DIY jura coffee maker repair

In detail: do-it-yourself jura coffee maker repair from a real master for the site

Most of the problems arise due to the fact that a modern coffee brewing machine is an extremely technological device, the operating parameters of which are precisely calculated. Therefore, any violation, whether it is hard water, capsules not recommended by the manufacturer, or other grinding of grains, necessitates repairing the apparatus or understanding how high-pressure systems work. But most of the simple problems can be fixed at home as well. Consider how to repair a coffee maker with your own hands.

If it is decided to independently investigate the coffee maker and carry out repairs, then it is worth taking basic safety measures:

  1. The device must be disconnected from the network.
  2. You need to work with a tool with insulated handles.
  3. Water and wet hands are potential hazards.

Disassembling the body of most coffee makers is not difficult. Often it is enough to unscrew a few screws on the back cover. This makes it possible to gradually disassemble the device into units or large parts. At the same time, there are subtleties: in Delongy's cars, the bolts located on the lower part are closed with plugs or are under the rubber feet, and many Saeko models additionally require the removal of fasteners to remove individual blocks that open access to the areas needed for repair.

In order not to be mistaken, refer to the help information. If the coffee maker does not lend itself to logic and does not understand, it is better to look for data on the model on the Internet.

Many devices, in addition to the self-tapping screws on the back of the case, also have latches that hold the top cover or bottom.

Video (click to play).

To find such a fastener, you will need a thin screwdriver or knife, which passes the line of joint of the parts until the localization of the zone where you can press the latch.

Models with VT1513 and VT1511 are leaders in the problem of violation of the fluid supply regime. These are extremely convenient coffee makers operating under a pressure of 16 atmospheres and allowing you to prepare delicious espresso. However, even the slightest mismatch in the grind, as well as the use of hard water, can cause problems with the fluid supply.

If the grinding is too fine, the screens and filters are clogged on the Vitek VT1511 and VT1513 models. If you use too large, the drink will not brew. Hard water will clog the high pressure pipes. And all this leads to serious breakdowns - failure of the injection pump or cracking of the plastic switch block.

Image - DIY jura coffee maker repair

Vitek VT1513 Coffee Maker Pump

To carry out maintenance or repairs, you must first disassemble the device:

  1. The top aluminum lid is removed where the cups are located.
  2. The fastening screws hidden under the rubber pads are found.
  3. Self-tapping screws are removed, the back cover is removed, giving access to all nodes.

Potential breakage areas can be seen immediately. High pressure tubing - hard, thin. The feed selector is a small plastic block that the distributors fit into. The blower is a round metal pump. To repair the Vitek coffee maker you will need:

  1. Assess the condition of the high-pressure pipes, check the places of their fixation - there should be no looseness, cracks.
  2. Check the condition of the blower housing. Splits or traces of overheating indicate a possible pump malfunction.
  3. Inspect the condition of the feed switch.