DIY septic tank compressor repair

In detail: do-it-yourself repair of a septic tank compressor from a real master for the site

This manual can be used as a maintenance guide for Topas, Yubas, Astra, Poplar, Topolvater, Ekodin, Deka, as well as other septic tanks of a similar design.

The technical passport of any treatment plant, be it Topas, Unilos Astra, Yubas, or others, indicates the need for maintenance, which must be performed regularly. Depending on the degree of utilization of the treatment plant, we recommend that service be carried out at least 2 times a year for seasonal use, at least 4 times for permanent residence. When using a sewage treatment plant in commercial real estate (shops, offices, production), where there are a large number of users, maintenance can be performed as needed.

I would like to note that any repair of a septic tank must begin with maintenance. Since 95% of malfunction cases are associated precisely with increased contamination of nodes. And you must admit that dirty equipment is not very pleasant to work with.

We will tell you how to carry out the simplest service that you can do yourself, using the example of the Topas 5 treatment plant with gravity drainage of purified water.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed device and principle of operation of the Topas septic tank, or use the diagram below. Compare it to your wastewater treatment plant.

Turn off the cleaning station with the button.

We take a construction hair dryer or other heating tool (for example, a lighter). We heat the air duct tubes, dressed on the airlift nozzles. Carefully we remove them, having previously remembered which tube is put on where. If your nozzles are made of polypropylene, then you must take into account that in the cold season, polypropylene nozzles of air ducts break easily.

Video (click to play).

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Removing the duct tubes from the mamut pump

We take out the airlift / filter of large fractions from the septic tank after removing them from the clips. We shake out the components, thoroughly rinse them with water pressure. This is a very important stage in performing routine cleaning of Topas, since it is precisely the clogging of these particular units that leads to the overflow of the station.

Putting aside clean details

After many removal / dressing, the ends of the tubes lose their elasticity, not ensuring a tight connection. They can be cut off. After many services, when there is nothing to cut off, the duct tubes can be replaced with new ones without any problems.

We take out the comb by unfastening it from the clip. We clean up. Installing back.

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

We clean the comb

For further convenience of the Topas service, we need to clean the chambers from unprocessed debris, possible foam, clots and other things that float on the surface.

We remove floating substances from all compartments with a net. We turn on the septic tank, manually start the reverse cycle mode (recirculation phase) by forced lowering of the cycle switching float. Or by turning on the corresponding buttons, if your septic tank is equipped with such an option. Now you have intense bubbling (aeration) inside the receiving compartment. We take a long-and-and-and-nnuyu stick. We begin to gently mix the contents of the receiving compartment with it, so as not to damage the aerator. With a net we catch everything that has surfaced after stirring.

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Removing unrefined waste

We put back the mamut pump and the filter removed in step 1. We put on the air ducts.

4 Checking the concentration of activated sludge in Topas.Removing excess from the stabilizer chamber

For reference... During the operation of the septic tank, active sludge appears in it, thanks to which the effluent is purified. Over time, its concentration increases, so the excess must be removed. With insufficient supply of fecal waste or inconsistent residence, the concentration may remain unchanged or decrease.

Now you yourself need to determine the concentration and the need for pumping.

If after the performed procedure you see that the concentration is normal or lower than it should be, then nothing needs to be pumped out. Go to step 5. If more - take the drain pump, lower it into the stabilizer chamber (D). We pump out its contents by half, fill it with clean water. Again we pump out half, fill again. This way several times. A similar partial pumping procedure should be used by users who have a high groundwater level (GWL) at the site. Why? See the warning at the top of the article. If the groundwater level is low, then at your own risk you can completely pump out at a time, then fill it with clean water.

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Pump down the stabilizer

By the way, activated sludge after composting can be used as an excellent fertilizer.

If you do not have a drain pump, then you can pump it out with built-in means. To do this, fix the cycle switching float in the upper position. Remove the plug from the hose (7) and lower it into a collection container. The treatment plant will begin to pump out the contents of the stabilizer in portions up to about 50%. Then fill the compartment with clean water.

Now you need to check that all equipment is working properly.

  • If your septic tank is equipped with one compressor, then it always works. If you have 2 compressors, then one of them always works, depending on the cleaning cycle. If this is not the case for you, then a septic tank diagnosis is necessary.
  • When the float is in the upper position, the switching of the cycles is bubbling in some chambers, in the lower position, it is bubbling in others. If not, then you need to figure it out.
  • If the OS is equipped with a light / sound alarm (AC), then check the operation of the AC float switch. In the upper position of the float, the warning light on the cover / in the house should light up. By the way, we have a DIY alarm installation guide.
  • If the septic tank is equipped with a pump for forced drainage of treated wastewater, check its operation by lifting the pump float switch to the up position. The pump should start, and the water should flow out unhindered.
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Remember, at two compressor stations, the sockets where the compressors are connected turn on depending on the cycle of the treatment plant. Those. on one there is tension, on the other not. This is a design feature.

Repairing a septic tank compressor is an economical alternative to buying a new compressor, because a malfunction always happens unexpectedly, and the cost of a new compressor is quite high. The air pump (compressor) is the most important element of the septic tank (biological treatment station) Topas, Unilos Astra, Eurolos Pro and many others. Indeed, if the compressor malfunctions, the biological treatment station becomes virtually inoperative - the airlifts stop working, as a result of which the chambers overflow, the saturation of water and silt with air stops, from which bacteria die. That is why delays in troubleshooting a compressor can have very serious consequences.

Our company has been repairing and servicing Airmac, Thomas, Hiblow and Secoh compressors for many years. We also sell original spare parts and compressor repair kits for septic tanks.Therefore, those who apply to our company, you will not only receive a qualified repair of a compressor for a septic tank, but also receive original spare parts at low prices.

We carry out repair and sale of compressors and spare parts in Moscow and the Moscow region. It is also possible to take a faulty septic tank and deliver it in the Kaluga and Tula regions. We will always be happy to help you!

Having a compressor for repair, we always try to find out from the owner how the compressor behaved before the breakdown, it could make noise, smoke, make various sounds. So, what can break down in the compressor (membrane) compressor, which is installed in septic tanks (treatment plants). Consider the repair of the Air Mac compressor, which is installed in the Topas septic tanks, the Hiblow HP compressor and the Secoh compressor are mainly installed in the Unilos Astra septic tanks.

Compressor repair Hiblow Hp (Hiblow)Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Compressor Hiblow (Hiblow), a common compressor installed in septic tanks from different manufacturers. It is rightfully ranked first in Russia in terms of sales as components for biological wastewater treatment plants. The compressor is made of a duralumin case, in which 2 electromagnetic coils and a magnet are installed. The magnet drives the membranes.

What can break down in a Hiblow Hp compressor? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the diaphragms, if the diaphragm ruptures in the compressor, the plastic fuse breaks. Also, electromagnetic coils can fail. All these spare parts are always available for replacement.

In the event of a compressor breakdown for a septic tank, do not rush to buy a new one. You can try to repair it. It will be significantly cheaper than purchasing a new device. In the overwhelming majority of cases, repairs are possible.

Diaphragm mini-compressors for a septic tank of the brand "Hiblow", "Secoh" and "AirMac" are also called an air pump or blower. These are devices that blow air. They are located above the septic tank and connected to an aeration tank, where air is injected.

Depending on the method of air injection, the compressors are membrane (diaphragm) or screw. Membrane is more popular. However, given that the septic tank, and with it the compressor, are operated without interruption, from time to time it is necessary to change the membrane. Diaphragm damage is the most common cause of compressor failure. Replacing the membrane is easy, you can do it yourself and quickly enough, which is also important.

Why, judge for yourself. Modern sewerage stations (septic tanks) purify waste water through the aeration process. It flows on its own, only air is needed for aeration, and wastewater disinfection will occur completely. Under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, the organic substances contained in the effluents are oxidized and decomposed.

Aerobic bacteria, which require oxygen to breathe, successfully perform this function of oxidizing and breaking down organic residues. It turns out that in order for aerobic bacteria to actively multiply and perform their cleaning function, they constantly need air.

When it is pumped in the required amount into the aeration tank, the oxidation of organic matter is normal, sludge is formed, and microbes die. Purified water is absorbed into the soil, sludge settles into a special reservoir, from where it can be removed and disposed of further. It turns out that aerobic bacteria both purify wastewater and create an environmentally friendly fertilizer.

In order for everything to happen exactly as described, only one thing is needed: uninterrupted operation of the compressor and the flow of air into the septic tank. The normal functioning of the aerobic substance will depend on this, and ultimately the work of the septic tank. After all, aerobic microorganisms need a certain amount of air, otherwise they will die.

If the flow of air into the septic tank stops, for example, due to a breakdown of the compressor membranes, an unpleasant odor will appear. You can get rid of it only by eliminating the malfunction and ensuring an uninterrupted flow of air.

To quickly fix the breakdown, you will need a repair kit.

For a compressor of any brand, in particular "Hiblow", "Secoh" and "AirMac", you can purchase a universal repair kit or a separate membrane. The principle of operation of a membrane-type compressor is based on the supply of air due to the oscillatory movements of the diaphragm. It works by compressing air and supplying it through a tube to the cleaning sector.

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A regular repair kit for Hiblow, Secoh and AirMac compressors includes:

  • two membranes;
  • two valve covers;
  • fuse;
  • fastening.

Having disconnected the device from the power source, carry out the necessary repair manipulations, without completing which it is impossible to turn on the device to the network.

If the air is supplied with the required capacity, the aerobic bacteria quickly recycle the sewage residues. In this case, no unpleasant odors have time to form.

The sooner you repair your compressor, the less likely it will be to kill aerobic bacteria, whose fragile shoulders are entrusted with the main task of disinfecting effluents. Realizing the importance of timely and quick repair of a failed unit, the manufacturer has provided for the release of a special repair kit. Having it close at hand, you can quickly fix the problem, while saving a significant amount. A new compressor is more expensive than spare parts.

Thus, the algorithm of actions when replacing the membrane:

  • disconnecting the compressor from the electrical supply, unscrewing the screw on the housing and removing the compressor housing;
  • unscrewing the screws and removing the cover;
  • unscrewing the nut in the center of the membrane and removing the worn out membrane;
  • installation of a new membrane so that its edges are fixed directly inside the frame;
  • fixing the magnet with a new nut and screw, fixing the diaphragm;
  • screwing the coil and compressor housing into place.

When replacing the diaphragm in the compressor, it is imperative to follow the disassembly and assembly procedure.

As a rule, repair kits for Hiblow, Secoh and AirMac compressors are produced by Japanese and Korean manufacturers themselves.

Knowing what assemblies your membrane compressor for a septic tank consists of, you can easily fix the breakdown. The compressor casing is usually made of waterproof material with a muffler at the bottom. The cover houses the air filter. A powerful electromagnetic field drives the magnet core onto which the membranes are attached. The movement of the magnet is imparted to the membranes. This creates air pressure and movement, injection into the aeration tank.

All parts in the compressor work under the influence of an electromagnetic field, there is no friction force, so lubrication of the units is not required. Taking into account the continuous operation of the compressor, it is recommended to carry out servicing and replacement of the membranes once a year.

What else can fail in your membrane compressor, and it will stop pumping air into the septic tank. These can be problems such as:

  • malfunction of the power cord;
  • blown fuse;
  • filter clogging;
  • blockage of the air supply tube;
  • damage to the air supply tube;
  • incorrect connection of the air supply hose.

Force majeure breakdowns can be avoided by routine inspections of Hiblow, Secoh and AirMac diaphragm compressors once a year.

Hiblow, Secoh and AirMac brand compressors operate on a principle based on electromagnetic vibration. The device can be combined with almost any type of septic tank.

The fuse in the air pumps is located above the magnet.If the diaphragm or other part is damaged, the fuse breaks when the top of the magnet hits it, the contact breaks and the compressor stops. This prevents further destruction and damage.

Compressor breakdowns are usually easily repaired. It is advisable to make repairs, given the availability of repair kits and spare parts, rather than buying a new compressor. In addition, in diaphragm compressors, it is recommended to change the diaphragm every six months.

Diaphragm compressors are successfully used to equip individual sewage systems due to their low price and ease of maintenance and operation, the ability to quickly eliminate breakdowns.


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We will help you choose, buy a septic tank of the required volume, of any manufacturer!

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We will help you to install a septic tank of the required volume, of any manufacturer!

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SERVICE OF SEPTICS Service and free diagnostics. Emergency departure during
hours, no extra charge for urgency!

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Any repair and free diagnostics. Emergency departure during

hours, no extra charge for urgency!

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Preservation and re-preservation of septic tanks for the winter period, according to the regulations

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Any spare parts for various models of septic tanks are available, both from our masters, and in our warehouse!

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You can purchase the necessary spare parts today at our pick-up point or order delivery in Moscow or Moscow region!

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Promotions and discounts on equipment

Septic tanks are installed to purify wastewater in suburban areas that are not equipped with a central sewerage system. Deep purification of wastewater in a septic tank is achieved thanks to bacteria, for which active work requires a periodic supply of oxygen. For this purpose, a compressor for a septic tank is installed in the treatment plant. How to select and install a device on your own, read on.

Compressor selection should be based on the following aspects:

  • type of device;
  • productivity;
  • installation manufacturer.

One of the main criteria for selecting a compressor is the type of device. Currently, the following types of compressors are produced:

The screw air compressor supplies air to the wastewater treatment plant by rotating the screws located in a sealed casing.

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Screw compressor device

The main advantages of this type are:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • no need to install additional equipment;
  • long period of operation;
  • relatively low vibration level.
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Among the disadvantages are:

  • high cost of the device;
  • impossibility to carry out repairs. If any unit installed on the compressor fails, then the compressor will have to be replaced completely.

A centrifugal compressor differs from a screw-type device in that it has one rotating shaft. Air is supplied to the wastewater treatment plant due to the emerging centrifugal force (hence the name).

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Design and principle of operation of a centrifugal compressor

A compressor of this type, due to its power, can quickly and efficiently saturate wastewater with oxygen, which is its advantage. However, the large size of the device and the high cost lead to the limited use of centrifugal compressors in local wastewater treatment plants.

The principle of operation of a membrane compressor is based on the oscillatory movements of a flexible plate (membrane), driven by a separate mechanism (most often a crank-connecting rod).

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Diaphragm compressor device

Diaphragm compressor units are distinguished by their low cost and small overall dimensions.The only drawback is the low productivity, but this parameter practically does not affect the correct performance of the treatment plant.

The operation of a reciprocating compressor is based on the reciprocating movements of the piston located inside the device.

Image - DIY septic tank compressor repair

Reciprocating compressor device

The disadvantages of this type of air compressor are:

  • high noise level during device operation;
  • strong heat, which requires periodic shutdown of the compressor;
  • poor performance.

An essential factor when choosing a compressor unit for a septic tank is the performance of the equipment. If you select a low power compressor, the bacteria will not be able to work normally, and the drains will not be cleaned to the recommended level.

High capacity compressors will consume more electricity than required. An excess amount of oxygen, as well as insufficient, can negatively affect the life and activity of bacteria.

The compressor capacity is selected depending on the volume of the chamber in which the bacteria work. Recommended parameters are presented in the table:

The most popular among numerous compressor manufacturers are:

  • Hiblow (Japan). The company is mainly engaged in the production of diaphragm compressors with different capacities. A long period of device use and constant support from the manufacturer are the main positive aspects of this company;
  • Thomas (Germany). The manufacturer is distinguished by high reliability, and the devices are relatively high cost, which is completely covered by the quality;
  • Secoh (Japan). Almost all modern septic tanks (Topas, Unilos, Astra and so on) are equipped with compressors of this company. The wide range of applications is due to the high quality and low cost.

Watch the video for an overview of the compressors.