Do-it-yourself car door sills repair and painting

In detail: do-it-yourself car sills repair and painting from a real master for the site

The thresholds of the car are structurally located close to the road, which responds to them with serious loads - the paint is chipped off by frequent blows of stones, the coating is damaged by road chemicals and dirt. In high humidity conditions, damaged metal begins to rust. If the problem is not resolved in time, this body element can be susceptible to perforating corrosion to a state in which it is easier to replace than to be repaired. The car owner needs to monitor the condition of the thresholds, if necessary, carry out work on their restoration, processing, after which you can paint the thresholds yourself.

If the damage is relatively small, repair by straightening is possible. However, with severe defects, rotten metal through and through, it will be quite justified to simply replace the body element before painting. After inspecting the car, a professional repairer will almost immediately determine whether it makes sense to tinker with repairs or whether the threshold should be replaced. If the work is done with your own hands, you should compare the labor costs for restoring the thresholds along with the subsequent painting with their cost and decide what actions to take.

As a rule, the threshold is the same with the car body, although sometimes it is made removable. The straightening can be carried out from the outside, while in the places of the dents, special hooks are welded to the metal of the body element, for which the working part of the spotter is attached. It is a specialized tool for leveling grooves in metal. When repairing thresholds, damaged areas can be cut out, and a patch is welded in their place. Irregularities, joints and seams are subsequently smoothed out by the putty.

Video (click to play).

If exterior repairs are not possible, remove seats, doors, seals, and other items that may obstruct interior access to the part. Then the thresholds are straightened from the side of the passenger compartment.

The removable element provides unambiguous advantages in the event of its repair, because it can be unscrewed from the body, aligned, prepared and painted separately from the car. Upon completion of straightening, preparation for painting begins.

It makes sense to fill thresholds only on previously prepared metal. A surface carefully cleaned and degreased with your own hands is an excellent basis for applying putty. Working on an unprepared part guarantees quick peeling and poor adhesion of the filler. It hardly makes sense to putty the threshold directly over the paint or the primary primer.

It is necessary to add the hardener to the composition shortly before use. The preparation time of the working mixture should be approximately one minute, and the mass of the hardener should be within 2-4% of the mass of the entire composition.

In this case, 5-7 minutes are given for the processing of a car part, after which the process of solidification of the composition will begin and it will be useless to do anything with it. The putty is applied in portions, in thin layers, with stops for 5-10 minutes to dry. By pressing on the composition with a spatula, excess air is removed from the mass.

In the room where the car is putty on its own, a certain temperature and humidity must be observed. If the moisture level is higher than the set, the mixture will not completely harden, and at high temperatures it will set too quickly. When using a filler with fiberglass, it must be borne in mind that its pores are difficult to cover with soil. In this case, use a liquid finishing filler.After the filler has dried, the thresholds are sanded by hand or with a grinder before painting.

The point of priming a car body part before painting it is to create conditions under which the paint adheres better and the metal is protected from corrosion. The primer also clogs small pores. If you need to carry out the primer yourself, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the working surface of the car is degreased;
  • closely spaced parts are covered with a newspaper or cape to avoid accidental painting;
  • the soil is diluted with a solvent (it is advisable to use the original one, but 647 is also possible);
  • the mixture is sprayed onto a car part (several times if necessary);
  • grinding is in progress;
  • areas of complex shape are processed with scotch-bright.

It should be noted that a good option would be if the color of the primer matches the color of the paint, and a gray primer is considered universal.

Painting a part, in the specific case - a threshold of a car, with your own hands is carried out in several approaches. If the color of the primer differs sharply from the color of the paint, it makes sense to paint the part with a large number of layers. The paint is applied to the part from a distance of 20–25 cm. Before the next approach, the previous layer is dried for 3–7 minutes.

The final stage in the repair of thresholds is varnishing. The varnish protects the paint, the surface of the car body and adds shine. DIY varnishing involves performing several steps, namely:

  1. The varnish is diluted according to the instructions.
  2. The mixture is applied to the surface of the car part in two layers, while before applying the second layer, you should take a break to dry the first.
  3. As a third layer, apply a composition consisting of a mixture of the previous layer and a solvent in a 1: 1 ratio.
  4. Places of transition from the restored surface to other parts of the car body are treated with an even more diluted compound.
  5. A clean solvent is applied to the transition area.
  6. The body is dried for 2-3 days.
  7. The surface is sanded and polished for a smooth and shiny finish.

As a part subject to regular damage, the threshold needs periodic minor repairs and painting. It is relatively easy to paint it with your own hands, if the instructions are not clear, you can watch the corresponding video. The main thing is to act carefully, consistently and not to allow carelessness when painting.

Hello everyone! The topic of today's article is how to paint the sills of the car yourself. The article contains a lot of photos and videos, so even a person who has never encountered a car paintbrush can figure out how to paint the thresholds.

The article discusses painting the thresholds in body color! We have a separate article on how to cover thresholds with anti-gravel.

So, for self-painting the thresholds, we need:

- grinder with a brush brush or "beast"

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- compressor and spray gun

- paint in color (acrylic or metallic)

- varnish (if we paint in metallic)

You may need:

- we inspect the car and assess the damage. Here is a video example of how we do it: