In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a hdmi connector on an xbox 360 from a real master for the site
The reason for the E74 system error, which occurs during the initial boot of the set-top box and is characterized by the indication of 1 red blinking sector on the power button of the console, and a secondary error with code 1022, is in most cases a “hot” connection to an already turned on TV.
That is, the order of turning on the set-top box is violated. What is the correct sequence?
And the sequence is as follows: the first one connects the interface video cable to the disconnected TV or monitor, the second plug is connected to the xbox 360 jack, only after connecting the TV (monitor) turns on, and after that - the set-top box itself.
ATTENTION: Do not remove the video cable connectors while the set-top box and the TV are in operation! All connections and disconnections can be made ONLY with the devices turned off.
The result of juggling the interface video cable when the console is turned on, or the TV (monitor) is turned on, may be: the appearance of a system error E74 displayed on the screen, which means that the ANA chip is out of order (for the version of the set-top box without HDMI) / HANA (for versions of the set-top box with HDMI interface) ). What does it mean? This means that the chip does not respond to diagnostic commands. And it is very likely that during hot plugging, some of its blocks may burn out from static in the circuit or in the chip itself.
On the Internet, there are many "popular" ways to repair the Xbox 360 console in order to get rid of brakes, glitches and freezes, errors of 3 red lights. Let's consider the existing myths, starting with the background.
Myth one: replacing the cooling fans with more powerful ones, or connecting regular 12v coolers or attaching additional cooling to the console case will probably save you and your console from overheating and subsequent malfunctions.
To dispel this myth, you need to analyze the work of the Xbox, and understand what happens inside during an intense graphic load: based on experience, we can say that most owners, after different times, may have primary signs of deterioration in the condition of the xbox 360, which depends on the set factors of its operation. All the troubles of these consoles come from the lack of cooling, and the high temperature to which the processors (video and central) are heated. This is what the "masters" rely on in their attempts to prove this myth.
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Video (click to play). |
But you should not mix the heat emanating from the chip and dissipated by the radiator placed on the chip surface, with the heat directed in the lower direction, which, in addition to frying the body of the microcircuit itself from below, heats up the place of contacts (soldering) of the chip on the board. The additional flow is able to cool the heated soldering points, only the outer rows, but not all of them.
Thus, perversions with fans are not able to correct this situation.
• The second myth: Replacing thermal paste is like a panacea for all XBOX diseases. This myth appears as a consequence of erroneous ideas about the causes of Xbox errors and is an addition to the first myth. But no one really thought about what is needed for the set-top box to work stably without breakdowns and brakes for a long enough time (two years or more) without replacing the factory thermo-conductive paste in the cooling system.
And in the event of the appearance of these famous three red lights and freezes occurring as a result of the breakdown of the chip soldering contacts, after logical reflection, one can understand that replacing the thermal paste is no longer necessary here, (i.e.there is no point in washing the car if it does not start). Thus, this procedure is unlikely to save the situation and restore the damaged contact or remove heat from the legs of the chip (which is the root cause of these breakdowns). Thermal paste is needed only to improve the heat transfer process between the surfaces of the heatsink and the chip, and nothing more.
• The third myth: overheating of the attachment. It would seem that everything is like in a computer: not a high-quality heat exchange between the radiator and the chip, replacing the thermal paste, as it were, should solve this ailment, but there is no such similarity with a PC, there is a big difference in the overheating of the PC, since this is overheating, but in the xbox 360 is already a consequence of overheating, and a violation of the contacts of the soldering of the chip to the motherboard.
A small help in the Xbox console there is a built-in error indicator, in case of overheating, TWO red lights light up. And the indication of THREE red lights is no longer overheating as a result of breaking the contacts of the chip with the board, it is popularly called the "chip dump", that is, it is simply partially soldered off due to overheating.
... let's move on
The fourth myth: This is the most perverted folk method!
Its essence is in pressing the radiator to the chip using M5 bolts! Yes, this is a really cheap repair method that allows you to slightly extend the life of the console. The original mounts are removed. and the heatsink presses against the chips to make contacts appear in the place of the broken soldering, but few people take into account the fact that when the chips are pressed into the textolite, it becomes possible to crush the soldering or the chip itself, because the clamping force is not controlled, which can easily damage the board, it cannot be done at all suitable for repair.
Another danger is that in the process of pressing the chip into the PCB board, the board itself twists, its curvature occurs, thus other contacts begin to move away from the board, since tension is created in the board body and over time, after heating, these contacts will simply break.
The fifth myth: Reball (chip soldering) will permanently cure xbox360 from all troubles. Its essence is to make it unrealistic at home. The maximum that can be done is to heat the chip to a temperature of 270 degrees, remove it from the board, solder new balls onto it, and solder it back. It would seem that everything is simple. But without the use of special equipment and special solder, heating the chip and the board with it with a stream of hot air, the board simply starts to burn, and its geometry is again violated.
Even if it is possible to carry out this procedure, then your set-top box will work for a month, maximum two. And again the chip will fall off.
Moreover, after such a procedure, when the board was fried, and it was led, it will no longer be possible to fix more than the xbox.
The XBOX 360 is connected to a monitor or TV set using cables. Connection types - HDMI and VGA, component and composite, there are also less common connection types, the choice of which depends on the monitor or TV to which you are connecting the set-top box.
Modern LCD TVs can work with almost all types of connectors, at least they have component and composite, RGB, VGA and HDMI outputs.
The component connector (six tulips on the output) and HDMI, unambiguously allow you to transfer images of the highest quality, when choosing between the two types of connectors indicated above, the HDMI connector remains one step ahead. Composite cable is the worst choice. RGB is better than composite, but significantly loses to component and HDMI.
Some of the cables are from Microsoft and some from third parties. there are also fakes from the Asian region on the market, which are of extremely low quality. The best choice is a cable made by Microsoft.
If you have one of the XBOX 360 connectors broken, bring the set-top box to our service center. We will replace the loose plug with a new one and bring your console back to life.
One of the most common XBOX 360 malfunctions is the failure of the HDMI connector. There are actually many reasons for this malfunction, but mostly it is either a fall of the console or the pulling of the HDMI cable from the turned on console.
You can of course use the AV connector by connecting the console to the TV through tulips, but the picture quality will be much worse.
Our technicians will replace the HDMI connector on your XBOX 360 quickly and efficiently. You can pick up your set-top box on the same day you contact us.
But since Our company has been selling and repairing game consoles in Chelyabinsk for more than 6 years, then from experience I can tell you that it is best to first bring the console for diagnostics (we have free diagnostics), and only then draw conclusions. After all, the XBOX 360 may not display an image for a number of other reasons.
The masters of our service center “ChipMaster” are always happy to have a high quality, and most importantly, quickly install the firmware or drive emulator E3odePro, CobraOde on your Playstation 3, or provide any service for the XBOX 360 firmware: LT + 3.0-LTU2, FreeBoot, Xkey. And they will also repair any complexity of any of your consoles: PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, NINDENDO, whether it be replacing a laser or reballing a video processor chip. All components that are used only original, we safely give a guarantee up to 6 months!
Hello, I will describe the essence of the problem and its sequence of its occurrence.
(Does not rob Hdmi TV writes No signal)
How it all started at a friend's house there is an old TV with support for tulips for about a week I played through tulips, after arriving home, I found that hdmi did not see the TV (something I didn’t do, I climbed a bunch of forums, many problems were similar to mine; in the end, 2-3 days didn’t played xbox, turn on Hooray, everything works.) Tulips work great.
After some time, the story repeated itself, that is, I went back on a spree at a friend's apartment, and the problem again made itself felt, but without any signs of hdmi life. I climbed on the forum and found an interesting reset method.
1. Switch the cable to TV mode
2. Connect to the A / V input of the TV using the yellow, red and white leads.
3. By holding Y + RT on the joystick while turning on, reset the console to its original settings.
It should be done like this:
a) Press and hold the Y + RT buttons on the joystick (RT- lower right trigger)
b) Turn on the XBOX 360
c) Wait for the console to restart, about 15-20 seconds after turning on. The XBOX 360 should turn off and then turn on by itself.
d) Release the buttons
He helped but partially made a signal from the TV using this method and was not.
But by connecting hdmi and doing
A miracle the screen started working with defects appearing, for example; ripples, blue stripes (sometimes green) + no sound but this problem can be solved by adjusting the picture.
I tried to throw off the settings and change the screen format, after which the TV wrote that there was no signal, I had to come back to this method.
That's the whole problem.
Thanks for your attention, please help me with a solution, I will be very grateful.
How to solder it? There it is tightly closed with a detachable analogue. It takes a week to pick it out)))
Logic will save the WORLD.
How to solder it? There it is tightly closed with a detachable analogue. It takes a week to pick it out)))
Logic will save the WORLD.
what did you write about read now neighing
here it is necessary to do RESET screen resolution
Press RT + Y, turn on the prefix, RT + Y do not release until the image appears

The XBOX 360 is connected to a monitor or TV set using cables. Connection types - HDMI and VGA, component and composite, there are also less common connection types, the choice of which depends on the monitor or TV to which you are connecting the set-top box.
Modern LCD TVs can work with almost all types of connectors, at least they have component and composite, RGB, VGA and HDMI outputs.
The component connector (six tulips on the output) and HDMI, unambiguously allow you to transfer images of the highest quality, when choosing between the two types of connectors indicated above, the HDMI connector remains one step ahead. Composite cable is the worst choice. RGB is better than composite, but significantly loses to component and HDMI.
Some of the cables are from Microsoft and some from third parties. there are also fakes from the Asian region on the market, which are of extremely low quality. The best choice is a cable made by Microsoft.
If you have one of the XBOX 360 connectors broken, bring the set-top box to our service center. We will replace the loose plug with a new one and bring your console back to life.
MWe can, so to speak, open the heading "with our own hands". I made a small, handy adapter for the workshop. The construction is "oak", which is important. At least play football.
The donor of the connector that is inserted into the box is a Chinese, torn component. You can also use a composite, but in this case you will need to rearrange the contact "pins" in the desired holes. Vga connector is standard, 10-30 rubles, on any radio market.
Photo of the soldering process:
Ready adapter:
The edges of the vga connector are soldered to the iron part of the xbox connector, for reliability everything is filled with hot glue.
Soldering diagrams:
3 responses to “Homemade VGA cable for Xbox360”
Published by Console Manager, 08/06/2015. Posted in Articles and News
Regardless of whether your Xbox 360 is flashed, sooner or later, your collection of games may appear that requires you to change the PAL settings.
“This game does not support PAL-50. Please change your display setting to PAL-60. To change your setting, in System, select Console Settings, Display. "
This error always appears in English, and those who don't know it get scared. And in vain. The mistake is not so serious and, as a rule, can be solved quickly and easily. Therefore, we control our panic and go to change the settings!
If Freeboot is installed on your set-top box and FreeStyle Dashboard starts immediately when turned on, your path to the settings will take a little longer. Skip ahead, I'll get back to you a little later.
For Xbox 360 without modifications, as well as for all those who use the native console system (the drive is flashed, Xkey is installed, or Freeboot is installed, but FSD is not installed) - we will give a solution right now.
First, check with which cable your set-top box is connected to the TV. To access the PAL settings, it must be an AV cable: composite (three tulips) or component (6 tulips, select TV instead of HDTV on the switch).
Step two: turn on the TV, launch the console and go to the settings tab. In this section, you need to go to the very first item - "System».
Step three. In the list we find the inscription “Screen"- and we are almost there. If the cable is selected and connected correctly, then on this page you will see the item "PAL settings", Where you select PAL-60, without which the game would not start.
Now is the time for those waiting for a Freeboot solution to move up to the screens.
When solving the problem with "game does not support PAL-50 ...", owners of consoles on which Freeboot is installed have only one difficulty - to get to the "Settings" section, you need exit FreeStyle Dashboard to native Xbox 360 shell.
Turn on the set-top box, pick up the joystick and carefully follow the instructions.
- Wait until the console and FreeStyle Dashboard (FSD) are fully loaded.
- Click the "Guide"(Round silver button in the center of the joystick), and you will see the Xbox Guide menu on your screen (it will help you to exit games when you select" Xbox Home "from it).
- Press the orange button "Y"On your joystick. A window will appear with a question.
Don't choose yes or no! There are a few things to do first. - Press and hold the "RB". You need to keep it all the time while you follow the next two points of the instructions!
If you held RB long enough after loading the native dashboard, you could immediately get to the settings tab (LB and RB switch the top menu tabs).
Now that you are in the native Xbox 360 dashboard, you can move on to the screen customization steps outlined earlier in the article.
If you can't get out of FSD, then there is a high probability that you are doing something wrong. Read our instructions carefully and do not forget to hold down the RB button, this is important!
If your Xbox 360 is connected to your TV via HDMI, then you shouldn't have any problems switching PAL. The digital cable (HDMI or HDMI-DVI) does the necessary switching and image conversion by itself. Check if the cable is correctly connected, whether it is fully inserted into the connectors on both the set-top box and the TV. If the error still occurs, then you need an AV cable to switch PAL-50 / PAL-60.
If you cannot find the "Screen" item in the console settings, then you may have entered the wrong subsection. Try going back to your original position (Guide button, Xbox Home) and going back to the Settings tab. Here you need a square with the words “System", Not" Settings ".
If, in spite of everything, the problem cannot be solved on its own, there are two ways:
- Buy an HDMI cable and connect your Xbox 360 to your TV using it. The problem will be fixed (if, of course, the TV has an HDMI connector).
- Bring the attachment to the workshop, where a qualified technician will deal with the problem that has arisen.
Another miracle was brought for repair with a diagnosis of no image on the HDMI port. As the client said, the HDMI connector itself needs to be replaced. The console was accepted for repair, and they began to deal with it in a few days, since the volume of work makes itself felt.
Having visually examined the console connector itself, I got a thought, but is it the case? I disassemble, I see traces of soldering, I tried to install Freeboot, but the chip itself is not. For reliability, I decided to check if there is a video signal on the Composite cable, the picture appeared, the sound also.
Taking into account the fact that there is no HDMI port protection on this console, I just checked the voltage on the 18th leg, as it should be, it is +5 volts. If you look at the tracks from the connector, you can see that they go straight to KSB.
It was concluded, put Freeboot on Xbox 360E Slim and killed KSB X850744-004
Since our service center "tservice" has all the necessary equipment for the repair, as well as the necessary spare parts, within 30 minutes the South Bridge was replaced with a new one.
After replacing the video, the HDMI signal appeared and the console began to work as before.
Advice: Dear customers do not need to save money, it is better to give the device for complex technical work to specialists, otherwise there is a chance that your intervention will cost you much more.
and if so, then what to do?
But I have such a question, can I change the resolution in the xbox settings if I have a black screen and there is no sound, I mean blind, if you can explain how, please

Or is it in the off state, or sleepy, and there is nowhere to press?
And here's another, my permission on the TV Broadcasting systems PAL I, BG, DK; SECAM BG, DK; NTSC M, B / G 4.43 • Color systems PAL, SECAM, NTSC 3.58 / 4.43 • Supported video signals 480i / 480p (60Hz), 576i / 576p (50Hz), 1080i (50 / 60Hz), 720p (50 / 60Hz), 1080i (50 / 60Hz)
Try to reset all settings on the box (lurk here and re-enable via HDMI
If it does not help - as an option, the HDMI input on the TV is faulty? As a relatively tolerable alternative, I can suggest connecting via a boxed VGA cable
I have already done this, it did not help. And there is still a discussion of resetting the Xbox 360 settings, aimed at getting rid of the video settings. The plan of action here is as follows: take out the disc and turn off the Xbox. Then it must be turned on from the joystick. If the joystick is wireless, then we wait for the Xbox to detect it, and after that we press Y and RT on the joystick.
These are reset codes for Xbox. Let them help you in a difficult situation! We wish you that your set-top box will give you only pleasant emotions during its use, and breakdowns and glitches bypassed it!
We do it Fast. Qualitatively. Reliable. In Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Price: in the price section.
Guarantee: 6 months.
There are two types of connectors on the Xbox 360: video connector and HDMI.The most common causes of connector breakdowns that require replacement are liquid (water, coffee, tea, etc.) and mechanical damage.
Using cables, connects the Xbox 360 to a TV or monitor. There are several types of connections: composite, component, VGA and HDMI. In addition, there are less common types of connections, the choice of which depends on the TV or monitor to which you, in turn, connect your console.
Modern LCD TVs, in fact, work with all types of connectors, at least they have composite and component, VGA and HDMI, RGB, outputs.
When connecting to CRT TVs, a composite cable (tulip) is most often used, the latest models of CRT TVs can also support other types of connectors.

Component connector (six tulips on the output) and HDMI, definitely allow for the highest quality images. When we make a choice between the two indicated types of connectors, the HDMI connector always leads. Composite cable Is a worse choice. RGB is much better than composite, but definitely inferior to component and HDMI.
The cable is partly produced by Microsoft and partly by other manufacturers. In addition, counterfeits from Asia are often present on the markets, which are of very low quality. It is more reliable to make your choice in favor of cables that are produced by Microsoft.
In a highly competitive environment, we are ready to offer you the most favorable prices for repairing Xbox 360 consoles in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For repairs, we use only original components or AAA class substitutes.
We have 95% of the components required for component repairs in stock.
- We carry out comprehensive repair of Xbox, of any complexity
- We know and take into account all aspects and nuances of Xbox repair
- Detailed informing of the customer about all the repair work carried out, transparent pricing
- We provide a 180-day guarantee for our work
- A professional team that has been repairing Xbox 360 consoles since their release
If there are any additional nuances and questions - write to the chat or call one of the above phones. You can also use the services of our couriers.
Many people are tormented by the question after buying an Xbox 360, how to improve picture quality if the console does not have HDMI output.
And so it was in the evening, there was nothing to do, and the vacation had just begun. And I thought about buying a game console, but the new consoles didn’t suit me for the price, and I’m not very much a gamer, and in my spare moment I can play and there are many good games on the last generation of consoles.
Resolved, let's search on Ebay! After I bought the Xbox 360 (for 2000 rubles, if anyone is interested) I decided to try it on my TV in the bedroom with a resolution of 1080p. The price, of course, suited me, but the image is terrible, the picture is blurry, the textures are pixelated, you can see that the resolution is far from 1080p, but rather 360p. Having looked for information on the Internet, I realized that the matter is in the cable itself, and the cable that comes with the bundle is ordinary tulips that supports resolution only up to 360p.
Solution: since the VGA cable that connects to the monitor from the video card of a personal computer supports 1080i and 1080p resolutions, convert Tulips to VGA. I will kill two birds with one stone) and increase the resolution, and plus it will be possible to connect to the monitor.
We will need: a cable that comes with tulips, a VGA cable from a monitor, a 3.5mm audio jack and a soldering kit.
We disassemble the Xbox plug on tulips and solder out all that is unnecessary in our case, these are tulips. We cut the VGA from one side to the root.

Next, we solder the wires according to the scheme. If you have different color wires on the VGA, then use a multimeter. I drew hastily.

Checking how our picture has changed.

And you need to make a hole for the sound to exit, I picked it out with a knife, it turned out very well.

Zavuk can be connected to computer speakers or via an AUX cable to the amplifier in my case (which I also made with my own hands, but that's another story)

And we enjoy the game and the high-quality picture.
One of the following issues occurs when using your Xbox 360 console.
- The screen remains black or blank when the console is turned on.
- The lights around the console power button are blinking red.
This problem often occurs when the cable from the console to the TV or monitor is faulty or not properly connected. However, the possibility of incorrect video settings or a hardware problem is not excluded. Troubleshooting information is provided below.
If sometimes I see an image from my Xbox 360 console, but it freezes or disappears, see Xbox 360 audio and video problems.
In some cases, a simple reboot may help. A full reboot will occur if the console power button is held down for 10 seconds before the console is turned off. Then turn on the console again.
Follow the steps below to troubleshoot cable problems. Restart your console after each one.
Note. If you are watching HD video, please make sure the cable is HD compliant.
- Make sure the A / V or HDMI cable you are using is properly connected to the correct port on your console and your TV or monitor.
- If the cable has a switch labeled TV / HDTV or similar, make sure the switch is in the correct position (standard or HD).
- If you are using an HDMI cable, try connecting it to a different HDMI port on your TV or monitor.
- For an installation with optional components, connect the console directly to the TV using an HDMI cable.
- Try a different cable if possible. For cable options, see Connect an Xbox 360 S or previous Xbox 360 console to a TV.
To reset your display settings, follow these steps.
- Make sure there is no disc in the disc tray.
- Turn off your console.
- Turn on your console.
Note. If you are using an Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, make sure there is only one Wireless Controller connected to the console, and then turn off and restart the console by pressing the button on the controller Guide.
Xbox 360 E or Xbox 360 S console To reset the display settings on one of these models, simply turn off the console and then hold down the power button on the front of the console for about 10 seconds (the LED will blink several times).
- Make sure the TV is turned on.
- Make sure the correct input is selected on your TV.
- Remove any device between the console and the TV (such as a receiver).
- If your TV has a power saving mode, turn it off in the video settings.
Make sure there is no conflict between your TV and Xbox settings. See “Check your TV settings” on page Xbox 360 is not clear on TV.
If there are problems with the HDTV format, try lowering the screen resolution. To access these settings
- Press the button on your controller Guide, go to the page Settings and choose System settings.
- Please select Console settings.
- Please select Display.
- Please select HDTV settings.
Try to determine if the problem is caused by the console or not, connect the console to another TV or monitor.
If the video is displayed (only) on another TV.
- Check with the manufacturer of the (first) TV to see if its firmware has been updated.
- Contact the manufacturer of the (first) TV for setup assistance.
If you have tried all of the suggested options and still cannot fix the video problem, see the "Similar problems" section below.If that doesn't work, your console most likely needs repair, see How to get your Xbox product repaired.
Tulip connection does not work (composite)
The cable works through HDMI, but does not work through the cable that comes with the set-top box
Hello! How to make PS3 work via composite cable (cinch)? I have an HDMI cable - it works through it, but not through the cable that comes with the set-top box.
Yellow tulip inserted into the video-in connector
I held the power button of the console for more than 5 seconds. Yes, the settings are reset. A menu appears that says: “HDMI output is available. Output video and sound through it? ”. There are no inscriptions about av.
The same situation was in the store (when I bought it). They decided that we were doing something wrong, took home a more thorough test. The second day I struggle - the result is zero. There is no video or sound on the tulip.
Repair of XBOX 360 often requires not only special equipment, but also experience, knowledge, understanding of the processes and algorithms of digital technology.
We provide a full range of repairs and firmware related to the XBOX 360 game console.
This page lists all the main faults and problems that users have. Try to select the appropriate item that suits your problem. If you haven't found it, then call for advice, write to the contact group, bring it for diagnostics with subsequent repair.
Perhaps this is one of the most common problems that users have. In any case, three red lights do not bode well. Three red lights are a signal to the user that some critical error has occurred in the system and normal operation is no longer possible.
98 percent that these 3 fires are caused by GPU malfunctioning.
Only please, you do not need to press or warm up with a high temperature, if it does not help for a long time, but when it dies again, the cost of repair will increase, since all your actions will lead to damage to the motherboard or the chip itself.
It is manifested by the fact that three red sectors are blinking around the power button.
Read more about the three lights in this article!
This error, as well as three red lights, is far from uncommon and we encounter it very often. Again, the GPU is to blame. The problems, consequences and solutions are the same as with the three fires. However, with this error, it is much more common to simply reball chip, since the error is displayed on the screen, which means that the graphics processor is not yet completely dead and there is hope for a quick repair.
This error occurs only on SLIM and E modifications. By and large, means the same as error E 74
Mostly on set-top boxes from 2010, the error code is displayed on the TV screen.
- Error E64 - E66
This error is related to the operation of the DVD drive. It rarely occurs on its own. Usually, after a set-top box falls, incorrect firmware, when the drive board "burned out", the sat cable somehow fell out of its connector and is crooked. In general, first of all, we disassemble and visually inspect the connectors and loops of the drive, then we open the drive itself and see what is there and check its operation.
The error, although not pleasant, but sometimes, users are lucky and the elimination of such a jamb does not take so much time and money.
- The attachment freezes during operation
Well, there is not much to say here. I played and played and then everything fell for dead. There is no reaction to anything. It just froze. Of course, it is worthwhile to understand whether it hangs in only one game and all friends play normally, or hangs in only one place ... all this is necessary to understand if the problem is in the game, or the problem is more serious and this is a harbinger three red lights or errors E 74
- When you press the open button of the drive, it does not open
Relevant mainly on old FAT consoles. It manifests itself by the fact that after pressing the button to open the tray, we hear some attempts to open the tray, but the tray does not come out. There is nothing particularly terrible here, the effort from the engine is not enough to turn the entire mechanics and pull out the tray.You need to disassemble the drive and see what happened there and what broke. Usually, the repair comes out within 600r.
The problem with reading discs is due to several reasons and the methods of their treatment differ. In fact, there are two types of problems - software and hardware. Software is associated with firmware and usually occurs after any updates. In terms of hardware, these are malfunctions of the laser head and, less often, the control board. In any case, we do the repair of the drive quickly and efficiently. Read more about laser problems, and they take up about 90 percent of all cases of poor disc reading, by clicking on the heading of this paragraph.
- No picture
We turned on the box, but the image does not appear. First of all, you need to check the cable, connect another video connector on the set-top box. If, for example, there is no image through HDMI, but through AV there is, then most likely the problem is in the connector itself or the HANA chip or, again, in the GPU. Well, the culprit is the same, even if there is no image at all.
These are signs of a malfunctioning graphics system. The video memory or the GPU itself is not working properly. In 80 percent of cases, reball helps.
As you may have noticed, there are a lot of problems with the GPU. This is true.
Contact our workshop. We will provide you with a guarantee for all work and will try to do it quickly.
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Video (click to play). |
The cost of repairing a motherboard from 2500r. With a guarantee. Only an honest reboll.