the throttle valve every 60,000 km.
The most famous problems and malfunctions of the Peugeot Boxer:
- souring of the caliper pistons with the following uneven wear of pads and discs;
- poor design of the fuel filter - the car jerks, stalls, troit;
- squeak in the car interior associated with bad plastic - gluing with anti-squeak material;
- discrepancy with the box - early failure of bearings and primary shaft oil seals;
- in standard cooling radiators, leak at the junction with the side part;
- tight steering wheel - discrepancy with the power steering of the car - bulkhead or replacement, according to the result of diagnostics.
The degree of wear of the Peugeot Boxer hub bearing can only be found through diagnostics.
Warranty for all Peugeot Boxer repair work - 6 months.
Addresses in St. Petersburg:
Service station on the Bolsheviks: st. DIY air suspension for Mercedes. Voroshilov, house 7, from 10.00 to 20.00, t. 8 (812) 701-02-01, seven days a week.
Service station on Nevsky: st. Khrustalnaya, house 31, From 10 to 20.00, t. 8 (812) 643-15-43, seven days a week.
Service station on Kupchino: Freight passage, house 17, from 10 to 20.00, t. 8 (812) 245-33-15, seven days a week.
Service station on Grazhdanskiy: st. Teachers' room, building 23, from 10 to 20.00, t. 8 (812) 987-37-88, seven days a week.
All information presented on the website, the price of services, spare parts and equipment, are for informational purposes only and are not a public offer.
Up-to-date information on goods and prices can be clarified by phone numbers indicated on the website.
The website has no legal relationship with the stations featured on the website.
In this video you will see how you can change the turbine cartridge from the car Peugeot boxer do it yourself... Nice.
Muffler on Peugeot boxer... Repair of mufflers on Peugeot cars Repair and replacement of mufflers; Replacement of catalysts.
Make sure in advance that the profiles of the toothed pulleys will exactly match the profile of the belt. When replacing, make sure that the belt does not twist or twist. Unsubscribe from do-it-yourself auto repair installation of an alarm on a car with your own. When putting on the belt pulleys, do not use excessive force, do not use any tools. Also, remember that all components of the timing mechanism should not be washed with different solvents. Be sure to carry out the installation or dismantling operation only on a cold engine.
In the proposed book Workshop manual Fiat Ducato... there are also manuals for Peugeot Boxer and Citroen Jumper, since the Ducato model is almost an exact copy of these cars. Over the entire period of the existence of this model, about two million of these machines have been sold around the world. For those who own or have this car in the company, this book is intended for the repair and technical operation of Fiat Ducato.
She describes the Fiat models as having 1.8L and 2.0L gasoline engines and 1.9L, 2.5L and 2.8L diesel engines. In pictures and details you will learn about the device of the brake system, engine, ignition system, cooling system, steering, electrical circuits, and that's not all. To apply the advice given in the book, you do not need special knowledge of a car mechanic, you just need to have a garage, a tool and desire, and of course this book, which you can download for free from our website. Doing it yourself is not difficult and not difficult.
The book will also be useful to service station workers and everyone who is engaged in repairs on a commercial basis. If you own a Fiat Ducato then there should be a technical manual for it!
See all videos of the author: Avto-reika. Views: 1,050
Good repair, it would be like that everywhere. Fiat steering rack repair
Your own car is usually more profitable than traveling by public transport, since you can use it to go wherever and whenever you want. However, it is necessary to constantly invest in its maintenance, which will be spent on preventive and current repairs, such as replacing the timing belt or replacing filters, without which the vehicle will simply stand under the fence and wither.
Vehicle manufacturers approached the issue of its creation pragmatically, so it is suitable even for the harsh Russian climatic conditions:
- All modern Fiat Ducato vehicles are equipped with high capacity batteries as well as high power generators, and are recommended for use with these vehicles at very low temperatures at which they can freeze. Thus, Fiat Ducato can start even in thirty-degree frost, and its owner does not have to take a battery home to warm it up. Each car is equipped with diesel engines, the power of which reaches 110 hp. and the volume is 2.3 liters. Here is the information on how to fill the oil. The engines are fully compliant with the accepted Euro-3 standards. The high-strength 5-speed manual transmission is easy to use and can last a very long time with proper handling. If desired, an automatic transmission can be installed on the car.
This vehicle must be purchased because it has a high quality two-piece suspension system. The front part of the suspension with stabilizer is independent and controls the rear with leaf springs.
If it becomes necessary to replace the front struts with your own hands, this video will help you with this. Among other things, Fiat Ducato is completely safe in the process of use. The model is equipped with special systems EBD and ABS, airbags, belts, as well as improved brakes, which will not fail with proper handling of the car. The spacious interior is a great addition to a vehicle that can be used for long trips with the whole family.
I drive FIAT Ducato Red, Minsk, Belarus
Today, at last, my hands reached the side doors, and I have two of them. As in helicopters from American films ... One on each side. And each one thunders like thunder ... I started with small things: I replaced the shock absorbers, welded the floor, waiting for the bushings in the rear springs, but today my hands reached the rollers.
True, so far only on one side - on the left. And even then only the lower one. The analysis showed that it is the most broken (and for the current state of the helicopter - the newest)))) Diagnosis. Age-related changes.
Osteochondrosis). Method of treatment: Partial replacement with amputation, by direct surgical intervention. I started by taking it apart, taking it out, picking it up, washed off kilograms of unnecessary lubricant and saw the front of work. The distant guide roller did not change, but two had to ... To my chagrin, I couldn't find the thing I needed for Ducato - I have it on Transit, I have it on T5, I have it on MV, but I don't have it on Ducato ... but there was nowhere to retreat. Well, I picked up the bearings in size ... I bought new bolts, washers, rivets, took a grinder, a drill and attacked the mechanism. In principle, everything is simple - I cut off the old - I screwed on the new one ... But I spent a good half of the day. As a result, the door is dead. Does not dangle or rattle.
Opens to the floor at random and in general, I feel like a fellow! A photo report with comments is attached. The other side is next. Do-it-yourself timing chain replacement on a peugeot 308: instructions. 2012-06-26 15:08 0 only 15-inch do-it-yourself wheels and a vaz armchair "recaro" vaz 2108 make you think + with your own hands. Vaz 2108 2109 theme 2108 2109 thoughts: “about vaz 2108 21099 the necessary 2108 and sufficient vaz 2108. We replace the front brake pads with our own hands on the classic vaz 2107 2106 2105 2104. Then the rear doors, since I haven’t figured out what to do with them yet ...
For the owner, a car is not just a means of transportation, but a reliable assistant that simplifies his life. Thanks to a personal car, a person can plan his life at the right pace. But do not forget that the car can help the owner if preventive maintenance is carried out in relation to it in a timely manner.
Safe movement at any distance is possible with a timely inspection of all vehicle systems.Without the well-established operation of the power unit, cooling system, power steering system, trouble-free operation of the entire car as a whole is impossible. One of the systems that needs timely maintenance is the power steering.
When servicing power steering, special attention must be paid to the oil, which is poured into the automotive hydraulic system. Maintenance should not be carried out where fiat ducato power steering fluid replacement is periodically not performed.
The power steering is part of the Fiat Ducato hydraulic system, part of the steering mechanism. With the help of the power steering, it is easier to twist them, as well as set the trajectory of movement.
Hydraulic power steering not only provides a comfortable ride, but also improves road safety while driving. If the front tire breaks, the power steering will help the motorist maintain control of the vehicle.
The main units of the power steering are - pump, distributor, reservoir, hoses, drive belt, hydraulic cylinder. The working fluid in the power steering of a Fiat Ducato car is ATF lubricant, which is also intended for an automatic transmission.
In one of the assemblies of the power steering - the reservoir, there is a liquid that is considered
the main component of the system. The power steering fluid in Fiat transfers power from the pump to the hydraulic cylinder, lubricating all friction elements. There is a filter in the oil reservoir, and a dipstick in the reservoir plug for checking the lubricant level.
In most cases, the manufacturer does not indicate in the maintenance manual about the need to change the fluid in the power steering.
The oil in the power steering can be 100 thousand km without replacement. But, despite this, in order to reduce the load on the pump and avoid its repair, it is necessary to timely replace the fluid in the power steering on the Fiat Ducato.
The exact timing of an oil change depends on the intensity of vehicle use. If the annual mileage does not exceed 10 - 20 thousand km, you can change the lubricant once every two to three years.
It is necessary to change the oil in the power steering for other reasons:
- low power steering fluid level;
- changing the quality of the oil in the expansion tank of the power steering;
- changes in the state of the hoses - cracks, smudges, fogging;
- poor tension of the drive belt on the power steering pump;
- replacement of the filter element every two years.
If it becomes necessary to change the oil in the power steering, you should decide how to perform this process. So, you can change the fluid in the power steering two ways:
- partial replacement of the power steering oil Fiat Ducato;
- complete replacement of the power steering lubricant.
To perform a partial power steering fluid change, you must prepare tools and materials for work:
- syringe with a tube;
- cap for the tank;
- waste material drain hose;
- new liquid, with a volume of more than the norm - 2 liters;
- container for old oil;
- latex gloves.
So, step-by-step instructions for partial replacement of the power steering fluid:
- unscrew the cover of the power steering expansion tank;
- from the power steering tank with a syringe with a tube, drain the fluid from the Fiat Ducato power steering by pumping it out;
- there is a filter under the cover, which must be removed and cleaned. After cleaning, the filter is left to dry, and then installed in place;
- pour new liquid into the tank to the maximum level;
- start the power unit by turning the steering wheel left and right to the extreme position;
- turn off the engine.
Repeat the whole process again until light oil appears when draining. By completely changing the oil in the power steering, you can achieve almost 100% of the lubricant change.
To carry out work on a complete change of lubricant, the car should be installed on an inspection pit or overpass. You can also use a jack to raise the front wheels up.
Fiat Power Steering Fluid Complete Change Instructions:
After a while, check the power steering fluid level. Despite the fact that a complete oil change in the power steering is considered a more time-consuming job, it is much better.
To extend the life of the consumable, add fluid to the system from time to time. This must also be done in order to prevent the operation of the steering hydraulic system.
When changing the lubricant in Fiat Ducato and Fiat Albeo models, special attention should be paid to the type of fluid recommended by the car manufacturer.
The process of changing consumables in Ducato and Albea is practically the same. But the oil in these models must be filled with different.
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Video (click to play). |
So, replacing the fluid in the power steering in Fiat Albea should be carried out using the following types of oils: DEXRON III, ENEOS ATF-III, Tutela Gi / E. It is recommended to fill in the power steering of Fiat Ducato with TUTELA GI / A ATF DEXRON 2 D LEV SAE10W.