DIY carburetor repair Zil 131

In detail: do-it-yourself Zil 131 carburetor repair from a real master for the site

With a properly adjusted actuator, it is necessary that the chokes and choke open and close in accordance with the positions of the pedal and manual control buttons.

Incomplete throttle opening leads to a decrease in engine power, and inadequate throttle coverage causes increased engine idle speed and increased fuel consumption.

If the air damper does not open completely, then the combustible mixture is enriched, which causes excessive fuel consumption, and if it is incompletely closed, it becomes difficult to start a cold engine.

First, the foot and manual throttle drives are adjusted, and then the air damper drive.

The foot drive is adjusted by means of a threaded fork on the carburetor rod and the threaded rod of the throttle control pedal in such a way that when the throttle is fully opened, the pedal does not reach the floor by 3-5 mm.

In this case, the throttle pedal travel must be at least 160 mm.

At the end of the adjustment, the rods are secured with locknuts.

The manual drive of the chokes is adjusted with a clamp, which is installed at the end of the drive cable so that when the drive handle is fully retracted, there is a gap of 2.0-3.0 mm between the clamp and the bracket attached to the rod.

This gap is necessary so that when the manual choke handle is retracted, the return spring ensures that the chokes are covered.

The throttles in the closed position must tightly cover the channels of the mixing chamber; a gap of not more than 0.05 mm is allowed between the channel wall and the choke edge.

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When adjusting the air damper drive, it is necessary to set the manual control knob so that it does not reach the stop of the cab shield by 2.0–3.0 mm. In this position, with the air damper fully open, connect the drive cable to the damper lever and clamp it with a screw, then fix the cable sheath in another clamp.

In the closed position, that is, with the handle fully extended, the air damper must completely close the throat channel for air passage; a gap of not more than 0.15 mm is allowed between the channel wall and the flap edge.

Adjustment of low idle speed of the engine. The idle speed adjustment should ensure stable idling with the lowest fuel consumption. The adjustment is carried out with the engine running, the coolant warmed up to normal temperature (80-95 ° C), with normal valve clearances and between the spark plug electrodes, and with the air damper fully open.

In fig. 1 shows a diagram by which it is possible to trace the operation of the idling system of the K-88A carburetor and the process of adjusting the carburetor. The scheme of the K-88 carburetor is similar.

At low idle speed of the engine, vacuum from the intake manifold is transmitted through hole 43 of the idle system and rectangular hole 42 into channel 44. Under the action of the vacuum, fuel from the carburetor float chamber, passing through the main jet 47, is directed to the idle jet 6. To obtain the required mixture composition, air is mixed with the fuel, entering through the cutout 7. The resulting emulsion enters the mixing chamber through holes 43 and 42. At the exit from the holes, the emulsion is mixed with the main air flow passing into the chamber through the slot formed by the edge of the choke 45 and the wall of the mixing chamber.

When adjusting, it should be borne in mind that the K-88A carburetor is two-chamber and that the qualitative composition of the combustible mixture in each chamber is regulated by its own adjusting screw 41 independently of the other chamber. It should be remembered that when the adjusting screws are screwed in, the mixture becomes leaner, and when they are unscrewed, it is enriched.

In fig. 2 shows a method for adjusting the K-88A carburetor on a ZIL-1Z0 car.

Before starting the engine and starting the adjustment, screw the screws 1 of the high-quality idle speed adjustment to failure, but not too tight, and then unscrew each three turns. After that, start up the engine and carry out a quantitative adjustment, that is, set the stop screw 2 to the smallest opening of the throttles, at which the engine should work quite stably. Then one of the screws 1 should be gradually tightened at each test by 1/4 of a turn until the engine starts to work with obvious interruptions due to a large depletion of the mixture in the cylinders. Then enrich the mixture by unscrewing screw 1 1/2 turn. Do the same with the second adjusting screw 1.

Having adjusted the composition of the mixture, you should try to reduce the idle speed by unscrewing the stop screw 2 of the throttles little by little, and then again try to deplete the composition of the mixture with both screws 1 alternately, as indicated above. Usually, after two attempts, it is possible to find the correct position for all three adjusting screws and thereby complete the qualitative and quantitative adjustment of the low idle speed of the engine.

To check the adjustment, press the throttle pedal and immediately release it. If the engine stops, the idle speed must be increased.

With a properly adjusted carburetor, the engine should run stably at 400-500 rpm of the crankshaft.

The way of adjusting the carburetor on a ZIL-1Z1 car is the same as on a ZIL-130 car.

The control and adjustment of the K-88 and K-88A carburetors can be performed on the simplest installations and using templates that can be made in a motor transport company.

ZIL 130 and 131, cars that can be called legendary without exaggeration. They were produced for almost 50 years and were used in almost all areas of industry and defense. The secret of the success of 130 and 131 is very simple - the cars were as reliable as possible and did not let their owners down. This was achieved thanks to the almost perfect spare parts that were produced by Soviet factories. One of these parts is the 88a carburetor, which was installed on these cars. The device rarely failed, practically did not require repair. However, all this is only on condition that the driver monitored the state of the carburetor and periodically adjusted it.

Today ZILs 130 and 131 are still reliable workhorses. However, given the fact that in the 21st century, the production of these cars was significantly reduced, today most of them, one might say, are pensioners of the Soviet car industry. Old people very often require repair, and the carburetor to 88a, over time, becomes not so reliable and if you do not adjust it in a timely manner, the part may fail and you will have to replace it.

Before tackling or adjusting a spare part, you should study the principle of operation of the carburetors installed on the ZIL 130 and 131. So, this is a two-chamber device with a falling air mixture flow and double cutting of fuel. The carburetor chambers in the amount of two pieces are made in one block and operate in all engine modes in parallel.

The carburetor in ZIL 130 and 131, by the way, is made in such a way that its adjustment is not a problem for the driver. If the device gets a little run down, you can set it up to work without the need to remove and disassemble the device. However, before tackling the carburetor setting, it is necessary to study its design even superficially. In particular, the screws, with the help of which the setting is actually carried out:

  • The screw for adjusting the quality of the mixture for idling.
  • Throttle lock screw.
  • Screw for adjusting the number of revolutions.
  • Throttle stop screw.
  • Jet holder.
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The carburetor itself is much more complicated. However, this knowledge is enough for the initial setup. Deeper ones are needed rather for repairing the device, however, we will entrust this to qualified auto mechanics. If you have minimal locksmith skills, idle adjustment as a solution to most problems with ZIL 130 and 131 carburetors will not be a problem for you.

One of the main diseases of the Zilov carburetors is the so-called floating idle. Simply put, due to one or another malfunction in the cylinder block, a poor-quality fuel mixture. In this case, the car will noticeably triple at idle, and the revs will noticeably float. The problem is solved quite simply. You just need to adjust the screws responsible for the composition of the fuel mixture. Let's walk through the whole process step by step.

  • First of all, you need to completely tighten the screw, which is responsible for the quality of the fuel mixture. After the screw reaches the stop, it must be loosened by 4-5 turns. In this way, you will achieve a fuel mixture that is ideally enriched for the cylinder block.
  • In the same way, tighten the screw for the amount of the mixture until it stops. The only difference is that it only needs to be loosened by 3 turns.
  • The engine can now be started. After turning on the ignition, be sure to wait until the car is sufficiently warmed up.
  • Now take a screwdriver and, using the mixture amount screw, adjust the carburetor so that the engine runs stably at 800 rpm.
  • Now close the quality screw until the engine starts to sneeze. After that, it should be loosened by about half a turn.

Next, tighten the quality screw until the engine becomes unstable. Then loosen it half a turn.

That's all, actually. By such simple actions, you can ideally adjust the idle speed of your ZIL 130 or 131 cars.

True, this adjustment does not always help to remove all problems with the carburetor. Sometimes the device needs repair or more complex maintenance. In total, there are 4 problems with Zilov carburetors. In principle, they are all easily removable and a professional chauffeur will be able to fix everything without going to a car service.

First of all, we are talking about such problems as: