DIY carburetor 21083 repair

In detail: DIY carburetor 21083 repair from a real master for the site

For a long time, front-wheel drive cars VAZ 2108-09-099 were equipped with carburetor engines, and only closer to the beginning of the 2000s, an injection fuel system began to be installed on VAZ cars.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

This article will consider the Solex 21083 carburetor: device, adjustment, unit setting, its features, as well as basic malfunctions.

Carburetors of the "Solex" type began to be used on Russian (Soviet) cars from the mid-80s of the last century, at first they were installed on the VAZ-2108 car. The first carburetors were designed to work with engines of 1100 and 1300 cm³, and they were marked DAAZ-2108. Later, the Solex 21083 model was developed, and the digital index means that the device is intended for installation on VAZ-21083 engines with a volume of 1.5 liters.

The carburetor is used to prepare the fuel mixture, on which the engine operates, and ensures uninterrupted stable operation of the power unit at any speed and load. Solex-21083 consists of the following main parts:

  • the main body, which contains the diffusers, the main dosing system (GDS), the idle system, the economizer and the accelerating pump;
  • covers with an air damper, floats, an electromagnetic valve, a cold engine starting device.

The Solex carburetor is two-chamber, the GDS fuel jets are located in the middle of the chambers in the very depths of the main body, on top of them are the GDS air jets. The Solex 21083 carburetor device provides a heating unit for the air-fuel mixture, to which the hoses of the cooling system are connected. The throttle valves are located at the bottom of the main body and open sequentially, the opening of the damper in the second chamber is provided by the drive levers.

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There are two branch pipes in the lid - one of them is designed to supply fuel to the carburetor, the second is reverse and serves to return excess fuel to the gas tank, also due to the "return" the pressure in the fuel system is reduced.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

For 21083 carburetors, the industry provides repair kits, which include GDS fuel and air jets for the primary and secondary chambers. Depending on the size of the cross-section of the diffusers, there are different repair kits designed to work with engines 2108, 21081 or 21083, therefore the jets in the sets have a different cross-section.

Often, VAZ carburetors are installed on other brands of cars (for example, UAZ, Volga GAZ-31029/3110), and if you leave the "native" GDS jets, then their section will not be enough, since the air-fuel mixture will enter the cylinders in the wrong proportion and the amount that the engine requires.

Often, to improve the acceleration and dynamics of the car, some motorists put fuel jets of a larger section, but it should be borne in mind that in this case, fuel consumption can increase significantly, and the experiment with the installation does not always give the desired results. The most correct decision is not to experiment, and install the repair kit in the carburetor that is designed specifically for this carburetor brand (for example, for a 1.5 liter engine, jets intended for model 21083 should be installed). Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

If the dynamics of the engine does not suit you, you should look for the reasons for the sluggish acceleration of the car, and there can be quite a lot of them:

  • weak compression in the cylinders;
  • the ignition is not adjusted;
  • spark plugs do not work well;
  • break through high-voltage wires.

There are many more different reasons due to which engine power is lost.The opinions of car owners about tuning the carburetor are different, but practice still shows that it is better to put the carburetor recommended by the manufacturer on the car.

At one time, on GAZ-31029 or 3110, in order to save fuel, the owners of these cars often installed VAZ Solex for themselves, but such an installation basically did not justify itself - even if it was possible to save gasoline, it was only with very careful driving and weak acceleration. So in the Solex 21083 carburetor, jets should be selected that are recommended by the manufacturer. It should also be noted that many repair kits from different manufacturers are now being sold for the VAZ Solex, including parts produced by China. In such kits, the cross-section of the nozzles may not correspond to the declared parameters, therefore, you should try to purchase parts of the original production, or at least from trusted companies that have proven themselves well on the market.

The Solex carburetor provides several types of adjustments, and you can adjust:

  • the level of gasoline in the float chamber;
  • the number of minimum idle revolutions;
  • the qualitative composition of the fuel mixture (TC) using the idle quality screw (XX).

It is very simple to regulate the quality of the vehicle, and any car owner can do the adjustment with his own hands. To do this, you need to warm up the engine well and set the speed with the number screw in the range of 800-900 rpm. Then:

  • we tighten the quality screw until the internal combustion engine starts to work with some interruptions and reduce the number of revolutions;
  • we unscrew the screw so that the motor starts running smoothly again, usually one revolution is enough. Loosening the screw too much will increase fuel consumption.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

In other cases, it is necessary to loosen the amount screw more, since dips appear in the engine's operation.

One of the most common problems with idling is the inability to adjust the Solex 21083 carburetor using a quality screw - when it is tightened and unscrewed, the engine speed does not change. There are several reasons for this malfunction:

  • the jet in the solenoid valve is clogged;
  • clogged channel XX, which is located under the "quality" screw;
  • the solenoid valve (EC) itself is faulty.

It is quite simple to check the performance of the EC itself, we do it as follows:

  • on the idle engine, remove the wire from the valve;
  • unscrew the EC;
  • we remove the fuel jet from it, it is pulled away by our hands;
  • turn on the ignition;
  • we connect the wire to the EK - at the moment of contact, a dry clear click should be heard, and the valve stem is recessed. If there is no click, and the stem does not move, such an EC must be replaced.

It is also necessary to immediately blow through the jet - in some cases, such a small speck gets into it that it is practically invisible. There is also the problem of Solex - the idle channel under the quality screw becomes clogged so that it cannot be blown out.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

You can check the efficiency of the EC in another way - while the engine is idling, you need to pull the wire from the solenoid valve - if the motor stalls, then the solenoid valve is working properly.

If the XX channels are clogged, the motor at minimum speed starts to work intermittently, stalls when the gas is released. When there is no time to do repairs, and you need to get to the destination urgently, there is one way you can make the motor work stably at idle. To do this, during the operation of the internal combustion engine at XX, we loosen the key by 13 EC, we find the position in which the engine works most stably. But you should not drive like this all the time - with this position of the solenoid valve, fuel consumption increases sharply, since the idle system works bypassing the XX fuel jet.

In order for the carburetor to work smoothly, it must be adjusted, first of all, the level in the float chamber should be set.To perform this adjustment, it is not necessary to remove the entire carburetor; it is sufficient to remove only the top cover of the assembly.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

On a VAZ-2109 car, adjust the fuel level as follows:

  • stop the engine, dismantle the air filter housing;
  • disconnect the solenoid valve wire, release the suction cable;
  • unscrew the clamps and pull off the fuel hoses (main and return) from the carburetor cover;
  • unscrew the five screws that secure the cover;
  • remove the lid and turn it over, hold it horizontally, see what is the gap between the floats and the horizontal surface of the lid itself - it should be within 1.0-1.5 mm;
  • we adjust the required gap by bending the plate holding the floats. When adjusting, it is necessary to achieve the same position of the floats above the surface of the cover.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

According to the book instructions, the fuel level in the Solex 21083 carburetor is measured using a caliper - the distance between the upper surface of the main body and the level of the fuel in the chamber is determined, it should be 24-26 mm. Measurement should be made immediately after removing the carburetor cover, as gasoline evaporates quickly.

All of the above adjustments relate to the settings of the Solex 21083 carburetor, and how well the unit is adjusted depends on the nature of the engine and fuel consumption. There are some other settings that you should also pay attention to.

The solenoid valve contains an idle jet, and its cross-sectional diameter can be different - from 39 to 42 mm; it also eats accelerator pump sprayers with different “noses” cross-sections (35x40, 40x40, 45x40, 35x35). By selecting the required diameter of both elements, it is possible to achieve the operation of the carburetor without failures, good throttle response. It is difficult to recommend something definite here, an individual approach is needed in each specific case, and the best result is achieved by trial and error. By the way, the "spouts" of the atomizers can be directed:

  • both to the primary chamber;
  • one sprayer into the first chamber, the other into the second.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

Often, when installing the carburetor, many motorists make one mistake - the suction cable is inaccurately installed, and therefore it is problematic to start on a cold 21083 engine, especially in frosty weather. After fastening the suction cable, before installing the air filter, it is necessary to check whether the air damper is fully closed with the help of the cable. If the flap remains ajar when the suction is extended, it is necessary to fix the cable sheath in a different position.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

In order to repair or purge (flush) the carburetor, it must be removed. The unit is removed quite simply; almost any motorist can do it on his own. We remove the device as follows:

  • turn off the ignition, first of all we remove the air filter housing;
  • dismantle the return spring from the throttle valve drive;
  • disconnect the throttle cable;Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair
  • we unscrew the fasteners of the suction cable;
  • we unscrew the four nuts on which the carburetor body itself is attached;
  • dismantle the node.

Installation is carried out in reverse order.

There are malfunctions that are most typical for Solex carburetors:

  • clogging of the GDS fuel jet;
  • the ingress of debris into the idle system, especially the XX jet in the solenoid valve is often clogged;
  • deformation of the bottom surface of the main body due to overheating;
  • failure of the diaphragm of the accelerating pump;
  • defect of the solenoid valve;
  • loosening of the fit of diffusers in the housing.

If the body is deformed, air is sucked in between the carburetor and the intake manifold, and the engine starts to work intermittently, as the air-fuel mixture becomes lean.Idling is difficult to adjust, and to correct the defect, it is required to grind the surface on an emery wheel. If the surface warpage is significant, grinding will no longer help; replacement of the housing is required.

The diaphragm of the accelerating pump can crack over time, lose elasticity, and tears appear in it.Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

It is quite easy to check the condition of the diaphragm, for this you do not need to remove the carburetor. To get to the diaphragm, you need to unscrew the 4 screws of the accelerator pump cover and remove the part. The condition of the diaphragm is checked by external inspection.

There are many varieties of Solex carburetors on the market. The carburetor is one of the most important parts in the fuel supply process to ensure the quality of the vehicle.

Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

Solex carburetor 21083 is a very popular model that can be found on a large number of domestic cars.

The Solex 21083 carburetor is the basic version, equipped with diffusers of the minimum cross-section, thanks to which this series has gained immense popularity, since it allows for various kinds of modifications, for example, a groove.

You should start tuning the Solex 21083 carburetor by adjusting the fuel level in the float chamber. This involves starting the engine directly and warming it up for five minutes. Then the motor turns off and further actions are performed:

  1. The fuel supply hose is carefully detached to prevent gasoline from entering the chamber during further work.
  2. The screws securing the cover are removed, in the amount of five pieces.
  3. The suction cable is removed.
  4. With extreme care, the lid is lifted horizontally so that the floats are not damaged.
  5. In the chamber itself, the fuel level is measured with a ruler or vernier caliper.

Image - DIY carburetor 21083 repair

The distance from the upper level of gasoline to the edge of the mating plane of the cover should be from twenty three to twenty five millimeters. It is necessary to select an average value, since the fuel level is not able to be in a constant state due to the manifold, which by itself cannot be in a horizontal position all the time. If there is a deviation from the norm of the parameters set earlier, then it is enough to make the folds of the float holders in order to correct the situation.

Then some of the gasoline is removed and the reverse assembly process of the carburetor begins. The keyword here is the opposite, which implies performing the same process, but starting from the end.

At the stage of control check of the engine, it is necessary, of course, to start it, and then for about thirty seconds observe the flow of fuel into the chambers from the side of small diffusers, using a small flashlight for a better view. If gasoline arrives, then an overflow has occurred and the next adjustment of the fuel level is required. To carry out it, it is necessary to turn off the engine and re-measure the fuel in the chambers.

If the parameters are in the area of ​​permissible norms, then the Solex carburetor adjustment ends there. Then the transition to the next stage is carried out.