The most "popular" type of failure is that it simply does not turn on. If it has an electronic type of ignition, then you can easily solve a similar problem - just check the batteries and, if necessary, replace them with new ones. Often, such troubles overtake the owners a year after the purchase, since the batteries last mainly so long.
Also, when using a gas water heater, it may happen that the water in it does not warm up, or it warms up, but not well enough. Often the cause of such problems is the water unit, or rather, its defect. As a result, the membrane stops responding to pressure changes in the water supply system. And if this membrane stops stretching under the pressure of water, then, as a result, the gas valve will not open, or it will open, but not completely. To solve this problem, you should at least in general terms know the device of the gas water heater, because the defect can be of several types.
If salt deposits have accumulated.
If the system is clogged.
If cracks have formed, etc.
To eliminate such a problem, you must first of all disconnect the column from the gas supply, then clean the water block and check the membrane.
If the internal elements of the device are covered with soot or dirt, then this can also lead to failure. To solve this problem, you must remove the outer casing of the device, then clean each of the elements using a vacuum cleaner.
The next sign that the gas column has stopped working correctly may be the burner decay immediately after switching on. This happens due to the fact that the ventilation channel is clogged. Modern models of gas water heaters are equipped in such a case with special sensors that will inform the owner if there is no traction. After that, immediately turn off the gas supply. Next, the chimney should be checked. For this, the plug is dismantled and everything that has accumulated there is removed.
Important! You can check the draft of the chimney in the old "old-fashioned" way: bring a lighted match to it. If the fire on the match deflects in the direction of the chimney, then everything is in order with it. If this did not happen, then he needs a complete cleaning.
It is for this reason that the gas water heater should be inspected annually - this is the only way it will work correctly.
We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements.
Modern gas water heaters are small and compact, so they can be placed in almost any convenient place. Their service life depends largely on how correctly they are installed and used in the future.
As you know, the device of the gas water heater is such that it has to work with a rather dangerous fuel. For this reason, during installation, make sure that, God forbid, there is no gas leak. If you cannot, for one reason or another, take care of this, or, even worse, cannot eliminate all the leaks, then further operation will turn into a dangerous activity, which sooner or later can lead to an explosion.
For this reason, it is categorically not recommended to install a gas water heater with your own hands. It is better to have professionals who have all the necessary skills, experience, and the appropriate equipment to do this.
So, for installation, you need the following tools:
magnet and salt filter;
the required number of taps;
chimney corrugation;
gas pipe;
Mayevsky valve;
actually, the column itself.
The device is installed only in the kitchen and only on the wall, which is made of refractory material. The distance from the column to the wall surface should be at least 2 centimeters, if it turns out more, then this is even better. An asbestos sheet should also be laid here, which must have a minimum thickness of 0.3 centimeters.
Important! The apartment / house must have a chimney that will remove the products of gas combustion. It will consist not only of vertical, but also of horizontal sections, and on them it should go at a slope (approximately 0.2 centimeters per each running meter).
So that the pipeline does not accidentally burst, the gas column should be installed only when the water is completely drained from the system.
But editing, as we have already said, is not the most important thing. It is also important that the device is used correctly, for which certain operating rules must be followed. If you do not do this, then even the most expensive and high-quality model will soon break down. So we want to prevent this from happening. Firstly, we must not heat the water to a temperature that would exceed 60 degrees. The fact is that too high a temperature will lead to the formation of salt scale on the walls of the heat exchanger. The result is more frequent cleaning or, even worse, replacement of the heat exchanger.
In addition, we can damage the structure of the heat exchanger by using too hard water. To avoid this, the water should be softened using special means, or a special filter should be installed in the system.
Finally, it is not recommended to dismantle and clean the gas water heater with your own hands, because, as we have already said about this, professionals should deal with this procedure. Doing this with your own hands is extremely dangerous.
If you decide to purchase a geyser device for yourself, then pay attention, first of all, to the power of the model you have chosen. It should be enough to provide all your family members with hot water. The power of almost all modern models fits into the range from 3 to 60 kilowatts.
Important! The more powerful the gas water heater, the more water it will be able to heat up within a certain period of time.
The average “cell of society”, consisting of four people, needs a device with an average capacity of 16-24 kilowatts. It is more than enough for the dishes to be washed and everyone was able to take a shower. Even if the device has a low power of 16 kilowatts, it will be able to give 10 liters of hot water, which is enough to be able to wash and wash dishes at the same time. Of course, if you can, then buy a column with a capacity of 24 kilowatts, since it can provide 24 liters of heated water.
In addition, it is advisable to take into account the water temperature that a specific model can provide. For its designation, the Latin letters DT are used. For example, if water is already supplied to the heat exchanger at a temperature of 12 degrees, then it will heat up to 24 in it. therefore, it can be used even without preliminary dilution.
Today there are models that are capable of heating water even up to 50 degrees. Their power, as well as the cost, is an order of magnitude higher than conventional models. For this reason, if several plumbing elements are simultaneously connected to the system at once, then it is better to purchase a more powerful column so that it can provide them all with hot water at the same time.
Also, when buying a gas water heater, see if it is equipped with safety sensors. They are of the following types:
damping of the burner;
reduced pressure;
sudden interruption of water supply.
And remember: gas water heaters are only allowed to be installed in the kitchen! Installation of a gas water heater in the bathroom is prohibited! Unless she (the bathroom) meets all existing requirements.
So, we have analyzed what a gas water heater is, what are its features, what malfunctions may arise during operation and how to fix them later. We only note that such devices are extremely economical, especially in light of the ever-increasing utility rates. And the last thing: do not forget that prophylaxis of the column's performance should be carried out annually.
I wrapped the microswitch, which is under the flow sensor rod, in plastic wrap and now it is not afraid of leakage. And my leakage is so small that I couldn't see the drop nirazu, and the dampness still limescale the microswitch button, so that it did not come out of it and did not turn on the electronics. The microswitch can be easily removed from the bracket with two small screws.
I have a problem with a Selena gas water heater. As soon as the lid in the battery compartment is closed, the gas immediately ignites even when the water is closed. To heat the water, I first open the tap with water, then close the battery compartment lid. To turn off the gas in the column, I open the battery compartment cover. I called the master, changed the microswitch, but it did not help. The foreman cannot determine the breakdown. Who knows how to fix it, leave a comment, please.
tell me why there is a very weak water pressure in a turbocharged selenium gas column
after the column lights up, after a few seconds, the piezoelectric element is triggered and it goes out
Cac saedeniti provodchi U menea sieli v siu provodcu crisi
amine column. lights up and the temperature rises to the maximum (70) and does not fall, the gas pressure is not regulated (gas at minimum). What could be? Thank you
put a new column RODA-20 A-6 started right away but after a minute it went out. after half a minute it caught fire by itself. and so until I typed in the bathroom, no matter what I did or did not regulate, it didn’t work. What could be? Thank you
column ross burns error her
As soon as the lid in the battery compartment is closed, the gas immediately ignites even when the water is closed. Tell me what to do, it's a piez.
what needs to be changed if the temperature is not regulated heats 27 no more.
Rod's gas water heater gets water on the batteries, what is the reason
what to do if you have to turn on the water both in the bathroom and in the kitchen so that the automatic column works is not very convenient
When water is supplied to the column, the lamp does not turn green. There is a spark that clicks, but the column does not ignite What could be the reason, not serviceability.
Such a complex device as a gas water heater serves for quite a long time, care and operation is carried out according to the instructions attached to this unit. But all things deteriorate and sometimes minor or major repairs of gas water heaters or their prevention are necessary. As well as replacing some of the components of the gas column.
The internal structure of flow-through gas water heaters is of the same type and almost does not differ from different manufacturers. The main difference may be in additional options (display, automatic gas ignition, second temperature sensor, etc.), in the appearance of the device or in the design.
This is a gas column heat exchanger, it may look different from different manufacturers, but the principle of operation is the same.
A heat exchanger is installed inside - a finned copper tube through which a water flow moves. The burner standing under the heat exchanger heats up the tube and the water passing inside it heats up. With a low water pressure or its absence, the incoming flow is blocked by a valve (curtain), to which a spark ignition switch is attached. This is for fire safety.
To repair a faulty gas water heater or prevent a gas leak (if you smell), you need to call a gas water heater repairman.But if you decide to call the workers of Gorgaz, then do not think that they will immediately come, sometimes they refuse to come, explaining that the repair should be carried out by the company (or store) that installed the gas water heater.
Now a lot of "left" firms have divorced. and calling the workers of such organizations to their homes brings a number of other problems. Many craftsmen, seeing your incompetence in this area, find non-existent faults in the gas column or deliberately raise prices.
To increase the safety of the population, it is prescribed that malfunctions associated with gas equipment be eliminated by employees of the relevant service. But there are some problems that you can fix yourself. If you know how to hold the tool in your hands, you can repair the gas water heater with your own hands.
It is not very difficult if you know the typical problems of these water heaters. Below we will tell you about the most common of them and show you how to fix this or that breakdown. And let's start by setting up the unit.
Adjusting the height of the burner flame - the closer to the maximum the hot water is. Adjusting the water flow - the closer to the maximum, the greater the flow, therefore, the water is colder. Winter / Summer - the mode of using the speaker at different times of the year. In winter, the power is greater than in summer.
Not all masters know how to properly set up a gas water heater and simply don’t do it, leaving it as it is (by default). But we do not recommend leaving the factory settings and making adjustments yourself.
Set the gas and water knob on the heater to minimum.
Open the gas and water supply valves on the pipelines.
Open a hot water tap and adjust the water pressure you need using the knob on the gas water heater.
Wait 1-2 minutes and measure the temperature. Use the gas knob on the column to increase the flame, thereby increasing the temperature of the water to the one you need.
When the water temperature is comfortable, you can leave all adjustments alone and use the water.
In the future, you can adjust the temperature with another knob (supply of heated water).
This is a membrane in the gas column, if it fails, then the unit stops responding to the pressure of water.
When adjusting the speaker, sometimes unpleasant moments arise. The new column either turns on at a very low pressure, or does not want to start at all. It depends on the increased or decreased water pressure in the pipeline and is eliminated in the following ways.
With our water quality, the heat exchangers in the gas columns are clogged with scale quite quickly and very much, which reduces their thermal conductivity and increases gas consumption.
The longest, in time, process - cleaning the main tube (radiator) from deposits arising from heating tap water. If you turn the gas knob all the way, and the outgoing water is barely warm, then this indicates that the heat exchanger is clogged with ordinary scale, which does not transfer heat well.
This happens quite often in the case of a gas water heater without auto-ignition (with an igniter). Scale also forms if you set the water heating temperature too high. The unit overheats, the tube (radiator) heats up to 80-850, which contributes to the rapid (a little over an hour) the appearance of scale. Isn't it better to just turn off the speaker in time? Then there will be no problems, because 40-600 are enough for all washing and washing processes.
Check the inlet cock or valve before starting work on the heat exchanger. Maybe the whole reason is their clogging. But if they are in good condition, it is necessary to get rid of the deposits in the tube.
There are two ways to deal with the scale problem. We'll look at both options.
The Cillit KalkEx cleaning system does its job pretty well. With its help, you can quickly clean any boilers from scale. Unfortunately, it is not very accessible for ordinary users of gas water heaters.
This is an expensive method using a special device. (Cillit KalkEx) and a set of special preparations for flushing. Your speaker does not even need to be removed from the wall. You just need to disconnect the water hoses (inlet / outlet).
The purification device is connected to the column, and it runs the heated reagents in a closed loop (in a circle). Scale under their action decomposes, is washed out and drained.
Cheap but time consuming and laborious process ... For its implementation, it is necessary to disassemble the water heater almost completely and then rinse it manually.
The following materials and tools will help us with this:
open-end wrenches (set);
screwdrivers (Phillips and regular);
paronite gaskets (set);
rubber hose;
vinegar essence or anti-scale agent.
To remove the heat exchanger, proceed as follows:
first, we block the access of cold water;
then we remove the external elements that prevent disassembly (knobs of switches, regulators);
remove the casing, and for this we unscrew the screws located on the rear wall of the unit, lift and remove the cover;
we open the "hot" tap;
unscrew the supply pipe from the heat exchanger and move it aside;
After the water has completely disappeared, we put the hose on the heat exchanger tube and raise it above the column level. Slowly, pour the solution prepared by us into the hose and leave the column for 4-6 hours.
Next, you need to slightly open the water supply tap and watch the water that will come out of the column, if you saw a lot of scale, then our work was not in vain - we got rid of it ... If there is no scale in the outgoing water, then we repeat the whole process again.
The failure of a water heater can occur for many reasons. We will list the most likely ones:
The simplest reason for this trouble is the lack of normal draft in the chimney. If the chimney is clogged and there is no "draft" in it, then the column may not ignite.
To check for a malfunction, you can bring a piece of newspaper, a napkin or a lighted match to the chimney. If they flutter, then the cravings are in order. Otherwise, you will need to clean the chimney.
If the device (only in units with auto-ignition from batteries or an electrical network) does not ignite, then it is all the fault of the discharge of the batteries or the malfunction of the wires, the igniter unit. Eliminated by inserting batteries or checking the electric ignition system.
Failure of the igniter system can occur from poor pressure water. Open any tap with cold water and check the pressure, if it is weak, you can call the ZhEK and find out what the problem is.
If the column does not ignite when water is supplied or only turns on at a very high pressure, then the problem is most likely in the membrane, which, due to wear, reacts poorly to the water passing through it. In this case, it must be replaced.
This is a temperature sensor that measures the temperature of the gas column during operation, preventing it from overheating.
A temperature sensor is installed on each gas column, which makes sure that the column does not overheat in the event of a failure the column may turn off spontaneously during operation ... It usually looks like this:
After normal operation, for some time, the heater “stalls” for 20 minutes. After this time, it can be turned on for the same period of time. The malfunction, as a rule, is seasonal and appears only in summer or winter with closed windows.
The device turns off when it wants and then does not light up ... This can happen when the sensor wire is shorted to the body. Check wires are intact and well insulated.
In order to check the sensor itself for operability, two contacts should be removed from it and short-circuited with a needle, a paper clip, a piece of tin. If the gas appliance turns on and works, the sensor must be changed.
If you see similar spots on your column, then be sure that it is leaking and needs repair.
This malfunction can occur mainly in gas water heaters that have been operating for a long time. The two main reasons for the leak are:
Tubes (bends) or gaskets in the joints are cracked. Replacing a radiator or taps is quite expensive. Therefore, there is a reason to repair the gas column on your own. For repairs you need:
screwdrivers (cross and regular);
open-end wrenches (set);
solder with rosin;
a vacuum cleaner;
Due to the harsh operating conditions, the radiator or bends can burn out and holes appear on them. If you have determined where the leak is, then you can repair the small hole with an ordinary soldering iron.
Preparing the gas water heater for repair
Drain all liquid from the system - open only the hot water tap, unscrew the nut on the cold water inlet pipe, and most of the water will flow out;
Remove the radiator completely;
Examine the entire tube. - if you see "greenery" - clean and inspect these places for cracks.
Soldering a heat exchanger does not always give good results, here a lot depends on your skill. If the soldering is poor, the heat exchanger will quickly flow again.
When you have found the leaks, you need to do the following:
clean the holes found with "sandpaper" and immediately wipe it with a cloth and solvent (this will remove the remaining grease, carbon deposits and dirt);
using rosin with solder, tin this place with a 100 watt iron (in the absence of rosin, use aspirin);
rub the crack or hole with solder, and after it cools down, add more tin (the layer should be 1-2 mm).
Replacing flexible hoses of this type does not require special skills; anyone can do it with a wrench.
Very often, leaks are formed in the places where the outlets are connected to the heater from the outside or to the internal assemblies of the column. All connections are made by "American" with gaskets inside.
Due to constant heating / cooling, the rubberized liners either melt or lose their properties and harden. Cracks appear in them, along which water flows. If you notice a gas column leak in such connections, then replace the gaskets. Using a wrench (mostly 24), unscrew the nut and replace.
It also happens that the flanges on the pipes crack over time - in this case, you need to replace the entire pipes.
Be sure to change the batteries in the gas water heater in time, because if they are dead, your column will start to emit pops when it is turned on. Also, due to dead batteries, the column may turn off spontaneously.
These startup and operating sounds indicate the following:
a little air got into the system (into the burner) due to the low pressure of the gas, which generated a microexplosion;
the flame breaks down due to the high pressure of the gas;
nozzle blockage;
low draft of ventilation;
the batteries are dead.
On your own, you can only eliminate the malfunctions described in the last two points.
This can happen for several reasons.
The simplest reason is incorrectly selected gas water heater ... You have saved and bought a low power heater that is unable to meet your hot water needs.
The second reason is the low gas pressure in the pipes (in the apartment). Call gas workers to check the system.
The third reason is a common blockage (jet, filters, scale, hoses, etc.), some types of which are described above. You can check this by the color of the fire, which changes from time to time. This is evidenced by the presence of soot.
You can only adjust the temperature and clean the column yourself.
It is impossible to imagine any kitchen without a hob, be it an electric or gas stove, since it is on these units that the cooking process takes place. But unfortunately, these devices fail over time for various reasons.A qualified gas service specialist should repair gas stoves, fix various breakdowns and carry out maintenance. But there are minor faults in which you can fix the gas stove on your own.
It is impossible to imagine any kitchen without a hob, be it an electric or a gas stove, since it is on these units that the cooking process takes place. But unfortunately, these devices fail over time for various reasons. A qualified gas service specialist should repair gas stoves, fix various breakdowns and carry out maintenance. But there are minor faults in which you can fix the gas stove on your own. So, you can repair a gas stove with your own hands with the following malfunctions:
The cooking zones do not light up This malfunction can be caused by a number of reasons: clogging of the gas supply nozzle; failure of the ignition plug; damage to the insulation of the wire going to the candle; faulty electric ignition control unit; malfunction of the power button.
Clogged nozzle The nozzle (jet) of the unit can become clogged from food, detergent powder or gas combustion products. In this case, self-repair of a gas stove is very simple: you need to remove the burners and clean the nozzle with a wooden toothpick (you cannot use metal objects for cleaning, for example, a paper clip or a needle).
Electric ignition does not ignite the gas Before disassembling the gas stove, you should disconnect from it the power supply (voltage for the candle - 220V), which is required for electric ignition. This malfunction of the electric ignition device can affect both one burner and all at once. If the spark does not skip on one burner, this means that the ignition plug (electrode) is out of order. On it, in the ceramic insulator, a crack may form, as a result of which the electrode stops working correctly.
To repair a gas stove with your own hands about replacing a candle, it is enough to remove the burners, open the stove cover (by unscrewing a few bolts), and change the electrode to a new one.
Also, a frequent malfunction of the electric ignition on one burner may be damage to the wire going to the candle. To check this, press the ignition button with the unit cover open. If the wire is “punctured” in any place, then you will see a spark slipping in this place either on the body of the device or on the foil that covers the oven. Repair of electric ignition of a gas stove with a damaged wire consists in replacing it with a new one, or it must be moved to another place so that there is no “breakdown” to ground.
The fire goes out after being ignited There are times when a properly working gas stove suddenly starts to present surprises. For example, you turn on the gas supply, it lights up, and after releasing the handle, it immediately goes out. Such symptoms indicate a malfunction of a thermocouple - a sensor that turns on the supply of a combustible mixture.
A thermocouple works in the following way: when heated, it generates an electric current, which magnetizes the solenoid valve. The valve, in turn, opens and the gas flows freely into the burner. If the thermocouple stops heating, the electrical impulse is lost and the valve shuts off the flow. Thus, if, after opening the tap to turn on the gas and ignite it with an electric candle, combustion stops immediately, this means that the solenoid valve has triggered and cut off the supply of the combustible mixture.
It is quite simple to repair a gas stove with such a malfunction. First, you need to remove all the handles and the top panel of the stove by unscrewing the bolts on the sides of the lid and under the burners (stove designs may be different, respectively, and the location of the fasteners may differ). After unscrewing the fasteners, remove the top cover of the unit. After disassembling the unit, you will see two protruding parts near the inoperative burner. White is the ignition plug, and next to it is the thermocouple. A wire goes from the thermocouple to the connector, from which it should be pulled out. Disconnect the gas control sensor from the burner. After removing the non-working element, install the new one purchased in advance. Thus, it is possible to repair the Hephaestus, Ardo gas stove, Brest and Hansa stoves if the thermocouple fails.
Button malfunction Sometimes a broken button can be the cause of a spark plug failure. This malfunction when repairing gas stoves, burning or other brands can be determined by throwing the wires (after removing the top panel of the device) to another button on the gas stove. If the ignition works when the burner tap is opened, then the faulty button must be replaced.
Video (click to play).
Summing up, we can say that only the above malfunctions can be eliminated with your own hands. All types of troubleshooting of gas stove malfunctions associated with disconnecting gas supply pipes and hoses must be carried out by a gas service employee, after which he draws up an act of repair performed.