In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the fubag in 160 inverter from a real master for the site
Posts: 503
The Fubag in160 is similar to the GYSMI 161 circuitry.
I continue to repair IN160, the NCP1055 microcircuit was replaced from another batch, dead transistors Q11S02 = Q11S01 = BSR14, replacement from a donor, dead optocouplers U12X01, U41X01. The duty room has started up, the fan is spinning. The S17LITE05 processor does not issue a PWM signal, therefore the power section does not start. I took off the force, unsoldered the comb, I did not find any broken elements. Does anyone have a power section diagram?
S17LITE05 was thrown from the donor, there are no changes, not the fact that it is whole.
Posts: 1960
Rummaged in the internet on one forum, I found that the matter could be in the firmware or calibration. I sin on it for now. Disassemble again, oh, how not a hunt! And so, when soldering the bridge from the main board, I damaged one track - I had to restore it with a MGTF wire. The design is just hellish) Please help, ipaSoft.
1) Check this contact very well. Pay attention if there is no burnout of the interlayer bushings in the printed circuit board. 2) Connect a 100 W light bulb as a load, only apply the load after turning on the device, and not before. 3) If the voltage subsided, or rather, decreased to 0, then the contact between the rack and the board is bad. Connect the lamp to the rack. Repeat measurements. 4) If the voltage sags, climb the oscillator onto the motherboard and check the signal on L6386: between 8 and 9 feet, between 12 and 13 feet. a) If there are pulses, then this is not firmware or calibration. Two options b) Both output diodes are broken. You can check with a tester. c) The amplifier stage from the complementary pair on the module is faulty (decoupling L6386 with MOSFET keys)
Further, a huge complex branch for further troubleshooting of this machine. But I will not dump everything, I will listen to your measurements.
Black Fire wrote: forget about the potential for failure of the power supply unit and whistling.
My second year is whistling robust after a slight fall. Is it going to die soon?
Exuberant wrote: My second year is whistling robust after a slight fall. Is it going to die soon?
We're talking about a different whistle. Inverter series 130/160/170 whistle slightly when off (features of the auxiliary power supply unit) In your case - but who knows how much - maybe it will outlive us (you can't tell without looking)
as an electronics engineer, I would advise when reworking switching power supplies use microcircuits that have the same operating frequency and are turned on according to typical schemes from datasheets found for example on ">,
otherwise whistling, static chirping and output voltage jumps are possible in case of interference during welding in such a converted unit with unpredictable consequences for an expensive power unit, for example, in the recommended replacement NCP1055ST100T3G-TNY278PG, the first microcircuit operates at 100, and the second at 132kHz (like NCP1055ST136, operating at 132kHz),
hence the question is whether it works without problems over the entire operating range of voltages and temperatures?
and another very important is the snubber chain (according to the datasheet), the limiter in Russian, connected in parallel primary winding - the elements of this circuit operate in maximum mode and it is desirable to replace them with high-quality and powerful ones, which manufacturers often do not do (do not even install!)!
electrolytic capacitors of rectifiers of secondary windings change to jamikon, green, with low series resistance (LowESR), which will save you a bunch of additional problems,
rinse thoroughly from the flux and, after checking, cover the installation with heat-resistant varnish, even furniture, the tsapon peels off in some hot places, although where it is not hot, it will
Basically, devices with defective microcircuits do not react in any way to attempts to turn on, but there were rare cases when Fubag IN160 inverter shutdown with warm-up, after a few seconds it turned on, then turned off again, and clicked. In this case, it turned out to check the microcircuit by turning on the device and, while clicking, gently leaning a cotton swab moistened with alcohol against it, the clicking immediately stopped and the inverter worked normally until the alcohol dried out.
Sometimes, after opening the device and external examination, such defects of the NCP1055B microcircuit are visible, one might say, with the naked eye.
Often the microcircuit breaks down, by itself, without affecting the vital surrounding elements. Something she has personal problems with the tightness of the case. In such cases, it is sufficient to replace only the microcircuit. We will consider this option.
First of all, we will clear the place from the killed microcircuit.
It makes no sense to put it in the SOT-223 case again, since they are unreliable. Better to somehow contrive. and receive the FEATHER BIRD. no set the microcircuit to DIP-8.
Comparing the conclusions of this microcircuit by the datasheet, we bend them in this way.
If everything is done correctly and the surrounding components are intact, which is better to be sure by using the circuit in advance and checking them, then the device turns on immediately and works great.
On the forums, you can find options for replacing the NCP1055B with the TNY268 with a slight alteration of the circuit. remont22 Posted 02 April 2011 - 01:57 PWM NCP1055P100. From another forum. I fixed another deadhead, with an "improved" duty feeder on the NCP1055 that explodes all the time. In general, this product can be exchanged for a TNY268 in a DIP-8 package. I soldered it onto a small breadboard, and connected it to the circuit with short conductors. How to do this is clear from the comparison of the documentation for these 2 mikruhi. The bypass kander (10mk) is changed to 0.1mk.A source.
Which option to choose is at your discretion.
Attention! Be careful when repairing the welding inverter with your own hands, the responsibility lies with you.
Repair of welding inverters from Fubag and other manufacturers.
1,011 posts
City: Oryol
Post has been editedROMAN-WELDER on: 30 March 2014 - 11:55
1803 posts
City: Nizhny Novgorod
Name: Alexey
tehsvar (30 March 2014 - 16:53) wrote:
Add what is the denomination of the green resistor, N55B burned out and burst
Repair of welding inverters, despite its complexity, in most cases can be done independently. And if you are well versed in the design of such devices and have an idea of what is more likely to fail in them, you can successfully optimize the costs of professional service.
Replacement of radio components in the process of repairing a welding inverter
The main purpose of any inverter is to generate a constant welding current, which is obtained by rectifying a high-frequency alternating current. The use of a high-frequency alternating current, converted by means of a special inverter module from a rectified mains supply, is due to the fact that the strength of such a current can be effectively increased to the required value using a compact transformer. It is this principle underlying the operation of the inverter that allows such equipment to have compact dimensions with high efficiency.
Functional diagram of the welding inverter
The welding inverter circuit, which determines its technical characteristics, includes the following main elements:
a primary rectifier unit, the basis of which is a diode bridge (the task of such a unit is to rectify an alternating current coming from a standard electrical network);
an inverter unit, the main element of which is a transistor assembly (it is with the help of this unit that the direct current supplied to its input is converted into an alternating current, the frequency of which is 50–100 kHz);
a high-frequency step-down transformer, on which, due to a decrease in the input voltage, the output current is significantly increased (due to the principle of high-frequency transformation, a current can be generated at the output of such a device, the strength of which reaches 200–250 A);
output rectifier, assembled on the basis of power diodes (the task of this block of the inverter includes rectifying an alternating high-frequency current, which is necessary for performing welding).
The welding inverter circuit contains a number of other elements that improve its operation and functionality, but the main ones are the above.
Repair of an inverter-type welding machine has a number of features, which is explained by the complexity of the design of such a device. Any inverter, unlike other types of welding machines, is electronic, which requires the specialists involved in its maintenance and repair to have at least basic radio engineering knowledge, as well as skills in handling various measuring instruments - a voltmeter, digital multimeter, oscilloscope, etc. ...
In the process of maintenance and repair, the elements that make up the welding inverter circuit are checked. This includes transistors, diodes, resistors, zener diodes, transformer and choke devices. The peculiarity of the design of the inverter is that very often during its repair it is impossible or very difficult to determine the failure of which particular element was the cause of the malfunction.
A sign of a burnt out resistor may be a small carbon deposit on the board, which is difficult to distinguish with an inexperienced eye.
In such situations, all the details are checked sequentially. To successfully solve such a problem, it is necessary not only to be able to use measuring instruments, but also to be quite familiar with electronic circuits. If you do not have such skills and knowledge at least at the initial level, then repairing a welding inverter with your own hands can lead to even more serious damage.
Realistically assessing their strengths, knowledge and experience and deciding to undertake independent repair of inverter-type equipment, it is important not only to watch a training video on this topic, but also to carefully study the instructions, in which manufacturers list the most typical malfunctions of welding inverters, as well as ways to eliminate them.
Situations that can cause the inverter to fail or lead to malfunctions can be divided into two main types:
associated with the wrong choice of welding mode;
caused by the failure of parts of the device or their incorrect operation.
The technique for detecting an inverter malfunction for subsequent repair is reduced to the sequential execution of technological operations, from the simplest to the most complex. The modes in which such checks are performed and what their essence is, is usually specified in the equipment instructions.
Common inverter malfunctions, their causes and remedies
If the recommended actions did not lead to the desired results and the operation of the device has not been restored, most often this means that the cause of the malfunction should be looked for in the electronic circuit. The reasons for the failure of its blocks and individual elements may be different. Let's list the most common ones.
Moisture has penetrated into the interior of the device, which can happen if precipitation falls on the body of the device.
Dust has accumulated on the elements of the electronic circuit, which leads to a violation of their full cooling. The maximum amount of dust gets into inverters when they are used in highly dusty rooms or on construction sites. In order not to bring the equipment to such a state, its interior must be regularly cleaned.
Overheating of the elements of the electronic circuit of the inverter and, as a consequence, their failure can lead to non-observance of the duration of the switch (DC). This parameter, which must be strictly observed, is indicated in the technical passport of the equipment.
Liquid traces inside the inverter housing
The most common problems encountered when operating inverters are as follows.
Unstable arc burning or active metal spatter
This situation may indicate that the wrong amperage has been selected for welding.As you know, this parameter is selected depending on the type and diameter of the electrode, as well as on the speed of welding. If the packaging of the electrodes that you are using does not contain recommendations on the optimal value of the current strength, you can calculate it using a simple formula: 1 mm of the electrode diameter should account for 20–40 A of welding current. It should also be borne in mind that the lower the welding speed, the lower the current must be.
Dependence of the diameter of the electrodes on the strength of the welding current
This problem can be associated with a number of reasons, and most of them are based on undervoltage. Modern models of inverter devices also operate at reduced voltage, but when its value drops below the minimum value for which the equipment is designed, the electrode begins to stick. A drop in the voltage value at the output of the equipment can occur if the device blocks do not contact the panel sockets poorly.
This reason can be eliminated very simply: by cleaning the contact sockets and fixing the electronic boards in them more tightly. If the wire through which the inverter is connected to the mains has a cross-section of less than 2.5 mm2, this can also lead to a voltage drop at the input of the device. This is guaranteed to happen even if such a wire is too long.
If the length of the supply wire exceeds 40 meters, it is practically impossible to use an inverter for welding, which will be connected with its help. The voltage in the supply circuit can also drop if its contacts are burnt or oxidized. A frequent cause of electrode sticking is insufficiently high-quality preparation of the surfaces of the parts to be welded, which must be thoroughly cleaned not only from the existing contaminants, but also from the oxide film.
Selection of the cross-section of the welding cable
This situation often occurs in the event of overheating of the inverter device. At the same time, the control indicator on the panel of the device should light up. If the glow of the latter is hardly noticeable, and the inverter does not have a sound alert function, then the welder may simply not be aware of overheating. This state of the welding inverter is also typical when the welding wires are broken or spontaneously disconnected.
Spontaneous shutdown of the inverter during welding
Most often, this situation occurs when the supply of the supply voltage is turned off by circuit breakers whose operating parameters are incorrectly selected. When working with an inverter device, automatic machines designed for a current of at least 25 A must be installed in the electrical panel.
Most likely, this situation indicates that the voltage in the power supply network is too low.
Automatic shutdown of the inverter during prolonged welding
Most modern inverter machines are equipped with temperature sensors that automatically turn off the equipment when the temperature in its interior rises to a critical level. There is only one way out of this situation: give the welding machine a rest for 20-30 minutes, during which it will cool down.
If after testing it becomes clear that the cause of malfunctions in the operation of the inverter device lies in its inner part, you should disassemble the case and start examining the electronic filling. It is possible that the reason lies in poor-quality soldering of device parts or poorly connected wires.
A close inspection of the electronic circuits will reveal faulty parts that may be darkened, cracked, bloated, or have burnt contacts.
Burnt parts on the Fubac IN-160 inverter board (AC-DC regulator, 2NK90 transistor, 47 ohm resistor)
During repair, such parts must be removed from the boards (it is advisable to use a soldering iron with a suction for this), and then replaced with similar ones.If the marking on the defective elements is not readable, then special tables can be used to select them. After replacing defective parts, it is advisable to test the electronic boards using a tester. Moreover, this must be done if the inspection did not reveal the elements to be repaired.
A visual check of the electronic circuits of the inverter and their analysis with a tester should start with the power unit with transistors, since it is he who is the most vulnerable. If the transistors are faulty, then, most likely, the circuit that shakes them (driver) has also failed. The elements that make up such a circuit must also be checked first.
After checking the transistor unit, all other units are checked, for which a tester is also used. The surface of the printed circuit boards must be carefully examined to determine the presence of burnt areas and breaks on them. If any are found, then such places should be carefully cleaned and jumpers should be soldered on them.
If burnt or broken wires are found in the filling of the inverter, then during repair they must be replaced with similar ones in cross section. Although the diode bridges of the inverter rectifiers are reliable enough, they should also be ringed with a tester.
The most complex element of the inverter is the key control board, the operability of which depends on the operability of the entire device. Such a board for the presence of control signals that are fed to the gate buses of the key block is checked using an oscilloscope. The final step in testing and repairing the electronic circuits of the inverter device should be to check the contacts of all existing connectors and clean them with a regular eraser.
Self-repair of an electronic device such as an inverter is quite difficult. It is almost impossible to learn how to repair this equipment just by watching a training video; for this you need to have certain knowledge and skills. If you have such knowledge and skills, then watching such a video will give you the opportunity to make up for the lack of experience.
Group: Users Posts: 49 Registration: 21.4.2011 User #: 22548
initially there was a burnt power supply. it provided 5 volts for powering the microcontroller and 24 volts for relays and ventilation. having supplied power from an external source, the LED lit up, the cooler turned on and the relay worked. because the voltage remained on the capacitors, then the entire inverter started working. having measured the voltage at the output, I accidentally shorted +310 volts from the capacitors (there were about 100 left) to the power supply of the PWM. got a dead 3845, L6368 and apparently a microcontroller. Now, when power is applied to the mk, both LEDs light up regardless of the position of the variable resistor with the power switch. replaced 3845 and L6368 and small things. the shim started up. I am attaching photos. the strength is whole. now, when power is applied to the PWM and to the input of the inverter, there is voltage at the output, but the current is not regulated. Because the firmware on the mk I will hardly find it, then I want to bypass it altogether. As I understand it, it controls the output current, blocks the PWM when the temperature rises and controls the cooler with a soft charging relay. the values of the resistances and the zener diode (apparently) are also of interest (circled in red). also confuses the fact that the impulses from the L6368 are different. I will attach oscillograms later
Post has been edited hhh – 12.1.2012, 8:45
If you know how to repair welding inverters with your own hands, then you can fix most of the problems yourself. Possession of information about other faults will prevent unreasonable costs for service maintenance.
Welding inverter machines provide high quality welding with minimum professional skills and maximum welder comfort. They have a more complex design than welding rectifiers and transformers and, accordingly, less reliable.Unlike the aforementioned predecessors, which are mostly electrical products, inverter devices are a rather complex electronic device.
Therefore, in the event of failure of any component of this equipment, an integral part of diagnostics and repair will be checking the performance of diodes, transistors, zener diodes, resistors, and other elements of the inverter's electronic circuit. It is possible that you will need to be able to work not only with a voltmeter, digital multimeter, and other ordinary measuring equipment, but also with an oscilloscope.
The repair of inverter welding machines also differs in the following feature: there are often cases when it is impossible or difficult to determine the faulty element by the nature of the malfunction and you have to consistently check all the components of the circuit. From all of the above, it follows that for a successful self-repair, knowledge in electronics (at least at the initial, basic level) and little skills in working with electrical circuits are required. In the absence of these, do-it-yourself repairs can result in a waste of energy, time and even lead to additional malfunctions.
An instruction is included with each unit, which contains a complete list of possible malfunctions and the corresponding solutions to the problems that have arisen. Therefore, before doing anything, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the inverter.
All malfunctions of welding inverters of any type (household, professional, industrial) can be divided into the following groups:
caused by the wrong choice of the welding operating mode;
associated with the failure or malfunction of the electronic components of the device.
In any case, the welding process is difficult or impossible. Several factors can cause a problem with the machine. They should be identified sequentially, moving from a simple action (operation) to a more complex one. If all the recommended checks have been completed, but normal operation of the welding machine has not been restored, then there is a high probability of a malfunction in the electrical circuit of the inverter module. The main reasons for the failure of an electronic circuit are:
Ingress of moisture into the device - most often occurs due to precipitation (snow, rain).
Dust accumulated inside the housing interferes with the normal cooling of the electronic components. As a rule, most of the dust gets into the machine when it is used on construction sites. To prevent this from causing damage to the inverter, it must be cleaned periodically.
Failure to comply with the manufacturer's mode of continuity of welding work can also lead to failure of the inverter electronics as a result of its overheating.
Most often, malfunctions are associated with external factors, settings and errors in the operation of the inverter. The most typical situations:
The welding arc is unstable or the work is accompanied by excessive spatter of the electrode material. This occurs when the wrong choice of current, which must correspond to the diameter and type of the electrode, as well as the welding speed. The manufacturer of the electrodes indicates recommendations for the selection of the current strength on the packaging. In the absence of such information, it is worth using the simplest formula: apply 20–40 A per 1 mm of the electrode diameter. If the welding speed is reduced, the current should be reduced.
The welding electrode sticks to metal - this can be caused by several reasons. Most often this happens due to a too low supply voltage of the network to which the device is connected, and in the case of an inverter with the ability to operate at a reduced voltage, the latter is reduced when the load is connected to a level lower than the specified minimum. Another possible reason is poor contact of the device modules in the panel sockets. It is eliminated by tightening the fasteners or tighter fixing of the inserts (boards).A voltage drop at the input of the machine can be caused by the use of a power strip, whose wire has a cross section of less than 2.5 mm 2, which also leads to a decrease in the supply voltage of the inverter during welding. Also, the reason may be too long an extension cord (with an extension wire length of more than 40 m, effective operation is generally impossible due to very large losses in the supply circuit). Sticking can occur due to the burning or oxidation of contacts in the power supply circuit, which also leads to a significant "sinking" of the voltage. This problem can also manifest itself in the case of poor preparation of the products to be welded (the oxide film significantly worsens the contact of the part with the electrode).
The inverter is on, its indicators are on, but no welding. Most often this occurs due to overheating of the device, when the glow of the control indicator or lamp (if available) is hardly noticeable, and the inverter does not have a sound signal. The second reason is spontaneous disconnection of welding cables or their breakage (damage).
Turning off the mains voltage during welding - an incorrectly selected circuit breaker is installed in the electrical panel. This device must be rated for currents up to 25 A.
The inverter does not turn on - low voltage in the network, insufficient for the operation of the device.
Stopping the operation of the inverter during prolonged welding - most likely the temperature protection has tripped, which is not a malfunction. After a pause of 20-30 minutes, welding can be resumed.
Serious damage to the inverter module may be indicated by the smell of burning or smoke coming from the casing. In this case, it is better to seek help from service specialists. Do-it-yourself repair of welding inverters requires certain skills and knowledge.
To identify and eliminate the cause of the malfunction, the body of the device is opened and its filling is visually inspected. Sometimes the whole point is only in poor-quality soldering of parts, wires, other contacts on the circuit boards, and it is enough to re-solder them to make the device work. At first, they try to identify damaged parts visually - they may be cracked, have a darkened case or pins burned out on the board, electrolytic capacitors will be swollen at the top. All identified faulty elements are soldered and replaced with the same or similar ones with suitable characteristics. The selection is made according to the markings on the case or according to tables. When soldering parts, the use of a soldering iron with suction will provide maximum speed and convenience of work.
If the visual inspection did not bring any result, then proceed to ringing (testing) the parts using an ohmmeter or multimeter. The most vulnerable elements of inverter modules are transistors. Therefore, the repair of the apparatus usually begins with their inspection and verification. Power transistors rarely fail by themselves - as a rule, this is preceded by a failure of the elements of the "swinging" circuit (driver), the details of which are checked first. In the same way, by means of the tester, they call the rest of the board elements.
On the board, it is necessary to check the condition of all printed conductors for the absence of breaks and burns. The burnt areas are removed and the jumpers are soldered, as in the case of breaks, with a PEL wire (with a cross section corresponding to the board conductor). You should also check and, if necessary, clean (with a white eraser) the contacts of all connectors in the device.
Rectifiers (input and output), which are conventional diode bridges mounted on a heatsink, are considered to be quite reliable components of inverters. But sometimes they fail.It is most convenient to check the diode bridge after unsoldering the wires from it and removing it from the board. If the entire group of diodes rings for a short time, then you should look for a broken (faulty) diode.
The key management board is checked last. In the inverter module, this is the most complex element and the operation of all other components of the apparatus depends on its functioning. The final stage in the repair of the inverter welding device should be to check the presence of control signals coming to the busbars of the gates of the key block. Diagnose this signal using an oscilloscope.
In cases that are unclear and more complex than those described above, the intervention of specialists will be required. Trying to fix the malfunction yourself is not worth it, especially when the inverter is under warranty.
Today the stores offer a wide range of inverter welding machines. One of the most popular is the inverter in 160 fubag scheme.
This device is a single-phase welding inverter, suitable for carrying and ventilation.
The presented machine produces welding using electrodes and direct current.
With this welding machine, you can weld all kinds of electrodes from rutile to stainless steel.
As for the voltage required for the operation of the tool, it is 220 volts.
In order for the device to perform its direct functions, it must be connected to a 16, 20 or 25 A socket with a voltage of 220 volts.
Then you should attach the earth clamp and the electric holder to the inverter, guided by the information about the polarity, which corresponds to the type of electrode used.
The device will turn on the moment the potentiometer is set to the required current.
The scheme - inverter in 160 fubag can work in two modes - MMA and TIG. When applying the first mode, do not forget to follow the existing welding rules.
In addition, do not turn off the device immediately after stopping welding, leave it on in order to allow it to cool sufficiently.
When the yellow indicator lights up, it means that the thermal protection has tripped. Please note that the cooling period for the tool is approximately 5 minutes.
When using TIG mode, connect the clamp of the earth cable to the socket with positive polarity and insert the valve torch into the socket with negative polarity.
Then connect the gas hose from the cylinder to the tool and set the required pressure. After that, proceed to adjust the desired intensity using the potentiometer.
Remember that during the operation of the welding machine, the inverter in 160 fubag diagram cannot be viewed at work. Certain safety rules must be followed.
Always wear protective clothing, mask or goggles and other protective equipment when using the tool to avoid damage to skin and eyes.
In addition, do not under any circumstances come into contact with exposed inverter cables that carry current, as well as with the electric holder and the surface to be welded.
Moreover, do not allow contact with water while using the tool, as well as fumes and gases generated during the welding process, as they can harm your health.
Among other things, take care not only of your own safety, but also of the safety of those around you, so make sure that there are no other people on the work site.
These are basic safety rules. You can familiarize yourself with all existing standards in more detail by carefully studying the instructions for this welding machine.
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