In detail: do-it-yourself repair of the nissan terrano 2 gearbox from a real master for the site
There are a lot of letters. And this is just the beginning.
In the course of writing, I will delete or supplement. I am writing exclusively, as a diary, only here, at the autoforum. There are smart people, maybe they can tell you some useful things, like springs and other little things. “Sell” to the advisers and something like that - you better keep silent.
Long and dreary way became the owner of the brainchild of Japanese engineering and Spanish assembly. The name of this brainchild is Nissan Terrano II r20, in a five-door petrol version. The year is not very terry, but soon this car can buy cigarettes and alcohol. In short, 1997 release.
The history of the car is dark and harsh. Five owners, originally sold in the Ufa car dealership new. I took it after the fifth owner, ours, local.
Repainted in white from green, as the front fenders and tailgate were changed due to through holes in places not specified by the manufacturer. It was painted roughly, with streaks, it was also not pre-processed with high quality, but in general, exactly what you need, so as not to regret driving through the bushes.
Those advantages that prompted the purchase of this trough. I will add as I remember:
- Large salon. No, he, of course, not like a Kruzak or a patriot, but he is really big!
- Frame. Rotten in places, rusty in places, but the frame. What else do you need for an SUV?
- Tosionnaya suspension is not a muzzle.
- Relatively inexpensive maintenance and spare parts. Oha, schaz. Until he poked his head around, I thought so. I compare, however, with a cornfield, but an Oise. Compared to subarik, yes, not expensive.
- A razdatka with a ponzhaykoy, the front end is rigidly connected. Well, as soon as I buy the repair kits, so will the front end.
- Rear limited slip differential. I don’t know in what state, but it works.
Video (click to play). |
Cons noticed right away:
- Gasoline KA24E does not go. Yes, he is, DOESN'T GO!
- The front anti-roll bar is mounted on very flimsy, seemingly, supports.
- In the presence of a rear anti-roll bar. Interestingly, what if you take it off? In the same field it is not and nothing, it goes. There are bump stops next to the springs, they will not allow the shock absorber to be torn off. Or will they?
– There are a lot of fixes in PTS.
The next item on the list was to change the oil and solve the triple and idle float problem.
In the book and on the forum, I read where, how much and what to pour into the units and went to the store. Upon arrival at the garage, it turned out that the money had become much less. I am glad that not every month these costs will be.
- Polish air filter - 230
- alternator belt, air conditioner, pump - 1350
- oil in the engine 5L. Shell Helix Ultra - 5000
- flushing oil - 300
- some Korean oil filter - 300
- oil in manual transmission (I can't remember which one) 3L - 3300
- oil type Dextron in hand-out box 3l - 3900
- oil in the rear gearbox (I can't remember which one) for gearboxes with LSD 3l - 3600
- oil remained in the front gearbox from the old days 3L - 2100
Total: 20,080 rubles.
Along the way, I bought light bulbs in the front turn signals for 10 rubles a piece.
With separate obscene words and rays of endless diarrhea towards the designers, the process of replacing the oil filter should be mentioned. In short, two hours to change the oil in the engine flew by like a minute. Along the way, I replaced the air filter. The old one was in such a state that fields and grass would grow.
While climbing in the pit, I assessed the condition of the rubber bands at the back. Nothing, I thought it would be much worse. Only silent blocks of shock absorbers, the rest are generally without visible damage. No backlash, squeaks, etc. It was decided to change the shock absorbers and springs.
According to one respected forum member (Advocate
- rear suspension springs for VAZ 2123 two-line springs - 1400
- rubber spacers on the spring VAZ 2101 - 200
- rear shock absorbers Plaza (standard, orange) "GAZelle" - 3200
- shock absorbers front Plaza (X-drive, gray) "Sable" - 3200
- pullers for springs (Seryoga152, I remember everything!
- a set of bushings, tubes, nuts and bolts - 200
- large cylinder WD40 - 350
Total, 9150 rubles.
Spent half a day with a friend in the garage. The frame at the back, just behind the spring brackets, is rotten through and through. We managed to scald it on the right, but didn't have enough time on the left.
- minor frame repairs - 500.
Installing the rear shocks turned into a key dance for the whole day. The bottom nuts turned off without too much trouble using a socket wrench and extension tube. The upper brackets of the shock absorbers are located in a place that cannot be reached except with a spanner wrench. At the same time, it turned out that someone had already tried to unscrew the right nut with an open-end wrench and the visible two planes were specifically torn off to the "ring" state. I unscrewed the left nut without any problems, immediately took out the spring and put in a new one. Yes, I know the springs shoot. But I didn’t know that they would tear off the brake pipes. I had to go to the store for a new pipe.
- brake pipe from some foreign car - 250
- brake fluid DOT4 Xado - 300
In total, curvature cost 550.
Left spring and shock absorber installed. Yes, I forgot to say. Native Japanese KYB shock absorbers were completely dead. With a hand effortlessly, the stem pushes against the stop. Didn't come back.
For installation, the bracket had to be processed with a grinder, since it was 6mm wider on Gazel shock absorbers.
Remembering the time of study at the school, and especially tight proctology and gynecology, I managed to saw the nut on the upper bracket of the right shock absorber. Along the way, I saw nothing off and did not set fire. The fingers, by the way, are also all in place in the original configuration and are almost intact. Without any torment and excesses, I stuck in the spring and shock absorber. I checked all the nuts and lowered the jack.
Fuck! How to get out of the garage now ?!
When I drove in, the distance from the roof to the gate was
7 cm. The roof is now 2 cm higher. Okay, bullshit, a couple of sandbags and the problem is solved. It remains to change the front shock absorbers and everything in a bunch. Ipat, I would have known what would happen, I would not have thought so.
After reading the forums, I decided on my own, at my own peril and risk, to solve the problem of XX.
Having removed the "pan" from the throttle assembly, I found the cause of the air leak. The native pad fell apart in tatters from old age.
- Air filter box gasket. Delivery from the UAE. The term is 10-12 days. 650
Yeah, here's the throttle. OU. Everything is in the crap, as one of my colleagues says, who loves all kinds of verbal perversion.
- liquid for cleaning the carburetor - 150
- brush 20mm, synthetic - 25
- microfiber cloth - 50.
He sprinkled it on the flap, waddled it with a brush, erased it with a new microfiber. I repeated the procedure until the damper was mirror-clear. I opened it a little, processed all the edges and that's it, wherever I got it. I unscrewed the MAF and did not see the sensor itself under a layer of soot and dirt. With a jet from a distance I washed everything to the state of "new", put everything in place, assembled it, started it up. Here it is, the result, seen instantly. The rpm is 800 and the arrow does not move anywhere, when you press the pedal, the rpm rises instantly and without tension. Rolled. The engine does not dull, does not twitch. Beauty.
The front shock absorber on the left brought a day and a half of agony. The lower bracket is U-shaped, with a nut welded on the right side, which is under the semiaxis. When unscrewing the bolt, with a pitiful creak, the “17” head turned into an opening flower. The last one.
- head "17", 2 pieces - 88.
With a new tool, I tightened up and turned my head off to a bolt. Proctologically, with the help of a grinder, it was possible to cut the shock absorber itself. There is almost no space there at all, on all sides of the piece of iron. It was then that I learned how a millimeter disk flies apart. Wailing splinters from his fingers, he picked out the rest of the day, simultaneously licking up the rest of the abrasions.
The next day, I sawed off the bracket on the shock absorber and, finally, the nut. I must say that Russian automakers copy foreign spare parts without any tricks.Having turned the shock absorber bracket to the required width, two rubber bushings and a tube from some of our brands fit perfectly. The bolt М12х55х1.25, according to all the characteristics, fits into the bracket on the lever, the shock absorber is not without groans put into place. While I was thinking, my hands did everything themselves. I had to take it off, because I remembered two sets of upper arm silent blocks. I removed the right shock absorber without any problems, but I had to cut the same welded nut, since the holes in the bracket were not aligned.
I will not forget this ass with the removal of the axle of the upper levers for a long time. Broke the balloon. With your hands.
- balloon mount "17, 19, 21, adapter", reinforced - 310
- head "21" and "22", 2 pcs - 200
I rolled two ratchet extensions, never bought new ones.
On the right side, changing the silent blocks and putting everything together, there were no problems when the left side gave a surprise. The axle was bent on one side. Not fatal, but it was enough to break the thread.
- used axle of the front upper arm on the left (ISMA, thanks!) - 2000
In the store, while there was an opportunity, I ordered a release bearing. And once the box is removed, at the same time change the clutch. I was horrified by the prices of important pieces of iron. Generator belt tensioning mechanism assembled - 7.5tr. No, I'll take off the old one and pick up the bearing.
- release bearing not original, Japan - 2800
- clutch disc not original, Japan - 2900
- clutch basket not original, Japan - 8900
- clutch replacement, work - 5000
Total grip: 19,600
The total sum of money invested from the first day, excluding gasoline, beer, etc.: 75,153 rubles
Added to this:
-front pads - 2500
-Stretch of the transverse stability lever - 300
- top ball - 800
-lower ball - 900
- exhaust manifold gaskets - 1000
- pendulum arm bushings - a pair of medical clips (chipanddeil, Thank you!
Total: 9750
I came to the store for spare parts. Sat down, won't start. Spins to idle without any sneezes and other paraphernalia of grasping. Thank you gunslinger'Y told me where to look first. I went, bought a short screwdriver, removed the ignition distributor cover. And there is. Nagar. I cleaned it and it worked half a turn.
- ignition distributor cover, original - 1100
In the evening, I wrote an instruction with photographs for cleaning the throttle valve and mass air flow sensor, posted it on the terranoirk. A lot of viewing, no one wrote any comments. I would like to believe that I was not mistaken with the descriptions.
Having taken the distributor cover and the input shaft bearing, I ordered both ball ones on the right side.
- top ball - 800
-lower ball - 900
Tired of the sagging driver's door, bought reinforced m10 washers, set everything up. As a result, all doors open on one horizontal plane. Close with a slight push. Cases for 20 minutes.
-reinforced washer, galvanized, m10, 10pcs - 50.
Specifications 5-Speed 012
Installation is carried out in the reverse order of removal.
Please note the following when installing:
- check that the centering sleeves are installed correctly.
- install the clutch slave cylinder in place using the lever so that the bolt can be inserted easily. Warning
Tightening torques for screw connections
1 = bolt M12 x 70
2 = bolt M12 x 85
3 = bolt M12 x 100
4 = bolt M8 x 15
1 = bolt M12 x 70
2 = bolt M12 x 80
3 = bolt M12 x 90
4 = bolt M12 x 100
5 = bolt M11 x 120
6 = bolt M10 x 50
7 = bolt M10 x 40
8 = bolt M8 x 40
Location of centering sleeves: points A and B
Location of centering sleeves: points A and B
Final drive mechanism
1. Internal shift rod
2. Shift rod of 1st, 2nd, 5th gear and reverse gear with a shift fork
3. Hollow shaft drive gear
4. Transmission housing
5. Socket head bolt - 25 N.m.
6. Socket head bolt for reverse gear axis - 35 N.m.
7. Socket head bolt - 25 N.m.
8. Lock
9. Socket head bolt - 40 N.m.
10. Washer
11. Shifting shaft
Removing the shift shaft bolts
Let's try to figure out the FS5W71C Nissan Terrano manual transmission with the Z24i engine
I bring to your kind attention the procedure for removing a manual five-speed transmission from a Nissan Terrano with a Z24i engine. In the future, if I have the strength and time, I will tell you how to sort it out.
To remove the checkpoint, you will definitely need a lift or a pit. You just need a jack and two or three strong-build friends at the very moment of taking the checkpoint out of the car.
Now the gearbox with the transfer case hangs on one single beam and on the input shaft.
- We slightly support the transfer case with a jack and unscrew the two nuts securing the gearbox housing to the cross member on the frame.
- Having poured over the WD40, unscrew the four bolts (two on each side) securing the cross member to the frame and remove the cross member.
- We unscrew the two nuts securing the gearbox rubber cushion and remove the cushion.
- The place where the cross member stood is the center of gravity of the gearbox.If it is possible to rest the jack on it, then there should be no further problems.
Now is the time to invite your friends. If you decide to do with human efforts, then now you need to raise the gearbox, remove the jack from under the distributor and gently shake the box, pull it back. The clutch skirt sits on the guides, the input shaft is located in the clutch disc splines. If for some reason the gearbox does not move away from the engine, make sure that you unscrew all the bolts securing the skirt to the engine. When you move the box back, pay attention to the position of the gear shift levers and transfer modes. Please be careful. Your broken heads and crippled bodies will be on my conscience. The transfer case is very heavy.
Video (click to play). |
The torque converter is an integral part of the automatic transmission, therefore, when repairing the gearbox
its repair is also necessary. In a torque converter, as in an automatic transmission, it can
many breakdowns occur, for example:
If you are interested in selling a used torque converter Nissan Terrano ii (R20) Diesel - do not rush to make a mistake! The automatic transmission fluid coupling BU is a pig in a poke, moreover, at the same price as a quality repair. We recommend that you consider replacing (exchanging) a torque converter with one that has already been restored from our warehouse or a high-quality overhaul in our company.
Installing a diesel torque converter that has not been repaired on a newly repaired automatic transmission Nissan (Nissan) Terrano ii (R20), you risk immediately disabling the gearbox again, because it will get all the dirt and wear products of the torque converter, and in the worst case, metal pieces of bearings or blades.
The cost of repairing a torque converter usually varies from 2,500 (disassembly, flushing and assembly) to 12,000 rubles (in case of severe damage), depending on the complexity of the work, the number and cost of broken parts, which in any case is cheaper than re-repairing a Nissan Terrano automatic transmission ii (R20) Diesel.
The average cost of repairs, together with work and spare parts, is in the region of 4-6 thousand rubles.
We offer a quick repair of your torque converter within 1-2 hours right in front of you. You will be able to see with your own eyes all its breakdowns. At the same time, we do not take any additional money for the urgency.
1) Cutting the torque converter.
You need to carefully cut the weld seam that connects the two halves, trying to leave as much metal as possible. With proper cutting, the torque converter can be easily disassembled and reassembled 2-3 more times if necessary. Unfortunately, many who are engaged in the repair of Nissan Terrano ii (R20) Diesel transformers, approach their work carelessly, cutting off all the metal from the body at the very first cut.
2) After washing all parts from oil and wear products, the repair itself begins.
If necessary, sticker of a new clutch for blocking the hydraulic clutch of automatic transmission Nissan (Nissan) Terrano ii (R20) Diesel, leveling the surface of the body under the new clutch. At this stage, unscrupulous craftsmen again have difficulties out of the blue. They grind the case for a new friction clutch so that they remove almost all the metal through and through, which leads to further through cracks. A normal craftsman does this carefully, without removing excess metal. Further, all other necessary parts are changed - bearings, O-rings, oil seal, etc.
If necessary, a new neck is welded into the bagel cover of the automatic transmission Nissan (Nissan) Terrano ii (R20) Diesel. This requires accuracy and precision, since usually, unskilled workers cannot even cut a hole in the lid to fit the new neck, but make it half a millimeter larger, which then leads to runout and imbalance.
2) Assembly.
It is necessary to weld the two halves of the torque converter back as in the factory, while it is very important to achieve a minimum axial runout between the two halves (balancing), tightness of the seam. For a good craftsman, even the aesthetic component is important, which is why, after repair in GIDROTOR, the torque converter looks the same as a new one made at the factory.
In the video, the usual average result of our repair is a runout of 6 hundredths of a millimeter with an allowable runout of 3 tenths.
Nissan (Nissan) Terrano ii (R20) Diesel 2700 TDI 99hp, 125hp BOSCH EDC15C2
Nissan Terrano II / Nissan Mistral with petrol engines: KA24E 2.4 l (2389 cc) 143 hp / 105 kW and diesel TD27T 2.7 l (2664 cc) 100 hp / 74 kW; Operation manual, device, maintenance, repair, wiring diagrams, diagnostics, design features. Illustrated practical guide car Nissan Terrano and Nissan Mistral SUV with bodies five-door station wagon of increased capacity all-wheel drive R20 models of the second generation from 1993 to 1998
Nissan Terrano II model LR50 Operation manual, maintenance, device, repair, wiring diagrams here
Nissan Terrano II / Mistral video replacement suspension repair and how to eliminate front bearing play (Nissan Terrano and Mistral 93-98)
• Check the free sliding of the wheel bearings.
• Check the axial play.
Axial play: 0 mm
• If there is axial play or the wheel bearing does not slide freely, adjust the compression of the wheel bearing.
Adjustment of the wheel bearing compression must be done after replacing the wheel bearing or after rebuilding the front axle.
Compression of wheel bearing "C":
7.06-20.99 Newton (0.72 -2.14 kg)
15. Repeat the above procedures to reduce the axial play and correct compression of the wheel bearing.
16. Install the freewheel hub and brake pads.
Once the front brakes of the Nissan Terrano have been repaired, doing the same with the rear brakes won't be much of a problem. In general, their design is similar, but there are still differences. And before proceeding with the repair, it is worth studying these differences.
Nissan Terrano is a reliable and durable SUV with almost 26 years of history. This car perfectly overcomes off-road, fights with ice, mud, while feeling comfortable in an urban environment. Car enthusiasts rarely complain about this car, although, of course, most "terrano drivers" will be interested in reading about the repair of the Nissan Terrano: sooner or later, everyone has to deal with such work.
In our special section "Nissan Terrano repair" we have collected all the information that may be useful to the owners of this car. For example, many people call the braking system a weak point in an SUV. When the mileage reaches 50,000 km, especially if the car has been operated in off-road conditions, problems with the front or rear brakes may begin. You can take Terrano to the station. Or you can try to cope with the repair yourself. By the way, in terms of maintainability, the car and all its systems are beyond praise - excellent access, simple structures allow even beginners to eliminate breakdowns with the help of well-written illustrated descriptions. Also, sometimes there is a need to repair the parking brake - this is not the easiest task, but if you complete it without the intervention of professionals from the service station, you will save a decent amount of money.
Today the most popular model is Nissan Terrano 2, which we also devoted enough space to repair in the section.It may take you relatively little time to replace the timing belt, water pump and oil seals: on average, about 2 days, although at the bus station these works can be completed in 5-6 hours. This is not the most expensive type of Terrano repair, but, nevertheless, given the current price level at technical stations, it is better to do it yourself.
We have listed just a few types of breakdowns that will be discussed in the "Terrano repair" section. If you consider yourself to be an experienced "terran breeder" - read carefully all the materials on car maintenance and try to remember the key points. Unfortunately, troubles can happen on any part of the journey, and there are not always workshops and service centers near you. Knowing how the car and its systems work, you can easily cope with any task and feel more confident on the road.
GEARMATIC - partial and overhaul of automatic transmission Nissan Terrano with a guarantee.
If you feel that the box does not behave as usual, then you should diagnose the Terrano automatic transmission, we list the typical symptoms of a malfunction that signal a possible imminent breakdown:
- skidding (slipping)
- a signal appeared on the instrument panel - automatic transmission emergency mode
- constant or intermittent vibration (pillows also need to be checked)
- jerks when shifting down / up to any of the gears, jerks to cold or hot
- gears do not turn on, gear is lost
- blows in transmission, kicks
- slows down, dulls, makes noise
Also, do not forget to do the maintenance of the Terrano automatic transmission on time (at least change the oil (ATF) and filter, in advanced cases - flushing the valve body), it is still more expensive to drive into the bulkhead. Periodically check the oil level in your transmission yourself (if equipped with a dipstick). Be sure to warm up the box in winter, at least while driving on low gas (if you are in a hurry).
If you have a malfunction or breakdown of the Nissan Terrano 2 1 automatic transmission and you want to ask a question (about maintenance, diagnostics, problem solving), you want to leave a review about the transmission on this car (share with others), leave a review about our work - all this you can do using the comment form below.
On Terrano 2 2001 onwards 4th gear does not turn on and does not respond to the over drive button (previous story, the previous owner changed the oil in the automatic transmission under pressure). I looked through all the connectors under the hood and everything is fine on the automatic transmission, computer. diagnostics of errors did not show, the next step is to remove and brainwash the automatic transmission.
I want to know your opinion about the sequence of my actions, or what else needs to be checked?
Judging by your symptoms, you have the following: 1) a break in the brake band or 2) a break in the rubber band on the piston that controls the brake band. Disassemble - look in detail.
Flushing the valve body is, of course, a useful thing, but in your case, most likely - a dead poultice. We write most likely, because the car is 12 years old and it is not known who was doing what there.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Thanks for the answer,
in my subjective opinion, a break in the tape would entail not switching on and 2.3 transmissions, and apparently any extraneous sounds, noise, etc.
It is tempting to come to you, but I live in Almaty, and then my passion is how I love to figure it out myself, the only request (I want to save a little time, I will be very grateful) if there is any picture of Terrano, what bolts to unscrew when removing the valve body. it is not advisable to unscrew all the bolts on the valve body to remove it.
If the elastic band or the tape itself breaks, there will be no noise and extraneous sounds. Usually, either 4th gear or 2nd and 4th gear is chopped off.
Unfortunately, there is no picture, but advice - when removing, do not touch those bolts that are with nuts, they just hold the two halves of the valve body together.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! I drive Terrano 1, 1993. The problem is similar to that of Sergei…. But I lost 3.4 speed except for 1.2.What could be the reason? For information, I changed the oil in the automatic transmission myself, drained the oil and filled in the same oil ... Emergency mode does not light up on the panel, no Hold, S, Check AT, OD OFF ... and I sit wondering what and how could this have happened .. Please help me in this situation! Thank you very much in advance))
Disassemble the box and do it, if it breaks down, it has exhausted its resource. The viscosity of the oil changed after the change and that's all, therefore, on very tight boxes, the oil is not changed - until it stops completely. There may not be any mistakes.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello. The familiar Terrano 50 has a body. The 4th gear is missing. But after the start of the movement, when apparently the oil in the machine heats up, it turns on and drives normally. But if the car stood for at least 1 hour, then again there is such a problem. Tell me please.
Need on-site diagnostics, and it looks like a problem with the valve body.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello. My terrano drove up to the house, did not jam the villages, and drove 3-4 transmissions disappeared, although everything was normal before. Please help.
What year of release?
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
1995GV body transition
This is a major overhaul.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! Terrano1, 95g Knocked out the fuse on the automatic transmission, stood for a couple of days, connected the chip, the fuse stopped burning, went, but began to kick in all 4 gears. Thank you in advance!
Deal with the electrician further.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Corrupted the wire that goes inside the automatic transmission, is there a lot of interesting things inside? )))
In these years - not really. You can dig deeper, just carefully.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
the "constant voltage resistor" probably burned out, it usually stands next to the electronic control unit of the automatic transmission, it affects the operation of the valve on which the oil pressure in the line depends. when it burns out symptoms the box kicks at all changes even comes to slipping like on a racing car.
how can the tachometer be repaired, probably from him, sometimes the tachometer needle is at 6, and the button on the left Power flashes 1 time
We will not tell you, not our profile.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! Nissan Terrano 1993 petrol. The box kicked, drove it for repairs, after the repair, a leak appeared from under the box and the "D" disappeared, it goes in jerks, the repair cost 15 thousand, now they say they need more money for the oil pump. Trust is gone. I want to buy a contract, but not in our city, only from other cities. Question: how to order a box correctly so that you don't have to change it several times? Help with advice!
What kind of repair for 15 thousand rubles, you what. Of course they are needed, because it was damaged when removing the installation of the box, apparently. Yes in any way - you will not find a living box of these years.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! Nissan Terrano 1997 50, the body CHEK indicator lights up and blinks does not stall. When the transfer is turned on, it stalls. Help with advice.
Count your mistakes first.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Good night! Please tell me - Terrano 91g., WBYD21.
90% I drive on the highway (to work - 40 km) at a speed of 100 km - 3000 rpm.
sometimes 5 I turn on, but when up the hill and with a strong vibration, playing with gas calms down and still turns on .. not for long .. while up the hill .. what is the doctor about her?
Do you have a mechanic or something?
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello. Help pzhlt. Terrano 94g.gasoline, volume 3. The reverse gear is gone. What could be the reason. They carried out some kind of test and said that the salt ones are in order. When turned on, it beeps on R, the rear light bulbs are on, but it does not go.
Repair, open.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello. Or maybe this is due to the fact that the oil in the box has not been changed for a long time? My brother forgot about it and traveled somewhere around 150,000 km. on one oil without replacement. And if you change now, reverse gear appears?
Perhaps, but not for long, you can try for luck.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello. I have Terrano 91g., WBYD21. TD 27 motor at a speed of 100 km - 3000 rpm. when I leave the house in winter, then after five kilometers on the asphalt the fourth turns on, but not for long until the first bump on the road. and get under way until it is warmed up only with when the lever is put in the second speed position, from position D it is busted, but after peregazovka it starts to go with the axle box. if you go to the second one, then it starts to work on the cheap. what to do with him?
It's hard to say remotely in your case, if only on-site diagnostics.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
The question is such a Terrano 21-95g automatic machine tightens all transmissions? does not kick, all the gears are there, but all the gears are pulled up to 3000 rpm until I take my foot off the gas pedal or weaken what may be.
It's hard to say remotely in your case, if only on-site diagnostics.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello !! I lost 3 4 speed, what should I do. thanks in advance))
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Tell me, maybe he was standing at a traffic light, he started to move, all transmissions abruptly disappeared.
We need diagnostics, it's so hard to say - there can be many reasons.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! I have a question. You can put the automatic transmission on Terrano 21-93g. TD27, from the gasoline VG-30? If so, what needs to be redone? (Rearrange?)
Honestly - I don't remember already.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Good time of the day! I have a terrano in the 21st body td27t engine! the problem is that it is very stupid to accelerate ... (there is no thrust at all, it is difficult to climb a hill somewhere) reverse gear goes with slight slippage! The other day I stopped switching altogether, but after standing for a day all the transmissions started working again and this problem did not arise anymore! Kicking at switching from the first to the second (the tremors are not very loud and sensitive! The consumption has increased to 20+ liters per hundred km! What can you advise on this? I will be grateful for any help, any advice!
Remotely, in your case, it is difficult to advise something sensible. Without diagnostics in any way.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Well, if in a nutshell ... in terms of symptoms, what it looks like.
Yes, that will soon quack. What exactly - only an autopsy will show.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
can he make a thorough repair? and how much does a repair kit cost?
Can. We will not tell you - out of stock now.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Where are you located? Town?
Moscow, contacts at
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello, I bought a Nissan Terrano 90g TD27. there are no 3-4 gears, does it make sense to buy and change the clutches? (according to the previous and only owner, he did not change the oil in the automatic transmission since 1999, when changing the oil there was no metal. on all 4vd or rear drive. are the same, differ only in the number of clutches and shafts ...) what do you advise?
Make it ok, not collect trash.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello Doc! Terrano 94g automatic petrol, tightens only the first gear, pulls up to 3000 rpm until I take my foot off the gas pedal or weaken what could be? all transmissions are, does not kick. Thanks in advance.
If the oil has not been changed for a long time, then it is worth doing this (partially).
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! Nissan Terrano 21 bodies, td27t, switching from 3 to 4 vibration throughout the body, the whole pillow, what is the reason tell me ...
It is difficult to say remotely in your case.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
AUUUUUUU Your forum is still running.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Hello! I have such a problem! I was driving the car, everything was fine, but when I stopped and after turning on the selector to position D, the car did not even jerk, but after I stopped the engine and started it again the car drove off, but not for a long distance, then there was a slip and the car got up, and so it continues as I stop and start the engine again! Whether it is cold or hot, nothing changes and there is a white bloom on the dipstick, although the oil has changed recently! Please tell me what to do with it!
Open up.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.
Good afternoon / terrano td27t automatic transmission / often does not want to turn on the second gear after I have to slowly pull in a traffic jam, I move the toggle switch to (hold), the automatic transmission switches to the second, then after a while it switches to the third, it happens and immediately switches to the third. and then turn on the ignition, then the problem disappears, please tell me what could be? the oil and filter are fresh. can there be debris on the RPM sensor? THANKS. Please tell me what kind of red thing is located at the very base of the automatic transmission lever with the inscription (push).
Remotely difficult to say for sure. The problem is in the electrical or valve body.
t. +7 (901) 547-66-41 Igor (from 10 to 21 Moscow time!)
Driving directions, working hours on the contact page.