Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

In detail: do-it-yourself turnkey room repair from a real master for the site

Have you finally made a decision to renew the interior of your home? Then the knowledge of what stages of apartment renovation await us and how to observe their sequence will come in handy. So many, at first glance, imperceptible nuances can arise.
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If you determine the sequence of actions in advance, the result will only please.
  • This is a chance to significantly save your budget, since you don't have to redo anything and buy in a hurry, while overpaying.
  • The duration of the work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a faster completion of the case.

The first mistake of the owner, who decided to start construction work, is the thoughtless purchase of building materials. Often, due to haste, he buys a lot of excess, but what is actually needed, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even for groceries, it is better to go with a well-thought-out list.
Read how to start repairs in our article.
It all starts with an estimate. In this case, it is advisable to invite a specialist for consultation, even if only independent work is planned in the future.
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Before starting the repair, it is necessary to develop a project and draw up an estimate
With a well-defined plan and a competent list of everything you need, you can start.

We draw your attention once again: to avoid mistakes, alterations and downtime during the repair process, be sure to adhere to the ready-made plan.
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Step-by-step repair steps

It all starts with total preparation. Such jobs include:

  • removing old wallpaper;
  • dismantling of plaster;
  • destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
  • removal of floors;
  • dismantling of surfaces intended for replacement.

Repair stages in a new building skip the dismantling stage, proceeding directly to the next step.
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Dismantling the interior

First of all, they carry out work on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all the operations that can destroy new coatings: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. Also, pipe wiring can be attributed to this stage.
Read more about this in our articles:

Video (click to play).

All old electrical wiring is removed and a new one is installed. The safety instructions for the placement of outlets will help you to position the electrical components correctly and use wires with a sufficient cross-section. For example, you should take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding at the point to which the washing machine will be connected.
Image - Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

At this stage, you can change the entire layout of the apartment, bringing novelty and additional comfort to the interior.
Image - Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

With the help of partitions (especially if the extra walls are removed), you can create an office, a nursery, divide a bathroom.
Most often, bricks or foam blocks are used for such purposes, less often drywall. By covering the new wall with soundproof plaster, you can achieve more comfort. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the squaring of the premises, sometimes it is better to leave one large room than to make five small ones. In addition, the creation of unnecessary partitions can lead to a violation of the natural ventilation of the apartment. So when erecting additional walls, be sure to consult with professionals.
Articles on our site on the topic:

For plastering work, it is recommended to use a ready-made cement-sand mixture (DSP) or gypsum plaster, which will eliminate possible mistakes in self-mixing the proportions of sand and cement. If there is not enough experience in such work, it is still better to hire specialists. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, you do not have to redo unsuccessful work.
More details:

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Pouring concrete, equalize the floor. The quality of these works will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Probably more than once faced with the problem of leveling a table, chest of drawers, armchairs and, more significantly, a washing machine. A good screed will help avoid such difficulties in the future.
More: leveling wood and concrete floors.
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At least a week should pass between the screed and the installation of drywall for the room to dry out.
We install the iron sectional base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then we mount the drywall sheets.
More detailed articles on this topic:

If you have not encountered such work before, then it is better to invite a specialist. The cost of fixing a marriage is much higher than paying a professional. After all, the tile itself is not cheap, and any possible flaws will be visible from the outside: this is usually the most beautiful and conspicuous part of the interior.

Moreover, the complexity of the work directly depends on the complexity of the pattern on the tile.
More details in our articles:

The stages of bathroom renovation are slightly different from those in other rooms:

  • design;
  • dismantling;
  • installation of pipes;
  • finishing work on the ceiling;
  • installation of electrical wires;
  • finishing work on walls and floors;
  • installation of lamps;
  • installation of ventilation and heating equipment;
  • door assembly.

The stages of repairing a bathroom are shown in the video:

Image - Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

So, whether the walls are painted or wallpaper is glued, this is already starting to give the room a complete look. We have come to the finish line!
Details in the following articles:

Experts were divided about the sequence of actions at the last stage. Some believe that wallpaper should be glued after laying the floor covering, others - on the contrary. But most still prefer to finish the renovation activities with flooring.
Read also:

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With the wall covering sorted out, the floor looks as it was intended. The repair is over!

Careful planning of the course of renovation works greatly simplifies the matter and saves the budget. Do not be lazy to calculate everything in advance (preferably, together with a specialist).

It should be noted that the stages of bathroom renovation are slightly different due to the increased complexity. But the right approach to work makes any difficulties insignificant and easily surmountable. We wish you successful installation work!

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When you mention the renovation of an apartment, is your thought limited to the picture of demolishing partitions and replacing windows? No problem. Today you will be able to get a short battle plan called “Stages of repairing an apartment purchased on the secondary housing market". After reading our tips, you will definitely not torment yourself with the question of where to start renovating an apartment with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Our website dedicated to self-repair of an apartment will help you with the first option. So, let's take a look at the tips.

Ceiling repair is the most pressing topic for many tenants who have purchased an apartment on the secondary market. After all, most of the newly-made owners have to face a number of "ceiling problems" every day, from crumbling plaster to cracks in the ceiling.Image - Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

Where to start repairing the ceiling? It is carried out according to the same simple scheme as repairing walls and floors:

As a rule, water-dispersion paint is most often used to paint ceiling coverings; in older houses, lime whitewash is also found, less often oil or alkyd enamel. Surely you are tormented by the question: how easy is it to wash off old paint?

Lime whitewash can be washed off with water. The work is very painstaking, but the quality of the execution depends on how well the new coating will fit. If the previous owners tried their best and applied several layers of whitewash, then you will have to arm yourself with a steel spatula and a basin of water.

The next step in the preparatory work is leveling the ceiling. The appearance of the ceiling and its reliability in the future depends on how accurately and efficiently you perform this operation. If you want to make a modern, beautiful ceiling, then see the article "Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling" - detailed installation instructions with photos and videos. Now we will continue to answer the question: where to start and how to finish the repair work.Image - Do-it-yourself turnkey room repair

First of all, it is necessary to determine the difference in ceiling levels in order to know how thick the layer will need to be applied. If the deviations are less than 50 mm, then your reliable assistants will be a primer and putty. If there are cracks on the surface of the ceiling, then they will first need to be expanded with a spatula, and then cleaned and primed.

Remember: the strength and longevity of the ceiling depends on how well the primer is made. The deeper the primer is absorbed, the better the subsequent products will apply and hold. Likewise with putty. How well the putty is done depends on how smooth the ceiling will be.

The main function assigned to the primer is to impregnate the concrete surface in order to ensure a reliable and strong adhesion of the entire surface and the layers applied to it. Accordingly, the putty is responsible for leveling the surface and eliminating minor defects.

The final chord in the galaxy "where to start repairing the ceiling covering" is the actual painting of the ceiling. Acrylic, latex, silicate, silicone paints and which paint is better to choose. Even this does not end with the list of products in the hardware store that will help you draw the final line under the repair and ceiling work. See what paint to choose for the ceiling, depending on your needs.

Repairing ceilings is a rather cumbersome and time-consuming undertaking that requires patience and meticulousness. Only with the right approach can you achieve the desired result - a snow-white, even and strong ceiling that will delight you for a long time. However, the burden of worries about the repair of the ceiling covering can be shifted onto the shoulders of professionals from construction companies. If you have noisy neighbors from above, then you need soundproofing of the ceiling in the apartment, you can do it yourself with your own hands.

The most significant element of the interior is the walls. It is to them that the most attention is paid, and, oddly enough, it is the repair work of the walls that eat up the entire supply of our time. Preparatory work takes place in two stages - this is the removal of the old coating and the leveling of the walls.

There is not much difference in the technology for removing the old coating from the ceiling or walls. The main thing is not to forget to call on patience for help, because wallpaper glued in several layers will have to be soaked and sequentially ripped off layer by layer.

To remove old tiles, which are most often located in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, you will have to arm yourself with a chisel, hammer or puncher.

Remember: primer is an important part of any renovation work. After all, the primer and putty are the basis not only for finishing work, but also for a comprehensive apartment renovation. Its main function is to improve the adhesion of finishing materials to the wall, so the primer is made under such finishing materials as wallpaper, paint or plaster of walls with plaster.

Where to begin? To perform the operation to level the walls, putty and plaster will be required.Each toolkit is selected individually depending on the scale of the disaster: if the irregularities (small dimples, cracks and dents) do not reach a depth of more than 5 mm, then puttying can be dispensed with; if the depth of defects is more than 5 mm, use plaster.

Well, the final touch in such a complex operation is painting and gluing wallpaper on the prepared walls. Paper, textile, vinyl, metallized, cork, non-woven, soundproof wallpaper for the nursery - all that remains is to choose a new look for your cozy nest.

We hope that now you are not wondering where to start the renovation work. After all, you know the main stages of the work. As the site is filled with materials, you will have a complete guide to apartment renovation, touching on all aspects, up to interior design and the choice of building materials and tools.