In detail: do-it-yourself repair of boilers nova florida from a real master for the site
Good afternoon everyone. Boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact. There are two problems:
1) The gasket is leaking between the make-up valve and the pump. I understand that it is fixed with a metal bracket, but I don’t understand the principle of how to get it. (Photo 1)
2) The pressure in the system drops regularly - can it be the fault of a leak (p 1)
The bracket has a folded part. Pull the bracket “to the middle” of the boiler for it. Pull the valve back from the pump. Everything.
Eliminate the leak and the pressure in the system will not drop.
Xellow, and do not forget to pump up the expansion tank at the same time
Red direction. Blue place for which you need to pull the bracket.
Thanks to all. Everything was taken out. I will look for a new gasket, the old one is stiff and torn during removal. By the way, I also had to unscrew the copper tube, between the tap and the black crap (apparently the valve) on the cold supply. water.
Hello again everyone. My torment continues.
I eliminated the leak, pumped up the pressure, I observe the following:
The boiler turns on, it works, maybe an hour or two or three - but as a result, a shutdown occurs - a red lamp - after a restart - the burner lights up and after a few seconds goes out - after about 3 attempts the red lamp. After a complete shutdown (from the outlet) for at least an hour, it starts working again.
Ignore the Administration message in the first topic.
ZY The topic may appear in the Subject to Deletion.
the "change" tab suggests contacting the admin.
Xellow, Write in this thread the full name of the boiler. The administration will probably be able to correct the topic.
Full name of the boiler Vela Compact CTFS 24 AF
Fault Flame lights up, but goes out after a few minutes
Cause The smoke exhaust sensor (pressure switch) is activated
Remedy Clean the chimney or increase its cross-section
Replace the smoke exhaust sensor (pressure switch)
Fault Flame lights up, but goes out after a short time
Cause Incorrect power supply phase
Remedy Change phase
Cause The ionisation control electrode has left or there is no contact
Remedy Check contact and / or replace electrode
Check burners. Does the flame strike the ionization control electrode?
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Video (click to play). |
How to check if the ionization control is working properly?
And is there any information where you can get hold of spare parts? We have nothing but electronic boards
Xellow, measure the ionization current and compare it with the one the manufacturer is talking about.
Adjustments of the gas boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact
Conversion from natural gas to liquefied gas
- Make sure that the wall-mounted boiler is disconnected from the power supply;
- remove the nozzles from the main burner and replace them with nozzles of the required diameter, depending on the type of new gas.
- it is imperative to install new copper gaskets;
- refit the main burner;
- on the electronic board of the boiler, set the MET-GPL jumper to the GPL position;
- adjust the gas valve.
Gas valve adjustment siemens vgu56.a1109
Fig. 5. Siemens gas valve adjustment
- Using a small screwdriver, unscrew the protective screw in the gas inlet pressure measuring connection, connect a micromanometer to the connection and check the gas pressure at the valve inlet (in the gas line).
- Then, in the same way, connect the micromanometer to the gas pressure measuring point at the valve outlet.
- Turn on the wall-mounted boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact to maximum heating power by opening a large DHW draw-off and setting the DHW temperature controller to maximum.
- After removing the yellow plastic protective cap A, turn screw C counterclockwise to decrease the pressure and clockwise to increase the pressure.
- After setting the maximum pressure, remove the connector from the modulator reel in order to set the boiler to the minimum heat output.
- Adjust the minimum pressure with the inner screw B of the gas valve (keep the outer screw C stationary).
- Put the connector on the modulator bobbin and check the correctness and noiselessness of the burner ignition;
- Check for gas leaks;
- Replace the protective plastic cap A;
- After completing the above operations, fill in the tag indicating the set parameters and attach it to the machine.
Gas boiler checks Nova Florida Vela Compact
Checking the functionality of temperature sensors
The electronics checks the correct functioning of the NTC sensors connected to the boiler control board.
If the temperature perceived by the sensor is outside the correct temperature range recorded by the sensor, then this is perceived as a malfunction of the sensor.
- Violation of the heating circuit temperature sensor in heating mode or performing the anti-freeze function: the burner turns off immediately; the pump stops after completing a post-circulation cycle; the fan runs for 1 minute. Any heating requests
or the anti-freeze function is ignored.
- Malfunction of the heating circuit temperature sensor when the wall-mounted boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact is either in standby mode, or in summer mode, or in winter mode, or in the absence of any requests: the boiler performs the post-circulation function (1 second in winter mode, 30 seconds in summer time) and post-ventilation function for 1 minute.
- Violation of the heating circuit temperature sensor in DHW mode: a violation is only signaled, but DHW continues to be provided.
- Violation of the DHW temperature sensor when the DHW request is fulfilled: the burner turns off immediately; the pump performs post-circulation for 1 second in summer and 30 seconds in winter.
- The fan runs for 1 minute (duration of the post-ventilation function after blocking or malfunction of the temperature sensor). Any DHW demand is ignored while the heating and anti-freeze functions are active.
General check of the gas valve modulator
The electronics check the function of the proportional modulator of the gas valve.
A malfunction is detected if the modulator is electrically disconnected or has a short circuit.
In the event of a malfunction of the modulator, all boiler functions are retained, but at the minimum heat output.
The modulator malfunction signal disappears when the electrical parameters of the modulator return to standard limits.
Automatic flame check
A flame detection device is always active and monitors the presence of a flame continuously.
When a request is received to turn on the boiler, the state of the contacts of the differential air pressure switch (model CTFS 24 AF) is checked and the fan is turned on.
When the initial state of the contacts of the differential air pressure switch (boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact CTFS 24 AF) or the flue gas thermostat (model CTFN 24) is correct, the device maintains a TW delay (1.5 seconds), after which it turns on the gas valve and the transformer
If a flame is detected, the gas valve remains open.
After a delay, burner ignition is initiated.The current in the modulator coil rises within 10 seconds: from the value corresponding to the minimum gas pressure to 65% of the maximum value for a device with an open combustion chamber and 80% of the maximum value for a turbo boiler).
Actually, the ignition procedure is completed 1 second after the presence of a flame has been determined.
Now, only in devices with a closed combustion chamber, the process of flame development continues, which consists in the fact that a current increasing to a maximum is supplied to the modulator for two seconds.
After the full development of the flame, the gas boiler Nova Florida Vela Compact begins to work in normal mode. The ignition transformer switches off 2 seconds after detecting the presence of a flame or at the end of the safe ignition period.
If, in cold conditions, when trying to ignite the flame does not occur, repeated attempts to ignite are automatically carried out (up to 5 attempts for a turbo boiler and 2 attempts for a chimney).
Between ignition attempts, the combustion chamber is ventilated (10 seconds for a turbo boiler and 35 seconds for a chimney).
If the flame disappears, the flame detection device will try to ignite again.
The flame detection device goes into lockout state when no flame was detected during the last ignition attempt during the safe ignition time TS (10 seconds) or if an extraneous flame is detected with the gas valve turned off for more than 1 minute.
To unlock it is necessary to wait a few seconds, turn the corresponding regulator to the unlocked position, wait a while and return the regulator to the desired position.
Flue gas thermostat (only Nova Florida Vela Compact CTN 24 AF boiler)
The flue gas thermostat contacts are normally closed. When the outlet of flue gases is obstructed, the smoke begins to flow around the smoke trap from the outside and the temperature of the smoke trap (on which the thermostat is installed) rises, as a result of which triggers
thermostat open the contacts of the latter.
When the contacts open, the gas valve is de-energized and 2 seconds after the contacts open, the electronic board is blocked (if the thermostat contacts are closed within 2 seconds, the electronic board will continue to function normally).
After blocking, the pump performs post-circulation. If, within 10 seconds after blocking, the thermostat contacts close, then the Nova Florida Vela Compact boiler can restart.
The ten minute waiting period can be reset to zero by unlocking the appliance with the DHW regulator.
Start of ignition: if, within 2 seconds after the start of ignition, the contacts of the flue gas thermostat open, the board is blocked and the pump is recirculated.
After 10 minutes of interlock due to open flue gas thermostat (waiting period for flue gas thermostat), the board can automatically restart if the flue thermostat contacts are closed.
The ten minute waiting period can be reset to zero by unblocking the boiler using the DHW regulator.
To unlock it is necessary to wait about 5 seconds, turn the corresponding regulator to the unlocked position, wait a while and return the regulator to the desired position.
Differential air pressure switch (only boiler model Nova Florida Vela Compact CTFS 24)
The air pressure switch is connected directly to the electronic board and its contacts are normally open. Before the fan is turned on, the contacts of the air pressure switch are in the N.O. state. (normally open), and after the fan is turned on, they are closed.
When the contacts of the air pressure differential switch are open, the gas valve cannot turn on.
If, 10 seconds after turning on the exhaust fan, the contacts of the air pressure switch are still open, a blocking signal is generated, which does not require the unblocking procedure.
The same blocking signal, which does not require the unblocking procedure, is also generated if the contacts of the air pressure switch are in the wrong position in standby mode or during boiler operation.
If the contacts of the air pressure switch are in the wrong position for more than 1 minute, the boiler goes into a permanent blocking state, the exit from which requires the unblocking procedure.
Differential relay pressure: 45/35 Pa Pmax = 1500 Pa
Safety thermostat
The safety thermostat is located on the bithermal heat exchanger and its contacts are normally closed.
When the temperature is detected above 95 ° C, the contacts open, thereby interrupting the power supply to the gas valve and shutting down the burner.
If the safety thermostat is triggered while the gas valve is running, the boiler will shut down.
Activation of the safety thermostat when the gas valve is not working (between requests or when the boiler is in standby mode) leads to a malfunction signal (LED 2 lights up red).
This situation does not require an unlocking procedure. Burner start-up will be delayed until the safety thermostat contacts are closed.
The safety thermostat with normally closed contacts switches the voltage 20Vdc.
Response temperature 95 ° C.
Heating circuit temperature sensor: NTC 10k Ohm at 25 ° C.
DHW temperature sensor: NTC 10k Ohm at 25 ° C.
I have a saber boiler that is unstable in heating mode and more or less normal in hot water heating mode. It reacts somehow inadequately to the adjustment of the plastic screw of the gas supply (siemens valve). I rotate the plastic regulator - and the changes are not very visible or not always, but if you remove the plastic screw and bring a screwdriver to the stem, then more gas is supplied. All other thermocouples and valves are in good working order, the wiring is ringing, the electronics are inspected.
How often do modulators die on saber boilers and is it possible to diagnose it without disassembly?
I found a photo of a disassembled faulty valve in the next branch.
What's broken on it?
In my case, everything is simpler. The boiler tries to start up 5 times and it fails in heating mode. This behavior may be due to a lack. flame, spark or gas. Everything is ok with the spark, everything is ok with the flame detection circuits, I will describe in detail, since many people write in PM that this is their type:
the voltage across the 2.2μF 63V capacitor raises to half a volt and the npn transistor, in the base of which it hangs, opens properly, while the voltage on the collector drops from 14 to 0 while there is combustion, the optocoupler opens successfully. We fold the electronics, wiring and sensors, since everything has been checked more than once, and the analysis of the didactic manual showed a different behavior in the event of a malfunction of other good.
The fact that the hot water supply works normally, but there is no heating, is explained by the fact that in hot water supply mode the boiler immediately gives more gas (that is, at the stage of ignition there is no lowering of the gas supply to the min. As in heating). The modulator circuits have also been tested; during operation, the voltage on the coil changes from 2 to 10 volts.
Further, the valve was regulated by the workers of the gas department a week ago. According to the foreman, the gas supply was lowered, that is, he added both the min and max supply. A week passed, and the supply of mines became insufficient for combustion. If you add a half turn of the min. feed - works as expected, but not for long. The gas pressure in the main line is now sufficient, and at less it worked properly before.
Therefore, I am inclined to a malfunction of the valve itself and I ask questions here only about it, and not about diagnostics of the boiler. Yes, the photo is not mine, it was found on this forum in the next branch, the author posted it as an example of a faulty valve, but did not provide comments. I ask the same question - what is the breakdown in the valve, fig. on this photo? What else breaks in these valves? Are there any repair kits on them?
I have exactly the same.
iganshan, According to your logic, if the car does not drive, then the wheels are to blame. If the gas is not supplied correctly (not understanding the numbers of mbar or mm of water column, where?), Then the gas reducer is to blame, and the brains in the boiler are so for ventilation.
The fact that the hot water supply works normally, but there is no heating, is explained by the fact that in hot water supply mode the boiler immediately gives more gas (that is, at the stage of ignition there is no lowering of the gas supply to the min. As in heating). The modulator circuits have also been tested; during operation, the voltage on the coil changes from 2 to 10 volts.
This fact of yours also says that everything is fine with the gas reducer. You did not even bother to write with what error your boiler stops, what is the board on your boiler. Most likely you were hinted in a personal that in one of the versions you need to check several details, but you After all, you know that everything is fine with you, something has broken in the gas reducer. The service is the nearest or we study the logic of the boiler, we give the required measurements of gas and at the right voltage points and seeing your competence in gas equipment, get advice on how to find a fault.
Modern gas boilers are quite sophisticated technological equipment. With proper care and proper handling, the gas boiler will serve for a long time without any interruptions. However, even the most expensive and functional equipment has its own resource, after the exhaustion of which all sorts of malfunctions begin to appear.
DIY gas boiler repair
Knowing the main causes of malfunctions and the procedure for eliminating them, you can repair your gas boiler with your own hands. This is a very painstaking, responsible, but in most cases relatively easy job.
Content of step-by-step instructions:
First of all, it is necessary to establish why any malfunctions may occur in the operation of gas heating boilers. A number of different factors can lead to problems.
Modern gas boilers are equipped with various automation equipment. These funds, in turn, are powered by electricity. And, despite the fact that the 21st century is already in the yard and systems for the use of alternative energy sources are being actively developed around the world, the problem of stability of power grids remains relevant for many regions, especially for remote villages and all kinds of summer cottages.
A sudden power outage or a strong surge in electricity is one of the main enemies of any modern gas boiler.
To avoid all the accompanying troubles, buy a quality stabilizer in advance. Do not spare money to buy this device - there is little sense from cheap models, so it is better to immediately allocate funds to purchase a good stabilizer from a well-known manufacturer. Be sure that in the event of a breakdown of the automation, you will spend much more money on its repair and replacement.
At home, wall-mounted models of gas boilers are often used. Such devices are simultaneously responsible for both space heating and hot water preparation.
The design of wall-hung boilers includes a flow-through heat exchanger. Low-quality hard water with various impurities is the main enemy of the heat exchanger of a gas boiler. At the same time, under the influence of low-quality water, the heat exchanger can fail in just one season.
Install special filters to prevent such damage.The best option is a complete water purification system. With it, your boiler will work as long as possible, and using purified water is much safer for health.
Any knowledgeable person will tell you: only qualified specialists should be engaged in the installation and piping of gas heating equipment.
Even the slightest mistakes at the stages of installation and connection of equipment can lead to irreversible consequences. For example, an incorrectly executed piping in the case of a cast-iron gas boiler more powerful than 50 kW will lead to the fact that the unit will simply split at low temperatures.
If you are not an experienced gas operator, entrust the boiler installation to professionals.
Therefore, if you are not an experienced gas operator, entrust the installation of the boiler to professionals - this way you will save yourself from many problems in the future.
Unfavorable weather conditions can also lead to many different problems. In frosty winters, people turn on the heating at almost full capacity. This leads to a significant decrease in pressure in the gas pipeline system. As a result, boilers cannot fully realize their potential.
You will not be able to solve this problem on your own - you still cannot explain to your neighbors that by their actions they only aggravate the situation. As a solution to the problem, you can install an additional boiler that runs on a different fuel.
Automatic solid fuel coal-fired boiler with hopper
A modern gas boiler is a complex and potentially dangerous system. The main danger of such units is the risk of a gas explosion in the event of improper handling of the equipment or untimely elimination of various malfunctions.
Various kinds of automation are responsible for maintaining the operation of the gas boiler at an optimal level. An inexperienced user is often unable to understand its device. Therefore, it is better to immediately invite specialists to troubleshoot serious problems.
On your own, you can try to eliminate only visible damage and various contaminants that have led to the failure of the pipe, chimney and other parts of the boiler.
Typical malfunctions of gas boilers
There are a number of typical problems that you can fix yourself in most cases. Problems will also be listed, in the event of which you can only protect yourself before the arrival of a specialist.
If a distinct smell of gas or smoke appears in the room, immediately turn off the boiler and leave the room, opening it for ventilation.
Gas boiler functionality diagram
Call a professional immediately. Trying to solve the gas leak problem on your own without the necessary skills is extremely dangerous and unreasonable.
If the flame sensor or the gas supply pipe breaks down, turn off the boiler, close all gas valves and let the unit cool down completely.
Return to the area after a while to check for the smell of gas. If everything is in order with the draft, try to turn on the boiler again. If there is no thrust, immediately call a repairman.
Overheating is one of the most common problems in modern gas boilers. The reason for this may be a malfunction of the automation equipment or a clogged heat exchanger.
It is impossible to cope with the repair of automation without the appropriate knowledge.
You can also clean the heat exchanger with your own hands. The most common materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers are copper and stainless steel. There is usually no problem cleaning them, but be extremely careful anyway.
Primary heat exchanger for wall mounted gas boiler Beretta
According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, the heat exchangers must be cleaned of soot every few years (each manufacturer indicates a specific interval in the instructions for their equipment).
Primary heat exchanger (heating circuit) of the gas boiler Rinnai SMF
To clean the heat exchanger, simply remove it and clean it thoroughly with a metal brush. In the case of a copper heat exchanger, it is best to replace the brush with a metal sponge used for washing dishes.
The problematic place of fans is their bearings. If the fan of your boiler stops developing the set number of revolutions, try to eliminate the problem as soon as possible.
Fan (3311806000) for Daewoo gas boiler
To do this, remove the back of the fan, take out the stator and lubricate the bearings. Machine oil is fine for lubrication, but it is best to use a higher quality carbon compound with heat-resistant properties if possible.
Fan RLA97 (Aa10020004) for gas boiler Electrolux
Also, an interturn short circuit can lead to problems with the fan. Only a specialist can cope with the elimination of this malfunction. Return the stator for repair to replace the winding, or immediately replace the faulty unit with a new device.
Gas boiler chimney diagram
Often, excessive clogging of the coaxial chimney leads to the appearance of various malfunctions in the operation of a gas heating boiler.
Remove the chimney and thoroughly clean all of its components from soot. So you will not only return the previous level of efficiency of the unit, but also significantly increase the efficiency of the boiler.
The boiler can shut down spontaneously for several reasons. This is usually due to a defective combustion sensor. This problem, in turn, most often leads to contamination of the gas pipe.
Draft sensor 87 ° C for Thermona boiler
Remove the branch pipe, rinse it thoroughly with water, clean it with a cotton swab and blow it off the remaining moisture. Put the pipe back in place and try to turn on the boiler. If it doesn't help, call the wizard.
No wonder they say: the best repair is prevention. Gas boilers require annual preventive maintenance, which must be carried out before the start of the heating season.
Whenever possible, maintenance should be carried out twice a year, before and after the heating season.
Check all the previously discussed boiler elements for their serviceability. Follow the preventive maintenance recommendations given by the manufacturer in the instructions specific to your boiler. Eliminate any malfunctions that arise in time, if possible.
Remember! The gas boiler is a potentially hazardous equipment. Incorrect use and untimely troubleshooting can lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, be careful and do not engage in any repair work if you doubt your ability and correctness of action. Otherwise, follow the instructions provided.
According to safety rules, the repair of all equipment dangerous in operation, which includes gas heating units, must be carried out by specially trained qualified specialists. However, in remote areas, the arrival of a specialized repair team can be expected for a very long time. Therefore, in case of emergency, if the matter does not concern automation and the gas pipe, you can do it yourself and repair the gas boiler yourself.
Modern gas heating systems are complex systems. Control of their work is carried out using a whole range of automatic devices, which must be familiarized with before starting an independent repair of gas boilers.
The main elements of the security group:
- Draft sensors designed for 75 0 C. This device makes it possible to monitor the state of the chimney. If the normal flue gas discharge fails, the temperature rises and the sensor is triggered.Optimally, in addition to the traction sensor, a gas alarm is acquired.
- The monostat protects turbocharged gas units from impaired removal of combustion products due to a clogged chimney or heat exchanger.
- The limit thermostat is designed to control the temperature of the heating medium in the heating system. When the water boils, the overheating sensor turns off the device.
- When the flame is detected, the flame control electrode switches off the operation of the heating unit.
- A blast valve is used to control pressure. With an increase in pressure above the critical value, a portioned discharge of excess coolant occurs.
Attention! The wear of the stuffing box leads to a constant flow of the coolant from the valve. The remedy is to replace the valve.