DIY air ionizer repair

In detail: DIY repair of air ionizers from a real master for the site

About the details: C1 - a film capacitor for 2 microfarads with a voltage of 250 to 400 volts, diodes can be replaced with any imported ones with a voltage of at least 400 volts and a current of at least 3 amperes. The P2 regulator must be selected with a power of at least 2 watts. The thyristor must be supplied with a heat sink because it will heat up. In general, the entire structure of the ionizer was assembled several times and only one drawback of this circuit was noticed - almost all parts, except for capacitors, were heated and sometimes even very strongly. It is advisable to install the cooler of the ionizer so that it cools the entire system.

Now the most important part of the ionizer is the high voltage coil. We will wind it ourselves. For the coil, we take a ferrite rod from the radio receiver, 7 cm long and carefully insulate the rod with insulating tape. Next, we wind the primary winding with a 0.7 mm wire. It contains 30-50 turns. Then you need to insulate the primary winding with 5 layers of insulating tape and wind the secondary. It should be remembered that the primary and secondary windings wind in the same direction, otherwise the transformer will not work. The secondary winding has 100 turns of 0.1 millimeter wire and every 100 turns you need to insulate the windings with insulating tape or capacitor paper. After the end of winding, the finished transformer should be filled with epoxy resin.

We use the motor from a gramophone or a mixer, since they are quite small in size and operate on a 220 volt supply. I strongly advise you to use a motor from a gramophone! It works silently, and if you install the ionizer on a farm, you can use a motor from a mixer or a 220-volt hair dryer. You can also use electric motors with reduced voltage, but in this case, you also need to connect a step-down transformer.

Video (click to play).

For comparison, I will say that in order to ionize 3 liters of air, the ionizer needs to work for about 20 minutes. But still, how to practically use the work of the ionizer? It's very simple - we take a jar for storing fruits (there you need to put washed fruits, vegetables, and so on in advance). A special nozzle is pulled over the hose into which the neck of the can perfectly enters and exits. We insert the can, turn on the device, wait twenty minutes, then quickly take out the can and roll it up with a seaming or a sealed lid for canning. After that, you need to store the jars> and preferably not move! It is guaranteed that fruits can be stored in this way for 5-6 months. Thank you for your attention, the author is AKA.

Fresh air is essential for the well-being and general health of people. Air quality is highly dependent on the amount of positive and negative ions in the airspace. Of particular importance are negative ions that enter the body and form useful biologically active components in it. In the city, there are many negative factors that reduce the level of these gas particles. This problem is solved by an air ionizer that can be made by hand at home.

Studies have shown that the amount of ionized content in the airspace of city apartments, useful for humans, is about 10-15 times less than the required norm. In natural conditions, depending on the specific area, their number is 600-50,000 units per 1 cm 3.

A standard home air purifier increases the level of beneficial ions that have a beneficial effect on the body.Immunity is strengthened, sleep and the work of the cardiovascular system are normalized, a person is much less tired, and the risk of infectious and other diseases is reduced. The work of an ionizer for an apartment helps to remove allergens and dust, bacteria and viruses from the air, and the air itself becomes much cleaner.

The main function of the ionizer is to impart a negative charge to air particles, after which they become so-called air ions that have a beneficial effect on people. Due to the electrified oxygen molecules, the air environment is healed, and the general well-being of a person improves. In order for ordinary particles to become negative ions, the air mass must pass through a corona electric discharge. Allergens, dust, pathogens pass through the ionizer and receive an electrical charge.

After that, some part of them falls on the plate with the opposite charge and is attracted to it. Other harmful substances and particles quickly settle on surfaces near the ionizer, and then are removed during wet cleaning.

The creation of a corona discharge inside the ionizer is carried out under the influence of a high voltage electric current of at least 15 kV. Its supply is carried out from a step-up transformer in the form of pulses to pointed metal electrodes, which form a single system. At the same time, the formation of O3 molecules - ozone, harmful to the body in an amount exceeding the norm, occurs. Therefore, a hand-made air ionizer must provide the desired concentration by adjusting the discharge to a specific frequency and strength.

It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to ionize the air using these devices in rooms where there are people with malignant tumors, with high temperatures, as well as children under 1 year of age. A self-made ionizer is undesirable for use in dusty or smoky rooms.

A homemade air purifier must be assembled in accordance with the diagram, following all the recommendations and procedures. An improperly assembled device can significantly harm health, cause injury in the form of burns or electric shock. In any case, before making an air ionizer with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary materials and parts.

A home-made device can be based on a case from a power supply from an old computer. A cooler from the same computer is suitable as a fan. You can take any power step-up transformer within 220 / 18-20 V, for example, TVS 90P4. From the materials it is necessary to prepare a textolite board, 2.5-3.0 mm thick, fasteners and connecting wires.

All radio parts are purchased in accordance with the diagram below:

KT315 transistors or similar elements with the same power are best suited. Zener diodes of the D815 circuit can also be replaced with similar ones. As a Zener diode VD4, elements KS512A or D815D are suitable.

Ready-made diode bridges can be replaced with separate diodes assembled into a single set. Their calculated voltage is 400 volts, and the current is not less than 0.5 A. Other parts of the circuit are replaced by analogs with the same technical characteristics.

The finished air purifier that this diagram represents will work in the following algorithm:

  • The generation of initial pulses is carried out using a multivibrator, assembled on the basis of low-power transistors VT1 and VT2 of the KT315 brand.
  • The frequency of such pulses is adjusted using a resistor R7 in the range from 30 to 60 kHz.
  • Further, the circuit assumes amplification of the generated pulses by transistors VT3 and VT4 of the KT816 brand, after which they are fed to the step-up transformer T2 to windings I and II.
  • The voltage is removed from the third winding within 2.5 kV, which, passing through the multiplier, rises to 15 kV, after which it goes to the working electrodes of this homemade product.

Copper stranded wire is used for the manufacture of ionizing electrodes. First, it is cleaned of insulation, and then all the veins are bent in different directions at 90 degrees in the form of an umbrella. It is installed from the body at a distance selected empirically so that the required amount of ions is generated.

The presented circuit of the air ionizer, in addition to the main elements, contains an SG1 spark gap, which is triggered at an increased voltage in the transformer winding. Of great importance is the blowing of air through the electrodes of the stranded wire - the umbrella. For this purpose, a cooler is mounted inside the power supply case. A power transformer and a stabilized rectifier unit are used to power it.

If a homemade air ionizer is made according to all the rules, it should work almost immediately. After that, all that remains is to make the necessary adjustments.

The car interior is a closed space with no fresh air flow. Relatively clean air can be obtained only with the help of an air conditioner, but there is no question of any quality. Therefore, many car enthusiasts purchase or make their own air purifier.

The manufacture of the device begins with a transformer. To do this, you need a core that can be removed from old devices and wires. Then the winding is wound: the primary consists of 14 turns, the secondary - of 600. After winding the primary winding, it must be insulated, for example, with 2-3 layers of tape. The secondary winding is also insulated every 100 turns.

For a voltage multiplier, you can use KTs106 diodes and 10 kW capacitors with a capacity of 3300 pF. The distance between the multiplier electrodes is 3 cm. After that, the finished air purifier is connected to the vehicle electrical system.

One of the most effective options for cleaning indoor air is the Chizhevsky chandelier. It includes two parts - the chandelier itself and the high voltage converter. Structurally, the device consists of an aluminum hoop, up to 1 meter in diameter, on which tinned copper wires with a diameter of 1 mm are fixed. The mesh spacing is 35-45 mm on average. The mesh itself sags about 6-9 cm relative to the hoop.A metal needle up to 4 cm long is soldered at each intersection point.

It is recommended to sharpen the needles as much as possible, from this the design will work much more efficiently. Three copper wires are attached to the hoop, spaced evenly every 120 degrees. Their ends are connected together over the hoop using soldering. Further, this point is connected to a high-voltage generator.

For normal operation, the Chizhevsky chandelier must be provided with a high-voltage voltage of at least 25 kV. This indicator may vary depending on the area of ​​the room. For this purpose, the purifier circuit is supplemented with the required number of stages of the multiplier, which is a high-voltage generator.

Published by admin in Electrica 21.03.2018 0 59 Views

Fresh air is essential for the well-being and general health of people. Air quality is highly dependent on the amount of positive and negative ions in the airspace. Of particular importance are negative ions that enter the body and form useful biologically active components in it. In the city, there are many negative factors that reduce the level of these gas particles. This problem is solved by an air ionizer that can be made by hand at home.

Studies have shown that the amount of ionized content in the airspace of city apartments, useful for humans, is about 10-15 times less than the required norm. In natural conditions, depending on the specific area, their number is 600-50,000 units per 1 cm 3.

A standard home air purifier increases the level of beneficial ions that have a beneficial effect on the body. Immunity is strengthened, sleep and the work of the cardiovascular system are normalized, a person is much less tired, and the risk of infectious and other diseases is reduced. The work of an ionizer for an apartment helps to remove allergens and dust, bacteria and viruses from the air, and the air itself becomes much cleaner.

The main function of the ionizer is to impart a negative charge to air particles, after which they become so-called air ions that have a beneficial effect on people. Due to the electrified oxygen molecules, the air environment is healed, and the general well-being of a person improves. In order for ordinary particles to become negative ions, the air mass must pass through a corona electric discharge. Allergens, dust, pathogens pass through the ionizer and receive an electrical charge.

After that, some part of them falls on the plate with the opposite charge and is attracted to it. Other harmful substances and particles quickly settle on surfaces near the ionizer, and then are removed during wet cleaning.

The creation of a corona discharge inside the ionizer is carried out under the influence of a high voltage electric current of at least 15 kV. Its supply is carried out from a step-up transformer in the form of pulses to pointed metal electrodes, which form a single system. At the same time, the formation of O3 molecules - ozone, harmful to the body in an amount exceeding the norm, occurs. Therefore, a hand-made air ionizer must provide the desired concentration by adjusting the discharge to a specific frequency and strength.

It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to ionize the air using these devices in rooms where there are people with malignant tumors, with high temperatures, as well as children under 1 year of age. A self-made ionizer is undesirable for use in dusty or smoky rooms.

A homemade air purifier must be assembled in accordance with the diagram, following all the recommendations and procedures. An improperly assembled device can significantly harm health, cause injury in the form of burns or electric shock. In any case, before making an air ionizer with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary materials and parts.

A home-made device can be based on a case from a power supply from an old computer. A cooler from the same computer is suitable as a fan. You can take any power step-up transformer within 220 / 18-20 V, for example, TVS 90P4. From the materials it is necessary to prepare a textolite board, 2.5-3.0 mm thick, fasteners and connecting wires.

All radio parts are purchased in accordance with the diagram below:

KT315 transistors or similar elements with the same power are best suited. Zener diodes of the D815 circuit can also be replaced with similar ones. As a Zener diode VD4, elements KS512A or D815D are suitable.

Ready-made diode bridges can be replaced with separate diodes assembled into a single set. Their calculated voltage is 400 volts, and the current is not less than 0.5 A. Other parts of the circuit are replaced by analogs with the same technical characteristics.

The finished air purifier that this diagram represents will work in the following algorithm:

  • The generation of initial pulses is carried out using a multivibrator, assembled on the basis of low-power transistors VT1 and VT2 of the KT315 brand.
  • The frequency of such pulses is adjusted using a resistor R7 in the range from 30 to 60 kHz.
  • Further, the circuit assumes amplification of the generated pulses by transistors VT3 and VT4 of the KT816 brand, after which they are fed to the step-up transformer T2 to windings I and II.
  • The voltage is removed from the third winding within 2.5 kV, which, passing through the multiplier, rises to 15 kV, after which it goes to the working electrodes of this homemade product.

Copper stranded wire is used for the manufacture of ionizing electrodes. First, it is cleaned of insulation, and then all the veins are bent in different directions at 90 degrees in the form of an umbrella. It is installed from the body at a distance selected empirically so that the required amount of ions is generated.

The presented circuit of the air ionizer, in addition to the main elements, contains an SG1 spark gap, which is triggered at an increased voltage in the transformer winding. Of great importance is the blowing of air through the electrodes of the stranded wire - the umbrella. For this purpose, a cooler is mounted inside the power supply case. A power transformer and a stabilized rectifier unit are used to power it.

If a homemade air ionizer is made according to all the rules, it should work almost immediately. After that, all that remains is to make the necessary adjustments.

The car interior is a closed space with no fresh air flow. Relatively clean air can be obtained only with the help of an air conditioner, but there is no question of any quality. Therefore, many car enthusiasts purchase or make their own air purifier.

The manufacture of the device begins with a transformer. To do this, you need a core that can be removed from old devices and wires. Then the winding is wound: the primary consists of 14 turns, the secondary - of 600. After winding the primary winding, it must be insulated, for example, with 2-3 layers of tape. The secondary winding is also insulated every 100 turns.

For a voltage multiplier, you can use KTs106 diodes and 10 kW capacitors with a capacity of 3300 pF. The distance between the multiplier electrodes is 3 cm. After that, the finished air purifier is connected to the vehicle electrical system.

One of the most effective options for cleaning indoor air is the Chizhevsky chandelier. It includes two parts - the chandelier itself and the high voltage converter. Structurally, the device consists of an aluminum hoop, up to 1 meter in diameter, on which tinned copper wires with a diameter of 1 mm are fixed. The mesh spacing is 35-45 mm on average. The mesh itself sags about 6-9 cm relative to the hoop.A metal needle up to 4 cm long is soldered at each intersection point.

It is recommended to sharpen the needles as much as possible, from this the design will work much more efficiently. Three copper wires are attached to the hoop, spaced evenly every 120 degrees. Their ends are connected together over the hoop using soldering. Further, this point is connected to the high-voltage generator.

For normal operation, the Chizhevsky chandelier must be provided with a high-voltage voltage of at least 25 kV. This indicator may vary depending on the area of ​​the room. For this purpose, the purifier circuit is supplemented with the required number of stages of the multiplier, which is a high-voltage generator.