Do-it-yourself refrigerator repair for beginners

In detail: do-it-yourself refrigerator repair for beginners from a real master for the site

Each apartment and private house has a refrigerator that works without interruption, and often breaks down at the most inopportune moment. Most often, serious expensive repairs are required, or even a complete replacement of failed equipment. Many turn to service centers, but some DIYers successfully repair the refrigerator with their own hands. In this case, it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the device of the units, to have the skills to handle tools and to strictly follow the established procedure.

Before proceeding with self-repair of the refrigerator, you need to accurately determine the cause of the breakdown. With correct diagnostics, you do not have to disassemble the entire refrigerator, but immediately gain access to the place of malfunction.

The refrigerator has stopped freezing food, or the operating temperature is insufficient for normal storage. Here, most likely, the compressor is faulty or the adjustments are set incorrectly, with violations.

The refrigerator does not turn on... This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, a plug or cable that is bent or has received mechanical damage is often faulty. Such malfunctions are easily eliminated with your own hands, it is enough to replace the damaged part. Refrigerators often stop working due to problems in the electrical network. For normal operation of the unit, a voltage of 190 volts or higher is required. If this condition is not met, the device will simply not turn on. This problem is not a breakdown, as in this case the protective mechanism is simply triggered. You can solve the issue by installing a voltage stabilizer.

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The button that turns on the defrost function does not work... Sometimes it sinks or stops working altogether. As a result, this leads to the impossibility of defrosting or canceling an already started defrosting. In this case, the old button is removed and replaced with a new element.

Serious attention is paid to checking electrical circuits. It is possible that the lack of cold is due to oxidation of the contacts that need to be cleaned. This problem most often appears as a result of moisture ingress and with prolonged use of the equipment. Because of this, all compounds are oxidized and contact is lost. Such a breakdown is eliminated by the usual stripping of the terminals and the unit begins to cool again.

The electrical circuit of the refrigerator will help to quickly detect the malfunction. Defective parts found, such as the start relay, are usually not repaired but must be replaced.

Most domestic refrigerators have similar devices and, accordingly, they have the same problems. As a rule, all malfunctions consist in too strong freezing, or in its complete absence. By and large, they also affect foreign models, so the principles and rules for carrying out repairs will be the same for everyone.

The lack of cold is most often associated with the leakage of freon from the cooling system and compressor. Usually this problem becomes visible to the naked eye. If the leak was not visually detected, the following steps must be taken:

  • You need to find a special sealed tube on the compressor and pump out freon through it.
  • Instead of freon, air is pumped under low pressure.
  • A characteristic hiss will be heard at the place of damage, which will indicate a leak.This place should be soldered, since other methods are not suitable here.

Sometimes in Indesit refrigerators the freezing becomes weak. This occurs as a result of freezing of the air exhaust and supply ducts. It is very easy to eliminate this defect by ordinary defrosting of the unit.

Sometimes the thermostat functions normally, but there is not enough cold to freeze food. This problem applies to all brands of refrigerators. If the compressor is in good working order and is operating normally, then the cause may be the rubber gaskets installed between the chamber and the doors. Worn seals simply do not seal the refrigerator compartment as needed. As a result of the resulting gap, the cold gradually goes out. The problem is solved by replacing the old seals with new ones. Fastening is done with epoxy or glue.

If refrigerators, on the contrary, begin to freeze very strongly. Most often this happens due to incorrect settings of the thermostat, when the factory settings are lost. The situation is corrected by adjusting this relay. However, this operation requires qualifications, so you will have to call the wizard from the service center to configure it.

Sometimes severe freezing occurs as a result of a refrigerant leak. This happens very rarely because in all other cases the compressor starts to freeze much worse. In this case, replacing the compressor is not required; maintenance is sufficient.

During operation, more serious problems may arise, in general, negatively affecting the operation of refrigeration equipment. For example, the refrigerator produces noise and strong vibration. This usually occurs due to improper installation of the unit, as a result, the electric motor is not provided with normal operating conditions.

Many refrigerator problems are caused by improper installation of the equipment protection relay. In such cases, it must be reinstalled correctly. This procedure should be carried out in full accordance with the scheme.

Malfunction in the form of an unpleasant odor. This happens when the drain pipe becomes clogged during long-term operation of the refrigerator. The connection is cleaned with water or compressed air.

There are some differences in the repair of one- and two-compartment refrigerators. In the second option, there may be more compressors requiring care and monitoring. Usually one part fails, while the other continues to function normally.

Thus, it is quite possible to repair the refrigerator yourself. Of course, only specialists can solve more serious problems. But even those faults that can be corrected at home will significantly save the family budget. The most important thing is to carefully study the operating manual, and then follow it during the repair.

Very often household appliances, which are subjected to daily intensive use, fail. A private foreman for the repair of refrigerators can assign a fairly round amount, but fortunately, all the work can be done with your own hands.

Before starting repair work, you need to find out the place and reason for the strip. The simplest, most accessible, but at the same time, and dangerous indicator is water, which can flow under the freezer or flow out directly from the refrigerator. If a Soviet refrigerator is leaking, then there may be two reasons:

  1. Drainage is clogged;
  2. The container in which the condensate collects is overfilled;
  3. The drain pipe is leaking.

It will not be difficult to eliminate such breakdowns, but we will tell you more about this below. If the water does not flow, and the Electrolux, Nord, Ariston and others simply stopped working, then you need to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis.

Urgent repairs of even the most complex refrigerator can be done at home with your own hands. Let's take a look at step-by-step instructions on how to troubleshoot the most common problems in refrigeration systems.

Video: how to repair a refrigerator with your own hands