DIY room renovation design

In detail: do-it-yourself room renovation design from a real master for the site

If you have planned to repair a room with your own hands, but do not know where to start, after reading the materials of our website "Remontik" you will solve this problem. Adhering to our advice, the repair work will not take long, and the final result will please you.

First of all, you must understand that the renovation of the room needs serious preliminary preparation. The most important point is the preparation of a detailed repair plan, taking into account all the nuances. Consider tips for organizing repairs from professionals:

  • What type of repair to choose: major or cosmetic.

Image - DIY room renovation design

  • Preparation of interior design and detailed renovation plan.
  • Determine the main stages of room renovation.

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  • Make a list of the required tools and materials.
  • Plan upcoming expenses.

Image - DIY room renovation design

Image - DIY room renovation design

  • How to start repairing a room with your own hands.

Now let's dwell on each of the stages in more detail, attaching photos and videos to them.

What kind of room repair is needed: major or cosmetic

First of all, you need to decide on the volume and complexity of future repairs. For the apartment to be clean and bright, it is enough to carry out superficial, cosmetic repairs: replacing the wallpaper, changing the old linoleum, whitewashing the ceiling, painting the walls, etc.

If you are planning to get rid of everything old and boring, decide on a major overhaul with replacement of windows, leveling of walls, installation of new floors, as well as modern ceilings. Your home will be transformed and become beautiful and new.

We do not recommend giving up the help of professionals when carrying out major repairs. First of all, this concerns the creation of a stylish design of the premises, including redevelopment, as well as the demolition of some partitions and walls.

When planning repairs, starting from their financial capabilities.

Choose an interior design and decide on a renovation plan

Video (click to play).

At the very beginning, decide on the design and interior of each individual room that you are going to change in your apartment. You can seek help from an experienced designer, which will slightly increase your financial costs for repairs.

For the room where you are going to carry out repairs, you need to complete detailed drawings of all stages of work, in their clear sequence.

We advise you to complete five renovation sketches for all individual rooms. In the first drawing, we recommend displaying a top view of the premises, and in the other four, each wall. Complete all drawings with a detailed description, as well as a plan for the sequential implementation of repairs, which will avoid inaccuracies and simplifications in the work.

When drawing up a sketch of the repair, we advise you to indicate:

  • The location of the furniture. Those walls that are striking most of all need to be given maximum attention and use the highest quality finishes.
  • Think carefully about where to place chandeliers and lamps so that the light can better illuminate the room.

Image - DIY room renovation design

  • Considering the location of the household appliances, mark the locations for the outlet. Then to correctly design the installation of electrical wiring in different rooms.
  • Consider the location of the main decorative elements: mosaic, paintings, brick wall.

In the repair plan, it is necessary to indicate the required finishing option: painting, wallpapering the walls, etc. To divide the room into separate zones, we advise you to paint one of the walls with a different color in order to accentuate attention and visually divide the room. Such moments also need to be reflected in the plan.

According to the advice of experts, in order to avoid unnecessary dust and dirt when carrying out repairs, we recommend that you first of all make repairs in rooms that are located away from the front door. As the last stage of the repair, it is better to choose passage rooms, as well as a corridor through which construction tools and materials will often sweep. In order not to scratch or stain the finish of the already repaired wall, and also not to damage the new floor.