DIY Chinese chainsaw carburetor repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a Chinese chainsaw carburetor from a real master for the site

The functioning of the internal combustion engine (ICE) of a chainsaw is based on the combustion of a fuel-air-oil mixture. To mix the gasoline-oil mixture with air, and then feed it in portions into the combustion chamber, a rather complex device is installed on the engines - a carburetor. When buying a new chainsaw, the carburetor already has factory settings, but over time they get lost, and the device that controls the fuel supply needs to be adjusted again. Not knowing how the carburetor works, and not understanding the principle of operation of this module, it will be problematic to correctly configure it.

The chainsaw carburetor consists of the following main nodes:

  • one-piece body made of lightweight aluminum alloy;
  • a diffuser located at the entrance to the carburetor;
  • nozzles, special valves designed to regulate the supply of a combustible mixture;
  • sprayer;
  • float chamber.

Below is a diagram carburetor firm Walbro, which are very often equipped with chainsaws. Using this scheme, you can study in more detail the internal structure of the chainsaw carburetor.

The carburetor can have 2 or 3 adjusting screws with springs... The adjusting screws are designed with needles (cones) at their ends. The screws have a right-hand thread, that is, they are screwed in a clockwise direction.

Chainsaw carburetor operation happens as follows.

  1. After starting the internal combustion engine, the air damper opens.
  2. In the diffuser (16), where there is a constriction, the air flow is accelerated and mixed with the gasoline. The latter enters through the nozzles (15) and (12), and the air purified by the air filter through the damper (7) located at the diffuser inlet.
  3. A damper (8), located behind the diffuser, regulates how much of the prepared mixture enters the combustion chamber.
  4. The volume of gasoline passing through the jets is regulated by screws (17) and (10) - these are, respectively, screws L and H on the chainsaw.
  5. The needle valve (11) determines the volume of the fuel mixture in the float chamber (14). The functioning of the needle valve is controlled by a diaphragm (13).
  6. The membrane (4) controls the supply of the fuel mixture to the combustion chamber, and this depends on the number of revolutions of the internal combustion engine. Gasoline is cleaned through a filter (6).
Video (click to play).

As already mentioned, the new chainsaw already has standard fuel settings. But for proper break-in, it is recommended to limit the maximum engine speed, and this is done using the adjusting screws located on the carburetor body. Also, after running in, it will be necessary to again make a more accurate adjustment of the supply of the combustible mixture.

In addition, you will have to adjust the carburetor in the following cases:

  • due to strong vibration, the factory settings are lost;
  • The internal combustion engine does not start well and immediately stalls;
  • The internal combustion engine starts up, but the speed does not develop, and it stalls;
  • the piston group has worn out - in this case, adjusting the carburetor of the chainsaw is possible as a temporary measure;
  • the engine does not function at idle;
  • increased gasoline consumption, due to which the unit emits a lot of smoke, the muffler and spark plugs become dirty with carbon deposits, and the engine power decreases.

You should be aware that the carburetor can only be adjusted correctly if:

  • cleaning filters (gasoline and air) are not contaminated;
  • the jets and the channels that fit them are clean;
  • membranes are not damaged;
  • the needle valve is serviceable and the required volume of the fuel mixture enters the float chamber.

To adjust the carburetor of imported chainsaws, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Before adjustment, if possible, you should warm up the engine at idle or minimum speed for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. By turning the “L” knob they achieve such an engine operation so that it idling one and a half to two thousand revolutions per minute. But you should pay attention to how the engine picks up speed. When pressing the throttle lever, acceleration should go quickly and evenly. If a "dip" of revolutions is detected, the screw should be slightly unscrewed until this phenomenon is eliminated, since it is caused by insufficient enrichment of the fuel mixture.
  3. When the mixture supply at low speeds is adjusted, you should start tighten screw “T” until you notice the saw chain turning. After that, the screw should be unscrewed by half or a third of a turn, observing the behavior of the clutch mechanism. Normally, the saw should not rotate at idle speed.

The screw “H” compensates for the underestimated or overestimated speed due to the change of the type of fuel, changes in the concentration of oil or the humidity of the ambient air.

Also, the “upper” setting can fail if the low speed is incorrectly adjusted with the corresponding screw.

Screw “H”, not having enough experience, is better do not regulate... If the tuning of the carburetor of the chainsaw is carried out by an incompetent person, there is a great danger that a too lean mixture will enter the combustion chamber at high speeds, especially under load. Such engine operation will inevitably lead to rapid wear of its piston system and to a failure in the ignition system.

It is possible to start adjusting high revs if the person who will perform the tuning has the knowledge and skills in adjusting carburetor engines. The master-tuner must have a special device at his disposal - tachometer or multimeter with oscilloscope function.

Setting up the carburetor of a chainsaw, namely, high engine speed, follows a simple scheme.

  1. It is necessary to tighten or unscrew the screw “H” until, at maximum throttle, the engine develops about 15 thousand revolutions per minute (according to the tachometer) or the value indicated in the manual for this unit.
  2. When using an oscilloscope, the spark discharge frequency should be between 230 and 250 Hz. It should be borne in mind that under load, the frequency can decrease by approximately 10-15%.
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It can be concluded that for safety, the internal combustion engine should be tuned to slightly lower rpm.

Chinese Chainsaw Carburetor should be configured in the same way as described above. There are holes on its body, into which, in order to adjust the engine speed, you need to insert a flat screwdriver. Each hole is labeled with one of the three letters. As a rule, you can see the letter “T” near the upper hole, and the letters “L” and “H” near the lower ones (shown by arrows).

The Chinese one has the same arrangement of screws. chainsaw carver (CARVER). The following figure shows what a Chinese chainsaw carburetor looks like outside the body of the unit.

The main malfunctions of the chainsaw carburetor may be as follows.

  • The engine picks up speed poorly, runs intermittently, power decreases... These problems are often caused by a clogged air filter. It will be necessary to remove the cover that covers the filter and clean it, which consists in washing with detergent.
  • In general, timely adjustment, as well as timely repair of the chainsaw carburetor, can significantly extend the life of the entire piston system of the engine. Therefore, the tuning of this component of the fuel system must be treated with great care.