Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

In detail: do-it-yourself roof repair with weld-on material from a real master for the site

The fusion roof is attached to the base by melting its lower bitumen layer with a torch or blowtorch or cold using a solvent. This group of roofing materials is popular due to the speed and uncomplicated installation technology and reasonable price. How is the installation of the welded roof carried out?

Image - Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

The variety of welded roll materials is not limited to one roofing felt, which is roofing board with bitumen impregnation and protective dressing. More modern versions of this materials are impregnated from bitumen with polymer additives or polymer, and as a base can be used:

  • fiberglass (example - Stekloizol),
  • fiberglass (example - Linokrom, Ekoflex),
  • asbestos fabric,
  • cardboard (Bikroelast),
  • polymeric materials (example - Uniflex EPP).

The dressing can be coarse (Uniflex TKP, EKP, HKP, Stekloizol) and fine-grained (Uniflex EPP, KhPP, TPP) from sand, shale, asbogal (Stekloizol, Bikrost), and instead of it there can be a protective film (Ekoflex P, Stekloizol P) or foil coating (Uniflex K).

Image - Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

Before starting work on laying the roofing material, it is necessary to prepare the base. It should be smooth and even, it should not have:

  • cracks
  • potholes,
  • irregularities with sharp edges,
  • concrete flows,
  • protruding reinforcement,
  • dust,
  • stains of oil, laitance.

Large cracks and potholes are sealed with cement mortar, small ones are filled with bitumen mastic. The oil stains are burned out with a burner. The protruding reinforcement fragments are cut down and cleaned. Dust is removed with brushes, industrial vacuum cleaner, compressor or rinsed with water.

Video (click to play).

The evenness of the base is checked with a rail 2 m long. Small (up to 5-10 mm) smooth irregularities are allowed, which should not be more than two for every 4 square meters.

Before installation, check the moisture content of the roof. To do this, use a surface moisture meter or a simple plastic wrap, which is placed on the roof and check if condensation has formed under it. If condensation does not appear within 4-24 hours, you can proceed with the installation. If the roof is too wet, it is dried with heat guns, you can also treat the surface with acetone and dry it with a construction hairdryer, lay a heating cable in the expansion joints.

Image - Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

Places of abutments to vertical surfaces are prepared by making sides in them at an angle of 45 degrees and a height of 10 cm. For the sides, use asphalt concrete, cement mortar, rigid slabs of mineral wool.

Before laying roofing materials, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, and then primed with a bituminous primer.

Image - Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

According to SNiPs, the deposited materials are laid in several layers. If technology is followed, this allows you to create a reliable roof with excellent waterproofing properties. For the first layer, roofing material, Stekloizol K, Uniflex EPV are used.

Begin to lay the roofing material when the primer hardens. In this case, installation begins from the bottom of the roof. First, the roll is completely unrolled to make sure it is in the correct position, then the edge is fixed with a torch and the roll is rolled back.

When installing the roof, the burner is positioned to heat the roll and the primed base. Also, in the process of fusing, the part of the roll that overlaps the previous row is also heated.

After laying the first row, check the adhesion quality.If the material falls behind, it is lifted with a spatula, heated with a torch and glued again, rolling with a roller. The entire tape is rolled with a roller during installation, while you need to move "herringbone" from the middle to the edges.

Image - Do-it-yourself roof repair with overlaid material

The overlap of one row on the other along the longitudinal side is made equal to 8 cm, at the ends of the roll - 15 cm. It is the overlaps that are responsible for the tightness of the roofing.

If the weld material is laid in several layers, the seams must not match. Layers are laid in parallel. Above the temperature-shrinkage joints of the screed, lay the material with the dressing, placing it with the dressing down. If there are water intake funnels on the roof, an additional layer is laid around them in the form of squares 0.7 * 0.7 m.

Particular attention is paid to the arrangement of abutments to vertical structures, for example, parapets. For this, the lower layer of the roofing carpet (from a horizontal surface) is first brought onto the parapet by 25 cm and attached mechanically (not by fusing). After that, a 5 cm finishing layer is brought onto the parapet. Further, a tape made of material with protective dressing is fused onto the parapet itself and on the horizontal surface next to it.