In detail: do-it-yourself car sills repair and painting from a real master for the site
The thresholds of the car are structurally located close to the road, which responds to them with serious loads - the paint is chipped off by frequent blows of stones, the coating is damaged by road chemicals and dirt. In high humidity conditions, damaged metal begins to rust. If the problem is not resolved in time, this body element can be susceptible to perforating corrosion to a state in which it is easier to replace than to be repaired. The car owner needs to monitor the condition of the thresholds, if necessary, carry out work on their restoration, processing, after which you can paint the thresholds yourself.
If the damage is relatively small, repair by straightening is possible. However, with severe defects, rotten metal through and through, it will be quite justified to simply replace the body element before painting. After inspecting the car, a professional repairer will almost immediately determine whether it makes sense to tinker with repairs or whether the threshold should be replaced. If the work is done with your own hands, you should compare the labor costs for restoring the thresholds along with the subsequent painting with their cost and decide what actions to take.
As a rule, the threshold is the same with the car body, although sometimes it is made removable. The straightening can be carried out from the outside, while in the places of the dents, special hooks are welded to the metal of the body element, for which the working part of the spotter is attached. It is a specialized tool for leveling grooves in metal. When repairing thresholds, damaged areas can be cut out, and a patch is welded in their place. Irregularities, joints and seams are subsequently smoothed out by the putty.
Video (click to play).
If exterior repairs are not possible, remove seats, doors, seals, and other items that may obstruct interior access to the part. Then the thresholds are straightened from the side of the passenger compartment.
The removable element provides unambiguous advantages in the event of its repair, because it can be unscrewed from the body, aligned, prepared and painted separately from the car. Upon completion of straightening, preparation for painting begins.
It makes sense to fill thresholds only on previously prepared metal. A surface carefully cleaned and degreased with your own hands is an excellent basis for applying putty. Working on an unprepared part guarantees quick peeling and poor adhesion of the filler. It hardly makes sense to putty the threshold directly over the paint or the primary primer.
It is necessary to add the hardener to the composition shortly before use. The preparation time of the working mixture should be approximately one minute, and the mass of the hardener should be within 2-4% of the mass of the entire composition.
In this case, 5-7 minutes are given for the processing of a car part, after which the process of solidification of the composition will begin and it will be useless to do anything with it. The putty is applied in portions, in thin layers, with stops for 5-10 minutes to dry. By pressing on the composition with a spatula, excess air is removed from the mass.
In the room where the car is putty on its own, a certain temperature and humidity must be observed. If the moisture level is higher than the set, the mixture will not completely harden, and at high temperatures it will set too quickly. When using a filler with fiberglass, it must be borne in mind that its pores are difficult to cover with soil. In this case, use a liquid finishing filler.After the filler has dried, the thresholds are sanded by hand or with a grinder before painting.
The point of priming a car body part before painting it is to create conditions under which the paint adheres better and the metal is protected from corrosion. The primer also clogs small pores. If you need to carry out the primer yourself, the sequence of actions is as follows:
the working surface of the car is degreased;
closely spaced parts are covered with a newspaper or cape to avoid accidental painting;
the soil is diluted with a solvent (it is advisable to use the original one, but 647 is also possible);
the mixture is sprayed onto a car part (several times if necessary);
grinding is in progress;
areas of complex shape are processed with scotch-bright.
It should be noted that a good option would be if the color of the primer matches the color of the paint, and a gray primer is considered universal.
Painting a part, in the specific case - a threshold of a car, with your own hands is carried out in several approaches. If the color of the primer differs sharply from the color of the paint, it makes sense to paint the part with a large number of layers. The paint is applied to the part from a distance of 20–25 cm. Before the next approach, the previous layer is dried for 3–7 minutes.
The final stage in the repair of thresholds is varnishing. The varnish protects the paint, the surface of the car body and adds shine. DIY varnishing involves performing several steps, namely:
The varnish is diluted according to the instructions.
The mixture is applied to the surface of the car part in two layers, while before applying the second layer, you should take a break to dry the first.
As a third layer, apply a composition consisting of a mixture of the previous layer and a solvent in a 1: 1 ratio.
Places of transition from the restored surface to other parts of the car body are treated with an even more diluted compound.
A clean solvent is applied to the transition area.
The body is dried for 2-3 days.
The surface is sanded and polished for a smooth and shiny finish.
As a part subject to regular damage, the threshold needs periodic minor repairs and painting. It is relatively easy to paint it with your own hands, if the instructions are not clear, you can watch the corresponding video. The main thing is to act carefully, consistently and not to allow carelessness when painting.
Hello everyone! The topic of today's article is how to paint the sills of the car yourself. The article contains a lot of photos and videos, so even a person who has never encountered a car paintbrush can figure out how to paint the thresholds.
The article discusses painting the thresholds in body color! We have a separate article on how to cover thresholds with anti-gravel.
So, for self-painting the thresholds, we need:
- grinder with a brush brush or "beast"
- compressor and spray gun
- paint in color (acrylic or metallic)
- varnish (if we paint in metallic)
You may need:
- we inspect the car and assess the damage. Here is a video example of how we do it:
- we glue the bottoms of the doors with masking tape and rip off by the Bulgarian's wife. If the grinder breaks, this will not help much, but it will save you from chips from the villi and paint particles flying from the circle. Here is a video example of how we do it:
-when peeling the thresholds, it turned out that the rust had damaged the threshold badly enough. Weld holes:
- since the threshold was welded, one cannot do without putty. We degrease, putty, dry and grind the thresholds with sandpaper:
- we sharpen the primer using sandpaper with numbers 240-600. Here's a video of how it's done:
- we re-glue the film, since dust will fly from the old one during painting.
- Degrease and paint with metallic, and then varnish. Here is a video of the process:
- dry the paint / varnish and paste the car. We got it like this:
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in painting the thresholds on your own. It is important not to hack, mat the surface well for better adhesion, do not forget to degrease before filling, priming and painting and try to do everything neatly.
That's all for me today. I wish you smooth roads and reliable cars.
Getting ready for painting the thresholds
Thresholds are functional parts of a car designed to protect the body from mechanical damage and corrosion. They are equipped with any vehicle, regardless of model and class. They are among the first to "meet" the impact in a collision and are exposed to weather factors. And, therefore, the car owner has to come to paint these elements with his own hands quite often.
Possible reasons for damage to the paintwork and even damage to the metal of the threshold include:
humidity and frost, which are traditional companions of the winter season in our latitudes;
hitting the threshold of slush mixed with aggressive reagents used to treat roads;
hitting stones and sandblasting from under the wheels;
damage when driving any irregularities or curbs;
improperly installed jack.
In the case of minor damage to the thresholds, it makes sense to carry out minor straightening repairs. But if, in addition to violating the geometry of the body or the integrity of the paintwork, deeply damaged or rotten through and through metal sections are found, then it is more expedient to purchase a new part. Usually the threshold forms a single whole with the body, giving it additional rigidity, but there are also removable thresholds.
A removable vehicle sill is usually located on the outer side of the side member. It protects the body from small stones that pop out from under the wheels.
Threshold straightening with a spotter
Straightening and subsequent painting of removable sills of a car is much easier than in the case of a non-removable part. To do this, first of all, it must be dismantled by unscrewing the self-tapping screws with which it is attached to the spar. Then the dents are straightened, the inner side is treated with an anti-corrosion primer or ointment, preparation for staining and painting. After re-installation of the threshold, the areas damaged during installation are repainted.
When straightening such parts, the dents are pulled out from the outside. For this, the old paint layer is removed, and special exhaust hooks are welded to the damaged area. They are grasped with a special inertial puller (spotter) and the dent is leveled.
In addition, you can cut out the damaged area and replace it with a new one, leveling the surface with subsequent putty and painting. When the straightening is completed, we proceed to the preparatory stage prior to painting the threshold.
To paint the thresholds of a car with your own hands, you must consistently go through 4 stages.
Leveling the surface of the threshold with putty occurs in the following sequence.
Degrease the surface of the threshold;
Mix the hardener with the filler a few minutes before applying. The proportion of the hardener in the mixture should be in the range from 2 to 4%;
Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of the part with a thin layer quickly, within 5-7 minutes;
Dry the part for 5-10 minutes;
Grind the treated area;
Repeat the filling several times until a flat surface is reached;
When using a fiberglass-based putty, take into account that it is rather fragile, despite its apparent hardness, and is porous. Therefore, this stage should be completed with a finishing putty.
Covering the threshold with a primer
Coating with a primer prevents corrosion and promotes better paint adhesion to the vehicle surface. In addition, the primer fills the pores. The procedure for applying it with your own hands is as follows.
Degrease the threshold;
Cover the adjacent surface of the car with film or newspapers;
Dilute the primer with a solvent (647 can be used).The primer should be the same color as the paint, or a neutral gray;
Spray the primer on the part. Repeat if necessary;
Sand the threshold “wet” with P800 sandpaper or “dry” with P400 sandpaper;
Treat areas of complex configuration with scotch-bright.
The number of coats of paint will vary depending on what color the primer has been applied. If the latter is very different from the paint pigment, then the number of layers increases. Do-it-yourself threshold painting is carried out as follows.
Apply paint from a spray gun to the part at a distance of 20-25 cm; (You can also paint from a spray can, if the paint is correctly selected.)
Let the paint dry for 3-7 minutes;
Repeat staining 2-4 times.
The final stage after painting the thresholds. Performs protective and decorative functions.
Dilute the varnish according to the instructions.
Coating the part twice (with a drying break) from a spray gun at a pressure of 1-1.5 atmospheres, using the same nozzles as for the paint.
Spray in 3 coats a mixture of cleaning solvent and varnish in a 1: 1 ratio.
Treat the transition zone from the damaged area to the rest of the surface with a mixture even more diluted with solvent. Then cover it with clean solvent.
Allow the thresholds to dry completely for 2-3 days.
Polish and sand the surface.
The threshold, as the most vulnerable and corrosive part, regularly needs minor repairs and re-painting. Doing it yourself is easy. It is enough just to follow the given technological sequence exactly.
Wet snowy winters, rainy springs and autumn, road treatment with caustic reagents destroy the coating and metal of the car. Thresholds are subjected to bending, kink and twisting loads, therefore they often require repair. The doors, underbody and sills of the car suffer the most from domestic broken roads. Pieces of asphalt, stones, crushed stone, falling on the surface of the car's thresholds on the way, first lead to small cracks, dents. Later, the resulting rust corrodes the metal, turns chips into holes. Delaying the painting of the thresholds is more expensive. Threshold steps are directly related to the stiffness of the spar, therefore, they are the first to suffer in accidents, and can cause poor resistance to corrosion and deformation. If the paintwork is damaged, painting the thresholds takes a little time.
It is advisable to paint the thresholds of the car every year, not to start the problem. Car door sills repair can be done by yourself. Do-it-yourself painting technology is simple.
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car wash;
thorough inspection of the car;
cleaning the surface of the thresholds;
putty on damaged areas;
Preparing for painting a car and painting thresholds with your own hands is a very real procedure. The detachable part can be easily dismantled by yourself. To remove the threshold, it is necessary and sufficient to unscrew the self-tapping screws securing it to the side member. After that, straighten the metal using straightening tools. Next, paint the inner surface of the threshold with an anti-corrosion compound.
If the damage to the threshold is significant, dismantle the doors, floor covering, seat - elements located in the vicinity of the threshold. And only then carry out straightening repairs from the inside.
Before you paint the thresholds, you need to sand them, putty, prime them.
According to the technology, after straightening and welding works, they start cleaning. What for?
smooth welded seams;
sand cracks and chips;
remove old paint.
grinder or grinder;
scotch sponge bright (apply dry, with water, with matting agents).
Protruding chips and cracks are smoothed out with a special plane. Weld seams are grinded with a grinder. Dents and scratches are processed with a grinder, small ones - with sandpaper by hand. Sand the places where there are rust bubbles. The last grinding is carried out with a grinder with fine sandpaper. Eventually, the treated areas must be cleaned to bare metal.
Convenient gel composition "Rust Remover B-52". Apply the product with a brush to the surface for 10 minutes, remove with a cloth. As a result, rust is completely removed, resulting in a section of bare metal. Degrease the surface with gasoline and proceed to the next step.
software - standard universal;
fine - the last layer on a coarse putty; for sealing minor defects;
with aluminum filler - convenient and easy to handle;
with fiberglass - covers large dents and holes; very durable, difficult to handle.
Thoroughly putty on cleaned and degreased surfaces so that there is no quick peeling. Do not put putty on the paint.
The hardener is added to the filler just before application. The mixture is prepared for 1 minute. The mass of the hardener is 2-4% of the total volume of the mixture. It takes only 5-7 minutes to process the threshold. Apply the ready-made putty in several thin layers, let it stand for 5-10 minutes between each application. It is also possible to process several defects in parallel without wasting time. Press with a spatula on the mixture so that excess air comes out of it.
Do-it-yourself painting of threshold structures of a car is not due to the desire to paint the car, but because of the need to update the corrosion protection.
The primer creates good adhesion for the paint, exposes imperceptible defects in the putty, it is not too late to fix them. Acrylic primers are popular.
The liquid primer is applied in 2 layers. They are sanded to smoothness, the transition from the painted to the filled surface should not be felt to the touch.
The ledges under the door are even painted with hammer paint. Removal of rusted stains, filling of thresholds, degreasing, priming, application of anti-gravel paint is carried out. Application over enamel is allowed. Read the instructions for the paint.
Apply the enamels in a standard way. The problem of incompatibility of epoxy and pickling primers can arise with primers.
If the primers have different bases, the epoxy primer will not sit on top of the acidic primer:
epoxy primer is incompatible with alkyd-urethane, acrylic polymers, melamines, urea (MCh enamels), polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane;
the etching primer is applied to clean metal.
Epoxy primers are applied in one coat. Thresholds sanding P280, P320. It is permissible to apply the putty after the epoxy primer. Acid primer painting is done over pure metal. Putty has a higher priority, it must be immediately put on the metal after cleaning.
An important point is the selection of paint color. When carrying out a partial repair of car thresholds, the selection should be done with special care. The stage can be entrusted to service station specialists who have special computer programs, they will quickly calculate the required proportion of components. Spray the first layer horizontally from top to bottom. The next layers should lie perpendicular to the previous ones. The distance between the spray can and the part to be painted should be 20 cm during the painting process. After the paint has dried, polish the repaired threshold surface.
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We all know perfectly well how aggressive external factors influence our cars. First of all, this applies to the spring-autumn period and wet winters with temperature drops and high humidity. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in winter the roads are treated with special reagents that mix with the dirt and get on many parts of the car, destroying them.
The biggest blow in winter is taken by those elements of the car bottom that are outside. First of all, this concerns the thresholds of the machine, which are constantly subjected to high loads for bending, kinking and twisting. Therefore, it is not strange that straightening and painting of car sills are operations that must be carried out regularly.
These elements of the car are located on the sides of the side members and serve to protect the car from flying stones. On the streets of our country there are cars in which these parts can be both a component of the body and a separate part.
It is better to start repairing the thresholds of the car with your own hands, when the integrity of the paintwork and the shape of the parts have already been violated. If you postpone the straightening until cracks appear in the metal, then the repair will cost much more.
Removable items are much easier to repair than non-removable items. It is much easier to dismantle them, for this it is enough to unscrew the bolts and pull out the parts from the clips for further processing. Things are a little different with parts of a different type. To dismantle them, you will need a set of wrenches and pliers. In addition, when removing the thresholds, there is a great risk of damaging the throttle position sensor, which in some car models is located under the passenger compartment seats. With this in mind, most specialists carry out repair, processing and painting of non-removable thresholds right on the car.
Among the most common types of straightening of car sills, various welding operations can be distinguished, as a result of which worn parts are separated from the part and new parts are welded. As a rule, after such an operation, the thresholds are painted and varnished.
Before you start painting the parts with your own hands, layers of putty and primer must be applied to their surface. Only thoroughly cleaned and completely degreased surfaces can be putty. Otherwise, the material will peel off very quickly, making the thresholds unusable.
To prepare the working mixture for the putty, add a little hardener to the jar with the material. The amount of the latter should be approximately 5% of the available volume of the putty. After that, we will have about 5-8 minutes to work on processing the rapids. If you do not complete the operation within the specified time frame, then the material will begin to harden, after which you will no longer be able to work with it.
We apply the filler in several very thin layers. Pauses between repetitions should be no more than 5 minutes. If you have already worked with putty before, then during the drying of one problem area of the threshold, the car can be treated with another. Care must be taken to ensure that no excess air remains in the mixture. To do this, you need to press the trowel against the mixture every time you are going to apply the material to the surface.
As in the case of full car painting, the room in which you paint the thresholds should be as clean as possible. The humidity in the room should not exceed 82%, otherwise the putty will not harden. In addition, the temperature must be monitored. If it exceeds 22 ° C, then the material will set very quickly, making it unusable.
After filling the thresholds, it is the turn to apply the primer. Its main function is to protect the metal components of the car from corrosion, as well as to ensure adhesion during painting.The primer completely fills all the pores and holes formed after cleaning, making the surface perfectly even.
It is necessary to prepare the primer mixture, as well as the putty, before the actual application process on the part. To dilute the material, you can use a regular solvent, or you can purchase a special composition with the marking 647 .
After the mixture is prepared, pour it into a spray bottle and apply a thin layer on the work surface. When the threshold is dry, sand it with P400 sandpaper and apply a second coat of primer.
After careful processing of the parts, you can start painting them. This work is easy to do with your own hands, all you need is to be extremely careful and not rush. The work is carried out in 3 approaches, but if the color of the ground differs from the shade of the car body, the number of paint coats can be increased to 5-6.
The spray gun with the material for painting must be kept at a distance of 30–40 cm from the surface of the threshold. Before starting to apply a new layer, the previous one needs to be dried a little. To do this, take a household hair dryer and dry the part for 3-4 minutes.
After applying the last layer of paint, leave the elements until they dry completely. Next, we proceed to varnishing the thresholds with our own hands. To achieve the best result after varnishing the parts, set the spray gun to 1-1.5 atmospheres. The nozzles are the same as for painting.
The technology of varnishing the thresholds of a car with a colorless varnish has its own subtleties. They are especially worth considering when it comes to incomplete processing of automotive parts. So, if only individual sections of the thresholds will succumb to varnishing, then the composition should be applied in this way:
After priming and painting, two layers of diluted varnish are applied to the problem area of the threshold;
The third layer consists of the remaining varnish and solvent in a 1: 1 ratio;
The fourth treatment layer should consist of the remaining mixture + 100% solvent. This mixture is used to treat only that part of the threshold that is outside the vehicle;
The fifth layer - finishing - is 100% pure solvent.
After applying the last layer of varnish, leave the thresholds until completely dry. It is worth reminding once again that the room should be as clean as possible, otherwise all the dust will settle on the processed parts.
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The thresholds of the car are structurally located close to the road, which responds to them with serious loads - the paint is chipped off by frequent blows of stones, the coating is damaged by road chemicals and dirt. In high humidity conditions, damaged metal begins to rust. If the problem is not resolved in time, this body element can be susceptible to perforating corrosion to a state in which it is easier to replace than to be repaired. The car owner needs to monitor the condition of the thresholds, if necessary, carry out work on their restoration, processing, after which you can paint the thresholds yourself.
If the damage is relatively small, repair by straightening is possible. However, with severe defects, rotten metal through and through, it will be quite justified to simply replace the body element before painting. After inspecting the car, a professional repairer will almost immediately determine whether it makes sense to tinker with repairs or whether the threshold should be replaced. If the work is done with your own hands, you should compare the labor costs for restoring the thresholds along with the subsequent painting with their cost and decide what actions to take.
As a rule, the threshold is the same with the car body, although sometimes it is made removable. The straightening can be carried out from the outside, while in the places of the dents, special hooks are welded to the metal of the body element, for which the working part of the spotter is attached. It is a specialized tool for leveling grooves in metal. When repairing thresholds, damaged areas can be cut out, and a patch is welded in their place. Irregularities, joints and seams are subsequently smoothed out by the putty.
If exterior repairs are not possible, remove seats, doors, seals, and other items that may obstruct interior access to the part. Then the thresholds are straightened from the side of the passenger compartment.
The removable element provides unambiguous advantages in the event of its repair, because it can be unscrewed from the body, aligned, prepared and painted separately from the car. Upon completion of straightening, preparation for painting begins.
It makes sense to fill thresholds only on previously prepared metal. A surface carefully cleaned and degreased with your own hands is an excellent basis for applying putty. Working on an unprepared part guarantees quick peeling and poor adhesion of the filler. It hardly makes sense to putty the threshold directly over the paint or the primary primer.
It is necessary to add the hardener to the composition shortly before use. The preparation time of the working mixture should be approximately one minute, and the mass of the hardener should be within 2-4% of the mass of the entire composition.
In this case, 5-7 minutes are given for the processing of a car part, after which the process of solidification of the composition will begin and it will be useless to do anything with it. The putty is applied in portions, in thin layers, with stops for 5-10 minutes to dry. By pressing on the composition with a spatula, excess air is removed from the mass.
In the room where the car is putty on its own, a certain temperature and humidity must be observed. If the moisture level is higher than the set, the mixture will not completely harden, and at high temperatures it will set too quickly. When using a filler with fiberglass, it must be borne in mind that its pores are difficult to cover with soil. In this case, use a liquid finishing filler. After the filler has dried, the thresholds are sanded by hand or with a grinder before painting.
The point of priming a car body part before painting it is to create conditions under which the paint adheres better and the metal is protected from corrosion. The primer also clogs small pores. If you need to carry out the primer yourself, the sequence of actions is as follows:
the working surface of the car is degreased;
closely spaced parts are covered with a newspaper or cape to avoid accidental painting;
the soil is diluted with a solvent (it is advisable to use the original one, but 647 is also possible);
the mixture is sprayed onto a car part (several times if necessary);
grinding is in progress;
areas of complex shape are processed with scotch-bright.
It should be noted that a good option would be if the color of the primer matches the color of the paint, and a gray primer is considered universal.
Painting a part, in the specific case - a threshold of a car, with your own hands is carried out in several approaches. If the color of the primer differs sharply from the color of the paint, it makes sense to paint the part with a large number of layers.The paint is applied to the part from a distance of 20–25 cm. Before the next approach, the previous layer is dried for 3–7 minutes.
Video (click to play).
The final stage in the repair of thresholds is varnishing. The varnish protects the paint, the surface of the car body and adds shine. DIY varnishing involves performing several steps, namely:
The varnish is diluted according to the instructions.
The mixture is applied to the surface of the car part in two layers, while before applying the second layer, you should take a break to dry the first.
As a third layer, apply a composition consisting of a mixture of the previous layer and a solvent in a 1: 1 ratio.
Places of transition from the restored surface to other parts of the car body are treated with an even more diluted compound.
A clean solvent is applied to the transition area.
The body is dried for 2-3 days.
The surface is sanded and polished for a smooth and shiny finish.
As a part subject to regular damage, the threshold needs periodic minor repairs and painting. It is relatively easy to paint it with your own hands, if the instructions are not clear, you can watch the corresponding video. The main thing is to act carefully, consistently and not to allow carelessness when painting.
Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog. Today in the article we will talk about handling car sills with our own hands to protect against rust. All motorists have faced the problem of rusty thresholds. It is relevant for any vehicle used on the roads of the country.
Anti-corrosion treatment of car sills can solve the problem of rust. If you let the corrosion process take its course, then in a few years you will have to completely change the thresholds of the car. Rust is easier to prevent than to subsequently fight against its destructive effect.
In the article you can see a small video on handling car sills with your own hands. It can be used to perform real-time anti-corrosion treatment. It is enough to have a smartphone or tablet at hand.
At the end of the article, you will find interesting and fascinating video ... Shows the destructive effect of rust on a car.
Car thresholds need protection, as they are located in the lower part of the car and are subject to negative effects of external factors (temperature drops, salt reagents, negative temperatures, high humidity).
Often, small stones, sand, crushed stone and gravel can leave minor damage on the outside of the rapids. Often they become hotbeds of the future corrosive process.
The choice of means of anticorrosive treatment of the thresholds of the machine is wide and varied. Cheap or expensive funds can be found. All of them have received a generalized name "anti-gravel for thresholds". They can be sold in cans or metal cans.
If it is not possible to use the lift for processing thresholds, then it is better to postpone the work for the summer period. During the summer months, you can use the flyover and work outdoors. Do not work on thresholds in winter or autumn.
work clothes that cover all areas of the skin;
latex gloves;
protective glasses;
metal brush;
pure water;
means for anti-corrosion treatment of thresholds;
White Spirit for degreasing
rust converter;
construction hair dryer.
dismantle protection;
thorough car wash with emphasis on the sills;
drying the car;
access to a ski lift or flyover;
removal of all foci of rust on the thresholds with sandpaper or a special disc;
treatment of thresholds with a rust converter;
degreasing thresholds;
drying thresholds;
using masking tape to protect areas adjacent to thresholds;
the anti-gravel can should be shaken vigorously for at least 2-3 seconds before use;
you need to keep the can at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the surface of the threshold;
monitor the uniformity of the application of the protective agent;
between layers it is necessary to maintain a time of about 5-7 minutes;
the optimal number of anti-gravel layers is at least 3;
to accelerate the drying of the anti-corrosion agent, you can use a construction hairdryer;
removing masking tape;
installation in place of protection;
use the car no earlier than 2 hours after treatment.
There is nothing complicated in the treatment of thresholds from rust. You need to prepare and follow the sequence of actions. Do not rush, as the quality of work suffers.
This method of handling the thresholds of a car with your own hands is less popular. Everything is explained by the laboriousness of the process and a large amount of time spent.
To protect thresholds, you can purchase "Anticorrosive bituminous". It is a cold applied mastic. It is produced on the basis of mixing rubber and resins. It has an affordable cost and can be easily found on sale.
The preparatory stage of the car is the same as in the case of using anti-gravel. The underside of the machine must be thoroughly washed, dried and cleaned of rust spots. After that, you can start applying anti-corrosion mastic.
Before using Anticor bitumen, it is better to warm it up a little. This will increase its fluidity and adhesion level. The mastic is applied with an ordinary paint brush. No need to spare the mastic. The thickness of the layer directly affects the effectiveness and durability of the corrosion protection of thresholds.
After applying the mastic, you need to wait for the natural drying of the anti-corrosion material. Using a hair dryer to dry will backfire. On average, 2 hours are enough. At the end of this time, you can put the protection in place and use the car.
The amount of anti-corrosion treatment for car sills is large. By and large, they are not much different from each other.
aerosol can, ready for use;
aerosol can for a special gun;
metal cans;
plastic containers.
containing a rust converter;
anti-corrosion agents;
increased adhesion;
reinforced strength.
Despite the abundance of various means of protecting thresholds from corrosion, many motorists ask themselves the question: how to process the thresholds? We will give a complete and comprehensive answer to this question. He will help the car enthusiast make the right choice.
Antigravel based on special resins. Possesses high adhesion and is resistant to damage. Application requires the use of a special gun. Dries quickly. The cost is $ 4-6.
Inexpensive but effective. Does not require the use of a special pistol. Consumption of one layer 400 grams per 1m². Recommended to apply in 2-3 coats. Cost for 400 ml. 2-3 $.
High-quality anti-gravel, providing effective protection of thresholds. Possesses a high degree of adhesion. Doesn't require any special skills to use. The cost is $ 3-4.